a _._ _ ... _ _.. Weather Cooler JL tt 41 a tii Editotial Present Congress Among History's Worst . I VOL. LI. No. 12-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1942 2:15 A.M. FiNAL Kursk Battle Still Raging; Reds Fight On At Sevastopol Whole Russian Line Still Holds After Offensives By Nazis; Crimean Base Still In Grave Danger 200 German Tanks Lost In Kursk Area MOSCOW, July 1 (Wednesday)- (P)-The great German tank and in- fantry offensive in the Kursk sector, now in its fourth day, was rolled back again yesterday by stubborn Red Army fighting which cost the Ger- mans 150 tanks, the midnight com- munique said today. The Russians also beat off massive German attacks on the fortifications of Sevastopol, Crimean naval base more than 500 miles to the south of the Kursk battle. The Battle of Kursk, 200 miles south of Moscow, showed no signs of diminishing its intensity. The communique mentioned attacks of "big infantry and tank units" and said the Germans were suffering 'colossal losses."- "In the Kursk direction, the stub- born battle continues," the communi- que said. "On one sector alone dur- ing the day we killed over 2,000 Ger- mans." 150 Tanks Destroyed The communique said 150 tanks were destroyed in addition to 200 previously reported knocked out in the first two days of the Kursk battle. Referring to the bitter fighting around besieged Sevastopol, where the Germans have thrown a quarter of a million men into the furious as- sault, the High Command said terse- ly: "On the Sevastopol sector our troops beat off attacks by big enemy forces." This indicated the Russian lines were holding firm after the with- drawals mentioned in the previous day's communique. The Kursk offensive, north of Kharkov, thundered into full fury Sunday in what looked like the pre- lude to Hitler's long-overdue general assault and the Russians said the Nazis registered some initial pene- trations with infantry troops. Timoshenko's Men Swarm But before supporting tanks could be brought up, Marshal Timoshenko's men swarmed in behind the Nazis who perished in these tight pockets by the hundreds. More than 200 German tanks were declared knocked out in two days and, with the enemy thus weakened, the Russians said their forces were able to smash sub- sequent attacks on their positions. At Sevastopol the situation was clearly one of the utmost gravity for the Soviet garrison as the unequal struggle raged through its 26th day apparently to an imminent decision. Dispatches from the German bat- tlefield said the Germans had inched forward slowly during the day with their fortifications of once-great but now ruined naval base. 18 To 20 Age Group Registration Ends; Number Unknown As the fifth Selective Service Reg- istration ended yesterday, voluntary registrars were busily tabulating the number of University and local men within the 18 to 20 year limits who had registered. Although no figures have as yet been announced as to the number of men registered, officials expected that the number of University students would almost equal the city's regis- tration. Throughout the county officials were busily registering young men for selective service which now in- cludes all men between the ages of 18 and 65. White To Lecture On Race Problem "The Racial Subject' from an Anthropological Viewpoint" will be discussed by Prof. Leslie A. White at the organizational meeting of the newly formed Race Relations Asso- ciation at 8 p.m. today in the Union. Fifteen Minute Pause To Fight Axis: Bonds For Victory Rampaging Axis Columns Sweep PastElDaba,TowardsAlexandria; Churchill'Confidence'Vote Seen Helen Betke sells her share of bonds .. . * * * * Launching Michigan's 'Retailers for Victory' month, every merchant in Washtenaw County will halt all business activity at 12 noon today and devote 15 minutes exclusively to the sale of War Savings Stamps and Bonds. With 61,000 retail merchants in the state behind the drive, Michigan's quota of the $1,000,000,000 nation-wide goal has been set at $48,000,000. "While July is the big month, it is not the only month," stated Paul L. Proud, Retail Chairman of Washtenaw County. "We retailers are in the War Stamp and Bond business for the duration." Dropping' the passive attitude which has characterized the sale of' War Bonds and Stamps to date, retailers will really push their sale. In every retail store clerks will suggest that customers take their change in stamps, a habit which the Government is asking all persons to form. Calling upon retail merchants with their sales ability and wide con- nections with the public as the logical persons to undertake othe drive, Treasury officials are asking retailers to sell War Stamps and Bonds amounting to four percent of the gross sales for that month. Since early May retailers in Michigan, under the State Chairmanship of Qscar Webber, Vice President and General Manager of J. L. Hudson Co., have been building a super organization to do this job assigned them by the Treasury