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June 26, 1942 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1942-06-26

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Amnerican People
Will Refuse Socialsm...

it 43 U


Light Showers.


2:15 A.M. FINAL


Czech Village
Is Wiped Out
In Nazi Move
For Revenge
All Males Slain To Avenge
Heydrich Assassination;
Budapest Radio Reports
New Savage Massacre
Arrests Continue
In Prague, Bruenn
LONDON, June .25. -('P)- Nazis
have obliterated a second humble
Czech village and slain all its men
in reprisal for the assassination' of
Reinhard Heydrich, the Hangman,
it was stated today in reports filter-
ing from the terror-ruled coifines of
Germany's "new Europe.'
The community was Lezaky, popu-
lation 100, in a farming district of
Bohemia about 70 miles southeast of
Its death sentence apparently was
identical to that which the Germans
themselves announced on June 10
had been meted out to Lidice, near
Lidice's male population of about
350 all died by firing squad, its wo-
men were sent to concentration
camps and its children to "educa-
tional institutions." !"
Today listeners for the Czecho-
Slovak government-in-exile reported
that a Budapest broadcast said Le-
zaky had been razed. The Budapest
radio quoted official announcements
in the Prague newspapers.
It did not say what happened to
the people, but the Vichy French
News Service quoted the announce-
ment as saying all adult males had
been executed.
As in the case of Lidice, the excuse
was the allegation that Lezaky liar-
bored parachutists blamed by the
Germans for Heydrich's death.
n less spectacular phases of the
continuing purge,- It was announced
in Prague hat48'1 Ozeehshadbeen
sentenced to ceath there and 12 at
Bruenn yester ay on charges of be-
ing in contact with enemy agents,
possessing weapons or failing tq re-
port to police.
Liberal Ideals
,.. M otivate' W ar,
Contrasting domestic policies of
Presidents Wilson and Roosevelt
during wartime, Prof. Howard M.
Ehrmann of the history department
declared last night at a Post-War
Council meeting that the Atlantic
Charter is a policy of "internation-
alizing the New Deal."
American historians neglected the
causes of the last war because they
regretted the beginning of the last
war as the end of the Wilsonian era
of the "New Freedom," Professor
Ehrmann said. This indication of
failure of liberal domestic policy dur-
ing war is not present during this
war, he continued.
Following an historical presenta-
tion of the events preceding the
declaration of the Atlantic Charter,
Professor Ehrmann pointed out the
great stress laid upon economic ad-
justments and principles by Presi-
dent Roosevelt and Prime Minister

Winston Churchill. The influence
of the "Four Freedoms"-enunciated
before Congress by the President-
was also noted by Professor Ehrmann.
The provisions of the Atlantic
Charter are "quite general in the
mtter of political and territorial
provisions," Professor Ehrmann stat-
ed as he pointed out the difference
of amount of detail between the At-
lantic Charter and Wilson's Four-
teen Points.
The adherence of the United Na-
tions and the International Labor
Organization to the Atlantic Charter
and ever-closer tie-ups of the Lease-
Lend Agreements to the Charter as
steps during the war in the fulfill-
meit of its principles were pointed
, out by Professor Ehrmann.
U.S. Planes Raid
Japanese Bases
On New' Guinea

Civitians Strafed In lap
Attack On Dutch Harbor
Anti-Aircraft Guns, Rifle Fire Drove Off Invader's
Planes; 98 Persons Evacuated To Seattle

