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June 16, 1942 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1942-06-16

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Ed I tril

New Semster Exists
To Better Democracy ..


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Slightly Warmer. t

VOL. LII. No- .


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Personal IncomesI
Held At $25,000
In Treasury Plan

Proposed Tax Increases
Would End 'Luxurious
Living Of Few'-Paul
Married Couples
To Keep $50,000
WASHINGTON, June 15.-(I)-
Super-levies to take from, single per-
sons all income over $25,000 after
payment of regular taxes and from
married couples all, above $50,000
were formally recommended by the
treasury today with the declaration
that a nation at war cannot afford
"luxurious living. for a few."
The idea of such a wartime tax
was first advanced by President
Roosevelt in his April 27 message to
Congress outlining his anti-inflation
program. Today, Randolph Paul,
tax adviser to Secretary Morgenthau,
laid the specific plan before the
House Way and Means Committeee.
Although aimed generally at hold-
ing spendable income to the $25,000
and $50,000 levels, the plan would
permit a deduction for debts up to
15 percent of income after payment
of present income taxes.
Debt Committments
"While this deduction would be in-
tended for the purpose of relieving
the hardship of debt, "Paul told the
committee, "it would be made avail-
able also to people who had no debt
commitments, provided it was spent
in meeting other financial commit-
ments, such as insurance premiums
on policies taken out in the past, or
was invested in federal securities."
Presenting the proposal to the
committee, Paul read a memorandum
which said there could be no "equal-
ity of privilege" in the war effort
"when some of our citizens are per-
mitted to enjoy a luxurious standard
of living while others are called upon
to cut their living standards to a
To Effect 11,000
Paul estimated the plan would af-
feet 11,000 single and married per-
sons and would add $184.000,000 to
the approximately $6,250,000,000 in
new taxes the comiittee already has
approved tentatively.
Under levies tentatively approved
by the committee, a single person
would have to have an income of
about $50,000 to have over $25,000
left after payment of regular income
taxes. To have more than $50,000
remaining after payment of regular
taxes, a married couple would have
a gross income of about $185,000.
CIO Charges
Unfair Acts
In Two Plants
Charges of company unionism and
discrimination against UAW employes
have been filed by the UAW-CIO
against the Hoover Ball and Bear-
ing Co., the Economy Baler Co. and
their independent unions, on the
heels of the NLRB hearing on alleged
unfair practices of the American
Broach and Machine Co., and the in-
dependent American Broach Em-
ployes Association.
Ringer Files Findings
:Findings in the Broach case of
Examiner William R. Ringer are to
be filed with the board in Washing-
ton, and the company, the employes
association and the UAW-CIO will
be given time to file exceptions. They
may also argue the case orally before
the full labor board in Washington.
Commenting upon published re-
ports citing the UAW refusal to hold
a bargaining election, international
representative Edwin Hills charged
that "The Ann Arbor News has stat-

ed very explicitly that the UAW-CIO
refused any appeasement election
during the time of the NLRB hearing.
However, the paper failed to bring
to the readers the reasons for the re-
Company Union
"The reasons that the election was
refused are primarily stated in the
UAW charges. We were then in hear-
ing on a company dominated asso-
0iation, and did not intend nor do
we now intend to admit the validity

