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August 22, 1942 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1942-08-22

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F DR Should Act
In Indian Crisis .. .



Married Men
Will Be Taken
Hershey Says
Reclassification Probably
Will Begin In October,
Declares National Head
Of Selective Service
Points Out Great
Need For Selectees1
By The Associated Press
EVANSTON, Ill., Aug. 21.-Maj.-
Gen. Louis B. Hershey, National Se-
lective Service Director, today ad-
vised men with dependent wives only
to "begin making arrangements now"
to enter the Army.
Asserting that the "end is in sight"
of the available supply of single men
for military duty, the director said
that reclassification of all married
men would start "probably in Octo-
ber and certainly by Christmas."
"When the supply of single men is
gone in the next few months," he
said, "we must dip into the group of
men with wives and secondary de-
pendents." Gen. Hershey explained
secondary dependents were those
other than wives and children.
Expressing his views at a press
conference and in an address before
the National Institute for Commer-
cial and Trade Organization Execu-
tives on Northwestern University
campus, the director said that the
number of able-bodied men in indus-
try must be "drastically reduced in
the very near future."
"In the past, Selective Service has
protected vital industries, but from
ere on, when the Army needs the
en there will be no waiting until
)e is replaced," he said.
General Hershey said Selective
service needs men "at a rate which
would have been considered super-
human a year ago," but he declined
to give specific figures on any phase
of the draft program.
* * *
Dependents Of Service
Men To Get Allowance
WASHINGTON, Aug. 21.-(I)-
Some dependents of service men may
receive their first government allow-
ances within two weeks or less, the
War and Navy departments indi-
cated tonight after President Roose-
velt signed the bill permitting the
allowances to be paid as soon as
bookkeeping can be completed.
- The War Department said that
checks covering the first applications
would go out shortly after Sept. 1,
While the Navy said it was "prepared
to make payment almost immediately
on all applications which have been
received and approved."
U. S. Curtails
Gas Shipments
*By Tank Cars
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 21.-The
government moved today to shift
some of the burden of the East's
petroleum shortage to other areas by
forbidding local shipments of auto-
mobile fuel by railroad tank car in
20 Midwestern and Southwestern
states. The action is designed to re-

DETROIT, Aug. 21.-(IP)-Mich-
igan's supply of gasoline will be
but little effected by the order in
Washington today prohibiting the
hauling of automotive gasoline by
rail in 20 states including Michi-
gan, oil executives here predict.
The order was issued by Petrol-
eum Coordinator Harold L. Ickes.
Spokesman for large oil companies
in Detroit said that "nearly all"
the automotive gasoline reaching
here is shipped to Detroit by water,
and then trans-shipped by truck
throughout the state.
The amount shipped into Michi-
gan by rail is so small as to be
negligible, they said.


Nazis Attempt
To Crack Don
River Defense
Drive Wedge Into Soviet
Lines Near Stalingrad
With Tank Squadrons
Associated Press Correspondent
MOSCOW, Aug. 22 (Saturday).-
The Nazi bid for Stalingrad reached
a critical stage early today with rein-
forced German troops trying to erect
bridgeheads across the Don 40 miles
above the Volga city and attempting
to exploit a wedge driven into Rus-
sian positions northeast of Kotelni-
kovski below the Don.
The midnight communique said
the Red Army-had repelled constant
German attacks southeast of Klet-
skaya on the Don bend, but acknowl-
edged that Nazi tanks had breached
Russian positions southwest of Sta-
lingrad in the Kotelnikovski area.
"Northeast of Kotelnikovski re-
peated heavy attacks by tanks and
mechanized infantry were repelled,"
the communique said. "In another
sector the enemy sent 100 tanks into
the attack. Only a few succeeded in
breaking through.
"The infantry which followed the
tanks was cut off by Soviet troops.
Its annihilation now is proceeding."
The next 24 hours should tell much
in the grim fight for Stalingrad.
Twice in two days the Germans have
thrown forces across to the eastern
bank of the Don loop, but the Rus-
sians said most of these shock troops
were wiped out.
Two Bombers
In Air Crash
Thirteen Dead.

