Weather Continued Warm Y sit igart ~~Iatr Editorial Local Union Has No Right To Strike . VOL. LII No. 48-8 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1942 SolomonIslands aptured BU. . T 2 15 AM. FriAL 00rps Thrust At Dieppe Will Force Nazis To Divert Power * .. * * * * * * C Observers Claim Germans Must Shift Air Forces From Russian Front Allies Bring Down 275 Enemy Craft By DREW MIDDLETON Associated Press War Correspondent" A SOUTHERN BRITISH PORT, Aug. 20 - The smashing Allied tri- umph over the German Air Force over Dieppe in which 275 enemy craft were destroyed or damaged will force the Nazis to divert bombers and fighters .from the Russian front to Western Europe, qualified observers said tonight. These observers, who must remain anonymous, declared the German losses consisted of 91 planes certain- ly destroyed, 38 probably shot down and 140 damaged. RAF Strength Mounts The mounting strength of the RAF and the United States Army Air Cerps plus the new assurance--won at Dieppe by Canadians, British Commandos and U. S. Rangers- make it imperative for the Germans to 'strengthen the Western air fron- tier, it said. No second front can be opened cn the continent without a mass of troops experienced in operations sim- ilar to Dieppe, these observers said. Analyzing the Allied moves in the Dieppe raid, it was clear that the British and Canadians made the greatest progress on the left flank where they destroyed a six-inch bat- tery. Allied Force Checked After a partial success the Allied force was checked in the center while on the right remnants of the original landing party were partly able oy skill and ingenuity to put another six-inch battery out of action. Nevertheless, the German coastal defenses showed the enemy has the wind up, and valuable experience and information were gained by the Al- lies in the center, where the blow was aimed at th heart of Dieppe. 'Ihe Germans stiffened that posi- tion with fresh troops and new ma- terial. Nevertheless, the Allies made considerable gains against this strong force. The Commandos and Canadians were attacked with impetuosity sel- dom seen in this war and were able to carry all local objectives before them. Allies Have Il Luck The Allies ran into ill luck on the right flank. Landing craft speeding toward the shore ran into a Ger- man convoy, a sure sign that the enemy expected no attack in the region of Dieppe. Larry Meier, International News Service correspondent representing the Association of American Corres- pondents in London, who was with the raiders meeting the convoy of tankers, said it at first appeared to be a German trap. A furious battle ensued in which two of four Nazi anti-aircraft ships were sunk, Meier reported. Seven Students Capture Prizes, In Hopwoods Gram, Laidlaw Each Win Double Awards; $475 Given In Four Fields Seven University of Michigan stu- dents received awards yesterday to- taling $475 in the annual Summer Hopwood Contest. Twenty-six manuscripts were sub- mitted in the fields of drama, essay, fiction and poetry. Clara Laidlaw, Gladstone, Mich- igan, and William Parker Gram, Ann Arbor, are recipients of the largest prizes. Laidlaw, first place winner in fiction last summer, again received $75 for her "Short Stories" and $50 for her essay "A Critique of Blake's 'Tyger'." Gram took a $50 prize for his "One Act Plays" and $25 for his poetry "Early Statement." An award of $75 was also made to Mrs. Margaret Avery Dewey, Ann Ar- bor, received $75 for her essay "A Teacher's Middletown." Mrs. Betty Baskin Berris, also of Ann Arbor, was awarded $50 for her "Short Stories." In the poetry division Beth Merizon, Grand Rapids, took a $50 prize with her manuscript "The Skater and Other Poems." Leona E. Thoma, To- ledo, Ohio, won $25 for her collection of poetry "Falcon Freed." Judges for the contest, selected from the faculty, were: Drama: Prof. Karl Litzenberg, Prof. Albert Marck- wardt, Mr. John Weimer. Essay: Prof. Norman Nelson, Dr. Henry V. Ogden, Dr. Herbert Wei- singer. Fiction: Dr. Charles Peake, Dr. Turn to Page 4, Col. 4 Tough 'Little Tiger' Leads Rout Of Japs By Chinese Troops CHUNGKING, CHINA, Aug. 21 (Friday)--(P')-Chinese fighting men commanded by "Little Tiger" Gen. Hsueh Ueyh, hero of Changsha, have captured Kweiki and Shangjao to wrest from Japanese control a 60- mile stretch of the eastern Kiangsi Railroad, dispatches said today.' This development; combined with the recapture of Wenchow port in southeastern Chekiang Province, marks a definite turn in the battle of Eastern China which began 13 weeks ago, Chinese quarters said. The Japanese primary objective had been to remove the menace of air bases within range of Tokyo. EQUATOR NEW - ..ADMIRALTY ':. IRELAND A$MATA BOUOANVLLE SALMUA BRITAIN TULAGI ArafuraM-Sea 8 ORESB .