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June 21, 1942 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1942-06-21

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2:15 A.M. FINAL

BBC Reports
Reveal Bardia
May Be Taken
By AxisForce
Believe Circling Of Tobruk
Brought Axis Columns
Near Egyptian Frontier;
Cairo Dispatch Differs
Nazi Africa Corps
Claimed In Cheek
NEW YORK, June 20.-(P)-The
British radio quoted a dispatch to-
night from its correspondent on the
Libyan front as saying Axis forces
had "probably" entered the town of
Bardia, 10 miles from the Egyptian
The BBC broadcast, heard here
by CBS, said:
"A dispatch that came in only a
half hour ago from Richard Dimble-
by, our observer in the desert, says
that the enemy columns which with-
drew from the frontier area last
night, moved up again today and had
by now probably entered the town
of Bardia, some 10 miles from the
Bloody But Unbowed
But Cairo reported that Britain's
bloody but unbowed eighth army
stood firm tonight 30 miles inside
Libya from the Egyptian frontier
after turning back two main columns
of Axis forces which by-passed en-
circled Tobruk and drove to within
25 miles of Bardia.
The armored columns of the Axis
Africa, Corps withdrew after a brief
fight with the sun-blackened veter-
ans of Lieut.-Gen. Neil M. Ritchie
and It appeared they were only test-
ing the strength of the new British
positions and consolidating their own
Military experts said no Axis tank
or man came nearer than 30 miles
from the frontier-the approximate
position of the new and stronger
Imperial defense line.
Driven From Positions
Although driven out of their main
positions in, the loose triangle bound-
ed roughly by Tobruk, Ain El Gazala
and Bir Hacheim, British armored
patrols still were operating extensive-
ly in Cirenaica, especially in thein-
land desert stretches, and were har-
assing the enemy with repeated raids.
Their attacks were exploiting the
main problem confronting Marshal
Erwin Rommel-his lengthened sup-
ply lines.
The Germans surround Tobruk but
have not yet moved up to lay siege or
assault that stronghold which hurled
back every Axis attempt to take it last
year in the eight months it was iso-
lated. The strong defense works at
the port continued to threaten the
Axis rear.
Consolidating Positions
The British also were consolidating
their new positions, much nearer
their supply bases, after withdraw-
ing and getting into the strongest
possible positions for both defensive
and offensive action.
Military experts said the situation
is similar to that of last year just
before Gen. Sir Claude Auchinleck
started his offensive which drove
the Axis half way to Tripoli before
stalling at El Agheila
(The German High Command said
"German and Italian troops are car-
rying on the attack and pursuit of
the enemy. Several hundred pris
oh ne evrlhude were taken and important sup-
plies captured." The Italians said
Tobruk was bombed.)

Allies Increase
Sub Def enses
Nazis Admit Eastern Coast
Protection Is Strong
NEW YORK, June 20.-()-The
Germans acknowledged tonight that
the Allies have "strongly increased"
their defenses against Axis submarine
attack, particularly along the Gulf
and Atlantic coasts of the United
"The fight against enemy supply
shipping and patrol and escort ves-
sels of the enemy assumed particular
fierceness in the past week," said the
Berlin radio in a German-language
broadcast for European consumption,
recorded here by CBS. T continued:
"The enemy has strongly increased
his submarine defense and convoy
protection, and is using for the battle
against thenever-greater submarine

Ways And Means Group,
Kills Sales Tax Proposal

Leon Henderson Offers To Resign
In Row Over Price Subsidization;