'American Sea Fighters Deal Jap Forces
Crippling Blow On Makin Island Base;
Naval, Air Battle Rages Off Portugal Coast

Fierce Struggle Reported'
200 Miles Northwest
Of British Gibraltar
U. S., Brazilians
Track Axis Subs

'Second Front' Battleground For Heavy Air Fighting


Bursts Into Flames
Army Rescue Crew
ImpededBy Forest


PEARL HARBOR, Aug. 21. -(P)
-United States Marines mopping
up Japanese in the Solomon Is-
lands killed 670 of an enemy force
of 700 and captured the remainder
yesterday, a communique issued by
Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, U. S.
Pacific Fleet Commander, said to-
By The Associated Press
LISBON, Aug. 21 -- A fierce Naval
and air battle was reported raging to-
night off Cape Saint Vincent, the
southwest tip of Portugal 200 miles
northwest of British Gibraltar.
There were no further reports late
Friday night.
Presumably It was an engagement
between German longe-range bomb-
ers operating from Southern France,
and British ships traveling the Bri-
tish-Gibraltar sea route, but no par-
ticulars were given, Such clashes
have been frequent.
A Reuters dispatch quoted the Vi-
chy radio as saying that a British
cruiser and four destroyers had left
Gibraltar traveling northwestward
toward the Portuguese tip.
U.S., Brazilians
Track Axis Subs
RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug. 21 -(A)-
The loss of 169 Army officers and
men in the recent Axis torpedoing of
the coastal vessels Baependy, Itagiba
and Araraquara was officially an-
nounced today as UnitedhStates and
Brazilian airmen searched off the
5,000-mile coastline for Axis subma-
rines, including one which accosted
a small vessel with demands for fuel
and food.
The three ships were among five
whose sinking in a space of three
days was announced by the govern-
ment last Monday. Eighty-eight sol-
diers were saved. There were no ac-
curate figures on civilian losses, but
it appeared certain that civilian and
military victims numbered more than
Other reports of U-Boat prowlings
were vague, scattered and somewhat
confused, but the U. S.-Brazilian air
forces carried on relentlessly to in-
crease their known toll of three sub-
marines sunk since the intensifica-
tion of U-Boat raids last week which
has cost Brazil six ships.
Dispatches from Fortaleza told of
the sinking of the third submarine
by patrol planes and identifieid the
attackers only as U. S. airmen-

4~ KIE
.S E Ais
U ¢om
- F
While commandos in England and Nazi defenders along the French coast line licked their wounds,
eleven American flying fortresses pounded six of Germany's highly-touted Focke-Wulf 190s in this North
Sea area. Uncle Sam's squadron suffered no casualties. No announcement was forthcoming from official
quarters as to the aim of this American aerial thrust-the fourth blow struck by the big bombers since the
United States started air operations in this theatre of war five days ago.

- "

Marines, Navy Participate
In Second U.S. Attack
On South Pacific Base


BATON ROUGE, La., Aug. 21.--
(P)-Two Army bombers crashed in
mid-air at the outskirts of Baton
Rouge tonight and state police re-
ported that 13 persons had been
killed and one injured.
In announcing the crash, the Army
air base at nearby Harding Field
said the planes involved normally
carry between four and 16 men.
The planes crashed to the ground
after the collision about seven miles
north of here, near Zion City, strik-
ing earth about 400 yards apart. One
burst into flames immediately, the
other becoming deeply embedded in
the ground, according to Army men.
Army rescue crews rushing to the
scene were hampered in reaching the
planes by the thick woods, and upon
arrival through heavy underbrush,
by extreme heat from the flaming
Crash trucks, ambulances and fire-
fighting apparatus were immediately
dispatched to the scene.
The Harding Field public relations
office said the names of those killed,
three officers and four enlisted men,
would not be released until the next
of kin had been notified.

Zeta Psi House
Bought By U'
For Barracks
New Administration Bldg.
Future Plan For Site,
Fraternity Head Reveal,
The University has purchased the
Zeta Psi house and property at 512
South State St., Edwin R. Menz, '44,
president of Zeta Psi fraternity, said
last night.
Menz said he understood that the
fraternity house would be used tem-
porarily as barracks for ROTC offi-
cers and that the property would be
used after the war as a site for a
new administration building.
Col. William Ganoe, head of the
University ROTC unit, could not be
reached last night for comment, but
Menz said that he had been over to
the fraternity house several times
"looking the place over."
The purchase was made with state-
appropriated funds, Menz said.
The Zeta Psis have purchased the
old Phi Kappa Sigma house at 1443
Washtenaw and will move into their
new home at the beginning of the
fall term.

Flying Fortresses Blast,
Prized German Fighters

Purpose Of Raid
Is 'Accomplished'
Associated Press correspondent
PEARL HARBOR. Aug. 21.--Amer-
ican sea fighters, with Major James
Roosevelt, son of the President,
among them, belted the Japanese a
crippling hit and run blow on Makin
Island in the Gilbert group Aug. 17,
Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, United
States Pacific naval commander,
said today.
The marines, supported by hard-
punching units of the fleet, landed
on the northernmost island of the
Gilbert group in an operation aimed
at clipping the claws of enemy forces
in the archipelago stolen from the
Major Roosevelt was second in
command of the marine raiders. He
and other top officers came off with-
out casualty, the admiral's communi-
que said.

