PAGE FOUR Tf1~MICHIG(~AN DT1A TV SATURD~fAY. AUGUT ~ 911 vaaa e L V 1, 1 1.) i i t. t7 V Z7 1 r"v.w I J Willkie Trip's Mission Given By Roosevelt Republican To 'Sell' Near East Neutrals On Allied Effort, President Says By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Aug. 21 - Pres- ident Roosevelt indicated today that Wendell L. Willkie's mission on his forthcoming trip to the Near East would be to sell the neutral countries on the magnitude of the United States' war effort and the advantages to them of a United Nations victory. He will have the title of special rep- resentative of the president. Discussing Willkie's trip at his press conference, Mr. Roosevelt said that in some countries of the Near East, Enemy propaganda had given a distorted picture of conditions here, particularly where the labor situa- tion was concerned. Willkie, the Republican presiden- tial nominee in 1940, is to leave shortly on an itinerary which will in- clude Egypt, Arabia, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran, as well as Russia. Minority Leader Wins Screen Contract In addition to representing the President, he will report to the statesmen of those countries as the leader of the minority party in the United States. In that capacity, Mr. Roosevelt remarked, his words will carry great weight. The President went on to say that Willkie also would carry to those na- tions 'a compqison of their plight if the Axis should win with their situa- tion under an Allied victory. They face, Mr. Roosevelt said, a reduction to the status of puppet states con- trolled by Germany or Italy, on the! one Biand, or of autonomy and-tiemo- cratic development on the other. It was time, he added, that they began to think of this. Emphasize Labor .The President and Willkie discuss- ed the trip at length yesterday, Mr. Roosevelt said, and one thing that was emphasized was the labor situa- tion here. American news dispatches, he said, magnified small walkouts, or management shut downs, he contin- ued, in a way that gave the impres- sion that such developments were common occurrences, rather than rarities.' Consequently, the President added, false impressions were spread not only in the Near East but in Great Britain, which enemy propaganda has seized upon. 'Themeless Dance' To Be Held Today As League Feature Tonight is Themeless Dance night at the League from 9 to midnight. The League will rely for the even- ing on its own attractive atmosphere rather than a novelty one while the Council dreams up the remarkable entertainment which will be featured at next weeks hilarious "Hellzapop- pin." As usual Gordon Hardy's Orches- tra under Doc Sprachlin's baton will be playing for dancing, the Dixie- land Band will perform for swing- lovers and the Harmony Quartet will give out vocally with song. The dance is all-campus and ev- erybody is invited, alone or with a partner. Hostesses, those girls with the hairbows, will be on duty to see that everyone haq a good time. 'Ack-Ack' Men Needed LANSING, Aug. 21 --(P)-The State Selective Service headquarters announced today it has been author- iged to recruit this month 35 addi- tional applicants for volunteer offi- cer training in anti-aircraf-t artil- lery. The applicants must have tech- nical education or experience. Margie Stewart has a long-term contract at the RKO studio in Hol- fywood after what may have been the shortest screen test on rec- ord. Director Allan Dwan spotted her in a commercial short as she demonstrated how to open and close a door. She was on the screen for only 45 seconds, but it was enough to impress Dwan. Switch Lights Of f, Campus, Posters Warn "When not in use, turn off the juice." That is the slogan appearing on over 400 posters that were put up this week in all campus buildings by the Building and Grounds De- partment in cooperation with Alpha Phi Omega, national service frater- nity. Dick Schoel, president of Alpha Phi Omega, pointed out yesterday that "if students and faculty mem- bers would just switch the switches when the class rooms are not in use, at least 10 percent of the University light bill could be saved." This assertion is being borne out, as E. C. Pardon, Building and Grounds superintendent, stated that, "In spite of the increased number of students on campus this year, there has been about a 3,500 dollar de- crease in electricity costs for May and June." Last year over 4,000 dollars were paid to the Detroit Edison Company by the University between the months of April and September. Dur- ing winter months when the heat- ing plant is in operation, the Uni- versity generates its own electricity. Prof. A. D. Moore of the engineer- ing school ofiginally made the sug- gestion that signs should be put in all class rooms and campus build- ings urging the students to turn off the lights. These cards are changed at frequent intervals. 'Savings Stamps' Sales Tax Planned WASHINGTON, Aug. 21 -(P)-A proposal to increase Federal revenue by requiring the purchase of special savings stamps with each purchase of goods was considered by a Senate fi- nance subcommittee today. Chairman Bennett Champ Clark, Missouri Democrat, described it as "enforced savings using the machin- ery of the sales tax." The plan was put forward by Sen- ator Danaher, Connecticuat Rebubli- can, a member of the subcommittee. INTERPRETING WAR NEWS: Second Front Victor Needs Control of Air By EDWARD E. BOMAR Wide World war Analyst The Nazis must meet the challenge of the aerial power the United Na- tions are steadily building up in the British Isles or accept heavy odds in the prospective fight to prevent es- tablishment of a second front in western Europe. The manner in which the wings of the Luftwaffe were clipped as a part of the Dieppe venture suggests that Herr Hitler may be obliged to accept the challenge sooner than antici- pated. The German air command, it is asserted in London, was caught napping by the magnitude of the