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August 23, 1942 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1942-08-23

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r. ...

Army May Summon 18-, 19-Year-Olds

To Service


Brazil ..
(Continued from Page 1)
which 169 officers and men were lost
at sea and 88 soldiers were saved.
The total loss of military and civilian
personnel in the five sinkings was
more than 600.
All Brazilian ships still at sea
hastily put into the nearest ports un-
der government orders -to clear the
submarine - infested south Atlantic
sealanes until drastic action could be
taken to counter the menace.
Survivors of the five ships strag-
gled onto remote beaches and dozens
of shark-mangled bodies of the vic-
tims washed ashore. Then in the
past mid-week another small coast-
ing vessel was sunk after its person-
nel was ordered overboard in life-
President Getulio Vargas' next
move told plainly that Brazil could
not avoid entry into open warfare as
an ally of the United Nations, the
29th country lined up against the
Axis. In that move, coming with the
announcement of the sixth recent
ship sinking, Vargas ordered the seiz-
ure as hostages of German nationals
-diplomats excepted -who already
were aboard two repatriation ships
on which they had hoped to get
home via Lisbon.

Selective Service Rolls
Need MoreSingle Men
Possible Drafting Of New Age Group
Will Get Consideration Of Congress
Associated Press Staff Writer
WASHINGTON, Aug. 22.-Maj.-Gen. Lewis B. Hershey's warning that
the Selective Service rolls soon would be exhausted of single men led Con-
gressional circles to speculate today that the armed forces might renew
their request for the drafting of youths 18 and 19 years old.
Congress now is in informal recess and any such request might well be
deferred until after the November elections lest the question .be made a
political issue but one well-informed House member who asked that his
" name not be used remarked that "in
my judgment, the Army and Navy
League Dances will insist upon lowering the draft
"And, if our generals and admirals
tell us this is essential to insure vic-
tory," he added, "I believe Congress
U n til Septe 19 will amend the Selective Service Act.
-_hI believe this will be done before
Regular Friday and Saturday night Ages Now 20-44
dances in the League ballroom will The draft ages now are 20 to 44
be continued throughout the Sum- inclusive. Army men have estimated
mer Term, Charlotte Thompson, there are 2,500,000 to 3,250,000 youths
League president, said yesterday. The in the 18 and 19 classification. All
last dance will be held Sept. 19, the men between 18 and 65 already have
been registered, those 18 and 19 and
week-end before final examinations. above 45 being included for pur-
Although the Summer Session so- poses of cataloguing the nation's
cial committee has disbanded, there manpower.
will be a new committee formed of Secretary of War Stimson wrote
members in the Summer Term to the House Military Committee last
December that "the traditional age
plan and carry out the dances in for liability for military service in
co-operation with the League man-this country is 18 to 45." His co-
agement. Dena Stover will be chair- munication was in connection with
man an Army request that the draft ages
On the bandstand for the rest of be broadened from 21-35 to include
the summer will be the Hardy band all men between 19 and 45. Congress,
fronted and directed by Doc Sprack- instead, put the bottom age at 20.
lin with the vocal harmony of the ised u h otmaea 0
new swing quartet. Admission will Victory With Youth?
remain the same and students and A Congressman discussing today
townspeople are invited to come, with the prospects of draft revisions men-
or without dates. On the calendar tioned that many military men con-
for the rest of the summer are dances tend that "victory lies between the
ordinary and unusual, carefree and recklessness of youth and the cau-
sedate and some'. with special floor tion of a man."
entertainment. A style show of cam- Another observed that "these 18
pus clothes for both the college boy and 19-year-old youths are crying to
and girl will highlight one dance get in."
Forecasts that youth of the "dar-
AVUKAH SUPPER CANCELLED ing" age, 18 and 19, might be drafted
came shortly after Hershey, the Se-
There will be no Avukah supper to- lective Service chief, advised men
day, contrary to the report in yes- with no other dependents than wives
terday's Daily. The supper was can- to "begin making arrangements now"
celled because the Hillel Foundation to enter the Army. He said in Chi-
is in the process of moving to its cago yesterday that the available
new quarters. mnnly of single men. 20-44 had bhPn

Yankee Sharpshooter

Russia ...

