F01 -__THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, J THE MIC..: I1'JE .. :X L V. aN4! ! ['Ai IVX1 __ _.._ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ C14g 3 rigJIUUU iII * If> The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN J.. rl Edited and managed by studentsof the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is published every morning except Monday and Tuesday. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. Al rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPREGUNTE POR NATIONAI, AOVERTIBING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. ,, College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORr. N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * Los AOERLUS SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Homer Swander . . Managing Editor Will Sapp . . . . . . City Editor Mike Dann . . . . . . Sports Editor ASSOCIATE EDITORS Hale Champion, John Erlewine, Leon Gordenker, Irving Jaffe, Robert Preiskel Edward Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Morton Hunter Business Staff . . . . Business Manager . . Associate Business Manager . . . Publications Manager NIGHT EDITOR: IRVING JAFFE The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Labor Unions And Racial Discrimination . . W HEN several thousand workers in the Hudson Naval Ordnance Arsenal went on strike Thursday because eight Negroes were put on production jobs with them, they gave the nation's anti-labor bloc the finest op- portunity it has had in months to howl with glee. And at the same time, the heart of many a pro-laborite hit near rock bottom on reading the disgusting details of almost unbelievable racial discrimination among a group of Ameri- can workers. The reactionaries were happy-and the liberals proportionately unhappy-because the strike came close to discrediting not only the UAW- CIO but the entire labor movement in the eyes of the public. Only the swift, decisive and highly commendable action of R. J. Thomas, international president of the UAW, saved his union and the rest of labor from a complete black-eye. THE CHARGE that this one instance of obvi- ous racial discrimination within one trade union proves all trade unions undemocratic is, of course, nonsense-the usual type of reac- tionary nonsense. But it does go far toward proving something else. It strongly indicates that rumors of Ku Klux Klan and National Workers League encroachment on labor unions in Detroit are perhaps not far from the truth. It is known that both of these organizations have an all-too-large following among the thou- sands of Southerners who have migrated to the automobile city. It is also known for a fact that the KKK afid the NWL were the instigators of the recent Sojourner Truth race riots. That these pro-Fascist groups have been able to work their way into some of the locals in Detroit is not the fault of the labor leaders. Although from time to time unions-particu- larly in the South-have been guilty of racial discrimination, the labor movement on the whole is probably more free of this stigma than any other section of the population. The explanation of the Hudson plant episode lies in the fact that the UAW accepts as a member any worker--and a good many of those work- ers are Southern and almost completely un- educated, thus ready prey for organizations of the Klan type. Unions and union leaders have almost con- tiually attempted to educate their members against the Fascism and inequality represented by the Klan and the National Workers League. The constitution of the UAW specifically pro- vides for the rights of its members with no re- gard to race or creed. In an attempt to aid the war effort, every UAW local has set up a Fair Employment Practice Committee which is pledged to "eliminate discrimination of this kind (race, creed, color or national origin) and carry on a broad educational policy throughout the union and the community in support of fair employment practices." T HE COMMITTEE at the Hudson plant tried its best to keep the men at their jobs. So did the officials of the local. But the hold of racial prejudice-spread and fostered by men who pose as Americans but are in reality Fascists (one cannot be both)-was too strong on at least some of the workers. Four of them have now been fired by the Navy with the wholehearted approval of the international union and the local. Thomas and WASHINGTON-If you are registered on the draft rolls, here is the general picture of your prospects under the Selective Service amend- ments just passed by Congress. If you are between 20 and 45, unmarried with no dependents, your status is unchanged. If you are married and now classified as 1-A, your draft board will be directed to shift you to 3-A. That means the chances are strong you will not be called for at least another 8 to 12 months, depending on the trend of the war and on what is done about lowering the draft age to 18. If you are unmarried, but have dependents