TWO i THE MICHTAN lATTV "SATURDAY, AUGU.TST 22,14 I i. a J. V a a a v..''- '1 J.1 d'a a .L 1 u . w V ia/ aa aa ti V U; NI , ; 72N ol4 Atr4igatt Elat-lij j An Axe To Grind By TOROUEMADA ............ GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty - I..... .. . r 'T' Edited and managed by students of 'the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. The Summer Daly is published every morning except Monday and Tuesday. Member of the Associdted Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all nevs dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters- herein algo reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTED FOR NATiONM. ADVERTialNG DY National Advertising Service, Inc, College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON Avg. NEW °YOiK. N. Y. C66CK B $T1 Fi1ON ' SAHMQE:It* SAN fPRAUGi6CO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Homer SWander . . . . . Managing Editor wil Mlik LLiGi ': f n Sw+a' aFi 27 f:.®:. .x r ;ti r 11 Sapp . a . * '..' re,~'al e Dan . . . . . . tsEd ASSOCIATE EDITORIS J le Ch#.mpion, John Erlewine, Robert Mgntho, Irving Jaffe, Robert Preiskicl Business Staff. itor Edwa~rd lperlberg . .Business Fred M. insrbrg . Associate Busihess Morton Hunter . . . . Publications imnager Manager Manager NIGHT EDITOR: DAN BEHRMAN Ge- I- Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff .nd represent the views of the writers onl'y. I FDRI Should Act in Indian Crisis . G ANDHI's civil disobedience program against the British and the whole Indian chaos has been the subject of too much talk and too little understanding. Imprisoning "the biggest thing in India" isn't going to get at the problem and the clever political cartoons showing a skinny little man carrying his lopped- off head on a platter to the Japanese is simply a waste of good imagination. It isn't so easy. Although the All-India Congress and Moham- med Ali Jinnah's Moslem League have shown a complete unwillingness to cooperate with Eng- land in this war, facts argue conclusively that Gandhi, Nehru and the rest of the Congress leaders were at the brink of making important compromises. But England has let the matter ride after Cripps' effort to woo the little man had failed. Gandhi first admitted he saw a vision which convinced him he was right in practicing civil disobedience against the British unless complete independence was given his country. At that time, he ordered the British to get out of India. Later, he said both England and the United States could keep armed forces in India and even conceded to allow them to use India as a base for military purposes. This is certainly an indication that Gandhi might have another spiritual vision which possibly might open him to compromise.m What have the British done about it? Louis Fischer, writer for The Nation, can tell you if you read his latest article on India. The British have followed the ancient imperialistic policy charac- teristic of England as a country since it became a" world power. And why have the British followed the imperialistic line? Back in 1935 the Act of India was passed. Under this act India was ruled up to the outbreak of the present war and the importance of the act was that India was given at least a small amount of self-government. Winston Churchill was the man who led the opposition against the act from the moment it was proposed in the House of Commons. Today Churchill is Prime Minister of England and there is no better -imperialist chewing cigars stubbornly in politics. Whenever anybody says "India", Churchill immediately answers "Eng- land". 1T'S beginning to look a little like Churchill and the British Cabinet see Gandhi's present move to obtain freedom for his country as just the chance they've been looking for.' It's possible that they might whip Gandhi for a change, too. But what, exactly, would that prove? Again Fischer can tell you. The victory would be a hol- low one and we personally would hate to predict the wave of anti-British feeling that might fol- low. Such a victory would, of course, accomplish one thing. It would certainly make it that much easier for the Axis to take India. No, the way things are going now isn't going to get the United Nations anywhere. It's like striking out and running to first when the ball pops out of the catcher's mitt for a second. The only approach to the Indian problem is to look at the whole mess as a native of India would look at it. At best, India is hungry. Most of the popula- tion is naked. While the population grows, the output diminishes in as close to a working-out d'f the Malthusian theory as you can expect to find (Tcday I turn my column over to Robert Man- ho, Daily asocate editor, who feels like column iz- Ing on couinnizing. I is unnecessary to point out that I do not hold to his view-but then again . . . Trquemada.) THE OTHER DAY we were asked by the author .of Stardust and Oyster Shells if same was all right. We said we didn't think it was red-hot, prompting the question: what is