d W eather Scattered Showers. ig Ait 4 3a -Aktit Editorial VPBt Deserves All Cr11it, IL e ts-M- ore VOL. LII. No. 10-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1942 2:15 A.M. FINAL t ,4 Pontiac Strike Settled; Wages WillBe"iven For blackout Punishmnt For Walkout Leaders Is Promised By Union Spokesmen; No Violence Reported Company Refusal Called 'Last Straw' PON'TIAC, June 26.-(P)-Officials iof the Yellow Truck & Coach Co. said today they had agreed to pay night shift workers for 20 minutes of time lost during a practice black- out, and that 11,000 strikers would return to their war production jobs tomorrow. In return, an announcement fol- lowing a joint union-management parley said, spokesmen for the Unit- ed' Automobile Workers-CIO prom- ised to discipline leaders in the un- authorized walkout, which was de- nounced by UAW President R. J. Thomas as a violation of the union's no-strike agreement with President SRoosevelt. Company Refuses Wages A local union leader described the company's refusal, at first, to pay wages for the blackout period last Wednesday night as the "last straw" in a series of grievances described as minor in nature. The company, in today's conference, consented to ne- gotiate the remaining differences, in- volving seniority wage differentials and inter-departmental transfers, Monday. Pickets who had- enforced the str lke since ageneral walkout fo- lowed a series of brief sitdowns by night-shift workers this morning were withdrawn from the vicinity of thle plant as soon as word of the agreement was , brought to them, police said. No Violence Occurs During the day, the pickets had turned back 6fflc workers and oth- ers seeking admission to the plant, but there were no reports of violence. Roger J. Emmert, vice-president and factory manager of the com- pany, said the strike, brought opera- tions of the plant to a standstill. He said all its facilities had been devot- ed to the production of vehicles for bth the-Army and the Navy. Col. Ray M. Hare of Fort Wayne, Army quartermaster's depot at De- troit which receives the plant's out- put, said the War Department had been "very much concerned" about the stoppage, which he said came "at a time when every minute of productive effort is most precious to the men on our fighting fronts." Arms Ouput Pleases FD Second Front Leader? Major General Dwight D. Eisen- hower (above) has been named commanding general of the Euro- pean theatre of war for U.S. Forces, the War Department announced. He has already arrived in Britain. Youths, I8-20,1 Will Regtister here Tuesday. m-S Birth Dates Are As Basis For Serial, OrderP Selected issuing Numbers, Along with some 150,000 other young men throughout the state, University students between thb ages of 18 and 20 will report for the Fifth Selective Service Registration to be held locally from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, at the Armory Building. New feature of the fifth registra-, tion will be the issuance of serial and order numbers on the basis of birth dates instead of by national lottery. Reports from the State Selective [Service Headquarters disclosed that Tuesday will complete the registra- tion of 1,850,000 Michigan men be- tween the ages of 18 and 65 for the draft. Exempt From Registering All members of the National Guard, Officers Reserve Corps, Regular Army Reserves, enlisted Reserves Corps and embers of the advanced Corps, Senibr Division, ROTC are exempt from registering. Officials also stress the importance of giving the proper" locality when asked for the home address during registration. This is highly import- ant since the student's draft board will be that of the locality which he gives as his home a~ddress. Draft boardsaare not transferrable nOnly local students registering here Tues- day will be subject to the Ann Arbor draft boards. Liable For Service Students within these age limits who have registered previously are not to do so again. Students, 20 years of age who register June 30, are liable to military service:as will be the younger registrants when they become 20, However, classification of the 20-year-olds who register June 30, is not expected to begin until classification of previously registered men of military age has been com- pleted. There will be a meeting of Sphinx 7:30 Tuesday night at the Union. Chuck Pinney, Acting President British King, Queen Watch U.S. Armies Monarchs See Americans On Manuever In Ulster In First Visit Of War With the United States Forces in Northern Ireland, June 26.