and are classed 3-A, you will.be moved up to 1-A and headed for induction by fall. The new al- lowance and allotment act, under which soldiers with dependents put up $22 a month and the government $28, is the basis for this change. As Selective Service officials figure it, by off- setting these two switches against one another, the 4,500,000 Army which the War Department wants to raise by January, can be obtained from 1-A's in the 20 to 45 age groups. After that, if the Army still needs men, Selective Service ei- ther will have to turn to married men now de- ferred, or the draft age will have to be lowered to 18, as strongly favored by military chiefs. That will take congressional action, and until next November, there is no chance of anything being done by Congress. Ever after November elections there is no certainty Congress will be any more eager to act. It will depend on what happens in the elections and the way the war is going. If it is not going well, Congress is likely to be more willing to follow the demands of the military and include 18-year-olds. If that is done, then married exempts will get another breather, probably into the summer or fall of 1943. It is estimated that 18-19 yearers will furnish 1,200,000 new soldiers. This would bring the Army to over 6,000,000 by next July. If by that time still more men are needed, then will come the turn of married registrants, begin- ning with the lower age groups. A Warship's Will Drawing up a will is a simple matter for Rep- resentative Warren Magnuson of Washington, who practiced law before coming to Congress. However, the scrappy, young New Dealer learned a new wrinkle about wills while he was on active duty as a Lieutenant Commander with the Pa- cific fleet. He had to make out a will for a ship. Few people know that it is customary for Navy ships, especially large ones, battleships and air- plane carriers, to have wills just as do the men aboard them. All the big ships have their own bank ac- counts, made up of "service funds" acquired from the sale of tobacco, candy and other mer- chandise. These accounts run into thousands of dollars, and they don't belong to the Navy or the government, but to the ships and crews. Magnuson, who won his bars in the Naval Re- serve, didn't know this either until one day he was handed a memorandum from the ecom- manding officer of the airplane carrier oi which he was stationed. It read: "Please have Magnuson prepare a proper legal document, transferring all assets (bank ac- counts, cash, etc.) to Navy Relief in event ship is lost." The carrier, Magnuson learned, had a nest- egg of thousands of dollars, most of it in Cali- fornia banks. Unsung Heroes Of Sea Nobody shouted it from the housetops, but last week for the first time since Pearl Harbor not a single U.S. or Allied ship was tied up in an American port for lack of a crew. This may not sound like a remarkable achieve- ment. But considering the numerous desertions from Allied merchant ships, it is. Allied seamen have been jumping ship in American ports at the rate of 400 per month, and the resulting congestion of shipping here has been serious. Last week's record came partly as a result of patriotic appeals made to seamen, partly as a result of some tough, but unobtrusive, work by Marshall Dimmock, in charge of the Maritime Commission's labor setup. Dimmock has been working quietly with the Department of Justice, the unions and the Al- lied countries in a combined drive to get men back to the merchant ships. Part of this drive is the arrest of all foreign seamen in the United States. A lot of them have been getting jobs in defense plants where they earn in one week what they make at sea in a month. Also Dimmock has persuaded the British to raise their wages somewhat. Finally, the unions have been doing their best to cooperate in train- ing men, and getting more U.S. seamen on the job. It isn't generally realized, but the average seaman faces more risk at sea than most men in the army and navy. And they get almost no recognition for it. In some ports, for instance, Army and Navy men are welcomed at canteens and benefits for service men, but members of the merchant marine are turned away-chiefly because they are not recognized. Dimmock is trying to work out some arrange- ment whereby these unsung heroes of the sea get more recognition for the patriotic work they are doing.; New York Battle Behind the scenes a big battle is in the mak- ing among New York Democratic chiefs over the Administrationites and their powerful labor al- lies. It is possible that in the end, thanks to Far- ley's skillful management, they may have to take Bennett, but it would be only after a knock- down-and-drag-out scrap. This has been made very clear behind the scenes since Farley's recent talk with the Pres- ident. Following that meeting, the first between them in 14 months, word went out from the Bennett camp that he had been given the nod by Roosevelt and everything was all set. This