Associated Press Correspondent
London, Aug. 21 - The Dieppe
demonstration of Allied air mastery
over a chosen zone of operations
was followed today by Allied vic-
rtoy in a qualitative test of Ger-
many's newest and best fighting
planes against the Flying Fortresse
of the United States Army Air force.
Eleven of the big, four-motored
B-17's were over the North Sea when
20 to 25 of Germany's prized Focke-
Wulf 190's tackled them.
In the 20 action-filled minutes that
followed six of the attackers were
destroyed or damaged.
Not one of the Fortresses was lost.
although two engines of one were de-
stroyed and a shell from one of the



3 w «.... ...

'Damned If We Didn't Make It'
Rangers Returning From Dieppe
Hail, Success Of 'Suicide Mission 9

Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Aug. 21 - The Com-
mando raid on Dieppe "looked like a
suicide mission" to four American
Rangers attached to Lorad Lovat's
command, but, as Corporal William
R. Brady, of Grand Forks, N. D., put
it today: "Damned if we didn't make
The suicide idea occurred to Bra-
dy and his companions when they
were ordered to storm a 75-foot cliff
north of Dieppe. The others are Staff
Sergeant Kenneth Stemson, of Rus-
sell, Minn.; Sergeant Alex J. Szima,
of Dayton, 0., and Corporal Franklin
M. Koons, of Swea City, Ia.
First on French Soil
The four said they believed they
were the first United States troops
to fight on French soil in this war.
They believed they were ahead of
other Rangers in the raid before they
were assigned to a unit which was
ordered to go forward and knock
out a six-gun battery (apparently

but damned if we didn't make it,"
he said.
"I was the last man over and found
the first pillbox empty," he contin-
Machine-gun bullets were spray-
ing the ground from Nazi .5'0 calibre
guns in another pill box. The party
halted beside the first pillbox and, as
Brady said, "What the hell! We
though we'd go get the other one."
They started for it, but then paus-
ed while Bill Phinney, a'British Com-
mando, thoughfully climbed a tele-
graph pole through a hail of bullets
and cut the wires.
Aided By Planes
As they neared the pillbox two
spitfires came to-their aid. The Bri-
tish planes swooped low and "neu-
tralized" the pillbox with machine-
gun bullets.
All this time the group was under
fire from German snipers.
"We let them go ahead-we didn't
lose a man," Brady said.
They moved forward then to a
cross roads wehre they encountered

temson was in the same party
which was roughly handled by the
Four of the British were killed and
three wounded.
None of the Americans attached
to Lovat's unit were killed and Amer-
ican casualties in the entire raid
were light.
RAF Praised
Koons praised the "wonderful job"
done by the RAF to cover his aprty's
landing. Under this cover they reach-
ed a. ravine used by bathers in hap-
pier times to get down the cliffside.
There they found barbed-wire with
a sign in German'and English read-
ing "Attention, mines."
"We figured this was a bluff, so
we said 'To hell with it' aind went
right through after blowing up some
wire with a bangalore torpedo."
Koons said.
The party moved about 600 yards
through good cover to an orchard.
Szima said there was an anti-air-
craft gun there and "we were about
to fire on it."

WPB Suspends
Utility Building
Construction Work Halted
To Conserve Power
WASHINGTON, Aug. 21. -G)-
The War Production Board readjust-
ed its entire wartime power expan-
sion program today, altered or sus-
pended work on 85 public and private
power projects, and announced flatly
that the move had "substantially en-
hanced the probability of widespread
curtailment" in civilian use of elec-
By closely trimming the amount of
power available for war work as well
as essential civilian needs, the revi-
sion tied in closely with WPB's an-
nounced policy of stopping construc-
tion of most new war plants which
cannot be completed by mid-1943.
Indicating that luxury uses of pow-
er would be barred by the turn of
the year, WPB declared that de-
mands of the program made it im-
possible to "preserve the standards
of reliabilhity of service observed in
peacetimes" and that "civilian incon-
venience and sacrifice must be ex-
pected, particularly during periods
of drought or other adverse weather
conditions or in the event of serious
accidents affecting utility systems."
Among the projects listed as "halt-
ed or suspended in whole or in part,"
with the listed "plant or location,"
Consumers Power Company, Wea-
dock, Mich.
Traverse, City, Traverse City,
Coffee Consumption

