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July 02, 1942 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1942-07-02

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. . . . . .. . .

J14r, tOtBaYl 43ttt1y


1E ****3 I S---U-1.L- -. . ''
.Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
The .Summer Daily is published ,every morning except
Monday and.Tuesday.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for repulication of als, news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
iier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc,
C6 COlege Publishers Representative
.420 MAisoN AVE. NEW YORK, N.Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Staff

Homner Swander R'. T .".Managing Edi
Wil SSapp d . . City Edi
Mike Dann . . . . . . Sports Edi
Hale Champion, John triewine, Leon Gordenker,
Irving Jaffe, Robert Preiskel


Edwo#fard Perlerg
Fied M. Ginsberg
Morton Hunter

Business Staff
4s .ss . Business Manager
. Associate Business Manager
Publications Manager

, _ .

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers

(Editor's Note: Today, Robert S. Allen, one-half
the Merry-Go-Round team which has been covering
Washington for 10 years, has joined the U.S. Army.
Drew Pearson will carry on. And today, he hands
the brass ring to his partner, with this tribute.)
WASHINGTON-The first time I met Bob
Allen, he was fighting. It was at a press con-
ference in the State Department. Frank B. Kel-
logg, then Secretary. of State under Calvin
Coolidge, stood at one end of the long, blue,
baize table in the Diplomatic Ante-Room, and
at the other end stood a red-headed, belligerent
newspaperman who peppered Kellogg with a
barrage of questions as to why he had sent U.S.
Marines to Nicaragua, why he was bulldozing
Mexico, why he was picking on little nations.
That was the first time I saw Bob Allen, and
we have been working together almost ever since.
Today he leaves me to continue fighting-to
continue the crusade he has been fighting all his
life-for the little fellow, the small businessman,
the unemployed, the public which sometimes
gets it in the neck.
Only in this case, Bob will be crusading as an
officer in the United States Army for the un-
derdog nations which Hitler has trampled in the
With Pershing In 1916
It was exactly 26 years ago that Bob Allen
enlisted in the Army, just before the First World
War. He was 16 years old then, and served with
Pershing along the Mexican border; then went
to France, came out of the war as a first lieu-
tenant, but still had a hankering for the Army,
and was graduated from the Cavalry School at
Ft. Riley, Kansas, first in his class. After that
he remained in the Wisconsin National Guard
for several years with the rank of captain mo
For several months now-in fact ever since
Pearl Harbor-Bob has ben itching to get int9
the current war. Sometimes he has felt he was
doing a more important job arousing public
opinion here at home, or trying to speed up war
production. Sometimes, on the other hand, he
has felt he would like to leave Washington en-,
tirely and get to the-actual scene of operations.
Bob is over 40, was not likely to be drafted.
But the Army feels that with his military experi-
ence, plus world-wide press experience, he can
make an important contribution. And so he
puts on the uniform today.
The column will continue without him---
which will not be too easy. We will miss Bob
tremendously. Jesse Jones and John L. Lewis
and Fanny Perkins will miss him, of course. But
I shall miss him most of all. I shall miss his
verve and his enthusiasm; his indefatigable en-
ergy which kept him working day and night;
and, most of all, I shall miss his fearless, crusad-
ing spirit.
Brass Hat' Allen
Bob Allen has written about a lot of #people,
but I don't think anyone has ever adequately
written about him. And while "I don't think
tha{ even I, who knows him pretty well, can
be adequate; nevertheless, now that he is what
the Merry-Go-Round often calls a "brasshat"
and can't come back at me, here goes.
Not many people know that Bob Allen once
was a member of the Ku Klux Klan. He joined
when he was working for the Wisconsin State

