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August 23, 1942 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1942-08-23

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Y r e




English Labor Party
Not To Be Trusted ...


2.15 A.M. FINAL





Germany, Italy

Nelson Terms
Country's War
Output 'Off'
In Past Month
WPB Boss Donald Nelson
Answers Critics, Claims
He Still Has Full Power
Over National Program
Balancing Program
Is Biggest Task Now
Associated Press Staff Writer
WASHINGTON, Aug. 22 - Chair-
man Donald M. Nelson of the War
Production Board said today that war
production had reached an unavoid-
able stage of unbalance and that re-
adjustments, long foreseen as neces-
sary, were being applied to correct
the situation.
July production was uneven, he
said, with too many of some things
and too few of others. And the con-
sequence, he reported, was that while
Oyerall production rose 16 per cent
for the month, it still was seven
per cent below the goals previously
set. .
;. Fought For Production
Explaining the situation with a
,prepared statement and at a press
conference, he said that when he took
charge of the industrial war effort,
he st about increasing production
in ev.ery possible direction, regardless
of whether this resulted in a well-
coordinated output or not.
He and his associates knew then,
he said, that the present phasewas
unavoidable, but believed that in the
lqng run more war equipment would
be produced by this method than by
the alternative method of a pause
to place Amercan industry on a care-
fully worked out, long range plan. He
still believes, he added, that that de-
cisioh was right.
Big Job Ahead
"The big job ahead of us right
now," he said, "is to bring our pro-
gram into balance and make sure
that we use our materials and facili-
ties as wisely as possible. This is one
of the prinicipal tasks on which the
WPB is engaged. We must make sure
that we produce promptly those most
important fighting weapons the ser-
vices must have; but in addition, we
must speed up the slow items and
slow down the fast ones so that the
unbalance which now marks part
of the program is brought into read-
"This means that we must redouble
our efforts, particularly; on the low
spots, if we are to make our goals
by the year's end, and the recent
realignment of WPB plus the fur-
ther development of scheduling and
use of the production reuirements
plan." ,
WPBoss Donald Nelson
Ready To Back Kaiser
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 22 - Pro-
duction Chief Donald M. Nelson said
today he wanted to "go down the
line" with Henry J. Kaiser on the
latter's proposal for mass building
of huge cargo planes but that many
question had to be answered before
Kaiser could be told to go ahead.
Nelson said he felt that cargo
planes migt prove an important part
of the production program, and
thought the Navy would be delighted
to have them. But, he added, nothing
must be allowed to interfere with the

production of combat planes.
The Daily, DOB
Stop Publication
With This Issue
Two things will happen after today
which will go to prove that this is
an unusual year.
First, The Daily ceases publicationJ
with today's issue until the regular
fall semester. Second, there will be
no Daily Official Bulletin from to-
morrow until the regular fall semes-
tVs not unusual for The Daily to
tnkp~ a few uweeks off nowx and the'n

War Hero
Wounded Pilot, Untrained
Bombardier ReachBase;
Both SeeBuddy Killed
Nazis Outnumber
Allied Planes 541
Associate Press Correspondent
AIN, Aug. 22.-A slight young Flor-
ida bombardier who "washed out
of flying scho6l" and a half-con-
scious pilot with his arm nearly
torn off emerged as the heroes to-
day of the great North Sea sky
battle which saw American flying
fortresses shoot down or damage
12 German fighters although out-
numbered five to one.
Stubble - bearded airmen who
had not been to bed for 36 hours
told how the gravely wounded pilot
and the bombardier who had never
flown a fortress before brought the
big ship back safely after Nazi bul-
lets had riddled two of the four
motors and killed the co-pilot..
A re-check of the crews' reports
of the attacks showedfour sof ie
fortresses on the sortie had done
all the fighting in the battle against
about 25 Focke-Wulf .10's and
Messerschmitt 109's. ' They shot
down three confirmed and heavily
damaged at least nine more in
stead of the six originally reported
damaged or destoyed.
Five other fortresses in the lead-
ing wing flight had not been at-
Jumped By Nazis
The thin, tanned bombardier,
Second Lieutenant Swart Soniers,
26, of De Funak Springs, Fla., with
eyes bloodshot from loss of sleep
and nervous tension, reported on
the terrific fight of the plane,
"Johnny Reb," in this manner:
"We were in the tail-end forma-
tion when we were jumped by
about 25 Focke-Wulf 190's and
Messerschmitt 109's at over 20,000
feet. They set up a decoy out to
our right. I was lying in the nose
of the ship shooting at that when
over the inter-communicating sys-
tem I heard the waist gunner
shout: 'Here come three more from
"I heard a thud in the pilot's
cabin and heard the pilot grunt
and ask me to come up."
Cannon Shot Rips Ship
The fortress never wavered from
its course although it lagged be-
hind the formation a little, but
when Sconiers entered the cabin
he found the pilot covered with
blood. His eyes were glazed with
pain and his arm half torn off by
the cannon shot which had killed
the co-pilot.
(Casualty regulations forbid re-
lease of the names of the pilot and
"I dragged the body of the co-
pilot from his seat. It was a ter-
rific job as I had no oxygen mask,"
Sconiers said.
"I then took his place. The pi-
lot's oxygen mask had been ripped
away and he was fighting for
breath. He motioned me to take
the ship down to 5,000 feet. I never
had flown a fortress before, having
been washed out at flying school
and coming back as a bombardier.
But some way we got down..
Telephone Knocked Out
"All this time the crew did not
know what was going on as the