wrong with it? ,Here is our answer to Stardust and Oyster Shells, not because we think our wisdom is superior but because there have been complaints, and if com- plaints are consistent enough it is obvious that somebody is dissatisfied. We hope the columnst responsible will. take the following criticism not too lightly, and then again there is the other extreme. But here it is anyway. Whether the readers know it or not, Stardust is an able short story writer. Not the kind who sells short stories to every magazine every time, but an able short story writer just the same. And we think this is the clue to all the complaints. A column is a funny thing. Granted, it gives a writer much latitude in choosing style to get a point across and the thing should end whenever you think it's wrong to end it, but there are difficulties be- cause of these very freedoms. This might be a paradox in the best Oscar Wilde tradition, but it's true -nevertheless. A column can be a Frankenstein before the creator realizes it. Stardust's answer to this point could be, justifiably so, that a column is personalized and as such must be subjective. Truly it must present a mood, a snatch of a thing which is hard to define but which is the determinant in a column's worth. If the per- sonalized mood carries through the printed word to the reader, then the column is pronounced good and is read. If, unfortunately, the mood gets muddled somewhere between the typewrit- ter copy and the actual printer's ink, then the column brings complaints. And Stardust's col- umn has been bringing somplaints. Obviously, the mood is not caught and just as obviously, it seems to us, something ought to be done about it. WELL, what's the trouble with Stardust's mood? It's too trivial, as the title suggests. But the writer will claim, and has claimed, that he wants his column to treat the trivia. Stardust thinks that the trivia have a value per se and that through the proper treatment they can be f1hade to accrue value. The point, of course, is the fiction writer's point-life is vitally tied up with the trivia and if we are to read meaning of any sort into life we must be concerned with the little things. So what? We agree, for puivoses of argument, that the trivia are important material in the interests of good fiction-writing, but we must not forget that we have daily readers to contend with and that we have insufficient space in a ten-inch column to orient our readers to our system. All we can give them is a glimpse of what we mean and if we want to tell them Suzy Jones is a plain girl who is bored with life and is overjoyed when Uncle sends her a pretty new dress because the dress represents a High Spot in Her Life, well, why not write a novel about it, A newspaper isn't the medium for serious fic- tion-writing. It's read with a donut stuffed in the mouth and a cup of coffee damn close to a nose, and the reader hasn't got the time, nor does he want to take the time, to figure out how to catch the mood of an unknown writer and spar with it until he is satisfied. A reader wants to pick up the paper and read it casually. As far as a column goes, he'll think it's funny, sarcas- tic, whimsical, well-written. Whether he agrees or not is something else again. But when a reader gets lured into a factory and learns that one of the women who works a drill-press there has big breasts and calloused hands and can go over production, he doesn't particularly give a damn one way or another 'and he's sore he ever read the 'thing. AND when a reader picks up the same paper a day later and sees the same column, he probably reads it because he didn't like the col- umn the first time and wants to see if maybe it's before the age of 5. The rate of infant deaths is '274 out of every thousand. To make the horrible comparison complete, Fischer puts down side by side with his figures on India the corresponding figures on England. Here only 66 out of every thousand babies die and the average life span is 55. THIS is the only way, it. seems to us, that the problem can be approached. When you argue this way, things add up. Two and two make four and that is what you expect it to come to. It's good common sense, then, to conclude that the Indian people, long subjugated by British rule, want no more of the British. Anything India does is colored by the general stagnation plaguing the country. The Indians attribute the misery in their country to British domination and they naturally want their freedom. You can't says that England is the lesser of two evils. That's not it at all. India has only seen the British. She has not seen the Japanese. She has not seen the Nazis. Let's look at it from this standpoint for a change, as Fischer suggests we do. WHAT can we do to make some sense out of the British-Indian deadlock before it is too late? Gandhi himself has the answer to this one. In an interview, he was asked by Louis Fischer what he would do if his friends in China and Russia appealed to him not to start the civil disobedience