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August 22, 1942 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1942-08-22

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. ,_ .

Del Baker's Boys Make Strong
Bid For Berth In First Division

Grid Contets
To Contribute,
In War Effort
12th a rni#r 'rr

The Cracker Barrel
_ By Mike Dan
Daily Sports Editor
Football And Other Things ' .
IN ABOUT TWO WEEKS, Sept. 7, him as far as practice goes. He is-
to be exact, Michigan's football sued a call for 48 men to start

From Associated Press Summaries
Now that the baseball season is
entering the homestretch, it looks
like a cinch for the slugging Yanks
in the American League and the
toulgh Brooklyn Bums in the Nation-
al. But the season isn't wrapped up
yet and it's interesting to see just
where the Tigers will end up.
Del Baker's boys are making their
bid for a berth in the first division.
Yesterday they combined successive
home runs by Barney McCosky and
Rudy York in the fourth inning with
a sweet job of pressure pitching by
Rookie Hal White to topple the
Browns, 4-1.
The game was the opener of a
four-game showdown series and the
win by the Tigers puts them only
two games behind Luke Sewell's
amazing Brownies.
The Tigers slapped their ex-team-
mate Eldon Auker for all four of,
their runs. Once again Johnny Li-'
pon grabbed himself two more hits
to keep up his torrid batting pace
for the Tigers.
Cubs Beat Reds, 6-3
Cincinnati ... .021 000 000-3 8 1
Chicago ......100 050 00x-6 10 1
Starr, Shoun, Beggs and Lamanno,
Lakeman; Lee and McCullough.
Cards 10, Pirates 2

I y the Associated Press
Major League Standings 1 NEW YORK, Aug. 22 - Following
their individual bents, the nation's
NATIONAL LEAGUE colleges and universities plan to go
W L Pet GB all the way from admitting service
Brooklyn........81 35 .698 men free to contributing their entire
St. Louis. .75 42 .641 6% football receipts above actual ex-
New York .....65 54 .546 17 penses to the war effort this fall.
Cincinnati......59 58 .564 222 A survey by the Associated Pre;<
Pittsburgh......54 61 .470 261/2 for the purpose of gauging football:
Chicago ..........55 68 A47 291/2 prospective contribution disclosed
Boston .........48 72 .400 15 that there has been no effort to
Philadelphia .. . .32 79 .289 462 adopt a unified plan, but that prac-
Results Friday tically every school intends to do
Chicago 6. Cincinnati 3 something to help.
St. Louis 10, Pittsburgh 2
Only games scheduled The University of Oklahoma, for
instance, already has purchased
Ga ines Saturday $50,000 worth of war bonds from its
Philadelphia at Boston athletic funds, and the members of
New York at Brooklyn the Big Ten Conference are com-
Pittsburgh at St. Louis mitted to buy bonds with their pro-
* * * fits from the football season. A ma-
AMERICAN LEAGUE jority of schools however, obviously
W L Pet GB are not in position to match this ef-
New York.......79 41 .568 fort.
Boston .........68 51 .571 10/2 The average school finds it neces-
Cleveland .......63 56 .529 15=/ sary to scrape along from year to
Detroits........61 62 .496 19/2 year, with its football profits only
Chicago........51 63 .417 25 barely sufficient to support the rest
Washington.....47 69 .4057 of its sports program. These schools
Philadelphia ....48 78 .381 34 inimost cases will content themselves
with admitting service men for, say,
Results Friday 50 cents, or passing them in free.
Detro 4, . hnguis 1Broadcast rights to the Army-
New York 17,ndf ahingtan7 Navy game have been sold for $100,.-
Cleveland 3, Chicago 2 000, and the sum will be split between
the Army and Navy relief societies.
G.anies Saturday Many schools have juggled their
St. Louis at Detroit
Chicago at Clevela.nd schedules to play a game against a
Boston at Philadelphia (2) service eleven.
Washington at New York Other schools have turned over
their athletic fields and gymnasiums
' to service teams and have loaned
equipment and coaches to the mili-
a tary camps in their vicinity. Yale's
D rfJB a d campus presently is swarming with
the members of Col. Robert Neyland's
branch of the all-Army grid squad.

team will tart practi e for its gru-
elling 1942 :chedule. Included on the
58 man squad Athletic Director Fritz
Crisler, has asked to return are 14
let ter men.
The u-d will work out twice
daily in the nining; and in the
afte roon, during the three weeks
hch 'ecede he opening game
ri he G :real akes Naval train-
ing Staion here Sept. 26.