-()- King George and Queen Elizabeth, for the first time in this war, have watched United States forces dem- onstrate the power with which they intend to help British armies in re- pulsing any German invasion of the island kingdom. In a full-cress mock battle, the boys from the United States put on a, show which showed everything from the operation of an electric doughnut maker to medium tanks in their full striking power. The all-American display sent the King and Queen on a "dizzy clip" in' a series of incidents whose informal- ity astounded court circles. One member of the palace entour- age who has followed the royal fam- ily for 12 years said: "It was the best show put on dur- ing the war and the King seems hap- pier than.I have ever seen him." Winant. Accompanies Monarchs Accompanied by United States Ambassador John G. Winant, the monarchs spent one full day of a three-day visit to Northern Ireland chatting and dining with United States troops and bouncing around in jeeps. At the Army's Ulster encampment, they applauded a precision drill by Iowans, saw anti-tank gunners score 14 direct hits on a moving target and ate roast beef in the enlisted men's messhall. Majesties Review At the beginning of their day, Their Majesties reviewed part of the armored force, watched the infantry swing past, and rode in bouncing tanks through pits and over bunkers while sirens wailed over the din of make-believe battle. Then the King and Queen were taken to a display of armored forces equipment, including medium and light tanks, armored cars, field hos- pitals, kitchens and still more secret weapons and other materiel. Queen Elizabeth asked weather- browned Sergeant Reuben Krage, of Elria, O., half a dozen sharp ques- tions about his howitzer. Aviation Board Returns Today Examiners To Stay Here For Three-Day Period Having just completed the most successful tour in its history, the Traveling Aviation Cadet Examin- ing Board, headed by Lieut. John H. Patterson, returns to Ann Arbor today for a three-day stay on its regular swing through Lower Mich- igan The Aviation Cadet Examining Board can completely qualify and enlist men for flight duty, either for immediate service or under the deferred plan. All educational re- quirements have been waived for flying with the exception of a men- tal examination which is given twice daily by the board. This ex- am will be at 9 a.m. and at 12:30 p.m. today. Applicants must be prompt as they cannot be admitted to the examination after it has be- gun. Nazi Patrol Units Battle With British Force 200 Miles From Alexandria U.S. Airmen Pound Axis-Held. Tobruk CAIRO, June 26.-()-The battle of Egypt was fast developing tonight in continuous clashes of Axis ad- vance groups and British covering forces less than 200 miles from Alex- andria. U.S. Army Air Force "Liberators" struck hard at Tobruk, the closest supply port which German Field Marshal Rommel can use to supply and maintain his full-scale advance. Main Force Reported The main elements of Rommel's striking force, aggregating in all two German armored divisions and one Italian division, had attained at last reports a point 30 miles west of Ma- truh. Supported by mobile infantry, these principal Axis tank columns were proceeding along a wide desert avenue some 15 to 20 miles from the coast. Smaller enemy units were along the coast, and others, considerably southward, reached the western rim of the Qattara depression, an inland cauldron of soft sand below sea level, where they were dealt with by Brit- ish armored patrols. British Dig In The British Eighth Army itself was reported digging in on a 40- mile line, flanked on the right by the Mediterranean at Matruh and on the left by the supposedly impenetrable Qattara sink, awaiting the battle which wil determine whether Egypt can be held until reinforcements ar- rive. So far as could be determined the main Axis and Britisi forces had not collided, but in view of the delay in battle-front communications, this could not be -said for certain. In Cairo, United Nations inform- ants insisted there was every reason to believe the enemy could be held unless Lieut.-Gen. Neil M. Ritchie's army, badly hammered in the three- week's defeat in Libya, goes com- pletely to pieces. They said there was no reason at present to believe that it would go to pieces. Suinmer Session Students Register While Summer Session students were busily filling in election cards and having receipts stamped yester- day, statisticians of the Registrar's Office were ,busily tabulating rising enrollment figures. When registration came to a close yesterday evening, reports show that there were 406 men and 560 women enrolled for the 1942 Summer Ses- sion. Contrasting this total of 966 students for' the 1942 session is the final enrollment figures of the 1941 Summer Session of 2,872 men and 2,183 women, a total of 5,055. Figures for the 1942 Summer Term at 5 p.m. yesterday were 3,090 men and 724 women, a total of 3,814 stu- dents. Sevastopol, Kharkov Defenders Resist Increasing Nazi Pressure; Advance Forces ClashIn Egypt By ROBERT PREISKEL "Manpower may well turn out to be the limiting factor in our capacity to produce enough to meet the total war effort, and is jast becoming America's number one problem," asserted Prof. William Haber, on leave from the University economics department to handle his duties as Director of Planning for the War Manpower Commission, before 150 representatives of the UAW-CIO yes- terday. Pointing out that 10,500,000 'work- ers must be added to the war indus- try labor force and that military duty will enroll another 4,000,000 men this year, Professor Haber said that "our crisis in manpower will occur about next November," "And although WPB estimates credit us with a greater reserve labor supply than the Axis nations," he emphasized, "it is only by an inten- sive program of recruiting, training, transferring, plaping and upgrading workers for war industry that we can hope to achieve maximum pro- duction." In line with this program, accord- Senate Passes Bill To Expand Naval Forces WASHINGTON, June 26 -(R)- The Senate, after discussing Naval matters in an extraordinary secret session, summarily rejected today an effort by Senator Clark (Dem.