House Committee
Income 'Taxes


Formula For Colle
Regular Pay Checks







WASHINGTON, June 20 -(-')-
The House Ways and Means Com-
mittee quickly killed sales tax pro-
posals today, and then adopted a
formula for collecting a part of each
employed individual's income taxes
from his regular paychecks begin-
ning in January.-"-
With the decisions, the Committee
virtually completed a tentative draft
of new tax legislation intended to
add at least $6,640,000,000 to federal
revenue. Final action sending the
bill to the House is expected to be
taken next week.
The Treasury has asked for $8,-
700,000,000, which Secretary Mor-
Nazis Continue
Savage Attack
On Sevastopol
New Advance Also Made
By Germans In Revival
Of FightingAt Kharkov
MOSCOW Sunday, June 21.-(')-
The Germans continued last night to
batter Sevastopol with some 150,000
men and hundreds of planes and
tanks and at the same time registered
a new advance in a revival of fighting
on the Kharkov front, the Russians
announced early today.
"Ou heroic defenders are repuls-
ing the enemy attacks day and night,"
the midnight Soviet communique said
of the battle for Sevastopol, which
has reached a peak of violence with
the Germans making a mighty ef-
fort to break into the Black Sea
naval base.
With the Nazis recklessly charging
the north and south sides of the fort-
ress, the Soviet communique reported
one defending battery wiped out an
entire enemy infantry battalion
while an anti-tank unit of the Black
Sea fleet in three days knocked out
23 Nazi tanks and killed 300 Ger-
In a one-line reference to the new
fighting on the Kharkov front, the
Soviet announcement said: "In one
sector our troops fought advancing
enemy troops."
Launching a secondary drive of
their own. Red Army tank and in--
fantry forces killed 600 Germans and
captured a number of weapons and
equipment, including six tanks, on
the Bryansk front southwest of Mos-
cow. This drive started after Rus-
sian sappers cleared a gap in a Ger-
man minefield, opening the way for
the dnrushing Soviet attackers.
Elsewhere up and down the front
there was an eruption of fighting of
local importance and reconnaissance
activity, but it was the fighting for
Sevastopol that overshadowed all else.
Despite the efforts of the German
Air Force to sweep the skies with
hundreds of fighters and bombers
over Sevastopol pilots of the Black
Sea Fleet stayed aloft to challenge
them. In 10 days Russian fighters
and ground batteries were reported
to have killed 2,000 German infantry-
men and destroyed 34 tanks.

genthau said was the least that Con-
gress should raise. Advocates of a
sales tax had argued that a 5 per
cent retail sales levy, with govern-
ment and state purchases exempted.
would produce $2,500,000,000.
Not To Be Considered
At the end of a two-hour commit-
tee meeting today, Chairman Dough-
ton (Dem.-N.C.) announced that a
sales tax would not be considered in
this bill, and members assumed that
the subject would not come up again
for many months, if at all. The vote
against a sales tax was not an-
nounced but was reported to have
been 13 to 8 with two proxies cast.
Representatives McKeough (Dem-
Ill.) and Healey (Dem.-Mass.), who
led the fight against such a levy,
contended that it would fall dispro-
portionately heavy on those with low
By a 10 to 9 vote, the committee
agreed tentatively to the pay-as-
you-go system ,of collecting individ-
ual income taxes. It is designed to
complete in two years a shift from
the current system of paying one
year's taxes the next year to a pro-
gram of paying at least part of cur-
rent taxes out of current income.
Generally speaking, the new plan
would work like this:
Personal Exemptions
An individual's annual personal
exemptions would be determined and
divided by 52 to ascertain the weekly
exemptions. A 10 per cent "with-
holding tax" would be levied on that
part of the weekly pay check not
covered by the exemption.
Half of the pay reduction could be
used as a credit against 1942 taxes
due beginning next March 15, and
the other half would accumulate as
a credit against 1943 taxes due
March 15, 1944.
Labor Leaders
Begin Study
Here Monday
Approximately 50 representatives
of the UAW-CIO played chess,
checkers, cards and table tennis in
the East Quadrangle last night or
tried to snatch campus walks be-
tween rain storms, as they awaited
the arrival of the rest of the 200
delegates who will attend the Uni-
versity's first labor study conference,
scheduled to begin tomorrow.
Included in the week long program
are classes for the representatives
and a series of afternoon war con-
ferences of which taxes, housing, ra-
tioning and fair labor practices will
be the central themes. Victor Reu-
ther, George Addis,- University pro-
fessors and labor experts from Wash-
ington will pl rticipate in the dis-
cussions. All interested persons are
invited to the conferences.
Three members of the University
who will act as instructors at the
conference are Prof. William Haber,
newly appointed head of a War Man-
power Commission department who
will return from Washington for the
meeting, Prof. Wesly B. Maurer and
Arthur B. Secord.