telephone system in the plane had
been knocked out."
Sergeant J. b. Simmons, of
Union, Miss., the tail gunner, inter-
rupted at this point to say:
"I though we were falling into
the sea although I did not know a
shell had hit the pilot's cabin."
The pilot by this time was only
Turn to WAR HERO, Page 6
Allied Planes Bomb
Jap Invasion Base
QUARTERS, Aug. 23. (Sunday) .-(IP)
-Allied heavy bombers dropped

Genial Jim Has A Right To Smile

Mrs. John J. Bennett, Jr., James Farley and Attorney General
Bennett (left to right) get together in New York after Bennett won the4
Democratic nomination for governor of New York hands down over
Senator James A. Mead. Bennett was backed by Jim Farley, who
settled a personal grudge over his old boss, FD. by the victory and
who cemented himself in New York's Democratic political circles.
Russians Pushed Back
.,As Germans Cross Don
Reds Still Withdraw From Nazis In Caucasus Region;
Hitler Masses Forces For Stalingrad Drive

Ma yBe ollowed
Brazilians Celebrate As State Of War
With Axis Is Formally Recognized
Associated Press Correspondent
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil, Aug. 20.-To the wild cheers of thousands
thronging the capital streets in carnival mood, Brazil today formally rec-
ognized a state of war between herself and Germany and Italy.
The nation's declaration of a state of belligerency answered months
of Axis aggression and followed a week filled with demonstrations against
the Axis sinking of five Brazilian ships in the shadow of her coastline with
the loss of more than 600 lives.
In all, nineteen Brazilian ships have been sunk since the war spread
over the world, 13 before the outburst of a new submarine campaign this
month and one small ship after the loss of the five was officially announced
early this week with the promise that "the crime" would not go unpunished.
In a note sent to the German and Italian governments declaring that
the state of belligerency exists, Brazil carefully pointed out she had ex-
hibited great tolerance and peaceful intentions before the attacks on the
five vessels off her coast.
The the note concluded:
"There is no way to deny that Germany and Italy practiced war acts
against Brazil, creating a belligerent situation which we are forced to rec-
ognize in defense of. our dignity and sovereignty, our safety and that of
America, and to repel it as our forces are able."
Japan, which obviously could not have been involved directly in the
sinkings, was not mentioned in the war declaration although Brazil broke
diplomatic relations with all three of the Axis partners last Jan. 29.
Among the Brazilians lost in the attacks were 169 officers and men
from a Brazilian army transport.
Indications here were that the Brazilian action would be followed
shortly by a similar declaration from Uruguay-where the news of Brazil's
decision first was revealed-and might be followed shortly'by similar action
of other American nations now in a state of broken relations with the Axis..
The declaration, which made Brazil the first South American nation
to admit open warfare with the Axis, came after two days of wild rumors
which were climaxed by a meeting of the cabinet of President Getulio
Vargas this afternoon.
News Behind The News
By The Associated Press
Brazil broke off diplomatic relations with all three Axis powers last
Jan. 29 at the conclusion in Rio De Janeiro of the Pan-American Confer-
ence of Foreign Ministers which unanimously adopted a resolution recom-
mending that all the American republics immediately expel Axis diplomats.
From then on, Brazil was gradually and reluctantly drawn closer to
war by Axis machinations inside her borders and by attacks on her shipping
by far-ranging U-boats.
The first major provocation came in March when a U-boat sank a
Brazilian ship off the coast during the pre-lenten carnival season. The
announcement of this affront to Brazilian neutrality was withheld until
the carnival ended on the eve of Ash Wednesday, lest the crowds get out
of hand in retaliatory destruction of the extensive properties in Brazil held
by Axis nationals.
More sinkings followed and the Brazilian temper rose almost to the
pitch of open belligerency.
The first known blow struck by Brazil against U-boat raiders came in
May when Brazilian airmen were credited with sinking a submarine.
Then came a lull until last week when five Brazilian ships were sunk
while traveling coastwise, among them a Brazilian army transport from
Turn to BRAZIL, Page 6