program. Gandhi answered: "Let improving. And what happens? He's taken back to the factory again, only this time it's Ed. Ed works a drill-press too, except that he is edu- cated and shouldn't be there. In fact, Ed has a couple of chemistry degrees and he's a plenty smart cookie. The writer may want to show by this that the woman with the big breasts isn't educated but she is a success and that Ed with the (lh( mist] y degrees is educated but he is a failure. The reader will say what the 'hell. He has a right to, On it goes. The vicious circle. The writer keeps turning out the same stuff coumn after column. The reader isn't reading it anymore. The :mod is lost. The writer isn't red-hot as far as reader interest is concerned, and you've got to have reader interest. We hope Stardust won't think this criticism is unduly harsh. A bike ride after work in the in- evitable and weary-by-now factory is a nice thing. Especially in the early morning, when most of the world is asleep. If anyone is for- tunate enough to see people starting out the day, we can say it's fun. You've got to be sensitive to what's ticking around you, you know. And when the old lady remarks at the end of the col- umn, "My, it's cold this morning." It's signifi- cant-as a conclusion for a short story, It's certainly obscure enough and this gives it Impli- cations. The writer meant the remark to reveal just how everything happening around the old lady is escaping her. But what has it got to do with a column? THE COLUMNIST on a student newspaper has a duty to the reader. He, too, must remem- ber he is a student. That's why he's a special columnist-he must make it a point to reflect the college student, what the college student feels, thinks, is bothered with. And the college student doesn't like to drift around in the Kath- erine Mansfield now-you-see-it-now-you-don't little brainstorm. If the columnist on a student newspaper isn't sufficiently well-informed to bother with details like these, or if he isn't inter- ested, why not skip the column? We suggest that Sawdust and Oyster Shells change its name, for one thing, because all through this column we've been calling it Stardust and Oyster Shells with- out noticing the error. It makes that much sense, this column we're kicking about. WASH I NGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON EVER WAS THE AWARD of a plastic in- stead of a brass ring more fitting than this to Col. Georges F. Doriot, for it is his job in the Quartermaster Corps to find substitutes for critical materials. And he has done a remarkable job. He has developed plastic buttons, plastic combs, plastic safety razors, and wooden beds. He has even found a substitute for military stuffiness. He goes bustling about his hot, barn-like office wearing suspenders and no coat-in violence to all regulations. The only thing this French war veteran can't find a substitute for is time. The first thing we saw around his office was the wooden double-decker bed, to replace the iron cots of the hate-to-get-up-in-the-morning days. The cot required 49.8 pounds of iron. The new bed has only springs of iron-8 pounds. And the double-decking saves space too. Before aluminum became short, the field range (army cook stove) was made entirely of alumi- num and stainless steel. Now it is made of black iron, brightened in spots with enamel. The canteen whidh every soldier carries used to be made of aluminum. Now, the Quarter- master General has produced a plastic canteen of the same shape and size-which doesn't burn would fingers when full of hot cofee, and which will take a lot of rough treatment. The Colonel invited us to lay this plastic vessel on the floor and jump on it. We did-with both feet. We found the name to be a misnomer. No- thing plastic about it. Plastic as iron! (Believe it or not, this new canteen is made of cotton lin- tersgand ethyl alcohol.) And now, if the Army had all the aluminum in the world, they wouldn't go back to it. Reg U.. $ Pa t .,AdRt' Res.. "And wherever they send you, Simpson, you can rest assured that your Wall Street Journal will follow you." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN F? SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1942 VOL. LII No. 49-S All Notices for the Daily Official Bul- let in are to be sent to the Office 'of the summer session before 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publication except on Saturday, when the notices should be submitted before 11:30 a.m. Notices The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notice of the fol- lowing State of Michigan Civil Serv- ice - Examinations: School Principal I; September 2 1942; $155 to $195 per month. Insurance Executive IV; Sept. 2 1942; $325 to $385 per month. Journalist I; Sept. 2, 1942; $155 t $195 per month. Right of Way Assistant I; Sept. 2 1942; $155 to $195 per month. Right of Way Assistant II; Sept 2, 1942; $200 to $240 per month. Attending Institution Dentist II; Sept. 2, 1942; $200 to $240 per month Resident