British, German Forces


Engaged In Climactic Stru
FDII, Churchill Believe Suez


SEATTLE, June 25. -(iP)- First
eyewitness accounts of the Japanese
bombing of Dutch Harbor in the
Aleutians, made public' today, dis-
closed how heavy anti-aircraft fire
and even rifle fire drove off the at-
tackers and that the pipponese ma-
chine gunners strafed fleeing civilians
'like rats in a trap."~
Civilians among the 98 persons
from Unalaska (Dutch Harbor is in
Unalaska Bay) and from nearby
Cold Bay, evacuated to Seattle
aboard an Army transport, told in-
terviewers that a Japanese fighter
pilot strafed. 250 civilians as they
fled to the bare rocky hills for safety.
A housewife told how Unalaska's
mayor-John W. Fletcher-who ac-
companied the evacuees here, direct-
ed the flight of five truck loads of
w6men and children to the hills when
the Jap bombers and fighter planes
came over.
How many Jap planes were downed
has not been announced officially,
and tales brought here by civilians
and service men, many of the latter
wounded, failed to clarify that point
in accounts approved by the Navy.
Mayor Fletcher said application
Student Draft
To BeTuesday
All University students between
the ages of 18 and 20, except those
specially exempted or previously reg-
istered, are lcheduled to register for
Selective Service from 8 a.m. to 5
p.m., Tuesday at the Armory Build-
As announced in President Roose-
velt's proclamation of May 26, the
fifth regisration will inlude all
male citizens born on or after Jan.
1, 1922 anid on or before June 30,
1924. Raking the total by an undis-
closed number of men, this registra-
ttion willgxp .:the Selective Service
System to include all men between
the ages of 18 and 65. Students who
are 20 years of age and have regis-
tered at a previous time should not
register again.
Foreign students attending the
University must also register and
give the country of citizenship.
Those having Alien Registration
Cards must give the number of this
card as, part of the registration Pro-
cedure. Foreign students who have
taken out first citizenship papers
only, are not citizens of the United
All members of the federally rec-
ognized National Guard; Offiers
Reserve Corps; Regular Army ne-
serve; Enlited Reserve Corps; and
members of the advanced corps, Se-
nior Division of the ROTC are ex-
empt from registering.
The place of registrationi for all
University students and employes
within the age limits; 4s the Armory
Building, 223 E. Ann St. However,
students living in nearby communi-
ties, who travel back and forth each
day are requested to register 'in their
home community.
Although the registration office in
the Armory will be open at 7 a.m.
and will not close until 9 p.m., Uni-
versity students are requested to re-
port between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. to
facilitate the registration which will
be carried on by volunteer workers.
Anyone failing to register will be
held individually responsible.

was made for 35 death certificates
Nafter thc June 3 bombing and straf-
ing, but the total American casualty
lists have not been made public.
Joseph Wynans of Des Moines,
Wash., said the fleeing civilians, run-
ning toward the ravines, threw them-
selves on the ground as one Jap
plane swooped toward them, aid the
strafer failed to hit a single one
though his tracer bullets kicked up
spurts of dirt and pebbles all around.
J ap Russian
Tension High
Over Incident
Official Moscow Radio
Claims Jan Submarine
Sank Soviet Freighter
(By The Associated Press)
Relations betwee Russia and Ja-
pan, already tense because of the
ever-present possibility of war be-
tween those ancient enemies, became
definitely strained today when the
Moscow radio flatly charged that a
Japanese submarine sank a Russian
kSfreighter May 1 only 32 miles off
the coast of Japan. r)
The Moscow radio speaks as the
official broadcaster of the Soviet
Union. Its pronouncements, coupled
with private information in Chung-
king that Japan has 1,000,000 troops
in Manchuria for "n attack on Si
beria next month, brought the shad-
owy threat of hostilities much nearer
The Moscow announcer today
made the first Soviet reference to
the freighter, the 4,760-ton Angar-
stroi, although Japan and Germany
have long claimed-without sub-
stantiation-that a Unitedk States
submarinetmoredo the vessel to
bring about trouble between Russia
and Japan.
Briefly, the Moscow announcer
made these charges:
1. That the Angarstro was halted
April 2 by Japanese warships 130
miles off the roast and escorted to
a Japanese port for inspection.
2. That upon her release and
while homeward bound she followed
a course laid down by the Japanese
3. That she was sunk by a torpedo
32 miles off the coast of Japan.
4. That the crew, now enroute
home, reported two Japanese sub-
marines surfaced immediately after
the Angarstroi sank and stayed with
the survivors until another Russian
ship picked them up.
Senate Members
Name Junior Staff
The junior administrative staff
of the Student Senate was niamed
yesterday, it was announced by James
Landers. '43, Senate president.
The seven juniors chosen include
Harry Bayer, Betty Willging, Milan
Cobble, Mort Hunter, John McKin-
nen, Richard Rod and Mille Otto.
Adopting a new plan for the sum-
mer, the policy-forming branch of
the Senate has decided to assume the
functions of the senior administra-
tive heads as well as its ordinary
policy-making duties.