~UDLAA S MERSE\ .U GUINADE ELL DARaeNGeat ARCHIPELAG ANLL P .N rnnl NEW CREEK .''Pnmua Re A1.MAU C BRKTAWN T1Ai. .......30. Arafura~~cor Sea BN'9:AA.I ATR5s BURKETOww. KA©UMB1 \\res CAatWELCAROWELL r : CaSTATUTE LE AUST RA LIA TOWN$VILLEO\*YR'$T:AT EUATOR United States forces, regaining the first segment s of land from the Japanese, are engaged in mopping- up activities in the Tulagi-4uadalcanal area, indicated by arrow 1. Further thrusts from Australia toward Lae and Salamana on New Guinea, Gasmata and Raba ul on New Britai in the direction of 2, and up the chain of the Solomon Islands from the newly-recaptu red harbors to cut the supply lines from Japan, may I S est rmIsvPennsry. C R EE Ke e DEFNS0. A e lne i rnc nD hh ad Marines Mo Ja panese Forces By RICHARD L. TURNER Associated Press staff Writer WASHINGTON, Aug. 20.-The winning American thrust at the Solo- mon Islands today reached the advanced stage of mopping up remnants of Japanese forces apparently left stranded there when enemy warships were destroyed or forced to withdraw. The Navy said that while the United States Marines were busy with this task, Japanese aircraft, destroyers and submarines engaged in a casual bombardment of the newly won shore positions. They inflicted only minor By The Associated Press LONDON, Aug. 20.--In the great- est daylight aerial offensive of the war, 500 Allied fighter planes raided the invasion coast of France today with a four-way sweep while United States Flying Fortresses bombed the Amiens railway yards. Previously the Allies have limited Brazil Seizes Nazi Nationals Announces Loss Of Sixth Ship To Axis U-Boats RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug. 20 -(;)-~ German nationals aboard two repa- triation ships were seized today in the harbor as hostages for interned Brazilians in Occupied France as Brazil announced the loss of her sixth ship to Axis torpedoes in the new outburst of U-Boat raids and Allied counter-action in the South Atlantic. Tonight President Getulio Vargas announced that henceforth Brazilian merchantmen moving through the usual sea lanes would be convoyed by the Navy and Air Force "in coopera- tion with the U. S. Navy and Air Force." The hostage order excepted only those with diplomatic status among the Germans awaiting repatriation via Lisbon on the exchange ships Bage and Cuiaba. The two ships had been scheduled to sail early this week but were held in port when the submarine crisis flared up. The sixth announced victim of re- cent submarine attacks was the small coaster, Jacy, sunk yesterday off Port Itacare in the northeastern state of Bahia. the number of planes in a similar daytime operation to about 300. The widespread attack, too, was a continuation of the daytime use of the huge American four-motored bombers, a recent innovation. The fact that not a single plane was reported lost and only slight fighter opposition was encountered was regarded by the British as a further indication of the severe mauling the Nazi Air Force took in the air battles over Dieppe. In fact, some quarters in London believed the German losses yesterday included at least one-third of the Nazi fighter strength in the western occupied zone of Europe. The operations extended from Le Havre up the French coast to Furnes, above Dunkerque. The British declared direct hits were scored on numerous targets at- tacked by the raiders. The intensity of the raiding was disclosed by the story of the Belgian pilot of an RAF Spitfire plane. "I saw 15 bursts on the target and French Say Allies Haue New Weapon VICHY, Unoccupied France, Aug. 20.- -()--Hand-to-hand fighting in the streets of Dieppe while the most modern weapons of war poured shells into the historic city was de- scribed today in French accounts telephoned to this capital from the scene of the commando coastal raid. Chief of State Petain himself was given a report on the raid by Krug Von Nidda, German Consul General in Vichy, who called on the Marshal this morning. Underlining Berlin's report, the French officially hailed the "com- plete failure" of the landing and re- ported 25 French civilian dead. most of the hits were on yards and locomotive depots," he said. "Great mushrooms of gray smoke went up after the bombs were dropped." One German Focke-Wulf 190 plane was shot into the sea and others were damaged. All Allied planes returned safely. U.S. Army Air Force fighters and bombers struck the railway at Amiens and made sweeps with the RAF and other Allied fliers in a swift follow-up to the "delightful show" over