Department. In meetings throughout Michigan retailers and their employes have been trained in methods of selling for the victory campaign. Standard insignia of stores participating in the stamp and bond drive will be a red, white and blue 'V' decoration in the display windows. Other special feature of the campaign will be sales clerks in special .costumes selling boutonnieres made of savings stamps. Tlfe retail merchants' drive is designed to meet the needs of our na- tion where less than half of the wage-earners can participate in payroll savings plans. "The other half cannot be feasibly reached on the payroll deduction basis and therefore must be contacted in some other manner," said Mr. Proud. "Those people come to our stores every day to buy food, clothing, furniture and merchandise and services of all kinds. We retailers, by sug- gesting that they accept part of their change in War Savings Stamps, can turn over to Uncle Sam millions of dimes and quarters and half-dollars for providing more ships, planes, tanks, guns and bullets for our boys who are fighting at the front." Governor Van Wagoner is expected to make a special proclamation at noon today to inaugurate the program, and other special features are planned to let the people know what the retailers are doing to help win the war. Among these special features planned are marching bands, blasting air raid warning whistle and flights of warplanes from nearby fields. These devices and many others will be used to make the people aware of the drive. "We want people to know that a twenty-five cent War Savings Stamp buys a dozen bullets. When people begin to realize what these War Stamps will actually buy, they will want more and more of them," said Mr. Proud. 800 University Staff Members Participate In Bond Drive Auchinleck's Appointment Soothes Critics; Ritchie Out As African Leader Prime Minister's Return Applauded LONDON, June 30.-(P)-A decisive victory for Prime Minister Church- ill's National Government was pre- dicted tonight by well-informed par- liamentary sources despite the addi- tion of two recruits to the list of 19 chronic critics whose "no-confi- dence" motion precipitated the im- pending two-day debate in Commons. The Prime Minister himself partly disarmed his critics today by an- nouncing in Commons that General Sir Claude J. E. Auchinleck, Com- mander-in-Chief of the British forces in the Middle East, had assumed command of the British Army in North Africa on June 25, superseding Lieut.-Gen. Neil M. Ritchie. After today's House session Churchill con- ferred with King George. Churchill's First Appearance It was Churchill's first appearance in the House since his return from the United States and he received a tumultuous welcome. Nevertheless, the debate which opens tomorrow was expected to verge on the acrimonious and the probing and criticism were expected to wring from Churchill some con- cessions. These, the Parliamentary sources said, would be most likely to take the form of the creation of a more effective body to direct the British military effort, such as a combined general staff. The Prime Minister gave no ac- counting today of his conferences with President Roosevelt, confining himself to this brief statement: Auchinleck Decides To Lead "I do not propose to make any statement today about the momen- tous battle now being fought in Egypt, but I feel the House would wish to know that on June 25 Gen- eral Auchinleck decided to assume command of the Eighth Army per- sonally in succession to General Ritchie. "As soon as Auchinleck informed the government of the decision he had taken he was at once told that it had our approval." ullietin ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, AUS- TRALIA, - (Wednesday) July 1.-() -Allied troops made a commando- type raid Sunday night on the Japa- nese garrison at Salamaua, New Guinea, inflicting approximately 60 casualties on the enemy and suf- fering only two wounded in their own forces, General MacArthur's headquarters announced today. A high Army spokesman said the raid could be compared with the British commando raids on the Euro- pean continent, but did not disclose any illuminating details. Both United States and Australian troops are stationed in southern New Guinea, but itwas not disclosed which participated., (U.S. Marines may have partici- pated in the landing. It was dis- closed last Saturday in Atlanta, Ga., that a major expeditionary force of Marines had landed at a South Pa- cific "jumping off place," apparently equipped to be the spearhead of a United Nations offensive in that war area. (Salamaua is about 150 miles due north of Port Moresby, the Allied base in southern New Guinea. An almost impassable mountain range lies between the two points. Thus it would appear the Allied action was a sea-borne affair rather than an overland strike.) Students Interested In Navy Programs To Be Interviewed Lieut.-Commdr. Harry G. Kipke and Lieut.