Journal, and when the Klan was staging a
secret drive to dominate the state. A lot of
local big shots were members, but nobody knew
exactly who. Their hidden hand could be seen
in state and city politics, but the newspapers
could not definitely pin the button on any of
So Bob Allen joined the Klan, went to one of
its night-shirted meetings, got a list of the big
shots who were mixing in local politics, exposed
the whole thing-- and was nearly lynched.
On another occasion the Non-Partisan League
was making a terrific drive to win Wisconsin,
was about to hold a secret meeting in an old
theatre in Madison. The gathering was very
hush-hush. The press was barred. Upon the
meeting depended future political control of the
So Bob went to the theatre early in the morn-
ing, climbed up the curtain drop ropes in the
rear and all day lay on the rafters. From this
perch he listened to the entire meeting. How-
ever, he was hot, dusty and cramped. While
taking notes, he slipped, grabbed a rope, fell
part way to the platform below. The Non-Par-
tisan Leaguers, in an uproar, kicked him out.
But he had the entire story, and published it
next. day. It created a state-wide sensation,
and. started the Non-Partisan League on the
downward path in Wisconsin.
Borah's Friend
Mayor LaGuardia of New York once wrote a
story describing Bob as the tough member of the
Merry-Go-Round partnership; how he would
call a senator all sorts of names, after which I
was supposed to slip in, soothe the Senator and
get the story.
This is not exactly true. I have heard Bob
cuss out at Senator or a Cabinet member as one
would only do to one's dearest friend or worst
enemy. But after the cussing out, they were
always bosom friends-and Bob always got the
One of his best friends was the late Senator
Borah. Borah used to call on Bob for frequent
political advice, and sometimes I have heard
Bob bawl the Senator out as if he were a six-
year-old. Funny thing was that Borah always
grinned sheepishly-and loved it.
He Knew Hitler
In all the years I have legged it around
Washington, pounded the typewriter and stayed
up nights working with Bob Allen, there is only
one grudge I hold against him. He was the
first American to know Hitler-and he never
stopped him.
Bob studied a year in Germany at the Uni-
versity of Munich in 1923-24, when Hitler's first
itches of grandeur culminated in the famous
Beer Hall putsch. Bob covered the putsch and
the subsequent trial of Hitler and Ludendorff.
And having seen Bob in action on other fronts,
I never have been able to understand why he
didn't stop Hitler then and there.
But ngv we'll all be rooting for him-wher-
everhe'll be. And after he does what he didn't
do before at Munich, he'll be back handing out
brass rings at the same old stand, calling the
tunes on.Jesse Jones and Fanny Perkins, punch-
ing the tickets for rides on the same old Wash-
ington Merry-Go-Round.
Until that time I'll do my best alone.

VOL. LIL No. 13-S
All Notices for =the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday, whent the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
Campus Worship: Mid-day Wor-
ship at the Congregational Edifice,
State and William Streets, each
Tuesday and Thursday at 12:10 p.m.
Open to all. Adjourn at 12:30. Led
by the various Ann Arbor Clergymen.
I-enry O. Yodel-, Chairman,
Daily Mass at St. Mary's Chapel,
Williams and Thompson Streets, at
7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m., Father Frank
J. McPhillips officiating. Open to
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman,
Counselor in Religious Education


State Department
Is At It Aain. .


By Lichty


T HE DOGGrED insistence of our State
Department to have its way despite
everything and everybody has triumphed again.
This time it's the censorship of all news of
diplomatio negotiations until they have been
officially concluded. The stalwart crew direct-
ing our ship of State has been trying hard to
impose that restriction on the press for a long
time and, with their usual disregard for public
opinion or public welfare, they refused to let
widespread Washington disapproval of their
plan hinder their efforts in the slightest degree.
Not so long ago the boys were getting the
-greatest pleasure from their charming litte
tete-a-tete With the Vichy government. Theer
also thought it &as great fun to send materials
to North Africa when even the blindest could,
see that- the materials were falling into the
'hands of the enemy. The boys even wanted to
have all criticism of their policy toward Vichy
tarred from the newspapers.
The gentlemen of the State Department
seem to think that their function is to decide
among themselves what our policy shoild be,
act upon that decision and then present the
nation with a fait aceompli. And if those
nasty newspapers attempt to invade their
sanctum sanctorum with impertinent inquiries
as to what business the boys are about at the
moment, the only thing to do is to issue an
edict barring the intruders from the sanctity
of the Great Hall of Policy Making.
One of the most disappointing commentaries
on the vigor of our democracy has been the al-
most complete indifference of the public to the
numerous manifestations of the State Depart-
ment's sneaky, pussyfooti ng methods. And of
all these manifestations, this recent revision of
the censorship code should call forth the most
indignant protest from the public. It is almost
'as direct a denial of the democratic ideology as
could be conceived.
THE RESTRICTION on news of diplomatic
negotiations ngeans that matters of grave
and fundamental significance to the nation as
a whole will be decided by a small group of men
in Washington with no chance for the public
to review the issues or to express opinions con-
cerning them.
It means also that the President himself, un-
able to sound out public opinion on issues that
may arise, will inevitably be persuaded by the
State Department to give the green light to its
It means, in short, a far greater threat to
democracy in America than most people real-
ize. This is especially true in time of war,
when all decisions have more far-reaching ef-
fects than in peace-time.
So far this latest action has aroused only
Congressional resentment and, even this has
not taken the form of very coherent criticism.
But it is the public at large which is affected
muost, and i is the public which will suffer most
if it does not wake up to the seriousness of this
violation of its rights in an allegedly democratic
society. - Irving Jaffe
- 1 - -3