(Continued from Page 1)
attacks were reported repelled but
in one sector "after heavy fighting
our troops withdrew to new posi-
tions," the communique said.
The defense of Stalingrad and the
Volga continued ii a critical stage
tonight as the Germans massed huge
new forces in the Don bend despite
Russian counterattacks and ham-
mered endlessly with tanks and dive-
bombers in the Kotelnikovski sector
southwest of the great industrial
Deep in the Caucasus, the Ger-
mans continued to pour large num-
bers of tanks and infantry into the
battles on the high plains southeast
of Pyatigorsk, threatening the Groz-
ny oil fields less than 100 miles away,
and southwest of Krasnodar, where
the Nazis were driving toward the
foothills to the Black Sea and the
naval base of Novorossisk. Mountain
defenses in the Krasnodar sector
were reported stiffening.
The Germans were reported using
increasing numbers of cavalrymen
south of Krasnodar, presumably to
meet the Cossacks.

Sgt. KnnrainvI LCn1J °Ior mnne-
apolis, participating with Ameri-
can Ranger forces in the Dieppe
raid, , became possibly the first
American infantryman to shoot
down a German in this war when
he brought down a sniper. Proud
but "a little scared," his mother,
Mrs. Clara Kenyon, said she always
taught him never to be afraid.
War Hero®...
(Continued from Page 1)
half conscious, the bombardier
"Blood was streaming all over
but he kept directing and helping
me," he said.
"We were nearing England and.
saw a flying field and I started to
set her down. Somehow between
us I got her down without even a
bounce. All this time the pilot did
not cry out or say one word except
to ask for w-ter."
When the rest of the crew
reached the ground they heard for
the first time that the co-pilot had
been killed and the pilot gravely
Guns Nearly Blew Apart
Simmons got one of the three
confirmed Nazi planes. He .fired
a 150-round burst from his .50
caliber machine gun which he sup-
posed would be good for only a 75-
round burst.
Great chunks came out of the
barrel but the gun held together.
Technical men at the field called
the showing "a tribute to Amer-
ican workmanship."
"I let fly with everything I had
from about 300 yards and the
wings started falling off the Focke-
Wulf 190," Simmons said. "I caujht
a glimpse of her going down but I
was so busy right then firing at
other ships that I didn't see her
One Man From Michigan
Other members of the "Johnny
Reb" crew were Second Lieut. Har-
old Spire, of Los Angeles, the navi-
gator; and Sergeants Roy N. Al-
len, of Owensboro, Ky., John M.
Hughes, of Whitestone, N. Y., Wil-
liam Adams, of Easley, S. C., and
William Schimke, of Manistee,
The flight of four flying for-
tresses which engaged in all the
fighting was led by Captain Ru
dolf Flack, 25, of Los Angeles.
Fortress Needs No Escort
"This fight proves beyond all
question the ability of the for-
tresses to fly escorted or unescorted
anywhere," Flack said: "Some
Germans pressed home the attack
from close to 300 yards but we beat
them off."
Col. Frank A. Armstrong, of
Nashville, N. C., who took part in
the Rouen raid, echoed Flack's
"The Germans must have been
amazed they could not knock the
fortresses down," he added.