-Mo.) to cancel the Navy's authority to construct new battleships. Then, it a passed by voice vote an $8,500,000,000 Naval expansion bill authorizing the building of 500 com- batant ships-carriers, cruisers and destroyers, The bill, which now goes to the White House, does not provide for any battleships. However, the Navy is left free to build, or not, as it chooses, battleships previously auth- orized. Representative Vinson (Dem.- Ga.) recently disclosed that the Navy planned to defer construction of cer- tain battleships in order to concen- trate on aircraft carriers. Clark said that the Navy hadsde- cided to build no new battleships at present, and hence the authority should be cancelled. But when his amendment came to a vote his was, the only audible affirmative vote. Previously, the Senate cleared its galleries of spectators and newspaper- men for the first time in years, while Chairman Walsh (Dem.-Mass.) of the Naval, Committee presented Naval experts' views formed in the light of the most recent war developments. For 80 minutes the Senate listened to Walsh and debated the question in secret. Then the doors were opened again and Clark presented his amendment, saying that the Navy Department had decided not to build any new battleships at this time. CY rr b N d a Il Manpower Will Soon Be Main U.S.Problem, Haber Declares Attackers Of Sevastopol Are Beaten Off; Drive Near Kharkov Halted Capture Of Izyum Is German Claim MOSCOW (Saturday), June 27.- (I)-With enemy activity increasing PROF. WILLIAM HABER ing to Professor Haber, we must break down many of the barriers which in- terfere with the most efficient use of . our available manpower, and put an$ end to "piratind" of workers by large industrial concerns and the aimless migration, and we must provide suit- able transportation and housing fort those workers. Stating that "prejudices which are untenable in times of peace and criminal now" are one of the chief hinderances to effective mobilization of our man power, Professor Haber s:id, "We must fully employ our 1 Iargest reserve-women, utilize the1 1,000,000 colored workers who are notI employed, give jobs to older men, t and weed out many of the. 4,000,0001 technically friendly and 1,000,000 un- friendly aliens who really are loyal tot the United States. England has made extremely effective use of her1 alien population and we must do the same."1 Bomb-Blasted Bremen Still Flame-Racked LONDON, June 26. -6P)-- Fires kindled last night at Bremen, princi- pal target in what was probably the RAF's biggest night so far, were still burning this afternoon in that port city, heretofore known as a great German arsenal for the Battle of the Atlantic. British reconnaissance planes hunted Bremen out by daylight to study her ruins and brought back that word, announced here tonight. Relays totaling more than 1,000 bombers converged on Bremen last night in a precision movement at first facilitated by the moonlight and the northern lights and later by the beckoning glare of bomb-set fires which studded the city. German twin-engined night fight- ers, searchlights in their noses, chal- lenged the attacking waves. At least two of these were shot down. The British figured that they were Mes- .serschmitt-y110's, Aircraft of the Royal Dutch Naval. Air Service, Polish and Czech squad- rons and the Royal Canadian Air Force's demon squadrons partici- pated with the RAF bomber, coastal and army cooperation commands in the battering of Bremen. One pilot called the nighttime scene "a crazy galaxy of green and red, interspersed with orange flares and blue search- lights." Funerl Services For Junius Beal To Be Held -T-od Funeral services for Junius E. Beal, lng-timre University Regent who' died Wednesday at 82 years of age, will be held at 2 p.m. today in the along the whole front, Soviet forces f the Ukraine battled attacking Ger- nans in a great melee of men and nachines last night after dropping back before the pounding of the N'azis, the Russians reported today. Down in the Crimea Sevastopol's defenders beat off oneenemy assault . after another, the Spvets added. Defenders Halt Nazis "Our trops in the Kharkov direction foUght with the attacking enemy forces," said the midnight Soviet Information Bureau communique, in- dicating that Marshal Tmoshenko's defenders had turned and brought a hialt to the German advance, With the increasing activity her-. alding a possible general German of- ensive, the Russians said the Nazis were throwing waves of tanks and infantry at their troops after the enemy offensive had rolled past the mportant rail junction of Kupyansk, 30 miles southeast of Kharkov, and to the Oskol River, an eastern tribu- tary of the Donets (The Germans, claiming their troops also had captured Izyum, 70 miles southeast of Kharkov, reprted their offensive below Kharkov had achieved its purpose of straightening the front in that area and that it "may be considered concluded.") Places Change Hands "As a result of fierce battles,, popu- ated places continually are changing hands," the midnight communique said of the figiting in the Kharkov direction. "We are ihflicting heavy losses on the enem ." (The Russian communique