Head Of War
Board Leaves
For New Post
Prof. Harlow J. Heneman, execu-
tive director of the University War
Board, will leavettoday for Washing-
ton to take a position with the War
An associate professor'of political
science, Professor Heneman will work
in a civilian capa-
city until he receives
a commission, now
pending, in the U.S.
Army intelligence
He has resigned
' his directorship of
the War Board and
will be on a one-
year's leave of ab-
H. J. Heneman sence, approved last
month by the Board of Regents.
Professor Heneman has been direc-
tor of the War Board, an advisory
and planning unit for the formula-
tion of proposals on the adaptation
of the University to the war pro-
gram, since its inception early in
January. A new director, Professor
Heneman said, remains to be ap-
pointed by President Alexander G.
Summer Daily Tryouts
To Be Held Thursday
Any student of the Summer
Term interested in gaining experi-
ence in newspaper work, either
editorial, sports, or business, is
invited to a tryout meeting at 4:30
p.m. Thursday in the Student
Publications Building.
Previous experience is not ab-
.splutely necessary, although those
who have worked for high school
papers or other publications are
particularly urged to attend.
Interested students unable to at-
tend the meeting may call the
Managing Editor, Homer Swan-
der, or the City Editor, Will Sapp,
at the Daily offices, 23-24-1.
Ban i nEffect,
Drivinlg Permits Available
For Tird! Semester
Eiorc jg thei same 'reulations for1
the unnuner term as for the summer
sesrion, the University auto 'ban will
operate as it hs for the past several
suiuers, Dean Walter B. Ra a-
nounced yesterday. f
The auto ban, which went into
effect yesterday at 8 a.m, exempts1
but demands permits for those en-
gaged in professional pursuits dur-
ing the semester, students 26 or old-
er, and those who have a faculty
rank of at least instructor,
Other special permits are issued
by the Dean of Students Office in
Room 2, University Hall, for family,
business, chauffeuring and health
purposes, Summer term recreational
permits are also granted for partici-
pation in outdoor activities which
require transportation.
The regulations now in force gov-
ern use as well as operation of all
cars, and no student will be allowed y
to operate the car for other than the;
specific purposes for which his per-
mit is granted.
More detailed information con-
cerning special cases may be obtained
at the office of the Dean of Stu-1
dents. No violation based on ignor-
ance or misunderstanding of the reg-
ulations will be excused.

is Sik By U-Boat
(By The Associated Press)
Deadly Axis U-Boats have crept
back into the Gulf of Mexico, free
from the underwater raiders for two
weeks, the Navy reported last night
in announcing the sinking of a large
Panamanian merchant vessel.

Third Term
Students Top
Ratio Set At Five To One
As Only 670 Women
Return To Campus
University officials heaved literal
sighs of relief yesterday as virtually
complete summer term registration
figures-soaring above the 3,500
mark - wiped out all remaining
doubts about the success of a Third
Term for education.
Only 670 women decided to take
advantage of the variegated summer
program, but men, headed by the
engineers, swarmed back in droves
to swell enrollment totals to a level
little expected by pessimistic officials
in charge of this educational experi-
About 200 freshmen-only days out
of high school-reported for an ab-
breviated Orientation Program han-
dicapped socially by the fact that
only 19 of them were girls, but
cheered by the fact that they were
getting a head start on Old Man
Total enrollment figures for the
summer of course await summer ses-
sion registration, but a decline in
several of the schools hardest hit by
the call to colors was already noted
-notably in the law school.
The literary college led in enroll-
ment, but its usual numerical su-
periority over the engineering school
was cut to almost nothing by tech-
nical students hurrying their prep-
a ration for war work in defense
plants demanding trained engineers.
Although those two schools carried
the bulk of the load, medical and
graduate students helped push the
final mark over War Board estimates.
Figures through yesterday showed
a total registration of 2,910 men and
670 women--a registration ratio of
five to one now added to the woes of
the constantly complaining Michi-
gan male,
Summer session registrants are
looked to for relief, but it may be a
long, hot summer.
700 Stud ets

Yanks Smash, Cripple Japanes
Force In Aleutians, Sink Cruise
Italy Says British Convoy Blaste