N'N______ - -

Canadian Prime Minister
Joins In War Council;
Overall Outlook Good
British Libya Defeat
Argued B Senate
WASHINGTON, June 25.-()-In
two extraordinary conferences at
the White House, President Roose-
velt and Prime Minister Churchill
painted an encouraging picture of,
the over-all war situation today, -and
Churchill was reported to have ex-
pressed confidence that th Nazis
would be repulsed in Egypt.
Congressional leaders and mem-
bers of the Pacific War Council at-
tended the conferences, and said
they had received very definite im-
pressions that there were reasons for
encouragement in the world situa-
Walter Nash, New Zealand Minis-
ter, revealed that !a second front
against the Nazis had been dis-
Eisenhower In f unmand'
"They'll be hit, all right," he said.
At the same time, and as another
foretoken of the creation of a second
front in Europe, the War Depart-
ment announced the formal estab-
lishment of a European theater of
operations, with Major General
Dwight D. Eisenhower in command.
The department defined a "theater
of operations" as "an area where
combat is in progress or will be."
Meanwhile, the Senate heard a de-
mand from Senator Ellender (Dem.-
La.) that Mr. Roosevelt be desig-
nated "supreme leader" of the United
Nations. His suggestion was prompt-
ed, he said, by "the appaent apathy
of the British military leadership."
The fall of Tobruk, he added, has
endangered the Allied position and
"something must be done before it
is too late."
Don't Play Hitler's Game
Replying, Senator Le (Dem-
Okla.) said this was no time to criti-
cize an ally. He warned against
"playing Hitler's game by falling out
among ourselves."
The meeting with Congressional
leaders, who included spokesmen for
both parties from both Houses, pre-
ceded a highly important session of
the Pacific War Council, attended by
the President, the Prime Minister,
and W. L. Mackenzie King, Prime
Minister of Canada.
Trie Congressional group spent
forty minutes with Mr. Churchill and
Mr. Roosevelt, and half of that time
was devoted to receiving an uninter-
rupted report of war developments
and prospects from the British
According to some of the conferees,
he told them that:
Theavictories of American Army,
Navy and. Air Forces in the Pacific
have made it easier to defend the
military supply routes to India and
the Middle East.
Mistakes In Africa
Mistakes were made in the AfrP
can campaign, but the British never-
theless would be able to keep Egypt
and the Suez Canal out of Axis
The Congressmen left the White
House unanimously saying that the
report given them was pleasing. Much
of the information given them, they
said, had to be regarded as a mili-
tary secret.
"It was a review of the world situ-
ation by the. President and Prime
"Minister," said Speaker Rayburn, the
principal spokesman for the group.
"And it was made in a fashion that
was very pleasing to all of us."
Representative Martin of Massa-
chusetts, House Republican leader,
said Churchill had indicated that
Egypt and the Suez Canal were not
in too great danger.
Situation Not So Bad

After the Pacific War Council
meeting, Walter Nash, New Zealand
minister, said the African situation
was not so bad as it might look, add-
ing that there are things in Egypt
that "might make it awkward" for
the enemy.
"I don't think they'll get to Cairo."
he asserted.
"Both the President and Prime