Dieppe which cost them five casualties against three probable victories. Wildcat Strike Hits Parts Plant Closed Shop Is Demanded By CIO Workers Work was stopped completely at the Precision Parts Co. at noon yes- terday when almost all of the day shift went on a wildcat strike be- cause of company refusal to grant a CIO closed shop and check-off. B. H. Warner, part owner of the company, said that the issue involved was not recognition of the UAW-CIO as bargaining agent for the em- ployes, but certain details of the con- tract such as the closed shop. "I believe in the right of laborers to join any organization they wish to," he said, "but I also believe that men have a right to work even if they do not choose to belong to any such organization." Almost all of the workers-the CIO claims a 98 percent enrollment-were out of the plant by 2 p. m. and none of the machines, previously working on war material, were running. The matter of a closed shop and also the question of a 20 percent in- crease in wages have already been submitted to the WLB, but workers are demanding that the closed shop be granted immediately. Bennett Voted N. Y. Nominee For Governor Mead Bested By Farley's Candidate In Crucial Democratic Race NEW YORK, Aug. 20 -(RP)-State Attorney General John J. Bennett, Jr., was unanimously nominated De- mocratic candidate for Governor of New York today-against the wish of President Roosevelt-to give James A. Farley one of the outstanding vic- tories of his political career. Nomination of Bennett over Uni- ted States Senator James M. Mead, who carried Presidential approval, came on the first ballot at the Demo- cratic state convention in Brook- lyn. The official vote, later made unanimous, was Bennett, 623; Mead, 393, with 509 votes required for nom- ination. The convention, after making Bennett the gubernatorial nominee, adjourned until tonight when other places on the state ticket were to be filled. Candidates for Lieut. Gov- ernor, Attorney General, state comp- troiler, and two representatives at large were to be nominated. State Chairman Farley, who man- aged two of Roosevelt's three Presi- dential campaigns, steered Bennett's candidacy for the nomination through a long and bitter struggle for delegates climaxed this afternoon in the party's first convention floor fight in nearly a quarter century. The result was viewed generally in political circles as making Farley the decisive power in the party's state organization. Some observers believed it also decided control of New York's powerful delegation to the nationa democratic convention in 1944, al though Roosevelt has been reported to feel no such issue was involved. Soviet Troops Smash Nazis In Don Battle By The Associated Press MOSCOW, Aug. 21 (Friday).-Th Red Army defending Stalingrad wa reported officially early today t have wiped out a German forc which had crossed the Don Rive while other Sovaiet units fought of constant German attacks inside th Don bend itself southeast of Klet skaya. In the Southern and Western Cau casus the Soviets acknowledged sligh German gains against Russian de fensive forces fighting east of Pyati gorsk in therCaucasian foothills an south of Krasnodar on the railwa leading to the Black Sea port o Novorossisk. Battle dispatches from four north ern sectors, however, said the Re Army was holding the initiative i increasingly hard fighting. Thes were the -Bryansk sector, 210 mile southwest of Moscow, the Vyazm salient, 130 miles west of Mosco the Kalinin-Rzhev sector, northwe of the capital, and the Lake Ilme front, south of Leningrad. In the area southeast of Kletskay within the Don bend some 75 mil above Stalingrad, the Germans trie a large-scale tank assault with auto matic gunners riding on the outsid edamage, but a Japanese destroyer or cruiser was bombed and set afire by American aircraft. Thus, the Navy's first communique in three days on the offensive in the Solomons brought word that it was continuing with uninterrupted suo- cess. It also brought evidence corro- borating the general assumption that the Marines have installed themselves in positions. from which they will not easily be dislodged. The Navy gave no details of the fighting, but observers piecing toge- ther today's news and that contained in previous communiques endeavored to reconstruct the general course of the battle. Jap Shipping Attacked They recalled that previous Navy announcements told of attacks on Japanese shipping in the harbors of the Solomons, and a night battle between American and Japanese na- val units, in which the latter were forced to retreat. Meanwhile, the Ma- rines made their landings. The destruction or disabling