Rome Broadcasts Report
English Losses In Fierce
Mediterranean Struggle
London Is Silent
On Enemy Claims
ROME (from Italian broadcasts),
June 15.-( )-A violent battle raged
through its second day in the Medi-
terranean today as Italian warplanes
pounced upon " "remaining enemy
units" of one Of two huge British
convoys which the High Command
declared had already lost two escort-
ing cruisers and a destroyer and
suffered damage to an aircraft car-
rier, a battleship and three other
warships in an effort to break through
from the Atlantic.
(British quarters in London had
no comment to make on the report
which so far hadI come entirely from
Axis sources.)
Britain's Biggest Convoy
The convoy, declared by Il Giornale
D'Italia to be the biggest ever sent
into the Mediterranean by Britain
and said to consist of about 30 units
-a battleship, two aircraft carriers,
four cruisers, 10 destroyers and 12
to 14 transports-was believed bound
for Alexandria or Malta.
The biggest part already had been
forced to turn back from the at-
tempt to pass through the 100-mile
wide passage between Sardinia and
Sicily on one side and Tunisia on the
other, Il Giornale D'Italia declared.
Believed West-Bound
Italian official quarters said noth-
ing the second convoy, but informed
sources said they believed it was west
bound, from Suez or Alexandria.
Twenty Italian planes were lost
and 15 planes which rose from the
two defending ;carriers were shot
down, the-Italif said.- ' .
The High Command summed up
the convoy's losses as follows:
Sunk: Two cruisers, a destroyer,
four other ships.
Badly damaged; A battleship, an
aircraft carrier, two cruisers, a de-
stroyer, four more ships.
Battle Began Sunday
At sunup Sunday, according to Il
Giornale D'Italia, the first blow was
delivered by torpedo planes, dive
bombers, and bombers accompanied
by fighters as the convoy drew op-
posite Sardinia and near Cape Teu-
lada, midway between Philippeville
and Cape Bon on the Tunisian coast.
Two more assaults were delivered,
the paper related, and then the con-
voy came within range of Sicily
whence two more attacks were made.
Fails Road TestWith Bang
DETROIT, June 15.-W)-A 50-
year-old applicant for .an automobile
driver's license, Theodore Dimitruk,
escorted by Patrolman Oscar C. Hass,
went out for a roat test and wound
up at Receiving Hospital. Meanwhile
he clipped the front porches of two
residences and smashed into the con-
crete steps leading to the second,
Hass, explaining the crack-up to
fellow officers who answered the
wreck call, said Dimitruk "froze on
the wheel and jammed down on the

American Pilot Calls His Shot,
Sends Jap ToFlaming Death,
Epic Five-Day Coral Sea Battle, First Fight Between
Aircraft Carriers, Is Described By Eye-Witness

(This is one in a series of stories
supplied to the Associated Press by
the Chicago Tribune whose corre-
spondent, Stanley Johnston, was
the only American newspaperman
aboard the aircraft carrier Lexing-
ton in the Coral Sea engagement.
In the preceding stories Johnston
told of heavy losses inflicted on
the Japanese, of the Lexington's
destruction several hours after it
had beaten off Jap attacks, and of
the devastating American air at-
tack on enemy ship concentrations
in the harbor of Tulagi, capital of
the Solomon Islands. This latter
action he described as the curtain-
raiser to the Coral Sea fight.)
* * *
Foreign Correspondent
of the Chicago Tribune
(Copyright 1942 by the Chicago
CHICAGO, June 15.-A pillar of
flame and smoke-the funeral pyre
of 12 Japanese airmen-opened the!
second stage of the epic five-day
Coral Sea battle. This was one of
the unforgettable sights I saw during
the tense moments of this, the first
of the world's fights between mod-
ern aircraft carrier forces.
It was awful, majestic and a threat
of what was ahead for all of us, for
the big Nipponese patrol plane that
burned there so fiercely in the sky
and on the sea, fell right into the
heart of our speeding two carrier
task force, . . u,.
Jhas Found
Our - fighter planes, patrolirg in
pairs, found the Jap-a Kawanishi
four-engined long-range flying boat
with a 132-foot wing span-lurking
in the cloud layer that covered us at
the 8,000 foot level. The plane was
first seen right over the Lexington,
Student Directory
Will Appear During
First Week In July
Even though the army has taken
many members of, the Michigan-
ensian staff, including the 1943 edi-
tor, William "Buck" Dawson, the
Student Directory will be out during
the first week of July, as previously
planned, according to Ben Douglas,
Business Manager, and Stuart Gil-
dart, Acting Editor and art director.
The form of the directory will be
the same asother years, except that
students of the Summer Session and
Term will be listed separately. All
members of the faculty and visiting
faculty will, of course, be given.
For the second time, home ad-!
dresses of students will also be listed,
making the volume a handy refer-
ence book when school days arerover,
The directory will be sold at vari-
ous stations on campus and at the
book stores, the,cost being 50 cents.