Naturally 14 returning lettermen The school from East Lansing,
prove an excellent nucleus for any hasn't much of a freshman squad to"
coach fo remold his team around. choose from and unless Bachman
And when you cons? er that amongc.h
the returning veteras you have such cancels all his games except Wayne
stars as Capt. George Ceithaml, Al State will take an awful beating.
Wist m, Tom Kuzma. Paul White. "Some years you got it and oth-
Bob Kolesar. Mervin Pregulman, and "Soe years you, got ita o
Julius Fran k y ou can be darn sure yThis year is an "ain't" for State.
a great tean is in the making.


working out on Sept. 9.
But from all indication, Bachman
could have started practicing with
the bunch he now has five years ago,
and he would still have a very me-
diocre eleven.
Not one Spartan lineman of last
year's team has returned this season
and only two backs with any exper-
ience at all will answer Bachman's

U. S. Offcial
Praises State
MacDonald Predicts Big
Future Improvements
For UrbanHighways
LANSING, Aug. 21 -tP)-Thomas
H. MacDonald, chief of the U. S.
Public Roads Administration, told
3 the State Administrative Board to-
day Michigan is blazing the trail for
a new motor transportation era on
which the lives of many large muni-
cipalities will depend.
The next few decades, MacDonald
declared, will see emphasis placed
on the construction of limited access
highways and cross-town. routes to
serve municipalities of 50,000 or more
population, and a lagging in the de-
velopment of rural roads.
MacDonald, here to inspect a num-
ber of Michigan's key highway de-
velopments, said larger cities
throughout the land would be forced
in "self-defense" to see to it that
their main motor transport highways
are streamlined to the needs of the
He said downtown business es-
tablishments in some areas are starv-
ihg for business because customers
refuse to buck traffic congestion and"
a lack of parking space. While subur-
ban business enterprises prosper, he
said, some of the downtown busi-
nesses are being throttled by traffic
jams to the extent that their proper-
ties are not worth the amount of the
mortgages on them.
Highway planning surveys must
provide the answer, he said, adding
tat without advance preparation
Michigan never would have received
his approval for federal aid in the
$15,000,000 project to provide limited
access roads to supply the Willow
Run Bomber Plant and other war in-
dustrial developments.
Avukah Will Hold
Communal Supper
Avukah, student Zionist organi-
zation, will hold the last in a series
of communal suppers this summer at
6:30 p. m. tomorrow at the Hillel
The meal, which will be prepared
by members of the organization, will
be served at cost. The program will
also include the singing of Hebrew
rounds and other songs.

Pittsburgh " ,.100 010 000- 2
St. Louis ....100 042 12x-10
Dietz, Hamlin and Phelps;
ley and W. Cooper.

6 0
12 1


Tigers Whip growns, 4-1
$t. Louis .....000 000 010-1 8 0
betroit ......000 004 00x-4 8 0
Auker, Hollingsworth and Hayes,
Ferrill; White and Parsons.
* * *
Yanks Rout Nats, '17-7
Washington .000 001 222- 7 12 1
New York .. .630 134 00x-17 21 0
Wynn, Trotter, Scarborough and
Evans; Ausso, Lindell and Dickey,
* * *
Night Baseball


Chicago......000 110 000-2
Cleveland ....020 010 00x-3
Lee and Turner; Harder and

5 2
7 1

* * *
Boston. . ..330 000 010-7 11 1
Philadelphia ..300 000 110-5 12 0
C. Wagner, Ryba and Peacock;
Fowler, Savage, Besse and H. Wag-
Air-Cooled West Quad
Roof Is Set For Dance
Residents of the West Quad and
their friends will dance under a full
moon at the Penthouse Prom, 9-12
p. m. tomorrow.
Admission is free; girls will be re-
quired to wear defense stamp cor-
sages, which will be sold at the door.
No stags will be allowed at this in-
formal dance.
Decorating the roof of the Quad-
rangle will be Chinese Lanterns sur-
rounding a refreshment stand where
free refreshments will be served to

