* THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, AUGUST 16, 1942 t Dies Describes Huge Sabotage Effort In U.S. Submits To President List Of 17,000 'Affiliated' With German Groups By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Aug. 15.-Chair- man Dies (Dem.-Tex.) of the specialI House Committee on Un-American Activities sent to President Roosevelt today a document which he said dis- closed efforts of the German High Command to establish a "huge sabo- tage ring" with headquarters at Chi- cago. Simultaneously, he submitted a list of approximately 17,000 names of persons who, he said, "have been members of or otherwise sympathet- ically affiliated with German organ- izations which have supported the Nazi cause in the United States." Dies said the document, written in Germany in January, 1941, "eman- ates from none other than Walter Kappe, who is now being sought as Hitler's master spy in the United States." He wrote the President that the committee, which four years ago this week began its investigations, had warned in 1938 that it was "the pur- pose of the German American Bund 'to set up a sabotage machine, which, in the event the United States should go to war, might seriously cripple our industries, our systems of transpor- tation, and our systems of communi- cations unless the United States gov- ernment takes militant steps to put an end to this sabotage activity'." "That warning," said Dies, "has, of course, been dramatically justified by the recent landing on our shores of a group of eight Nazi saboteurs, all of whom had connections with the German American Bund." The Texan said that "despite the published reports of our committee . . . our enemies, who have from the beginning included many scoffers who hold high positions in your ad- ministration, have done their utmost 4.-..-,,__ +In nlo hn rl ht snN v F+o uir Lyttle Sisters The Four Lyttle Sisters, lovely feminine vocalists with Hal McIntyre and his orchestra, will be the feature attraction of Aug. 21 when McIntyre and his outfit arrive in Ann Arbor to play for Summer Prom. With the Four Lyttle Sisters, who joined McIntyre only a short time ago, is Terry Allen, regular male vocalist. Tickets are now on sale at the League and Union, at several cam- pus stores, Michigan Wolverine, on the diagonal, and may be obtained from members of the central committee as long as the supply lasts. Students, faculty members and townspeople alike, are eligible to purchase tickets. Detroit' Story Is Ripped Out Of life' Issue Five Pages Are Removed From Magazines Sent Over Canadian Border By The Associated Press DETROIT, Aug. 15.-Martin R. Bradley, U.S. Collector of Customs here, said today he had received or- ders to tear out of the Aug. 17 issue of "Life" magazine five pages con- taining an article captioned "Detroit Is Dynamite" before permitting cop- ies of the magazine to cross the in- ternational border to Canada. The order arrived too late, Bradley said, to stop the transportation of 100,000 copies of the magazine to Windsor. Ont., across the Detroit River from Detroit. He said he had notified W. R. Johnson, Commissioner of Customs in Washington, that these copies crossed the border prior to receipt of the stop order. Bradley said that in several cases Friday and today, customs officials stopped persons carrying copies of the magazine to Canada, and tore out the five pages before returning the magazine. In New York, C. D. Jackson, gen- eral manager of Life, expressed sur- prise at the action. "Heretofore peripheral censorship by the Bureau of Economics has never included Canadian shipments," Jackson said. "It has been under- stood that Canadian and United States censorship would be exercised equally, with special emphasis of restrictions in the circle outside the territorial United States and Can- ada. "On Tuesday, we submitted copies of this week's Life, which is pub- lished on Friday, to the Bureau of Censorship. We went over the De- troit story word by word and phrase by phrase, making certain changes. But at no time was the Canadian question broached." Jackson said that he understood shipments had been held up tem- porarily at Seattle, entry point to Vancouver, and at Pembina, N. D., entry point to Winnipeg. Ayres Ends Training, Is 'Excellent Soldier' BILENE, Tex.; Aug. 15.