German Hammer Blows Stun
Russians Along Kharkov Front

MOSCOW, Fridays June 26.--(0)-
Falling back again before the ham-
mer blows of what appears to be a
full-fledged German offensive in the
Ukraine, the Russians early today
acknowledged the loss of the railway
junction city of Kupyansk, 60 miles
southeast of Kharkov.
The Soviet Bureau of Irfformation
announced that while the defenders
of Sevastopol beat off continuing,
heavy enemy attacks yesterday, the
hard-fighting soldiers of the Ukraine
struggled against "advancing Ger-
man Fascist troops."
The German drive in the Kharkov
sector thus went into 'its fifth day
with the Russians announcing for
the first time'in weeks the loss of an
important town to the Nazis.
Kupyansk is 40 miles north of Izy-
um, the northern end of the Izyum-
Barvenkova line, the area in which
the Russians this spring thwarted a
German push toward Rostov by
launching their own surprise offen-
This German drive toward the cov-
eted, oil-filled Caucasus now may
have started, with the Germans ap-
parently trying to swing around north
of Russian positions in the Izyum
Kupyansk also is on the Oskol Riv-
er, which flows into the Donets.
(The German High Command on
Thursd y mentioned for the first
time that it had launched an offen-
sive in the Kharkov area, agreeing
with Soviet reports that it was
launched Monday.
(Frequently in the past such an-
War Housing
To Speed Up
Dormitories To Be Built,
Nelson Tells Congress.
WASHINGTON, June 25. -(AP)-
War housing construction, stripped
to bare essentials by shortages of
materials, may be concentrated be-
fore the end of this year largely on
barracks and dormitories, Donald M.
Nelson told Congress today''
In a special report to the Senate
Defense Investigating Committee,
the war productian chief also de-
clared that materials problems were
principal factors in decisions to cur-
tail building of new war plants and
substitute wood for steel in construc-
tion of small warships.
As to war housing, Nelson said:
"We have been stripping the spe-
cifications just as far as we possibly
can to eliminate the most vital ma-
terials, but even lumber is now short
in view of the many d'emands for it."
"Before the year is out," he con-
tinued, "the use of barracks and
dormitories to a much larger extent
than now is the case which may be
necessary. In that way, limited sup-
plies of materials can provide hous-
ing for more workers than by build-
ing individual units."

nouncements of new drives have been
withheld until they had scored at
least an initial success, and thus Ber-
lin's taking notice of this sector may,
indicate the German leaders now ex-
pect the effort to be successful.)
The Russians have acknowledged
loss of ground consistently since they
announced early Tuesday that the
Germans had taken the initiative on
the Kharkov front. .
The communiques issued early
Wednesday said the Red soldiers had
fallen back to new positions and yes-
terday's report said the Germans had
driven a wedge into the Red defenses.
The Soviets said there were no ma-
terial changes on other sectors but
told of successes by Red forces in
unidentified areas, including the'
sinking of two transports by field
artillery and the partial annihilation
of two battalions of enemy infantry.
Church ill Gets
QuickSuppor t
In Parliament
Prime Minister's Arrival
Is Awaited For Debate
On, EnglishWar Aims
LONDON, June. 25.-(/P)-Govern-
ment supporters rallied 'quickly be-
hind Winston Churchill tonight after
20 critics of the'Prime - Ministers
war direction had intrdduced a no,
confidence motion and the support-
ers pledged "unqualified support" to
Churchill while predicting the gov-
ernment would beat down the con-
demnatory motion after bitter de-
The insurgents, however, were con-
fident that the vote would show many
Conservative abstentions and a grow-
ing lack of faith in the Prime Mifi-
ister's. strategical judgment, particu-
larly in consequence of the British
defeat in Africa.
The debate will take place after
Churchill returns from America. It
may be preceded by a general shake-
up in the fighting services which will
disarm many critics. One suggestion
heard now is that Churchill will ap-
point a chief of combined general
staff to direct all British strategy.
The chief charge of Churchill's
critics is that his present strategic
planning, as Minister of Defense, em-
phasizes aims and disregards the
difficulty of finding means for a,
series of widely diversified operations
in which there is no truly coordinat-
ed staff work.
The debate also is expected to re-
flect lost confidence in cooperation
of the three fighting services, in sup-
ply arrangements and in Whitehall's
selection of general officers for field

Matruh Is Expected Center
Of Allied Defense Lines;
Nazis Continue Advance
Axis Penetration Is
Greatest Of War
CAIRO, June 25.--(P)-The Axis
armored columns were deep in Egypt
tonight, penetrating desert terrain
never before contested and advanc-
ing with all the force that Marshal
Erwin Rommel could muster for a
major attack on Matruh, 130 miles
east of the Libyan border.
At the cost of severe losses in-
flicted by British mobile columns and
aircraft which covered a swift re-
treat of the main elements of the
British eighth army, the invaders
by last nightfall were approximately
halfway from the frontier to Ma-
truh, having passed southeast of Sidi
Barrani, 60 miles inside Egypt.
Abandons Frontiers
General Neil M. Ritchie aban-
doned Ms fixed frontier positions of
Salum and Sidi Omar to fall far
back to battle territory of his own
choosing, and it appeared the first
great fight for the valley of the Nile
wouldhbe pitched somewhere about
Marshal Rommel in his swift drive
is using recently captured British
and American tanks, quickly turn-
ing to his own use these weapons
originally made to stop him. The
invading Axis column also includes
,a number of French tanks.
Much other war booty also is be-
ing used.' The Germans are using
captured trucks after making no al-
teration except to paint a swastika
on the tops.
Anticipate Attack
The British fully anticipate that
as soon as Rommel's main force
comes in contact with the Eighth
Army, there will be an airdromesat-
tack from Crete by German para-
chute and glider trops. The objec-
tive of such an attack may well be
the great naval station at Alexan-
In large measure, therefore, Brit-
ish hopes of holding the enemy short
of Alexandria and the Nile Basin
were pinned on getting substantial
air reinforcements.
Enemy communiques, said he al-
ready was in possession of Sidi 'Bar-
rani, easternmost city attained4 by
the Italians in 1940 and from which
they were ejected by General Wa-
vell's small Imperial army in Decem-
ber of that year.