-Comdr. D. G. Shea will Japs Threaten To Open New Front In China Coastal Town Of Fukien Is Possible Objective; Troops Based Nearby CHUNGKING, June 30.-(AP)-Jap- anese forces in Kiangsi Province ap-, peared tonight to have opened a new phase of their East China campaign with indications that the coastal province of Fukien might be their next objective. Japanese columns admittedly were making progress in slashing attacks through Eastern Kiangsi toward the Fukien border and a Chinese spokes- man said some 50,000 Japanese troops from the Philippines were concen- trated on Formosa, the Japanese is- land colony just off Fukien's coast. They were there, the Chinese heard, "for readjustment and training"- presumably after their hard cam- paigning and heavy losses that pre- ceded the reduction of Bataan and Corregidor-but Formosa notoriously is a preparation ground for offensive action. The conquest of the Phil- ippines was rehearsed there. Japanese columns already are in southern Chekiang, near Fukien's northern border, and in Eastern Ki- angsi, just west of Fukien. Chinese strategists believed there might be co- ordinated drives from both direc- tions against the province which the Japanese need to round out their conquests and give them a safe over- land route from Shanghai to Singa- pore. The Chinese High Command com- munique admitted that Japanese forces attacking south off Ihwang, 80 miles south-southeast of Nan- chang, former capital of Kiangsi, had made progress. The communique was silent on the situation along the Chekiang-Kiang- si railway, the objective of most of the East China fighting in the last six weeks, Bishop Scores Nazis LONDON, June 30.-('P)--Disclos- ure today of a critical sermon de- livered Sunday by the Bishop of Berlin, Count Konrad von Preysing- Lichtenegg-Moos, coupled with re- cent anti-Nazi manifestations by Catholic priests in occupied coun- tries, have led informed British sources to the belief there might be the beginning of coordinated church opposition to Adolf Hitler. Krug Tells At Treason Trial Of Flight FromCanada, U.S. Nazi Airmen Nonchalantly Relates How He Fooled Police; Says Stephan Merely Did 'Personal Favor' By PAUL M. CHANDLER DETROIT, June 30.-(P)-Smug and smiling in the blue uniform of a Nazi air oberlieutenant, 22-year-old Hans Peter Krug blandly told in Federal court today of how he outwitted police officers of Canada and the United States for almost two weeks in making his way from an Ontario prison camp to Detroit, Chicago, New York and San Antonio. The government's first witness in the treason trial of Max Stephan, Detroit restaurant-keeper, the young pilot balked only at divulging details n of his flight, which he described as "military secrets." He insiSted Ste- phan helped him as a "personal fa. vor" and not with treasonable intent to aid an enemy nation. At length he brought the question- ing to a halt, saying: "The defenders of Max Stephan stated that I stayed to testify against Stephan. If that is so, I will be relieved of further questioning-I don't want to testify against Stephan." Government attorneys said they had completed his examination, and he was permitted to leave the stand at this point. Earlier the young Nazi had related his experiences with Stephan in De- troit-of trips to bars and restau- rants and gifts of money from the restaurant owner, a naturalized citi- zen who was a sergeant in the Ger- man Army during World War I. The hot courtroom was packed with spec- tators and in the hallway stood two hundred more. Krug grinned broadly when he testified, "yes, FBI agents arrested me in San Antonio--unfortunately." He gave two reasons for his flight from a -Bowmanville, Ont., prison camp on April 16. "First, I wanted to return to Ger- many and to my duty," he said. "Sec- ond, I wanted to report to German government officials the conditions I fund in Canadian camps-of the murder of a comrade-flier of mine. District Attorney J. C. Lehr said there was "absolutely no substantia- tion" of the young Nazi's story of the shooting of a fellow-,prisoner whom he designated only as "Ober- lieutenant Miller." Enrollment Figures Reveal Increases The Statistical Service of the Reg- istrar's office disclosed that up to June 30 the enrollment of students in the summer term and session has increased 16.4 percent over the pre- vious summer's attendance. The sta- tistics show that the number of men students for this period has in- creased 34.5 percent, while the en- rollment of coeds has decreased 7.5 percent. The undergraduates in the sum-. mer term total 2,931 of which only 598 are coeds. The undergraduate enrollment in the summer session is 619. The total attendance in the pro- fessional schools numbers 719, the greater part of which comes from the summer term. In contrast, the total graduate attendance is concen- trated in the summer session. The graduates in summer session total 1,286, whereas those in summer term total 328. Endanger Entire Egyptian Defense; Marks 75 Mie Advance Since Matruh Witness Describes ConfusedStruggle By EDWARD KENNEDY (Associated Press Correspondent) CAIRO, June 30.