which was in the center of our pro-
tective cruiser and destroyer screen.
Lieut.-Comm. Jorgensen, leader of
the patrol then in the air, called to
us on the signal bridge over the
fighter radio circuit: "Tally-ho a
plane. Kawanishi at 8,500 feet, right
over you." His voice died away, then
came in strongly from the loud-
speakers that carried its sound to
every part of the great 880-foot ves-
sel. He said: "Wait a minute and
I'll show him to you."
All of us who could, rushed to scan
the sky. We saw only the clouds for
a moment, then a glow showed
through. Out of the cloud vapor less
than a mile away popped the huge
Jap plane, afire and spinning madly
in an uncontrolled descent. This
ship was larged than the Pan Ameri-
can Airways.Martin transoceanic air
liners, but it spun exactly like the
small German fighters and bombers
I'd seen shot down over England two
years ago.
Clouds Of Smoke Rise
The flame, barely visible at first,
bloomed swiftly. The turning wreck-
age crashed into the water. The fire
turned to thick black smoke. Jor-
gensen called his shots for the whole
Turn to Page 6, Col, 3
INazis Launch
Trust For Oil
.I .ncadlle East"'



Of New PEM
When the War Board and the
physical department get together on
a muscle-building course for men
they mean M-E-N.
At least that's the impression that
more than 700 slightly out-of-con-
dition young men who reported to
Ferry Field yesterday received as
they took a look around.
Sweatsuit-clad professors explained
the three-period, four and one-half
hour program to students anxious to
know just what the much-publicized
conditioning would be like,
The professors - alias Coaches
Crisler, Martineau, Munn, etc-ex-
plained the calisthenics, games, re-
lays, obstacle races, and individual
combat activities which make up
half of the program, and the boxing
gymnastics, wrestling and track and
field which makes up the other half.
Most students took the swimming
test in order to fill their swimming
requirement and among them were
surprised, tired students who crawled
from the pool ready to admit they
needed conditioning and plenty of it.
Practically everybody had a glimpse
at the obstacle course which has been
erected on Ferry Field and it alone
clinched the fact in every student's
mind that there was no fooling in
PEM 31.
A seven foot wall to be scaled, tun-
nels to be wriggled through and a
four foot fence to be taken on the
run were only part of a course rigged
to give the toughest kind of test to
embryo soldiers and sailors.
Coaches who had tested it the day
before testified to its toughness and
most students were more than will-
ing to take their word for it.
Dr. Elmer Townsley, chairman of
the required program committee,
stressed yesterday that "This is not
a fun program. The activities won't
be monotonous, in fact they should be
extremely interesting; but the stress
will be laid upon physical hardening."
Ocean-Per (Gallop
SAN FRANCISCO, June 15.-(I')
-The United States Government
today stopped the sale of the Paci-

Germans SeekI
Giant Pincers,
Valuable Iraq




No U.S. Losses Reporte
As Allied Planes Blai
Carrier,_Six Other Shp
Battle Still Raging
In Fog-Bound Isle
WASHINGTON, June 15. -(/)
Striking again at the Japanese, tt
time far north in the Aleutia
American air power has sunk at lea
one cruiser and damaged seven oth
vessels, including an aircraft carr
it was officially disclosed tonight.
The blows were delivered again
a Jap force striving desperately
break into the Western Hemisphe
by conquering a few bleak islan
far out in the Northern Pacific,
While officials refrained fra
making any decisive claims, it a:
peared to many authorities that
third great American sea-air victo
was in the making to add to tha
which only recently repelled the eM
emy, in destructive routs, from Au
tralia in the Southwest Pacific a
Midway Island in the mid-Paclfic.-
Breaks Silence
Breaking a three-day silence t
Japan's attempt to gain a hold c
the rocky islands at the tip of
Aleutian chain, a Navy communiqt
and a report which came indirect
from Lieut.-Gen. Henry H. Arn%1
Army Air Chief, gave this accou
of Japanese losses:
Sunk: One cruiser.
Damaged: One aircraft carri
three cruisers, one destroyer, 'a
gunboat and one transport. (T)
damage to several of these vessi
was severe.)
Army and Navy aircraft, hamper
by fog and foul weather, are co
tinuing their attacks, the commur
que said, and the indication was th
So far, no American losses 0a
been reported.
"Except for these continuing a
attacks upon the. enemy landing pa
ties and their supporting naval cc;
tingents, the general situation in t
Aleutian Islands appears unchanget
the Navy declared.
Nothing New
This statement was interpret
authoritatively to mean that no wo
had come through of further Ja
anese encroachments on Aleutian te
ritory in addition to those report
last Friday.
It was stated at that time that
small-scale landing had been affec
ed in Attu Island, a rocky chunlk
land with a snmall and treachero
harbor which lies 769 nautical ml
west of the base at Dutch Harb
It was also disclosed that enemy shi
had slipped into the harbor at Kisli
But, authorities said that Americ
aircraft had driven the landing pa
away from the only populatedpl
on Attu, and had forced them to fli
out of the Kiska harbor.
Presumably, the Japanese did n
know the strength of the forces whi
could be brought against them in t
remote section where they mig
have expected relatively light resis
Today's announcement showed thl
they had not withdrawn before t:
full force of available American i
power could be brought to bear.
Pay Allotments
Get Senate 01
WASHINGTON, June 15.-)
The Senate speedily approved tod
legislation to aid the families of ser
ice men through a system of pay P
lotments and government grants.
The measure, which now goes
the. House, clears the way for V
drafting of husbands and fathi
who are family breadwinners if Ar
and Navy needs should require