LANSING, Aug. 2'.--(P)-Col. E. M.
Rosecrans, state.Selective Service di-
rector, instructed local draft boards
today they no longer have authority
to defer induction of registrants to
allow them to enlist in any branch
of the military service or apply for
The colonel said the Selective Serv-
ice system has no objection to volun-
tary enlistment of registrants, but
that the men henceforth must enlist
before they are called for induction.
He said that where deferments or
postponements of induction already
have been granted to allow enlist-
Sessions Favored
To TakeTouriney
Sally Sessions, University coed, of
Muskegon, is favored to defeat Miss
Irene Dill, of Detroit, in the finals to-
day of the Women's Annual Spring
Lake Golf Open, the Associated Press
reported yesterday.
Miss Sessions, turned, back Mrs.
J. C. Shore, of South Bend, Ind.,
today, 3 and 2.
Miss Dill reached the finals by
virtue of wins over state cahmpion
Marjorie Row and defending Spring
Lake titleholder _Mrs. Hunter Rob-
bins. Shp defeated Mrs. Robbins yes-
terday, 3 and 2.

Award Giv.en
To Wakefield
Ex -Wolverine Outfielder
Honored By Writers
HOUSTON, Tex., Aug. 21.-(P)-
Dick Wakefield, the $5,000 outfielder
Who graduated from the University
of Michigan to the Detroit Tiger
farm system, has begun paying divi-
dends on the Tigers' investment.
Wakefield was named the most
valuable player of the Texas League
by sports writers of the circuit.
The Beaumont rightfielder, who is
leading the league in hitting. over
the .350 mark, leadi g in number ofI
hits, in two-base hits and second in
runs scored, was far ahead of the
Wakefield received 51 points, and
was first choice of eight of the 17
sports writers who participated.
Hank Oana, Fort Worth's star pitch-
er who was converted from an out-
fielder early in the season, was sec-
ond with 27 votes; Earl Caldwell,
veteran Fort Worth hurler, was next
with 21, and Paul Dean, staging a,
fine comeback with the Houston
Buffs, was fourth with 15.'

A good many loyal Michigan
fans think the Maize and Blue will
be lucky if they get through the
season with only two defeats. Theyl
peint to the hard sche(dule and the
h 4ss of All-American Bob Westfall.
But to take this attitude would be
looking only at one side of the pic-
Just take a glance at what has
happened to the Wolverine's strong-
es, foes. Northwestern has been rid-
dled like a sponge because of the
ciraft and the war. Minnesota has lost
one of the nation's finest coaches in
a year in which they have only three
regulars returning,
Michigan on the other hand has
net lost one regular to the Army, its
coaching staff is intact, and it has
s;x on back who were 50 minute
last season.
Sure, the Varsity may drop two,
they may do worse than that--that is
if the breaks go against them. No
team can beat lady luck.
But if Michigan gets through with
the average amount of injuries, ifI
it fumbles only the average amount4
of balls, and if they only get the
average amount of penalties you can
bet dollars to doughnuts they'll walk
off with the Conference title.
sly Michigan State mentor, is-
n't letting Crisler get the jump on
Henderson Predicts
Continuted Increase
n n.Prices Of Fo od
Price Administrator Leon Henderson
predicted today that if the June 15-
July 15 rate of increase continued,
foods over which the OPA has no
control woud cost housewives 30 per-
cent more a year from now.
Uncontrolled food prices rose 2.5
percent between mid-June and mid-
July, Henderson reported, on top of
a 4.8 percent increase in the month
previous. This compared with an in-
crease of only three-tenths of 1
percent in the June 15-July 15 per-
iod for food prices under OPA con-
trols. These had declined 1 percent in
the previous month.
"The price increases in uncontroll-
ed food are drawing a dangerous pat-
tern," Henderson said, adding that
his figures were obtained from the
Bureau of Labor Statistics.
All students interested in par-
ticipating in an All-Campus Ten-
nis Tournament are urged to con-
act Earl Riskey of the I-M De-
partment. The matches will in-
elude doubles as well as singles
I.lay and will take place in the
next several weeks if the demand
'warrants it.