War Entry
Brazil's War Declaration
On Italians, Germans
Officially Acknowledged
Sudden Axis Raids
Send Nation To War
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 22. - The
text of the message sent by Secretary
Hull to Brazilian Foreign Minister
Oswaldo Aranha following Brazil's
declaration of war on Germany and
Italy follows:
I have received a note from the
Brazilian Ambassador in Washing-
ton informing me that the govern-
ment of Brazil recognizes that a
state of war exists between Brazil
on the one hand and Germany and
Italy on the other hand.
The people of the United States
welcome the people of Brazil; as
brothers inharms and salutetheir
high resolve and defiant courage. in
taking a position unequivocally at
the side of the embattled freedom-
loving nations of the world. Today'a,
heavy blow has been dealt the Axis
powers, morale no less than military,
when a great, peaceful and law abid-
ing nation is driven by unprovoked
acts of ruthless barbarity to take up
arms in self defense.
It comes as no surprise to my
countrymen that the proud 'Brazil-
ian nation has chosen the risks
and hardships of battle when con-
fronted with wanton attacks on its
sovereign dignity and rights.
The action of the Axis powers in
attacking your great country and
people is a further demonstration of
the fact that those powers will strike
at any peace-loving nation as and
when to do so will serve their pur-
pose of world conquest, regardless of
considerations of humanity and in-
ternational law. It also brings into
bold relief the basic principle upon
which the solidarity of the American
republics ,rests, namely, that an at-
tack against any one of them is an
attack against all of them. Each of
the 21 American republics is today
equally in danger.
Together our two countries will
face the future with serene confi-
dence and high hearts.
I take pleasure in sending your
excellency renewed assurances of my
personal esteem.

Hull Lauds

Associated Press correspondent
MOSCOW, Aug. 23. (Sunday).-
German troops driving relentlessly
toward Stalingrad have succeeded in
crossing the Don River southeast of
Itletskaya and have rammed a wedge
into Russian positions northeast of
Kotelnikovski in twin reverses for
the Soviets, it was reported officially
In the Caucasus, the Russians an-
nounced a withdrawal to new posi-
tions south of Krasnodar.
Heavy fighting was reported under,
way in all sectors as the Germans
U.S.. Marines
Settle Scores
Against, Jav1PS
U.S. Leathernecks Kill 22,
Nipponese For Every
American Fighter Lost
By The Associated Press
PEARL HARBOR, Aug. 22.-The
United States Marines are settling
old scores with the Japanese by wide
margins, taking the lives of 22 of the
enemy for each American devil-dog
killed in recent actions in the Solo-
Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, U.S.
Pacific Fleet Commander, translated
into words the actions of the Ma-
rines, who met the Japanese last
Wednesday and Thursday and elo-.
quently chalked up the one-sided
score with bayonets and bullets.
In the Wednesday action, Admiral
Nimitz's communique said, a Japa-
nese detachment of 92 men and offi-
cers fought "until the last man was
dead," while the Marines' loss was
only six killed and 13 wounded.
Wednesday night the Marines de-
tected a well-equipped force of 700
Japanese which had landed from
speed boats on an island beach with
the intention of hewing their way
through American lines. When the
action ended late Thursday, 670 of
the enemy had died and the remain-
ing 30 were prisoners, the communi-
que said. This' victory cost the Ma-
rines the disproportionate toll of on-
ly 28 killed and 72 wounded.
Totaling the figures, they come to
762 Japanese to 34 Americans in the
two actions.
Lee O'Daiel Gain s
In Texas Primary

increased their pressure upon Stalin-
grad's defenses and the Caucasus.
(Just how far from Stalingrad the
Germans succeeded in crossing the
Don was not disclosed but previous
reports said the Nazis were about 40
or 50 miles northwest of the Volga
city in the Kletskaya sector.)
The Soviet midnight. communique
gave this terse report of the grave
action northwest of Stalingrad:
"Southeast of Kletskaya fierce
fighting continued when the enemy
attempted to cross to the eastern
bank of the Don River.
"Soviet troops inflicted heavy
losses on enemy groups which had
crossed the river."
The communique announced, how-
ever, that counterattacking Russians
in another sector of the Kletskaya
front had driven the Germans from
several inhabited localities.
The other serious menace to the
industrial city on the Volga was from
the southwest, in the battlefields of
There, the midnight communique
said, the Germans "passed to the
offensive and succeeded in driving a
wedge into the Soviet positions."
"Fifty German tanks were disabled
during the day. Heavy fighting is in
In another action in the Kotel-
nikovski area, the Russians said, the
enemy was repulsed with one battal-
ion of Rumanian infantry being an-
The Russians reported they were
on the defensive south of Krasnodar,
Northern Caucasus city. Two enemy
Turn to RUSSIA, Page 6