~Tank Arsenal
Construction IS
Halted By AFL
Unauthorized W a lk- O ut
Stops; Kaiser Strike
Threat Is Removed
By The Associated Press
Construction work on a DetroitE
tank arsenal remained at a standstill
yesterday after a walkout of 475 AFL
workers in protest to the employment
of CIO sheet metal men bt produc-
tion moved back toward normal at
the Vernon plant of the Aluminum
Corporation of America and threats
of work stoppages at two other
plants were removed.
Three thousand workers had
walked out of the Vernon Aluminum
plant in Los Angeles Friday in what
leaders of the CIO United Automo-
bile Workers of America termed an
unauthorized work stoppage but re-
turned at the urging of union
William B. Taylor, west coast di-
rector of the union's aviation divi-
sion, said the cause of the walkout
was the alleged dismis;.1 of30 skilled
craftsmen but M. M. Anderson, Alcoa
personnel director, said no one had
been discharged and that the dispute
involved one worker who quit and
then changed his mind.
Kaiser Tie-Up Ended
A threatened tieup at the Henry
J. Kaiser shipyards in Richmond,
Calif., was removed when members
of the AFL boilermakers' local voted
to askw government aid in settling a
jurisdictional dispute with another
AFL union..
And a CIO strike called for Mon-
day at General Motors Corporation's
Harrison Radiator Division in Lock-
port, N.Y., was indefinitely postponed
upon notification that the case would
be certified to the War Labor Board.
The union seeks a 10-cent hourly
wage increase above the present 75
cent minimum and the company
offered a five-cent raise.
Production of tanks in the main
plant of the Chrysler Corporation
tank arsenal at Detroit proceeded as
usual but E. J. Hunt, operating man-
ager, said that the walkout of con-
struction workers "definitely holds
up our future production schedule."
The dispute was before an agency of
the War Production Board.
Ask Truckers To Return
The War Labor Board meanwhile
appealed to striking midwestern
truckers to return to work. The WLB
said that the dispute, which involves
some 96 companies and approxi-
mately 10,000 workers, was contrary
to the national agreement of labor
unions not to strike during the war.
The strike is in connection with the


date when certain wage rates are to
be made retroactive.
Delegates to a CIO Aluminum
Workers of America conference at
Pittsburgh returned to their jobs in
seven big Alcoa plants primed to urge
the locals to reject the War Labor'
Board's decision denying them a gen-
eral wage increase. President Nick
A. Zonerich said he would be em-

\\ \ ..

powered to call a strike in the event
the rejection is approved by the
Apart from the labor disputes, Sec-
retary of Labor Perkins annotnced
that work injuries during 1941, par-
ticularly in manufacturing indus-
tries, increased more sharply than
did either employment or total nurn-
ber of man-hours worked.

_ + .

A two-piece junior favorite
by DOR SA that'll be your
"steady". . . for now and for
fall dates ahead. Smartly tai.
lored, indeed; of Mellow.
Faille with appliqued white
venise medallions on the lapels
and pockets. Colors: Black,
Brown. Junior siase 9 to 15.


,,,A r



"''' -a

Illustrated is one of many Dorsa Originals, extfusivo with us



Bathroom Ensem bles
Bathroom Rugs, Bath Mats, and Seat Covers to match. They
come in chenille and heavy string. Pretty and full of life,
these sets are extremely useful, too. And if you need towels,
be sure to see our fine selection of fluffy MARTEN towels
in white and colors.

.,VJL 1a111 111, 4 -41, U Ml
virtually exhausted.
Youths Are Top Material
Almost all the warring powers now
require military service of all men
above 18. Youths 18 and 19 gener-
ally are regarded as top material for
the air corps and navy services.
The War Manpower Commission
now is working on a war service bill,
principally for effective mobiliza-
tion of the nation's labor resources,
for war production. It was under-
stood this would embrace a training
program for youths of college.
Meanwhile the Army announced a
program to use the facilities of
schools and colleges throughout the
country to give voluntary pre-induc-
tion training to high school and col-
lege students, to older men whose in-
duction has been deferred because of
educational deficiencies, and to occu-
pational specialists.
The activities -will be inaugurated
this fall under the administration of
the United States Office of Educa-
tion, with which the Army collabo-
rated in drafting the program. The
plan is designed to reduce the
amount of training needed by sol-
diers after their induction and per-
mit the Army instructors to concen-
trate to a greater extent on combat
and technical training.

J1O0L h


NOW- Willi i i I -



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for the rest of the Summer




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