THE MICHIGAN DAILY efficacy of the radar method." Under that system ultra high fre- quency beams are radioed into the sky. The radio fingers probing the atmosphere will be reflected if they should come in contact with an en- emy plane, and the presence and movements of such aircraft could be detected in any weather. Instituted and aided financially by an act of Congress. the ESMDT has been functioning on campus since July 1. 1941. Its purpose, according to the framers of the act, is., the rapid equipment of men for the highly technical aspects of work in fields essential to national defense. Students may take pre-employ- ment transfer, refresher or upgrad- ing. courses, with most of the ,work being done in the latter three. The first, intended for unemployed ap- plicants, is finding' few candidates. but the others, intended to aid in shifting men from one industry to a similar one, in refreshing quali- fied men who have been working in other fields, and in equipping active men for positions of greater respon- sibility, are fully attended. Ordnance Graduates 100 The Ordnance Materials Inspec- tion division last night graduated its third 100 member class, whose graduates have already received ap- pointments to posts in the nation's chief arms factories. Originally a 12 week course into which ^100 appli- cants were accepted every month, the program will shortly be modified to a nine week one with 75 entrants ev- ery three weeks. Col. Henry W. Mil- ler is in charge of administration and Prof. Orton W. Boston the edu- cational end. "The program has been modified to get the men through faster, and because stricter Army regulations have forced us to discontinue our practice of spending the last three weeks of every course in visiting plants making war goods," said Pro- fessor Sherlock. A request by the Federal Govern-' ment will start a -course in Diesel Engines here July 1 for machinists mates of the U.S. Navy, who will then serve as engineer officers on small ocean going vessels. A course for women in mapping, surveying and photogrammetry is slated to begin July 6. Barber Shop Quartets Hold Finals Today GRAND RAPIDS, June 19--1P) Old-fashioned barber shop harmony ran rampant here tonight as quartets from widely scattered parts of the country sang their way toward the national finals to be held Saturday night by the Society for the Preser- vation and Encouragement of Bar- ber Shop Quartet Singing in Amer- ica. Quartets eliminated in prelimi- nary rounds were momentarily dis- appointed, but they were all on hand for participation in SPEBSQSA'S traditional "afterglow," the big sing- fest at which each group contributes its favorite selection. If they could not go back home with the prized national title, at leats they could go on singing, which-to the delight of 500 guests - they did. Among the survivors of the first- day competition, the first Michigan quartet to qualify for the finals was the Hall Brothers Four of Grand Rapids, selected with the Cihacog Harmonziers and the Bloomington, Ill., Whiz Candy makers. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) tion salary, $2046 per year; July 7, 1942. Course Chem. and Met. 2 will meet in Room 1213 East Engineering Building Tuesday-Thursday at 9:00 o'clock instead of in Room 1042 East Engineering Building. Course Chem. and Met. 11 and 105 willi meet in Room 1042 East Egin- eering Building Tuesday-Thursday at 9:00 o'clock instead of in Room 1213 East Engineering Building. Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering. Memorial Christian Church (Dis- ciples): 10:45 a.m., Morning wor- ship, Rev. Frederick Cowin. Min- ister. 5:30 p.m., Students of the Disciples Guild and their friends will meet at the Guild House, 438 Maynard Street. Transportation will be provided to the park by the Huron River for games, a picnic supper and vesper service. New students are invited. Small charge. Avukah, Student Zionist Organi- zation, will hold a Communal Sup- per at Hillel Foundation this Sun- day night at 6:30. Reservations may be made by calling Netta Siegel, 2-2868 or 3379. Following the sup- per and clean-up a timely current event will be discussed. The remain- der of the evening will be devoted to individual and group study. All are welcome. Wesley Foundation: Supper and fellowship hour at 6:00 p.m. Sun- day. At the meeting at 6:45 Tom Johnson, '43, and Inez Chamberlin, '43, will speak on "What I Believe." Bob Shugart will lead group discus- sion following the talks. New stu- dents especially invited. All stu- dents welcome. Betty Rae Hilemar, Summer Director RUSSIAN WAR: HITLER'S WORST YEAR ~= ...................... :..:::. . a r a a d t l n L n Rzro ptalid idhepd_ usias \..... SmKeskzan~zya II Vies vu..k4".