of ships in the harbor and the defeat of the Japanese flotillas at sea obvi- ously left the Japanese troops on the islands cut off. Many of them were killed in action, the Navy had report- ed, and many prisoners were taken. Presumably, the rest sought refu- ge in the jungle clad hills which in many places rise steeply just inside the shore line. In the jungles it would be possible for them to wage a snip- ing sort of nuisance warfare at the victorious Marines. Jungle Land Cleared The mopping-up operations which the Navy cited today were generally taken to mean that the American forces were engaged in clearing the tangled jungle land of such enemy detachments. In any event, the use of the phrase r "mopping up," showed the Americans in clear and continied command of the situation ashore. Students May 1Attend Great ALakes Game, A special treat awaits students en- rolled in the University's summer se- mester, and all because Michigan's 1942 football team will open itssche- dule this fall before the regular au- tumn semester begins. The Wolverines play their first game Sept. 26 against the powerful Great Lakes Naval Training Station e eleven here. This also is the closing s date for the summer semester. 0 As a result, those here for the full e term now will be admitted to the r Great Lakes game without charge, Ticket Manager Harry Tillctson an- e nounced yesterday. He outlined the procedure to be followed in obtain- ing tickets with this statement: t "Students enrolled in the summer semester may exchange their trea- - surer's receipt for a ticket to the ,d Michigan-Great Lakes game here y Sept. 26 at the Ferry Field ticket of- f fice any time after September 22. Absolutely no tickets will be granted, - however, until the treasurer's receipt d is turned in." n Those who are not here this sum- e merbut who later will enroll for the s fall semester may obtain tickets to ia the Great Lakes game also through w,a spec alprocedure. st Students stating thtt they intend n to enroll in the fall semester will be required to deposit $27 for a ticket. a, This amow l will be refanded upon es presenting a coupon which they wiP d receive wh.n paying their fees for - the fall sem -ter. 3e , I Mc-tyre To Play For Al-Camp us Dance, Today In In traim ural Bu ilding Deans Move Back Exam Scheduled DuringGrid Match Contrary to the announcement in the final examination schedule, there will not be a final examination from 2 p. m. to-4 p. m. Saturday, Sept. 26, the afternoon of the Michigan-Great Lakes football game. When Assistant Dean Erich A. Walter found that there was such a conflict, he went into a huddle with Dean Edward H. Kraus and Prof. Daniel L. Rich to consider the situa- tion. Realizing that writing a final would be difficult with cheers from the stadium echoing in students' ---- -1- --" nrrno- a f fh - By BARBARA DeFRIES Hal McIntyre and his 22 piece band who will arrive in Ann Arbor this afternoon by bus, will be on a flag bedecked bandstand from 9 p. m. to 1 a. m. tonight in the Sports Building to play for the all-campus, all-city Summer Prom, the first "big" dance to be offered on a Michigan summer campus. Any tickets remaining when the Sports Building opens tonight will be placed on sale at the door and may be purchased by anyone up to the time of intermission when the sales will be officially closed, Don West, general chairman, announced. He added that there is still a limited number available at the League and TTrn inni Sharing the spotlight with McIn- tyre, the band that tied with Claude Thornhill in a recent Billboard col- legiate poll, will be the Four Lyttle Sisters, feminine quartet. Featured tune of the evening, according to an all-campus poll of popular favo- rites, will be "Kalamazoo" in num- ber one position and "Stage Door Canteen" and "Jingle, Jangle, Jingle" in a solid second and third place. With general chairman Don Westj will be Margaret Dodge, and with Elsie Litman, Russia WarBRelief r - presentative, Ed Ormond. Buck Daw - son, Alpha Phi Omega, will attend with Suzanne Springer; Dick Raw- don, IFC, with Pat Bennett;' Sue Simms, League, with Dave Keller, University Student Downs Two Planes In Die ppe Warfare Sergeant Moss Fletcher, a former University of Michigan student, took part in yesterday's commando raid on the coast of France, The Daily was informed yesterday. This campus commando from Ter- race, Ill., shot down a Focke-Wulf 190 and damaged an ME 109 while flying an RCAF Spitfire in the de- vastating Deppe attack. "He left school in Feb. 1941, at the end of the first semester of his freshman year," said his brother-in- law. Dr. James Griffin, assistant cu- U..., I I --I I