FIELD is way out in front now
of Wally "Hoot" Evers for the Texas
League batting crown. About mid-
season Evers was leading Dick by
seven points, blut flow the tables are
turned -and the ex-Wolverine star
is socking the old applie at a .361
clip while Evers has to content him-
self with a .331 average. Having bat-
ted in 166 runs already Dick is going
after the RBI record and may crack
it with a few breaks.
Elmer Raab of Ann Arbor has
finally brought real horseshoe
laurel to this city. He won the state
contest in Detroit several days ago
by making the highest ring percen-
tage ever played in Michigan with
76 percent ringers for seven games.
"That's a kind of pitchin' to be
proud of."
Michigan's baseball hopes for fu-
ture years were brightened yesterday
when it was learned that Bob Buss-
baumer, all around athletic star for
Oak Park-River Forest High School,
would enter the Universiy this fall.
Sports writers have described him as
one of the best prep catchers in the
Middle West.




r ectwnm ern I
Ends Tonie

(Continued from Page 2)
Geil Orcutt, Associate Student Coun-
selor. 11:00 a. m., Children's Depart-
ments of the Church School. 10:15
a. in., Adult Classes of the Church
School. The Student Class meets in
the Guild House, 502 East Huron.
11:00 a. m., Morning Church Wor-
ship. Rev. J. Burt Bouwman, Execu-
tive Secretary of the Michigan Coun-
cil of Churches and Christian Educa-
tion, will preach. An activity program
for children is provided during this
period. 7:00 p. m., The Roger Wil-
liams Guild meets in the Guild
Trinity Lutheran Church Service
will be held at 10:30 Sunday. Rev-
erend H. O. Yoder speaking on "The
True Meaning of Prayer." Zion +Lu-
theran Service will be held on Sun-
day at 10:30. Mr. Elmer Christiansen
speaking on "A Strange Trial." His
theme is selected from Acts 24:22-
27. Lutheran Student Association
will meet for its regular dinner at
6 o'clock and a meeting afterwards.
Wallace Watts will speak on "Social


in the Ypsilanti Area."

Wesley Foundation and First Me-
thodist Church. Sunday morning
Class at 9:30 a. m. Dr. E. W. Blake-
man will lead the discussion on "The
Beloved Community." Morning Wor-
ship Service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr.
C. W. Brashares will preach on "In
His Presence." Wesleyan Guild meet-
ing beginning at 6 p. m. with fellow-
ship supper. At 6:40 p. m., David
Crohn will lead a discussion on
"Jewish Beliefs."

Shows Daily at 1-3-5--7-9 P.M.



Ministers: William P. Lemon, D.D.,
Willard V. Lampe
Mark W. Bills, Director of Music
Franklin Mitchell, Organist
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship. Sermon by the
Rev. Frederick Cowin of the Memorial Chris-
tian Church. Union Service.
10:45 a.m. Nursery during the hour of Morning
6:15 p.m. Westminster Student Guild Social
Luncheon followed by meeting led by Mr.
Lampe. The discussion will be based on
"Building a New World." Students invited.
Ministers: Charles W. Brashares
and Ralph Dunlop
Music: Maynard Klein, director
and John Dexter, organist.
9:30 a.m. Student class in "Personality and
Religion." Subject, "The Beloved Commun-
ity." Dr. E. W. Blakeman, leader.
9:45 a.m. Church School for all departments
above primary.
10:40 a.m. Church School for nursery, beginners,
and primary departments.
10:40 a.m. Worship service. Dr. Barshares will
preach on the subject, "In His Presence."
11:30 a.m. Junior Activity Period.
6:00 p.m. Supper and fellowship for students
and their friends.
6:40 p.m. Program: David Crohn of the Hillel
Founidation will lead a discussion on "Jewish
6:30 p.m. Reception for Mrs. Dunlop and Mrs.
Stubbins. Potluck dinner and program in
the Social Hall.




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