-Swiftly attack- ing Axis armored columns plunged past El Daba, only 100 miles west of Alexandria, tonight on an advance that imperiled the entire defense of Egypt. This marked a 75-mile sweep dur- ing one night and day since the fall of Matruh. Whether the Axis sweep beyond El Daba-generally regarded as the point where the mauled Eighth Army had been expected to make a firm stand-was in force or by scattered panzer units was not clarified in a brief announcement tonight. The Eighth Army, now under the personal command of Gen. Sir Claude Auchenleck, may be able to stand firm at a natural defense posi- tion 35 miles east of -El Daba. There the desert between the Mediterra- nean and the eastern extremity of the soft, sand-bogged Qattara De- pression narrows to about 36 miles. Narrowest Point This is the narrowest point of the bottlneck into which the Axis forces have plunged in their speedy ad- vance against the British, who, al- though exacting what Nazi casualties they could, have been withdrawing without making a major stand, Fresh New Zealand and Free French reinforcements and new U.S. Army Air Corps squadrons joined the battle during the day and earlier reports said the British lines were stiffening. The battle of rapid maneuver still was highly fluid, but the Axis forces already were 200 miles inside Egypt -far beyond the deepest previous penetration by the Italians at the start of the first desert campaign in 1940. Tanks, Men, Artillery The milling masses of tanks, men and artillery ranged over hundreds of square miles of hard, brown desert sand during the day and fought on tonight under the refreshing cool of a desert moon. Earlier in the bitter combat today, the Allied army had thrown back the advancing Germans from Fuka, a coastal point on the rim of the desert 45 miles southeast of Matruh. But the wily Axis commander, Marshal Erwin Rommel, struck again with his two German and a third Italian armored divisions. Apparently the British dropped back before the su- perior forces in good order. Witness Describes Confused Struggle By HARRY CROCKETT (Associated Press Correspondent) With the British Army On the Egyptian Desert Front, June 29- (Delayed) -(2')- British and Axis troops were fighting tonight in the El Daba-Fuka area west of Alexan- dria, but the supreme collision be- tween their main armies was yet to come. British troops cntinue to slip through the German and Italian ad- vance pa.trols to regain the positions of their main army, and reinforce- ments still are moving up for a big prospective battle along the coastal road between the Mediterranean coast and the Qattara Depression to the south. For hours I've watched leathery Britons, bearded Sikhs and dark- skinner Cape Colony troops stream- ing back from the front to new posi- tions. University Graduate James C. Anderson Killed In Accident James Carlson Anderson, 1520 Hill, died en route to University Hospital yesterday of severe chest injuries re- ceived in a truck-auto collision near Howell. He was 24 years old. ti Aviation Cadet Board To Recruit At Health Service Until Friday As the University's voluntary sav- ings plan ended its third month in operation, officials reported that nearly 800 staff members were par- ticipating with payroll deductions for the systematic purchase of War Bonds, totaling over $10,000 for the month of June. Continuing its rapidly accelerating rise, from $618.75 for the first month and $5,229.75 for the second, deduc- tions cleared the $10,000 mark for June with substantial increases ex- versity has also been busy purchasing war bonds, officials disclosed yester- day. Since War Bonds first became available, the University has pur- chased a total of $227,150 for its trust funds and for campus organ- izations eligible to buy them. At present the University has nearly $5,000,000 of endowment and other funds invested in War Bonds and in regular U.S. Government issues. A question frequently asked sav- ings plan officials concerns the use Recruiting for the most flexible' program yet offered by the Army Air Forces, the Aviation Cadet Trav- elling Examining Board headed by Lieut. John H. Patterson will be located at the Health Service through Friday of this week. The board has already enlisted 19 cadets and will enlist a similar group on Friday. Many of these are students who have been granted deferred status. Lieut. George Comte reported that ha l-.rnrA l a4-nnn-1-nnahla-to ra4-a rnl Washtenaw County Air Force Spon- sors Association. Particularly stressed by the board on this trip are openings in other than combat pilot training. The board is authorized to accept appli- cations for special Air Force branch- es which ask for specialized educa- tional requirements. Candidates for training in communications, meteor- ology, engineering, armaments and photography may present their schol- astic blueprints for examination by Washington authorities. Those who