The Bureau of Appoijtments and
Occupational Information has re-
ceived notice of the following Civil
Service Examinations. Last date for
filing applications is noted in each
United States Civil Service
Junior Public Health Nurse, salary
$1,800 a year. Applications accept-
ed until needs of the service are met.
Junior Custodial Officer, salary
$1,860 a year. Applications will be
accepted until August 11, 1942, but if
an excessive number is received only
a number sufficient to meet the
needs of the service will be examined
in the order of receipt thereof.
Amendment to Announcement No.
230 (unassambled):
Bindery Operative (Hand andMa-
chine), salary 66c hbur.
(1) Applications must be filed with
the Civil Service Commission, Wash-
ington, D.C.
(2) Applications will be accepted
until the needs of the service have
been met.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information.
The School of Education lecture
scheduled for this evening has been
The Doctor in His Relationships to
Health and Physical Educatio} is the
title of a Lecture given by Dr. Mar-
garet Bell, Professor of Hygiene and
Physical Education and Physician in
the Health Service in the University
High School Auditorium on Thurs-
day, July 2nd at 4:05 p.m.
Australia, a Base for Strategy will
be the subject of an illustrated lecture
given by Professor Stanley Dodge
of the Geography Department on
Thursday afternoon at 4:15 in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build-
ing. The public is invited. This is
the first of a series of Thursday lec-
tures at this time.
Children's Play Group: The De-
partment of Physical Education for
Women announces the opening of a
demonstration play school for chil-
dren 4 to 9 years of age. This group
meets Wednesday and Friday morn-
ings, 9:00 to 10:30. Swimming, plays
and games, and dancing will be of-
fered. There is a small enrollment
fee. For further information, call
at Barbour Gymnasium.
The first meeting of the Cheer
Leaders will be held Thursday after-
noon at 5:00 Room 325 of the Mich-
gan Union. Those interested in try-
ing out and those who have tried out
before are urged to attend. Sched-
ule of workouts will be arranged at
the meeting.
There will be a meeting of the In-
stitute of Aeronautical Science,
Thursday night at 7:30, Michigan
Union, Room 318-320. Motion pic-
tures of Skull Characteristics of the
Lockheed 14 will be shown. All En-
gineers are invited.-
Navy Enlistment Programs: Lt.
Commander Kipke, Lt. Shea, and
Navy medical officers will be in 1009
Angell Hall'today (Thursday) to in-
terview those interested in the Navy
V-1, V-5, V-7, E-V(P), and other
Navy programs. Preliminary physi-
cal examinations will be given.
B. D. Thuma
Mathematics 329, Cryptanalysis
Study Group. Preliminary meeting
to arrange hours, Thursday at 5 p.m.,
3010 Angell Hall.
A. H. Copeland.
Slavic Society: A cultural organi-
zation for students of Slavic descent
and origin, will hold its first sum-
mer meeting this evening at 8:00
o'clock in the International Center.
Plans for summer recreation will be
discussed. New members are cord-

ially invited and all resident membersP
are urged to attend.
Michael Kasha, President
of Slavic Society.
Pi Lambda Thetas hold social hour
and meetings Thursday night at 8:00
o'clock in the Rackham Conference
Room. All Pi Lambda Thetas in-
vited and urged to attend.