Institution Dentist II; Sept. 2, 1942; $200 to $240 per month Public Health Dentist IV; Sept. 2 1942; $325 to $385 per month. Public Health Dentist V; Sept. 2 1942; $400 to $500 per month. Hospital Physician V; Sept. 12 1942; $400 to $500 per month. Hospital Physician VI; Sept. 12, 1942; '$525 to $625 per month. Further information may be had from the notices which are on file in the office of the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Opportunities for men and women in the Bureau of Ships, Navy Depart- ment. A request has been received for names and addresses of men and women with one or more years of college work in engineering or science, and for women interested in clerical work. The positions about to be opened are in the United States Bureau of Ships and are civilian in character. Anyone interested is in- vited to seek further informaton at the War Information Center, 1009 Angell Hall. Commissions as Instructors in the Navy Department. The Navy De- partment has requested a list of men between the ages of twenty-five and forty years who are qualified to teach physics or chemical, Diesel, electrical, mechanical, or radio engineering. Commissions are available for those who meet physical and other qualifi- cations. The minimum vision re-' quirement is 12/20, each eye, cor- rected to 20/20 with glasses. Anyone interested should leave his name with the Chairman of the Department of Physics or with the Chairman of any of the engineering departments men- tioned. Prompt action is essential. War Information Center. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notice of the fol- lowing City of Detroit Civil Service Examinations. Last filing date is list- ed in each case. Sr. Building Operating Engineer t Male) -August 27, 1942-$2,970 per year. Jr. Building Operating Engineer (Male)-August 27, 1942-$2,706 per year. Auto Repairman (Male) - Until further notice-$.95 to $1.00 per hour. Transportation Equipment Repair Helper (Male) - August 21, 1942- $.90 per hour. Auto Rnnir Helier (Male) - A- of the semester on the North bulletin board in University Hall. Please watch this space for announcements. University Bureau of Appointments And Occupational Information Registrants-Notice: All students in the summer session who are regis- tered with the Bureau are reminded that they should give us a change of address and telephone before leav- ing the campus. Also, anyone who has accepted a position should notify the Bureau immediately. Anyone having blanks out, please return them immediately either filled out or in blank form. Students who will finish in Sep- tember should also keep the Bureau posted on current address and tele- phone. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Consumer Education Exhibit may .e seen daily at the Michigan League. Hours-11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Academic Notices Fall Term Registration Material Music, Education, Public Health, Ar- chitecture, Literary. Students should call for materials on September 10. This will allow time for seeing ad- visers and securing needed advice. Architects should wait until the ad- viser announces a time for consuilta- tion. Automobile Regulation: The Uni- versity Automobile Regulation will be lifted at 12 noon, Friday, August 21st, for students enrolled in the 8 week Summer Session which terminates on August 21st. There will be no modi- fication or suspension of the Ruling for students in the Summer Term which closes September 26. Office of the Dean of Students All Women Interested in Living in the Women's Student Cooperatives this fall are requested to fill out ap- plication blanks at the Dean of Wo- men's office before noon on Monday, August 24th. An interviewing meet- ing will be held at 7:30 that evening at 909 East University which you are expected to attend. Notice to Men Students: All 'men students living in approved rooming houses, who expect to move from their present quarters, must give no- tice of intention to move in writing to the Office of the Dean of Students on or before noon on Saturday, Sep- tember 26, and rent shall be com- puted to include Friday, September 25. Forms for the above purpose may be secured at Room 2 University Hall. College of Literature, Science, and The Arts, and Architecture; Schools of Education, Foresty, Music and Public Health: Summer Session stu- dents wishing a transcript of this summer's work only should file a re- quest in Room 4 U. H. several days before leaving Ann. Arbor. Failure to file this request before the end of the session will result in a need- less delay of several days. Faculty and Students - Summer Term-College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. Final Examinations for all classes meeting Monday at eight o'clock will be held Saturday, Sep- tember 19, from two to four o'clock instead of Saturday, September 26, as noted in the Final Examination Schedule. This change has been ap- nroved so that students may attend + t ,A, y .. y ,., Sp, .. !4 1 F - , . '} y 1 {° ' , - - ,: Y ' . tt ' ! ,+ s l U + ' ; + , . I gust 21, 1942. Recommendations for Summer Term giaduates should be :iled not later than the 25th of Sep- tember. oming Events Graduate Outing Club: The eight- week period is drawing to a close but not so the activities of the Graduate Outing Club. New friends and old who enjoy outdoor recreation are in- vited to meet at the north door of the RackhaW Building on Sunda.y, August 23, at 2:30 p.m. Plans will be made for the remaining few weeks of the summer term followed by a hike to some nearby spot and a pic- nic supper. Episcopal Students: There will be a celebration of Holy Communion at 7:10 Monday morning, St. Bartholo- mew's Day, in Bishop Williams Cha- pel, Harris Hall, Breakfast will be served following the service, and stu- dents who have eight o'clock classes will be able to get to them on time. Polonia Society:dThere will be a meeting this Monday at 8 p. n -in the recreation room of the Interna- tional Center. Michigan Dames, bridge Monday evening from 8 until 10:30 at the Michigan League. Concerts: The University Musical Society announces the following con- cert attractions for the Sixty-Fourth Annual Choral Union Series, all of which, with the exception of the Cleveland Symphony which will be heard at 3:00 o'clock in the after- noon, will take place at 8:30 p. in., in Hill Auditorium. October 20-Don Cossack Chorus, Serge Jaroff, Conductor. October 29 - Gladys Swarthout, Mezzo-Soprano. November 8-Cleveland Symphony Orchestra, Arthur Rodzinski, Con- ductor. November 19-Albert Spalding, Vi- olinist. December 3-Arthur Schnabel, Pi- anist. December 9 - Boston Symphony Orchestra, Serge Koussevitsky, Con.- ductor. January 18 - Josef Hofmann, Pi- anist. February 16 - Jascha Heifetz, Vi- olinist. March 2 - Sir Thomas Beecham, and the Detroit Symphony Orches- tra. March 17 - Nelson Eddy, Bari- tone. Orders for season tickets (includ- ing tax), at $13.20-$11.00-$8.80-- $6.60 are being received, and filed in sequence at the office of the Univer- sity Musical Society, Charles A. Sink, President, in Burton Memorial Tow- er. Charles A. Sink, President Institute of Aeronautical Science: Will meet Tuesday, August 25, at 7:30 p. m., in the Michigan Union. Movies will be shown entitled Fun- damentals of Airflow and Airflow Separations. Explanation and lecture will be by Professor Kuethe. The Minorities Committee of the Inter-Racial Association will meet at 7 p. m. Monday in the Union. Carillon Recital: The final pro- gram of the current Summer Session series by Professor Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will consist entirely of request numbers, and will be played on te Charles Baird Caril- lon at 7:15-8 p. b. Sunday, August 23. This final recital will include compositions by Bach, Hugh Glaus- er, Jane Stone, a Summer Session graduate student, and Fugue for Car- illon by Professor Price. Polish, French and Russian Airs, and war songs will make up the remainder of the program. Churches Unitarian Church, Statae and Hu- ron Sts.: 8 p. m., Discussion Group- "Drama and Literature in Soviet Russia." Mrs. Lila Pargment, Instruc- tor in Russian. 9 p. in., Social Hour. (No Morning Service.) St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: 8:00 a. in., Holy Communion; 11:00 a. in., Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Rev. John G. Dahl; 11:00Ba. m. Kindergarten, Church Office Build- ing; 5:00 p. in., Student Picnic, leav- ing from Harris Hall. Monday, Aug. 24, St. Bartholomew's Day celebra- tion of the Holy Communion at 7:15 a. in., Harris Hall Chapel. First Presbyterian Church: Morn- ing Worship, 10:45 a. mn. Union Ser- vice with Memorial Christian Church. The Reverend Fredrick Cowin preaching. Westminister Student Guild-So- cial Luncheon at 6:15 followed by meeting at 7:15 p. m. Mr. Lampe will lead the discussion based on -"Build- ing a New World." Students are cor- dially invited. The Ann Arbor Churc of Christ 1 will meet Sunday, August 23, in the Y.M.C.A. Building at 110 North Fourth Ave. Mr. L. L. Yeagley of Pontiac will do the preaching. Sun- day School starts at 10 a. m. Wor- ship Services start at 11 a. m. and R n m Rihlo mtutivw ill 1ata A+ 9 'Accept 0 Subs i utes' COL DORIOT has a strong French accent and bright French eyes.-He is ready to accept any challenge. Bring him a rubber raincoast, a steel safety razor, a brass nozzle-anything made of critical materials. He lives and breathes the very reverse of that old slogan-"Beware of im- itations-Accept no substitutes." He spends twelve hours a day trying to find substitutes for the things the Japanese have thieved in the Far East, and trying to find them at such a weight that the U. S. soldier, who car- ried a 77 pound pack on Bataan, will find him- self on a par with the Jap soldier, whose jungle pack weighs only 26 pounds. If you are an enlisted man, look at the buttons of your overcoat. Brass. Then look at the but- tons on the overcoat of the men just inducted last week. Plastic.' Why They're Called 'Rangers' ..,