Reinforcement Of Egypt
Armies Seems Doubtful,
'Military Observers Say
British Clear Area
On Channel Coast
WASHINGTON, June 20. -()---
Egypt's hard-pressed defenders like-
ly will be forced to rely on their own
resources for weeks to come regard-
less of any ifrgent pleas by Prime
Minister Churchill for American aid.
Because of distance, time and lim-
ited shipping, any American rein-
forcement of the Middle East beyond
that already undertaken would be a
long-time operation, competent ob-
servers said.
This was the reaction to London
reports that Churchill's current secret
conferences with President Roosevelt
were concerned largely with the cri-
tical Axis break through in Libya,
Conferences Continue
In the absence of any further in-
formation from the White House
since Thursday night's unexpected
announcement that the Prime Min-
ister had arrived in this country, it
was assumed the conferences con-
tinued today.
Unless reinforcements arrive in a
month or less, any aid for Lieut.-Gen.
Neil M. Ritchie's Imperial Army
would, by authoritative estimates, be
too late to affect the immediate peril
ous situation.
From United States Atlantic ports,
the 14,000-mile voyage to Suez around
the tip of South Africa requires some
six weeks for a slow convoy.
The alternative of running the
gantlet of Axis air and sea blows
through the Mediterranean was tried
this week with undisclosed success
by a British convoy which admitted-
ly sustained heavy losses.
Realizes Importance
Mr. Roosevelt undoubtedly is fully
alive to the strategic importance of
the Middle East Front to which sub-
stantial contributions of American
tanks, planes and trained personnel
already have been dispatched.
Any further diversion of resources
to that area, however, would be at
the expense of the Russian and oth-
er theatres, because of the limitation
on shipping at the present stage of
the war
British Clear Region
Along Channel Coast
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, June 20-The British
Army announced today that it was
taking over a 36-square mile zone in
East Anglia for training purposes.
The land is an obvious possible
jumping off place for an invasion of
the continent, which Sir Stafford
Cripps said today would come.
Sir Stafford said England and the
United States would "launch a great
and successful attack upon Hitler in
the west," but he gave no indication
of when or where the attack would
Nazi Moves Expected
Nazi measures to influence the in-
vsiona might affect its timing, he

!Germans Start Ruthless Purge
Of 'Quarrelso me., Lazy'~Nazis

LONDON, June 20.-(P)-All per-
sons within the German Reich who
are deemed irresponsible, lazy, quar-
relsome, immoral or in any way dis-
inclined toward wholehearted sup-
port of the war effort were marked
down by the Nazi party today for a,
ruthless purge which already has
gotten under way in Vienna and the
Austrian province of the Lower Dan-
The internal campaign, on a scope
so broad that apparently the Nazis
can imprison or otherwise dispose of
anyone whose looks they do not hap-
pen to like, was disclosed in a radio
broadcast by DNB, the official Ger-
man news agency.
Elimination of this "element of un-
rest of the first order," said DNB, is
"very important, particularly in war-
Particular objectives of the purge
are "anti-social elements," the agen-
cy said, applying this epithet to any-
one who "owing to criminal, anti-
state or querulous inclinations con-
tinually enters into conflict with the
penal law, the police and other au-
Others which it said were to be
"educated" by the Gestapo or sent to
forced labor camps or to "welfare
institutions" included "the annuity-
hunter, loath to do any kind of work,
and the insurance sponger, or who-
ever tried to burden the community
with his upkeep or that of his chil-
dren ; whoever is particularly un-
economical and uncontrolled, lacks a
sense of responsibility and is neither
able to run an orderly household nor
raise children to become useful citi-
Bombs Disable
Japanese Sip
Heavy Cruiser Virtually
DemolishedBy Plane
WASHINGTON, June 20. --OP)-
Bombs from carier-based planes of
the U.S. Navy virtually demolished a
heavy Japanese cruiser in the Mid-
way Island battle, official Navy pho-
tographs disclosed today.
Gun turrets were twisted, plates
were buckled, airplane catapults
were blown to bits by the bombs
which left the ship listing, fire-gut-
ted and wholly disabled during the
battle in which at least 17 enemy
vessels were sunk or damaged.
One gaping slit just above the
cruiser's waterline gave evidence
that a torpedo plane might have
participated in the attack. Other
jagged holes showed evidence of
bombs detonating powder magazines
beneath the gun turrets.
Just what was the final fate of the
8,500-ton cruiser of the Mogami class
and its complement of 850 men was
not disclosed. But one naval expert
said the damage was so severe that
only by towing could it have been
moved from the battle scene.