air support given the Dieppe attack, with the result that the Nazis in a single day lost possibly a third or even more of their operational aircraft in the West. Significant Statement Inasmuch as the eastern front is the most logical ready source of Luftwaffe reinforcement, the joint declaration made two months ago by President Roosevelt and Prime Min- ister Churchill that coming opera- tions "will divert German strength .from the attack on Russia" suddenly takes on fresh significance. What's next in Europe is, of course, as much a matter of guesswork as the serond front question. The latest trend of events, however, jibes with a theory which is taking form in the minds of some exceptionally well- informed observers. In outline the thought is: The Nazis have been able to blast their way forward in the Caucasus largely by virtue of tremendous aeri- al superiority over the Red Army, built up at the expense of the West- ern Europe air defenses. Timoshenko Holds Even this advantage has been found insufficient to effect the de- struction of Marshal Timoshenko's armies, though it has broughtwithin sight the conquest of the North Cau- casus and control of the Black Sea. Now, either from choice or neces- sity, Hitler very likely plans to go on the strategical defensive in Russia for the: winter, thereby relasing vast manpower and permitting diversion of the bulk of his air forces .to West- ern Europe and the Middle East. Air Threat In the West, the first urgent nec- essity the Nazis face is the threat from increasing British and Ameri- can aerial strength. It can be met by diversions from the Russian front, and also by stepping up German air- craft production by returning to Ger- man industry this winter some of the skilled manpower now in the armed forces. Five Violators Are Arraigned Blackout Fines Are Paid On Orders By Judge Justice Jay H. Payne ordered five more violators of Ann Arbor's black- out test to pay $8.35 Thursday and yesterday following arraignment pro- ceedings. The five were all businessmen. This jumped the total of local mer- chants fined for having lights on in their stores during the half-hour trial alert to 11. Those who paid fines were: Charles E. McCalla, manager of the Wash- tenaw Farm Bureau, 407 N. Fifth Ave.; A. L. Nye, proprietor of the Nye Motor Sales, 217 W. Huron St.; James A. McCarty, manager of Montgomery-Ward and Co., 214 S. Fourth Ave.; Mark Ross, manager of the Midwest Mercantile Co., 113 E. Washington Street, and Kenneth R. Kelly, manager of Muir's Drug Store, 118 S. Main Street. A light over the safe at the Wash- tenaw Farm Bureau was placed there for inspection purposes before the blackout on orders from the police, but it was not shaded properly, war- dens reported. At the Nye Motor Sales a window sign was on during the whdle test. Montgomery-Ward had one entire show-window lighted up during the blackout. The lights are controlled by a time-clock device but the time- clock switch had been reversed just before the blackout. An inside light at the Midwest Mercantile Co. and a showcase glow at Muir's drug store were reported by wardens. Students Invited To Avukah Camp Students from the University of Michigan, will be among representa- tives from ten campuses attending the Midwest Avukah Region Summer School and Cooperative Camp at Camp Kineret, Chelsea, Michigan, August 28 through September 7. ASSOCIATED PRESS PUCTURE N EWS C,COED S LEARN L IFE SAV ING - Joyce Macrae (on ladder),.former Pacific coast 100- yard swimming champion, coaches Pi Beta Phi sorority girls in life saving at Beverly Hills. Calif, RECHRIS-TENED Originally named "Miss New York" to compete in Atlantic City beauty pageant, Selene Mahri, 17, was found too young. Now she's "Miss .War -Bonds.", LPOPARD CAPE - Film aetress Ann Sheridan models this leopard cape. Made for either day or evening occasions, the cape is a creamy beige with black markings, W E S T E R N ARMY GR I D D E R S ;LIMBER UP-Pitching thepgskin at camp Cooke, Calif., are these Army Western all-star backfield aces. Left to right: Dick Schwiedler, CreIghton and San Diego Bombers; Owen Goodnight, Hardin-Simmons and Cleveland Rams: Kay Eaken, Arkansas and N. Y. Giants; Marty Slovak, Toledo and Cleveland Rams and Harold Hursch. Indiana. Efficient Management Enables Co-ops To ChargeLower Rates . (This is the second in a series deal- ing with the cooperative houses at Michigan.- This article discusses the methods of operation in the houses.) Room and board constitute the greatest portion of a student's ex- penses, and one of the principal ad- vantages which the cooperative houses offer their members is the op- portunity to slash these items to a much lower figure than is obtainable elsewhere. The members of the Michigan co- ops pay from $2.75 to $6.00 a week for room and board. In order to maintain these low rates the co- ops have had to devise highly effi- cient systems of purchasing and of operating their houses. In 1939 the Intercooperative Coun- cil was established as a central pur- chasing body for all the houses. Al- the greatest efficiency and econo- my can be effected. The purchasing committee of the ICC and also of the individual houses must always look for buying prac- tices which will save money and in- crease efficiency. For example, un- sold 'stocks of fresh vegetables are purchased on Saturday nights from local markets; canned goods are bought by all the houses jointly in large lots; milk is picked up at the dairy by the ICC truck, thus saving delivery costs: some of the houses buy a whole side of beef at a time and have it stored; and the ICC pur- chasing committee is now investi- gating the possibility of canning fruit and vegetables. But the maintaining of low rates for room and board depends on in- ternal management in the individual I . .. ',...... i. . . _:::a bD0.'9.. .. > : :. t:, z:Se..x K. '4i '. s $ y4 ""d ... ., " ee ' K ::92:211i 8131 1 f . _ _ _ _ m"