*Vornezh______ V iiiarko Mitcnskafffff Marshesa ______ ggggg*** NAZI INVASION RUSSIA'S CUSHION END 8TH FARTHEST RETREAT PATTERN TERRITORY WEEK ADVANCE LINE MAJOR SNAGS IN GERMAN STRONGHOLDS UNDER PRIMARY GERMAN ADVANCE DURING WINTER RETREAT SIEGE GOALS COAT, LINE 0 ISO MILES IT WILL HAVE BEEN just one year ago on Monday, June 22, that Hitler confidently unleased his panzers on what he fondly believed was a weak- ened Russia. German generals said that the job would be cleaned up in a matter of weeks and most of the world, except the Soviet High Command, believed them. The first anniversary of the invasion finds the Nazi forces unable to get under way after the terrific mauling they took at the hands of Russia's armies during the winter. If the reader looks too intently at the year-long Russian campaign it becomes a confusing maze of thrusts. parries, advances and retreats along an 1,800-mile front. But if the long view is taken the whole campaign falls readily into six main phases: Phase I-The German wehrmacht opened by lashing out toward Lenin- grad, Moscow and the Ukraine. Weeks were required to seize the buffers Russia had erected in the Baltic area, Poland and Bessarabia. After that the Germans had to smash through the elastic Stalin Line. They succeed- ed, reached Smolensk and the outskirts of Kiev, but then bogged down. Phase I-After a few weeks of recuperating, the German war ma- chine, in mid-August, got rolling again in the Ukraine and before it was stopped had occupied all of the Dnieper "bulge." At the same time Ger- man siege lines were drawn around Leningrad. 1 Phase III-Another long pause occurred, ythen the Germans kayoed Kiev, crossed the Dnieper and raced across most of the remainder of the Ukraine. Meanwhile the Germans around Smolensk were thrown for a loss. Phase IV-With winter looming and fall rains starting Adolf Hitler be- gan his desperate attempt to push on to Moscow and the Caucasus. Both drives nearly succeeded. His forces reached within artillery fire of Moscow and hammered th-eir way past Rostov into the edge of the Caucasus. Phase V-But by early December Russian plains were deep with snow. (Hitler later said winter weather came a month ahead of expectation.) Marshal Timoshenko's Red forces in the south uncorked a counter-attack that sent the Germans spinning out of Rostov. Other counter-attacks were begun around Moscow. The German retreat was on! Thousands of Nazi soldiers froze as they stumbled through snow drifts. All winter long Rus- sians hammered at the Germans, drove great holes in their lines. But the # Germans did manage to cling to certain key fortified strongholds. Phase VI-With Spring weather drying the plains of southern Russia, Germany struck in the Crimea to regain Kerch. Soviet forces 'countered with a drive on Kharkov to keep the Germans off balance. As the first year of the Russian campaign ended, Germany was trying to close in on long-besieged Sevastopol and to get a drive started in the Kharkov area. --Vance Packard lill 0 '4 Cannibals Give U.S. Fliers Surprise Welcome I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 512 East Huron C. H. Loucks, Minister Services for Sunday, June 21 10:00 - Children's Departments of the Church School. 10:15-Adult Department of the Church School. Mr. Loucks leads the student class on "The World's Living Religions",in the Guild House. 502 East Huron. The discussion this week will be on "Hinduism." 