zens. . . . the drunkard . . . and
finally, persons who stand outside
the national community by their im-
moral life or earn their living by it."
The broadcast also made somewhat
vague references to racial purity, per-I
sons of unsound mind and persons
having hereditary diseases.
Although hostility to the Nazi re-
gime long has been subject to harsh1
repressive measures, DNB indicated
that in this intensification of the
campaign against dissidents andI
drones the Nazi party alone would be
both prosecutor and judge.
"Committees have been appointedt
in regions and districts to deal with
these anti-social elements," it said.,
"Their expert opinion will bind ad-'
ministrative authorities. The latter
will decide whether an individual will
be sent to an institute of welfare, to
forced labor, or to a labor education-
al camp of the state police.
Thus the dread Gestapo becomes
"schoolmaster" to all unwilling or
unable to make themselves useful to
Adolf Hitler.
War Workers
Can Buy Tires
Committees To Be Set Up
For Establishing Need;
Effective, On July 15
WASHINGTON, June 20. (k")--"
The Office of Price Administration
made war workers eligible to buy
second grade tires today provided
their need for them is certified by
special rationing committees to be
established in all war plants em-
ploying more than 100 workers,
Plants with fewer than .100 em-
ployes will not be eligible to partici-
pate in the new plan, nor will their
workers be eligible to buy the tires.
OPA said the plant rationing com-
mittees would be made up of labor
and management members and, in
addition to determining a worker's
need for tires, also would make cer-
tain that his automobile was being
used in a transportation pool to
carry other workers to and from
their jobs.
After a committee issues a certifi-
cate to a worker, the latter must pre-
sent it to his local rationing board.
The boards retain their power of re-
view and denial, OPA expl'ained, but
the plan is expected to relieve them
of the burden of establishing facts
certified by the plant committee.
The certification must show that
the worker applying for the tire ra-
tioning certificate is a permanent
employe, has no other means of
transportation, lives two miles or
more from his place of employment.
and regularly carries at least three
other workers with him.

D istant
1s all
OPA Director To Quit Job
Unless Congress Enacts
Price Subsidy Measure
Believes Inflation
Can Be Prevented
. WASHINGTON, June 20 -()-
Leon Henderson, embroiled in a pat-
ronage row with some members of
Congress, offered today to resign his
Price Administrator's job if:
Congress refused to enact price
subsidy legislation so long as he re-
mained in office, or
President Roosevelt wanted him
The price administrator's offer
was made at a press conference at
which he said he still believed that
inflation could be prevented, but
made it clear that he thought little
progress was being made currently
toward that end.
Success Or Failure
Success or failure in the battle
against it is dependent on several
developments, he said,
Specifically, he described the fail-
ure to stabilize wages and farm
prices as the two greatest threats to
price stabilization, and asserted that,
"without criticism of those in charge
of the tax program, nothing has
been done to date on the tax front
which would reduce the inflationary
Pending in Congress is a request
for $161,000,000 for the Office of
Price Administration, primarily for
administration of subsidies to hold
prices at their present "frozen"
Under Henderson's plans, RFC
funds would be used to pay increased
costs of production and distribution
of living commodities rather than
letting the costs be passed on in
added prices paid by consumers.
Congress has shown no disposition
to act on this request with speed, and
there has been evident dissatisfac-
tion, meantime, with Henderson's
method of filling OPA jobs.
Senators Complain
A group of New Deal Senators
complained to President Roosevelt
recently that the price administrator
had filled posts in their states with-
out consulting them, and, in some
cases, had appointed their political
To such criticism, Henderson has
replied that he has appointed to
each post the best available man.
At his press conference, Henderson
observed somewhat ruefully that he
had made considerable progress to-
ward becoming the most unpopular
man in the United States and
seemed a certainty to cinch the title
in view of "some things still to 'be
Navy Discloses
Ships Damaed
By Axis HMtnes
WASHINGTON. June 30. -(P)-
The first official report of enemy
mine laying oerations along the
United States coast in this war came
today in a Navy announcement that
mines had caused the recent sinking
of one merchant ship and damage to
.another off the Virginia shore.
The Navy said careful investigation
had convinced it that the two ship

casualties were not "as previously
believed," the results of submarine
attacks but were caused by the "ves-
sels striking enemy mines."
"Undoubtedly, these mines were
laid by an enemy submarine under
the cover of darkness, when detec-
tion is extremely difficult," the Navy
said. .
That was the only official Navy
comment regarding the minelaying,
but the development had not been
unexpected in Naval circles.
Long-Range Submarines
Germany is known to have a num-
ber of long-range suirmarines equip-
ped for mine laying. Available rec-
ords show several ocean-going U-
boats of more than 1,000 tons dis