Mines Bureau


Flying Tigers Sink Four Ships
In Raid On Main Japanese Port

Prof. Bromage States Approval
Of Home Rule In Wayne County

CHUNGKING, June 25.-(P)-The 1
American Flying Tigers, launching.
offensive action in central China with
a bombardment of Japan's principal
inland base of Hankow, have sunk
one Japanese warship and three
transports at that Yangtze River
The airmen, formally known as
the American Volunteer Group and .
whose service for China predates
Pearl Harbor, will become the nuc-
leus of the United States Air Force
in China by their induction into the
Army on July 4.
Today's AVG communique, re-
porting on the Hankow attack of
Tuesday, said it was the work of
fighters converted into bombers and
added that besides the four ships

have been reported in action at two
places in Huanan Province and now
in Hupeh, of which Hankow is the
The influence of the AVG on air
war in China is most noticeable here
at Chungking. The Chinese provi-
sional capital, heretofore one of the
most bombed spots on earth, has been
free of the usual air attacks this
"bombing season," which now is six
weeks old.
Coupled with official reports of an
AVG-Japanese duel near Hengyang,
Hunan Province, on Monday in which
three Japanese planes were shot down
and three more probably destroyed;
the severe damaging of a Japanese
gunboat on the same day on Tung-
ting Lake, also in Hunan, and air

Expressing full approval for the
proposed amendment to the State
Constitution to give Wayne County
home rule, Prof. Arthur W. Bromage
of the political science department
declared yesterday that it "is point-
ed directly at prevailing practices not
now productive of good government."
Penetrating criticisms of Wayne
County's antiauated form of county
government, set up under inflexible
rules in the State Constitution writ-
ten in 1908, were voiced by Profes-
sor Bromage, an expert on the prob-
lems of state and city government.
Professor Bromage enunciated sev-
en glaring faults in the county's sys-

scattering authority over a plural
5) There is no civil service system
to select suitable employes on their
6) There is an absolute absence of
coordination between auxiliary tech-
nical services and operating agencies.
7) The Board of County Auditors
must assume over-all financial direc-
tion functions that properly belong
in a responsible appointive agency.
The result of these faults is that
"Wayne County is one of many
American metropolitan counties which
are wheeling along with a mode of
administration designed in the good
old days for a friendly, personalized
administrative process in an agricul-
tural county of 5,000 population,"
Professor Bromage pointed out.

WASHINGTON, June 25. -( P)-
Reorganization of the Bureau of
Mines Was announced today by In-
terior Secretary Ickes, "to speed the
expanded program of providing stra-
tegic and critical minerals for the
nation's war needs."
The reorganization calls for des-
ignation of three regional offices-
at Salt Lake City, Utah, for the
Western-states, Rolla, Mo., for the
Central States, and College Park,
Md., for Eastern red Southern
Bumtau Director R. R. Sayers said
the regional offices would be super-
vised by Dr. R. S. Dean, Assistant
Director, formerly of Salt Lake City.
Each office will bei headed by a
regional engineer and an assistant
regional engineer, to be appointed
Ickes said the objectives were an
increased output of ores from dom-
estic deposits together with enlarged
production of processed minerals
and greater use of substitutes for
metals deficient in the United
- "To win this war we must get more
American metals and other minerals
out of the ground and into the na-
tion's factories.
Olander Urges Obediense
,' A -. WI , ,

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