claim immediately drew a flock of excited in- quiries from anti-Bennett quarters, particularly labor, which is cold towards him indeed. The private White House answer was a flat denial that the President had agreed to go along on Bennett. The version of the Roosevelt-Farley conversa- tion related by White House spokesmen was this: That when Farley proposed Bennett, the Presi- dent replied, "Jim, Bennett's. my man. I person- ally picked him for State Attorney years ago. I know John and I like him. He's a fine fellw. But, Jim, I don't think he can win." The Administrationites charge that only the first part of this statement was put out by the Bennet camp and that the latter part, turning him down, was carefully suppressed. Sawa'iiiand' Oy p er SA~1Ie was going to tell you about Ed, who runs the punch-press next to mine in the factory. He's got a doctorate and two masters, one in physics and the other in math; but all this was before I went to Saturday luncheon over at Lane Hall; now I've got something else to say and Ed will have to wait. It's going to be a difficult column to write because it's about a mistake, a mistake made by a fellow who's rather an idol of mine. For that matter he's the idol of hundreds of little people you see around. Sophomores, who sit up late turning sentences around three times so that they ring, and juniors who burn Story Magazine rejection slips in ash trays. You can tell who we are when you see us. We tell freshmen we're writers and upperclassmen, that we'll probably teach school, we say My God, only we slur it to- gether so it's migod and we flip our cigarettes out the window when they're low enough to burn our fingers. Oh, you've seen us around, you've seen us drinking coffee, or cutting classes, or soft-soaping our landladies. Anyway, all this is about why I hate to write this column, be- cause the mistake was Jay McCormick's and he's rather an idol of mine. FOR A LONG TIME Jay's column, Touch- stone's to you, was being printed in a Meth- odist Journal of one sort or another and once there was a column about religion, not about be- ing a Methodist or anything like that, just gen- erally about religion, I don't remember it but maybe you do. Well, the editor of the magazine being naturally interested in the topic, wrote Jay to ask what provision for religious discussion and training was made for students at the Uni- versity. The letter which he received in reply has, as I understand it, been returned to Univer- sity authorities and has created something of a furor. In it Jay said that no provision for student discussion of religious problems had been made and that there was no recognized religious or- ganization on campus. That, then, is Jay's mis- take because such provision has been made- migod it has. For you others, who like Jay-and that puts you in good company-have never heard of the Student Religious Association, have never been to coffee hour, or Saturday luncheon, or discus- sion group, or work holiday, or meditation week- end, I'm here to tell you that there is such a place. If you're coming down the diag, you cross over in front of the Arcade and walk two blocks down State Street-it's not far, if you're in a hurry-and there's Lane Hall. Just walk in, go on in the lounge, sit down and have a cigarette, or listen to whatever your choice is from the record collection in the music room. Find Con- nie Taber, she's president of the place, and tell her your name, just tell her I sent you, that you'd never heard of the place. YOU don't have to be religious, that's not the point at all, why even I, I hang around over there and I haven't been able to believe in a personal God since my maiden aunt fell on the ice and broke her hip, but when people start talking about abstract right or ethical war, I talk just as loudly as Greg Heilman, and he's a Methodist preacher's son. There's lots like me too, people who like to talk, or sit around, and be a member. I'm planning on becoming a pillar over there. And Jay old boy, if you're ever in town, drop in at Lane Hall just so you'll know it's there, there's some people over there that would like to talk to you and there's people you like to meet. Lots of them whose last names I don't know but I say "hello" to them on campus. You'd like Connie,her mother's a well-known writer and she lives on a farm in Connecticut, and you'd like Faulkner, he was a leader of the youth movement in Turkey and is wanted by the Ges- DAILY OFFICIAL SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1942 VOL. LU No. 6 All Notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publication except on Saturday, when the notices should be submitted before 11:30 a.m. First Presbyterian courch: Morn- ing Worship, 10:45 a.m. "God and History," subject of the sermon by Mr. Lampe. Westminster Student Guild: Dis- cussion at 7:15 p.m. led by Mr. Lampe on "Obligations of the Church to Society." All newcomers are cordially invited. The slogan of the group is "Only once a stranger" Wesley Foundation: Supper and fellowship hour at 6:00 p.m. Sun- day. At the meeting at 6:45 Tom Johnson, '43, and Inez Chamberlin, '43, will speak on "What I Believe." Bob Shugart will lead group discus- sion following the talks. New stu- dents especially invited. All stu- dents welcome. Betty Rae Hileman, Summer Director Memorial Christian Church (Dis- ciples): 10:45 a.m., Morning wor- ship, Rev. Frederick Cowin, Min- ister. 