third floor, Michigan Union, at 7t30
p.m. today. Bring eligibility cards.
James A. O. Crowe, Manager
Red Cross Life Saving Course: Wo-
men students who wish to earn Life
Saving Certificates of the American
Red Cross may register for this
course at Barbour Gymnasium. The
class meets Tuesday and Thursday
evenings at 8:30 at the Union Pool.
Dept. of Physical Educ. for Women
History Exams: Make-up examina-
tions in History will be held on Fri-
day, July 3, from two to four in Room
C, Haven Hall. Students wishing to
take make-up examinations must e-
port to the office of the History De-
partment; 119 Haven Hall, before
July 3, and must bring the written
permission of their instructors in
History to the examinations.
A. E. R. Boak
Psychology 42. Abnormal Psychol-
ogy make-up examination will be
given Thursday afternoon, July 2,
Room 2125 Natural Science Building.
Graduate School: The preliminary
examinations in French and Ger-
man for the doctorate will be given
on Monday, July 6th, in the Amphi-
theatre of the Rackham building, at
four o'clock. Dictionaries may be
Guy Criss Simpson, a graduate stu-
dent on the School of Music, will
present an organ recital at 8:30
Monday evening, July 6, in Hill Audi-
torium. The program is given in
partial fulfillmept 'of the require-
ments for the dbgree of Master of
Music and will include works of
Bach, Mozart, Franck and Verne.
The public is cordially invited.
Michigan Repertory Players of the
department of speech will open their
summer series of plays July 8 with
"The Rivals" and will follow this with
four distinguished plays and a Gil-
bert and Sullivan operetta. Season
tickets for the series are on sale now
at the box office, Mendelssohn The-
atre; box office hours are from 10-5
daily except Sunda'y.
Students, Summer Term, College
of Literature, 9cience, and the Arts:
Election cards filed after the end of
the first week of the semester may
be accepted by the Registrar's Office
only if they are approved by Assis-
tant Dean' Walter. Students who fail
to file their election blanks by the
close of the third week, even though
they have registered and have at-
tended classes unofficial y, will for-
feit their piivilege of centinuing in
the College for the semester. If such
students have paid any tuition fees,
Assistant Dean Walter will issue a
withdrawal card for them.
Music Educatin: C211 Special
Problems in Elementary and Junior
High Music changed to Room 506
Chorus'and A Capella Choir, 2nd
floor Lane Hall.
C201, Proseminar, hour changed to
8 a.m. David Mattern
To the Members of the Faculty, of
the. College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts: The next meeting of
the Faculty of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts will be
held in Room 1025 Angell Hall, July
6th, 1942 at 4:10 p.m.
Agenda: 1. Consideration of the
minutes of the meeting of May 4th,
1942 (pp. 854-856), which were dis-
tributed by campus mail.
2. Consideration of reports sub-
mitted with the call to the meeting:
a. Executive Committee, Professor
V. W. Crane.
b. University Council, Professor
1Hvwari Knfstnn

the Arts, Schools of Education, For-
estry and Conservation, Music, and
Public Health: Students enrolled in
the regular Summer Session who re-
ceived marks of I or X, at the close
of their last term of attendance (viz.,
semester or summer session) will re-
ceive a grade of E in the course un-
less this work is made up by July 29.
Students wishing an extension of
time beyond this date should file a
petition addressed to the appropri-
ate official in their school with Room
4 U. H., where it will be transmitted.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
The German Department is spon-
soring German language tables in
the alcove of the Women's League
,cafeteria beginning June 29 for the
duration of the Summer Session,
Luncheon and dinner (cafeteria
style) at 12:15 and 6:15 respectively.
All students of German, faculty
members, and others interested in
acquiring practice in spoken German
are cordially invited.
Students, Summer Term College of
Literature, Science, . and the Arts:
No course may be elected for credit
after the end of the third week,
Saturday, July 4, is therefore the last
date on which new elections may be
approved. The willingness of an" in-
dividual instructor to admit a stu-
dent later does not affect the opera-
tion rule. E. A. Walter.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received the following in-
formation concerning United Statep
Civil Examinations.
Amendment to Announcement No.
7-323 (Unassembled)
The United States Civil Service
Commission aniends Announcement
No. 7-323 for Student Instructor,
Junior Instructor, Air Corps Tech-
nical School, and Aviation Service
Schools of the United States Navy s
follows: Provision (1) of the junior
Instructor requirements in the basic
announcement is amended to read as
follows: (1) The completion of 3 full
years of progressive technical experi-
ence as Aircraft Engine Mechanic,
Aircraft Mechanic, Aircraft Sheet
Metal Mechanic, Aircraft Welder,
Machinist (shop), Radio Operator or
Radio Engineer.
Applicants (on the , date of re-
ceipt of application) must have
eached their twentieth brthday.
There is no maximum age limit for
this examination.
Physical requirements-Applicants
must be physically capable of per-
forming the duties of the position and
be free from such defects or. dis-
eases as would constitute employment
hazards to themselves or danger to
their fellow employees
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received the following in-
formation concerning Civil Service
Examinations. Last date for filing
applications is noted In each case:
Detroit Civil Service
Motorman (male), salary, 79c to
84c per hour, until further notice.
Power Plant Armed Guard (male),
salary, $1.00 per hour, July 6, 1942.
Auto Repairman (male), salary
90c to, $1.00 per hour, July 8, 1942,
Auto Repair Helper (male), salary,
80c to 85c per hour, July 8, 1942.
Public Service Attendant (male),
salary, $1,584 per year, July 9, 1942.
The Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information has re-
ceived the following information con-
cerning Civil Service Examinations.
Last date for filing applications is
noted in each case:
United States Civil Service
Amendment to Announcement No,
166 of 1941 (Unassembled).
Radio Monitoring Officer, $3,200