- - -------Clip Here And Mail To A U.-M. Man In The Armed Forces- -----


hriig~tan atl3J

N :i

VOL. I, No. 9


AUGUST 23, 1942



Soup's On! . . .
NEW YORK, Aug. 22. -(P)- A
"Japanese concentration camp"
breakfast, at a $1,000 war bond a
plate, will be served at Wilkes-Barre,
Pa., sometime next month in a pro-
motional stunt of the War Activities
Committee of the motion picture
A slab of cold fish will be the
TcI', Carel essn ess..
LAKEVILLE, Conn., Aug. 22.-
(MP)-It wasn't a bomb, as they at
first feared, that brought residents
of this town rushing into the street
in the dead of night, but it was a
wartime tragedy, nevertheless.
A large, inflated tire stored in a,
garage burst.

Six University students
won awards totalling $475
this week in the annual
Summer Hopwood creative
writing contest . . . Clara
Laidlaw, of Gladstone, took
$75 for her short stories
and an essay and William
P. Gram, of Ann Arbor,
received $75 for his plays
and some poetry. Other
winners were Mrs. Marga-
ret Avery Dewey, Ann Ar-
bor; Mrs. Betty Baskin
Berris, Ann Arbor; Beth
Merizon, Grand Rapids,
and Leona E. Thoma, of
Toledo . . . Twenty-six
manuscripts were submit-
The University has pur-
chased the Zeta Psi fra-
ternity house at 512 South
State St. (between the
Union and Morris Hall)
and Zeta Psi President Ed
Menz explains that the
building will probably be
used as a temporary bar-
racks for ROTC officers . .
.. before the sale was com-
pleted Col. William Ganoe,
head of the University's

Deans Pick Football Over Finals
The Deans felt it would be somewhat difficult for
Summer Term students to write a final examination
with cheers from the stadium echoing in their ears, so
,they got in a huddle this week and moved back by a
full week a final exam that was scheduled for the Satur-
day afternoon of the Michigan-Great Lakes football
game on Sept. 26. As the Deans said, "Ordinarily such a
situation could not occur, but this is not an ordinary
year." Two football games are scheduled before the
opening of the fall term on Oct. 5. Added treat: The
Great Lakes game falls on the closing date of the Sum-
mer Term, so all students enrolled in the term will get
free tickets/ for the game whether or not they plan to
enroll in the fall term.

runs scored . . . with 51
votes in his favor, he was
24 points ahead of the No.
2 man and was first choice
of eight of the 17 sports
writers who voted ... Dick
left school in his sopho-
more year.
Michigan's Sailing Club
took fifth place last week
in the Danmark Trophy
Race at New London, Conn.
. . . they were competing
against crews from 14 of
the nation's leading schools
. . . the going was plenty
rough and before the first
boat finished three of the
dinghies sank and three
others had broken masts.
A new Navy specialist
corps designed for com-
petent students unable to
meet vision requirements
in classes V-5 or V-7 has
been opened-here.., vision
qualification in the new
corps is 12-20, correctable
to 20-20 . . . University
graduates with two years
of basic ROTC training
learned this week that
they are eligible to enter a
new officer training school

this campus commando,
whose home is in Terrace,
Ill., shot down a Focke-
Wulf 190 and damaged an
ME 109 while flying an
RCAF Spitfire. Fletcher
enlisted in the Royal Ca-
nadian Air Force and was
sent to England early this
year . . . he has been on
patrol duty over the Chan-
nel since then . .. accord-
ing to his brother-in-law,
Dr. James Griffin, Fletcher
joined up so he could fly
a fighter .. he didn't want

... a petition for a 20 per
cent wage increase, has al-
ready f been submitted to
the War Labor Board.
Robert Williamson, '45E,
of Grosse Ile, has been ad-
mitted to the United States
Naval Academy at Annap-
olis . . . a cadet in the
summer NROTC unit, Wil-
liamson received a Con-
gressional appointment.
Lanky Dick Wakefield,
the U. of M. baseball sen-

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