5:30 p.m., Students of the Disciples Guild and their friends will meet at the Guild House, 438 Maynard Street. Tansportation will be provided to the park by the Huron River for games, a picnic supper and vesper service. New students are invited. Small charge. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 S. Division St., Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?" Sunday School at 11:45. Free public Reading Room at 106 E. Washington St., open every day except Sundays and holidays, from 11:30 a.m. until 5 p.m., Saturdays until 9 p.m. Avukah, Student Zionist Organi- zation, will hold a Communal Sup- per at Hillel Foundation this Sun- day night at 6:30. Reservations may be made by calling Netta Siegel, 2-2868 or 3379. Following the sup- per and clean-up a timely current event will be discussed. 'The remain- der of the evening will be devoted to individual and group study. All are welcome. Zion Lutheran Church: Church . Worship Services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Trinity Lutheran Church worship services will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday with the pastor, Rev. Henry O. Yoder using as thertheme of his sermon, "Living and Serving Valiantly." The Lutheran Student Association will meet at 5:30 Sunday evening in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington. Supper will be served at 6:00. The speaker for this Sun- day will be Vicar Clement Shoemak- er of Zion Lutheran Church. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 11:00 Iloiinie Says PROGRESSIVE character comes close to describing what is going on when one is "getting an educa- tion" or hammering out knowledge for . himself. Many disintegrating factors play upon every student, loss of a friend, misunderstanding in homes, haste, ill health, a series of errors, goals too remote or too vague, prejudices within a group, the use of liquor and other escapes, lack of group status, fatigue and loss of family support. All these tend to harass the organization already at- tained. On the other hand, the movement toward solidarity of the personality, toward strong character and positive unity of the self is brought about by a combination of organic, intellec- tual and emotional factors. A home- grown conscience unoffended, an ambition driving the person toward definite aims, a skill by which one can throw his entirebeing forth into free participation, as well as some not too remote organic need and a daily program are all helpful. BUT the greatest power to advance a person in the direction of full integration, and to keep him pro- gressing consistently, is a high reli- gion. When this love affair between a man and God is achieved, every one of these lesser aids are height- ened. The entire adventure then be- comes a rhythmical growing process. Not only can this experience realize the true, the good and the beautiful within the self but the person who gains the religious attitude to others and to God's universe is thereby en- abled to distill from the encircling world of events, nature, persons, and a.m. Kindergarten, Harris Hall; 11:00 a.m. Summer Church School: 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Rev. Frederick W. Leech; 7:30 p.m. Episcopal Student Guild, Harris Hall. The Rev. Rollin J. Fairbanks, rector of St. James' Church, Grosse Ile, will speak on "Personal Religion." Compline. Games. Refreshments. First Baptist Church, 512 East Hur- on, C. H. Loucks, Minister. Services for Sunday, June 21. 10:00, Chil- dren's Departments of the Church School. 10:15, Adult Department of the Church School. Mr. Loucks leads the student class on "The World's Living Religions" in the Guild House, 502 East Huron. The discussion this week will be on "Hinduism." 11:00, The Church at Worship. Sermon, "Life's Constants." Solo- ist, Miss Carol Campbell. 