One of its provisions, however, a
thorizes the President to direct dra
boards to take into consideration
man's family relationships when V
question of inducting him arises.
That provision amends the S
lective Service Act. As the act ni
stands, man's wife and children a
not reasons for his deferment unlE
they are actually dependent on Y
earnings for their .livelihood. A wor
ing wife, who earns her own livi.

LONDON, June 15.-(IP)-On bat-
tlefields 1,500 miles apart Adolf Hit-
ler's armies smashed across the
tortured sands of North Africa and
Russia's wreckage-littered Ukraine
tonight in a supreme effort aimed
eventually at closing a vast pincers
about the coveted oil fields of the
Middle East for which his need grows
These coordinated thrusts toward
the great land bridge between the
Caucasus and Suez, an area produc-
ing a seventh of the world's petro-
leum supply, appeared to be the
opening phases of a campaign on
which the Nazi fuehrer is expected
to gamble everything for victory in
In the Libyan battle, on which
hangs the fate of Egypt, the Ger-
mans were hammering at the ap-
proaches to Tobruk and the Italians
claimed they had smashed through
to the Mediterranean to isolate South
Africans west of Ain El Gazala,
plainly a dangerous threat to the
There the British eighth army
counter-attacked up and down the
fluid desert line in a series of blows
designed to thwart Marshal Erwin
Rommel's armored forces.
Some London quarters held that
the outcome of the Libyan campaign
depended on developments of the
next 48 hours. The capture of To-
bruk is part of the German plan
which aims at a descent into Egypt
and a northeastern drive on Iraq.
Without possession of Tobruk as well
as Bengasi, port which the Germans
now hold, such an advance would be
Far to the north, German forces
under General Fedor Von Bock
hurled themselves at Soviet lines in
the first of two anticipated thrusts
toward Stalingrad and the ap-
proaches to the Caucasus.
MacArthur's Airmen
Drop Six Jap Bombers
AUSTRALIA, (Tuesday), June 16.-

Citizens Give Up Scrap Rubber
To Aid WPBSalvage Drive

Everything from hot-water bottles
to innertubes flowed into Ann Arbor
gas stations yesterday as the green-
light flashed on in the nation-wide
drive for scrap rubber.
At stake in the salvage drive is the
fate of the nation's automobiles.
Prime purpose of the country-wide
drive is a census of scrap supply to
determine the necessity for universal
gas rationing.
Data from the drive may be uti-
lized by the President and the War
Production Board to settle the much-
debated question of gas rationing to
preserve rubber.
Citizens Active
Local gas stations reported that
citizens are actively striving to bring

member of the state rubber salvage
committee. A severe shortage of
scales to weigh the incoming scrap
is slowing collections.
"Citizens are urged to lend the
committee any available scales for
the two-week drive," Kempf declared.
"Even the bathroom scales will be
University Cooperates
The University announced its full
cooperation, appointed E. C. Pardon,
superintendent of the Buildings and
Grounds Department as head of the
campaign in the University and des-
ignated the University Storehouse as
central collection agency.
Storehouse trucks will make scrap
collections during regular trips to
University buildings. Collections of
scrap metals will continue through

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