Focke-Wulfs' cannons exploded in
the cockpit, killing the co-pilot and
injuring the pilot.
"The Fortress was hit in many'
other places," the U. S. Army Air
Headquarters communique added,
"but no other casualties were suffer-
The North Sea foray, objedtive un-
disclosed, was the fourth by the For-
tresses in five days since the United
States Army started bombing oper-
ations in the European theater.
Fortress crews, familiarizing them-.
selves with the European ,theater,
previously executed precision attacks
on German railway yards at Rouen
on Monday, on the big flying field'
at Abbeville on Wednesday in con-
cert with the combined operations
against Dieppe and on railway yards
at Amiens yesterday.
These actions cost not a single
The North Sea battle found the
Fortresses unescorted for the first
The British have been amazed by
the bombing accuracy of the For-
tresses at the great heights where
they operate. Nevertheless, air ex-
perts had doubted their ability to
beat off attacks if unescorted.
The value of the combined opera-
tions raid against Dieppe on Wed-
nesday and possible future stabs at
te occupied coastline as a means of
forcing the German air force into
great battles of extermination was
receiving increasng attention.
By bringing Hitler's air force into
a full-scale fight the raid had ac-
complished what RAF sweeps over
occupied territory had rarely suc-
ceeded in doing in recent months.
But at the same time qualified
aeronautical experts discouraged any
belief that a single such battle could
compel the Luftwaffe to withdraw
any substantial strength from the
Russian front.
Axis Barkaritie
Scored By7FDR

80 Japs Killed
At least 80 Japanese were killed
in the Makin Island attack, seaplane
installations ashore and two sea-.
planes on the water were destroyed,
while American naval guns succeeded
in sinking one small enemy transport
and one gunboat, Nimitz's communi-
que said.
After the purpose of the attack
was "accomplished in its entirety"the
raiding force was withdrawn. r.
(A Tokyo radio broadcast earlier
today said a force of 200 U.S. ma-
rines had attacked Makin Island, but
had been forced to withdraw.)
It was the second offensive stab at
the enemy's South Pacific holdings
since the night o Aug. 7, when United
States Marines and Allied Naval units
under U.S. Vice Admiral Robert L.
Ghormley, attacked the southern
Solomon Islands' in an operation
Which left the Americansea-soldiers
firmly in possession of emplacements
and installations the enemy once
In Gilbert Group
Makin is the northernmost of the
Silbert group, being located approx-
imately 1,100 miles northeast of the
Solomon Islands. It is almost in a
direct line between the Solomons and
Admiral Nimitz's communique in-
dicated the raid caught the Japs so
-ompletely by surprise that they
added to their own losses by bomb-
ing their own aircraft with bombers
from nearby bases.
Purpose of the action seemingly
was to neutralize bases developed by
the Japanese in the British-owned
Gilbert Islands after a.United States
'quickie" raid on the islands last
Near Jaluit a
Makin Island is only about 300
miles south of the long-developed
Japanese base at Jaluit, in the Japa-
nese-owned Marshall Islands.
A few hundred miles north of Ja,
luit are Taroa and Wotie, strong
Japanese bases which were blasted,
together with Jaluit,' in the U.S.
Naval foray on the Marshall and
Gilbert Islands last February.
Makin Island. an atoll 16 miles
long, also was hit during the Febru-
ary raid, and a Japanese supply ship
and enemy planes were destroyed



Widow Of Dodge
To Relate Story
Of TragicQuarrel,
DETROIT, Aug. 21. -(M>-Mrs.
Dora MacDonald, widow of John ]Du-
val Dodge, who died of a 10-inch
skull fracture Aug. 13, will describe to
a coroner's jury Monday the bloody
and bitter quarrel she had with her
husband just a few hours before his
tragic death.
Prosecutor William E. Dowling an-
nounced this today, adding that
neighbors in the vicinity of the home
where the quarrel took place also
would be called as witnesses.
Miss Mignon Fontaine, 33-year-old
unemployed decorator, graphically

lease 5,000 to 7,000 tank cars for
hauling 100,000 more barrels of fuel
oil a day to the East.
The order, by Petroleum Coordi-
nator Ickes, will take effect Monday
in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Ala-
bama, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennes-
see, Kentucky, Missouri, Kansas, Ne-

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 21.-Pres.
Roosevelt warned enemy nations in
a formal statement today of "fearful1
retribution" to come for what he call-
ed their "barbaric crimes" againsti
civilian populations in Axis-occupied7
The chief executive issued his
warning after Secretary of State Hull
had given him a communication from

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