7:00, Roger Williams Guild. Rev. George Jerome, a recent graduate of Union Theological Seminary, will speak. Church of Christ: The Church of Christ will meet for Bible study Sunday at 10:00 a.m. in the Y.M.C.A. At the morning worship at 11:00 Mr. Charles H. Coleman, of Detroit, will preach on the subject: "Be Thou A Blessing." For the evening serv- ice at 8:00 his subject will be: "The Church-the Family of God." Serv- ices will be held each evening throughout the week. The public is cordially invited. College of Literature, Science and the Arts, Schools of Education, For- estry and Conservation, Music and Public Health: Students, enrolled in the Summer Term, who received marks of I or X at the close of their last term of attendance (viz., sem- ester or summer session) will receive a grade of E in the course unless this work is made up by July 15. Stu- dents wishing an extension of time beyond this date should file a peti- tion addressed to the appropriate of- ficial in their school with Room 4 U.H., where i twill be transmitted. Robert L. Williams Assistant Registrar Recreational Swimming - Women Students: There will be recreational swimming for women at the Union Pool every Tuesday and Thursday evening from 8:30 to 9:30. Dept. of Physical Education for Women The Storehouse Building will act as a receiving center for scrap rub- ber and also metals. Any depart- ment on the Campus having metals or rubber to dispose of for defense purposes, please call Ext. 337 or 317 and the materials will be picked up by the trucks which make regular campus deliveries. Service of th janitors is available to collect the materials from the various rooms in the buildings to be delivered to the receiving location. E. C. Pardon Psychology 31: A new section, sec- tion 4, will be given Monday and Friday at 11 oclock in Room 3126 N.S. Building. Graduate Outing2Club organization meeting Sunday, 2:30 p.m., North- west door of Rackham Building. It is essential that those interested in having organized outdoor activities for graduate students continue through the summer should attend. Loss of old members makes it neces- sary that summer members take over the direction of the Club, otherwise the Club facilities will not be avail- able at all during the summer. A picnic will follow the meeting; small fee for supper. Ivor Cornman Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Attendance re- port cards are being distributed through the departmental offices. Instructors are requested to report absences of freshmen on green cards, directly to the Office of the Aca- demic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall. Buff cards should be used in report- ing sophomores, juniors, and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall. Please note especially the regula- tions concerning three-week ab- sences, and the time limits for drop- ping courses. The rules relating to absences are printed on the attend- ance cards. They may also be found on page 52 of the 1941-42 Announce- ment of our College. E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean Student Organizations which are active during the Summer Term should file.-list of officers with the Dean of Students at once. That of- fice now has mail for certain groups which cannot be delivered for lack of this information. Certificate of Eligibility: At the beginning of each semester and sum- mer session every student shall be conclusively presumed to be ineligi- ble for any public activity until his eligibility is affirmatively established by obtaining from the Chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs, in the Office of the Dean of Stu- dents, a Certificate of Eligibility. Participation before the opening of the first semester must be approved as at any other time. Chairmen and Managers of Piblic Activities: Before permitting .any students to participate in a public activity, the chairman or manager of such activity shall (a) require each applicant to present a certificate of eligibility, (b) sign his initials on the back of such certificate and () file with the Chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs the names of all those who have presented certifi- cates of eligibility and a signed statement to exclude all others from participation. Blanks for the chair- men's lists may be obtained in the Office of the Dean of Students. Candidates for the Master's De- gree in English: The qualifying ex- amination and examination in for- eign language will be given on Mon- day evening, June 29, for those en- tering in the Summer Term as well as those entering in the Summer' Session. See Summer Session An- nouncement for time and place. N. E. Nelson The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Informa- tion has received notice of the fol- lowing Civil Service Examinations. Last date for..filing applications is rioted in each case: Medical Attendant (Male); inuc- tion salary, $1518 per year; June 25, 1942. Student Public Health Nurse (Fe- male); induction salary, $1584 per year; applications will be accepted until further notice. General Staff Nurse-Relief-(Fe- male); induction salary, $1848 per year; applications will be accepted until further notice. Communicable Disease Nurse (Fe-' male) ; induction salary, $1980 per year; applications will be accepted until further notice. Junior Appraiser (Male); induc- tion salary, $2046 per year; July 7, 1942. Students, Summer Term, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Election cards filed after the end of the first week of the semester may GRIN AND BEARI IT By Lichty "Where have you been all night?-and don't give me that Shangri-La alibi again, either!" I fV . I 36