11:00 - The Church at Worship. Sermon - "Life's Constants" Soloist -- Miss Carol Campbell 7:00 - Roger Williams Guild. Rev. George Jerome, a recent, graduatee of Union Theo- logical Seminary will speak. ST. ANDREW'S EPISC'OPAL CHURCH 306 North Division at Catherine The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector The Rev. Frederick W. Leech, Student Chaplain The Rev. John G. Dahl, Curate George Faxon, Organist and Choirmaster 8:00 A.M. - Holy Communion 11:0 A.M. f--- inder~yarten. -Hrris IHl (Continued from Page 1) travel a thousand miles to pick up one pilot marooned on an island beach. "It's marvelous to see the way the navy worries about its pilots and air crews." I told Capt. Fred Sherman (now Rear Admiral) one day aboard the Lexington which he commanded. "First and foremost," he replied "They are our men. Second, their flying skill is both our striking force and our defense. We feel we should do everything in our power to recov- er them." Probably the best and most de- tailed story I got first hand was that of Ensign William I. McGowan who, with his radioman and the crews of four other seaplane fighters, spent a full month on the formerly sinister island of Rossel. His story was told to me as I was bound toward the United States with many others of the crew of the superb old Lexington which was sunk on May 8 after a winning battle with the Japs. Lone Patrol McGowan's story began on March 12. Leaving his cruiser - I may not mention the names of any of the cruisers in this story because these craft still are active in the Pacific, most of them probably having seen service in the recent fleet and air east in the Louisaides," McGowan (said. "It's about 20 miles long by 10 wide. I remember having read how a Chief Mooyo once had ruled here. A French- ship bound from Hong- kong to Sydney was wrecked on the reefs bordering the island and 327 Chinese were left ashore by the cap- tain who sailed a small boat to New Caledonia to bring assistance. "History relates that Mooyo put the unfortunate Chinese on a sand spit and provided them with water and food - but he developed a habit of seizing two or three captives each time he held a feast for his tribes. Those seized were killed and cooked up into tasty long tom- the native slang for human steaks. When the captain got back with his assistance all but one of the Chinese had been eaten. I taxied toward the shore line. We beached the plane on a sand shoal 50 yards off the beach when we.saw about 30 natives come dashing out of the brush. We had our auto- matics and free machine gun (each navy plane carries a small caliber submachine gun for use in such landing emergencies) and waited watchfully. "They were wearing bone through noses and ears, with very bushy hair gun, flares, ammunition, charts, and codes, up to a mission house that the leader, one Mungi by name, told them was near by. There the missionary, a native named Satepan, gave them a good dinner consisting of boiled chicken, boiled yams, fried pumpkin, ripe ba- nanas and water. McGowan said it reminded him of a typical banquet dinner at home. "After dinner I asked him (Sate- pan;) if he had a map. I was astounded to see him produce an upper air chart for the Southern Pacific- United States navy Hydro- graphic publication," said McGowan, his eyes going round as he recalled the amazementrhe had feltrat the time. Has Naval Map "You can't possibly guess where Satepan got that map. He got it by way of a bottle. Yes. Really. He'd' found a bottle on the beach one day with a note in English in it. It had been dropped into the ocean thou sands of miles from there by some American hydrographer. Satepan sent this man a letter telling him where he found the bottle and the hydrographer sent him back the map as thanks. "Just think of it! I'd been pre- pared to battle cannibals but instead trip to New Guinea in a native boat -but fortunately never tried it. The. second afternoon, McGowan said, was spent bathing in a creek near Satepan 's mission with the same supposed cannibals with whom he had been ready to do battle. Dis- cussions with them over possibilities of getting out of the predicament followed, the young ensign recalled, about this pattern 1. He would ask a question in Eng- lish, addressing Mungi. It would be a simple question such as: "Could we kill a chicken for dinner to- night?" 2. Mungo would turn to the other, leliver a brief exhortation, and then pause dramatically. Instantly there would be a tremendous uproar from the 25 or 30 native men gathered round. Some would frown and shout. Others would wave their hands wild- ly while talking at the tops of their voices. This would continue for per- haps a minute or two. 3. Suddenly there would be a si- lence. Mungi would turn back and, in English, reply: "Yes." 0 "I always wondered what in the world they all found to say on such unimportant matters as we brought up," grinned McGowan in recalling the scenes.