-~~~~~S I-'M- u- - A.ll - n .... R....
"After last week-enJ you said 'never again'-so I gave the icebag
to the rubber salvage committee!"


nAxe- -ToGrind

THE NEWSPAPER PM has begun a vigorous
campaign for the eradication of all outward
evidences of race prejudice in this Vountry,
making their first line of attack newspapers
carrying 'irestricted," aind "Gentiles only" real
estate and job advertising. Already the New
Yorker .and the New York Post have stopped
running that sort of advertising. The idea seems
to be not that you can destroy prejudice by
editorializing, but that any outward evidence
of prejudice is a shame and a degradation for
a democracy.
This is all part of a concerted national drive.
The President has a committee investigating
employment practices in industry, unearthing
Negro discrimination and causing employers
to abandon that discrinination. It's a big
movement, and it's a healthy one, with only
one qualification: it's too bad we had to wait
for a war.
So Anrp Arbor and the University ought to get
into the line of march of democracy. The local
paper carries a very few of the "restricted" ads,
and an occasional "Neighborhood everything
that could be desired"-which may mean any-
thing. With a maximum of tolerance for the
Lnecessity of a newspaper to make money, we
can pass that off as unimportant. But the
University, whose function is primarily to edu-
cate for democracy, fearlessly and courageously,
with but slight regard for financial considera-
tions, will doubtless join in this long-needed
campaign to wipe out one of democracy's dark
ALL OF WHICH is to say that in "Univer-
sity of Michigan Official Publicatioin, Vol.
42, No. 60," "Scholarships, ellowships, Prizes,

students of the Protestant faith . . .", etc.
Tkere are other scholarships and loan funds
the conditions of which exclude Negroes, Jews,
Cathoies (conditions such as membership in
a fraternity which excludes Negro students)
but these may be omitted; you cannot sweep
aside all evil in a day.
Now the University itself, in the same publi-
cation, under the heading, "Loan Funds" says
"2. No distinction shall be made among students
on account of sex, race, religion, or course of
study, further than those prescribed by the don-
ors." And further "These' funds are adminis-
tered with most scrupulous and precise attention
to the terms and conditions laid down iby the
donors . "
Not much remains to be said. It may be
argued that with a given number of scholar-
ships, half restricted and halt not, some of the
students may meet the prejudicial qualifications,
and thus release funds for those who do not,
thereby increasing the total amount. But with
a University interested primarily in democracy,
such a shameful method must necessarily be so
distasteful-to the University as to make them
impossible of acceptance.
TE MAKE several assumptions, that the
University believes in a democracy which
denies prejudice against race, color, or creed,
that the University-while interested in happy
combinations-is more interested in that
democracy than in material wealth and large
endowments. These assumptions being true,
the University, now that this has been called
to its attention, will immediately strike from
its lists of scholarships all those with preju-
dicial conditions, and will henceforth refuse

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