Senate Committee Proposes
Placing Planes On Every Ship



WASHINGTON. June 20. -(A')-
A proposal to make every warship of
the fleet-from destroyer to battle-
ship-a carrier of fighting planes
was advanced today by members of
a Senate committee considering a
House-approved $8,500,000,000 Naval
expansion bill.
Expressing satisfaction at the
Navy's decision to concentrate im-
mediately on the construction of
aircraft carriers instead of battle-
ships. Senator Gillette (Dem.-Ia.) of
the Senate Naval Committee told re-
"I am hopeful that immediate at-
tention will be given to supplement-
ing carrier strength by combining
units for both offense and defense
as air complements for all warships
large enough to accommodate them."
Jap Destroyers Used
Gillette said he was informed by a
source he considered reliable that
the Japanese now were mounting
fighter planes and even small bomb-
ers on destroyers, adding that all of
their larger vessels appeared to carry

for landing in the water after being
launched by catapult.)
Recent editions of Jane's Fighting
Ships show that the Japanese have
installed four planes of undesignated
types on their newer battleships,
three planes on the older dread-
naughts and four on their cruisers.
No reference is made to planes on
Similarly, newer United States
battleships of the North Carolina
class are listed as mounting four
aircraft, older battleships three, and
cruisers four.
Senator Stewart (Dem.-Tenn.) as-
serted that all ships plying the ocean
ought to carry aircraft for their
own defense. if nothing else. He
said this war already had demon-
strated that battleships could not
survive aerial attacks without aerial
Committee To Inouire
Agreeing that all American war-
ships ought to carry fighting planes,
Senator Ellender (Dem.-La.) pre-
dicted the Naval Committee also
would inquire into the relative merits

Ordinarily these developments
would have produced a wild frenzy
of expectation in Britain, coming as
they did just when Churchill is con-
ferring with President Roosevelt in
the United States, when there have
been recent arrivals of strong United
States Army and naval forces, and
when the war in Russia is nearing its
first anniversary.
But British reaction was condi-
tioned by growing uneasiness over
the German attack on Russia's Se-
vastopol and deterioration of the
British position in North Africa,
coupled with indications that Hitler
my be preparing to seize the initia-
tive in an even more decided man-
ner in the Mediterranean.
Hitler Demands Shits
The cause for disquiet over the
latter sitution was found in a Reu-
tens News Agency dispatch "from the
French frontier" reporting that Hit-
ler has demanded that Pierre Laval,
Vichy Chief of Government, cede
1,000,000 tons of French shipping-
a demand which seemed to say that
the Nazis are planning a vast move-

Representative Bradley Predicts
End Of Sugar Rationmng Soon

WASHINGTON, June 20-(;')-An
end to sugar rationing within a few
weeks is expected by Representative
Bradley (Rep.-Mich.).
It will be discontinued, he pre-
dicted, as a matter of necessity be-
cause the warehouses are bulging.
Bradley's statement added that he
doubted there ever was a serious
shortage and suggested that if there
was one it was the fault of the ad-
"If there is a shortage," he asked,
"Why?" and answered: "Because the
policy of the administration has
been to pay out huge checks to sugar
corporations to raise less sugar . . .
"It is a well known fact that sugar
warehouses all over the country are
crammed to the doors with sugar
which the rationing program will
not permit them to dispose of as fast
ac 'aQ~n o nmP n ,i, T +nAL-ri oA r a.

the rationing program because the
Agriculture Department ordered a
16.2 per cent reduction of the 1941
domestic beet sugar acreage;
"Beet sugar," he added, "was out
because of a similar cut in the pro-
duction of sugar cane in our conti-
nental United States, all in further-
ance of our 'good neighbor' policy,
"In the 1940 annual report, the
Secretary of Agriculture observed
that sugar is one of our agricultural
imports that can be produced in the
United States, and he boasted how
the operation of the ever-normal
granary as applied to sugar had pro-
tected farmers and consumers dur-
ing the past year."
Allied Bombers Strike
At Japanese Air Bases


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