indi- cated that the Red Army had halted, its backward movement in the Ukraine. It was the first such indi- cation since the Soviets acknowledged last Tuesday that the Germans had opened a drive and had taken the initiative on the Kharkov front.) The Germans, attempting an air raid on Moscow last night, turned tail before Soviet fighters and a hur- ricane of exploding steel sent up by ground batteries, the communique. reported. It listed six of the enemy raiders destroyed without a single Soviet loss. In a ground attack, the Nazis hurled an infantry force against Rus- sians in the recently active Bryansk sector, southwest of Moscow, and penetrated the Soviet front line at one point but were sent reeling back, the Russians said, Gas Rationing For Mid s West is Reque sted WASHII GTON, June 26. -()- Mayors of Eastern Seaboard cities asked today that the Government ex- tend gasoline rationing to the Mid- West temporarily as part of a pro- gram of increasing movement of pe- troleum, particularly oil for home heating, to their own communities. At a conference attended by Petrol- eum Coordinator Harold L. Ickes and Transportation Chief Joseph B. East- man, the mayors suggested specific- ally that rationing be instituted in western New York State, western Pennsylyania, Ohio,,Indiana, Illinois, Michigan "and such other Mid-West states as may be necessary." There was no "immediate hint as to the official reaction to the propos.- al which contemplated that rationing should continue in the Mid-West un- til a new pipeline, already approved, is completed from Texas to Illinois. B ULLETIN fONDON, Saturday, June 27- (A) Prime Minister Winston Churchill returned to London t- day. An official announcement Raw Material Shortage Is Serious Problem WASHINGTON, June 26.-(R)- Announcing the completion of nearly 4,000 planes and more than 1,500 tanks in May, President Roosevelt said today that "we are well on our way towards achieving the rate of production which will bring us to our goals" He warned, nevertheless, against overconfidence and said there were serious production problems ahead, some, of them arising particularly from shortages of raw materials. These, he added, already are receiv- ing careful consideration, In addition to the planes and tanks, Mr. Roosevelt disclosed that May production included nearly 2,000 pieces of 'artillery and anti-tank guns and more than 100,000 machine guns and sub-machine guns. The nation's war production goals announced last January were 185000 planes in 1942 and 1943 together with 120,000 tanks and 55,000 anti- aircraft guns in the same period. U.S. Army Hospital Detachment Leaves Today For Training The 298th General Hospital Unit of the TTti. Rtates Army, the first Washtenaw County's No. 1 Citizen 'Aunt Ruth' Buchanan Is MoraleBuilder By HALE CHAMPION Meet Washtenaw County's No, 1 patriot. She's not chairman of any civilian defense councils, not a facile band- age-wrapper for the Red Cross, not a voluble bond-buying rumble-seat patriot, not even an air raid warden. Aunt Ruth Buchanan-as hun- dreds of soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen know her-is simply a letter-writer, but the 5,000 messages from home that she has mailed since October, 1940. stamp her as one of the nation's outstanding morale- builders. Her story is one of common sense applied, one of all the fine qualities that American women reveal in time of crisis. contact with home-after all, the symbol of everything for which they felt they were fighting. Mrs. Buchanan, sensing the trag- edy involved, became Aunt Ruth and began to remedy the situation. She. wrote every soldier in Company K, asked him if he wanted mail and news from home. Soon she got re- plies not only from them, but from every branch of the armed services. She got letters from former Uni- versity students, lonely Negro sol- diers, a Greek boy,\ a Canadian in officers' training; and from hundreds- of Americans of every rank. Sent Daily Letters And she wrote them back. She answered every request for corre- spondence. To a bomber pilot in thef which she could little afford-all because "of what they're doing for US." ' She added names to her mailing list and spent hours corresponding with a constantly growing group of "nephews." Aunt Ruth Got Reward And Mrs. Buchanan got her re- ward, the only reward which she wanted. One of her Negro corre- spondents wrote her, "The Japs ain't gonna get you. They just put me in charge of 28 trucks and they're all pointed straight for Tokyo." Another boy, new to Company K and without friends, replied to her greeting, "God bless the people like you. You are the ones who make us want to fight." for what he was doing for his coun- try-this despite the fact that she finds it difficult to speak to stran- gers. The sailor thanked her and told her how much better he felt although his father was dying of tumor of the brain. They are still fast friends-by mail, Work Not Unnoticed Her work has not gone entirely unnoticed. She has been given the Emblem of Honor Pin, an honor ordi- narily reserved for mothers of ,four or more men killed in action. So widespread has her activity become that Kate Smith heard her praise from soldiers and broadcast it. Ln the midst of all this work she continues one activity begun before the war. She teaches a naturaliza-