-(P)-Pri- vate Lew Ayres has completed his basic army training at Camp Barke- ley's medical replacement training center with the praise "excellent sol- dier" bestowed by his commanding' general. The erstwhile Dr. Kildare of the movies reported here in May after leaving a conscientious objectors' camp to enter noncombatant service. Six pounds heavier despite his veg- etarian diet and hard work under a blazing sun, Ayres awaits permanent assignment in the nation's armed forces with his blessing from Briga- dier General Roy C. Heflebower, Commander of the medical center: "According to all reports -reaching my office he has been an excellent soldier and I am confident he will render valuable service before his army career ends." h Because of some misunderstand- ing regarding the action taken by the IFC House President's meeting on August 7, Secretary Paul Wingate yesterday urged all fraternity men to familiarize themselves with the fol- lowing regulations: 1. That all who attend the 1942 Summer Term and similar terms in following years, and who meet all requirements for initiation, will be eligible not only for pledging in the fall but also for initiation after De- cember 10. 2. That all who attend the 1942 Summer Term and similar terms in following years, will be allowed to room in the house of the fraternity they pledge immediately after pledg- ing, providing that initiation require- ments have been met and there is no other binding room contract. 3. That all who make the hours, grades, and honor points now re- quired for initiation be eligible and allowed to room in the house of any fraternity to which they may be pledged, immediately after meeting such requirements. 4. That eligibility rules in regard to depledging be suspended for the summer term only. 5. That each unaffiliated man re- siding in a fraternity house this sum- mer shall sign a contract with the fraternity agreeing to abide by all the University approved chapter rules regarding conduct and other regulations such as study hours. The Council also ruled unanimous- ly at this meeting that all organized freshmen will be required to wear "pots", as suggested by the Wolver- ine's group. Ray Powell, Kappa Sigma, was elected head of MFODistrict II to re- place Dick Twitmire, no longer in school, and a standing rushing com- mittee was set up with the following men in charge: John Zimmerman, Chi Psi, chairman, Bert Weiss, Pi Lambda Phi, Ross Clark, Acacia, Herb Howerth, Lambda Chi Alpha, and John Wiess, Sigma Phi. 70&eddinrg cNand- Engagemen ts Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Pratt of Detroit wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Evelyn Betty Pratt, '45, to Kenneth Paul Jones III, '44, son of Dr. and Mrs. K. P. Jones of Maui, Hawaii. The wedding date has been set for January 2, 1943. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Chien Chun Wang announce the engagement today of their daughter, Lois Rujen, of Pei- ping, to Mr. Tse Quo of Shanghai. Both are University students. IFC Urges All Fraternity Men To Learn New Rushing Rules ID _ For A Delightful Afternoon ...1 From Camp Filibert Roth: A FAST GAME Foresters Entertain Iron River Girls After Final Examinations to spread the faisehood i failed to investigate the Avukah Will Communal Avukah, student Zioni tion, will sponsor anothe mer series of communa 6:30' p.m. today at the dation. The meal, which will by members of the organ be served at cost. Thel include the singing of H All Avukah members ested persons are invite Reservations may be ma 3779 before noon today. Read The Daily C I LIĀ± we nave By LARRY HOWARD Bund. Special to The Daily CAMP FILIBERT ROTH, Aug. 15. Hold -The fellows have taken to heart the old saw about "all work and no Supper play makes Jack a dull boy." Es- pecially during the past few weeks .oaz have they applied themselves dili- ist organiza- gently to the pursuit of higher learn- r in its sum- ing (preparing for finals), and to 1 suppers at keeping up with their social activi- Hillel Foun- ties. Several of the campers met Dean be prepared Dana for their first time when he nization, will spent a few days with us recently, program will liking him immediately for his ebrew songs. friendly interest and good sports- and inter- manship. He received Camp Roth's d to attend. Class A applause for leading at the de by calling Sunday sing. The bear family called at camp just before the Dean and Dr. Hopkins ate their last meal here before continuing their journey-Dr. Massifieds! Hopkins remarked that he had been skeptical of the bear stories received from camp but that now hemcould verify the presence and tameness of the animals. The Iron River girls gave a party in honor of the foresters at Merten's Cafe, including a show at the thea- tre, dining and dancing. Dates were arranged for all the members at camp and everyone had a swell time. The folks from Iron River have shown a warm interest in the for- l estry camp and have made the party an annual affair. Final Bluebooks were handed in Saturday morning, completing the courses in Forest Mensuration and Forest Reconnaissance. There have been interesting parts in the cur- ~um- riculum and the work done at Imp Lake and Mallard Lake will stand rices as highlights in the memories each say- one will retain of the summer's ac- tivities. In the letup after finals, and eft." before taking up the condensed courses by Professor Young in Fire 95 Control and Forest Improvements, * everyone bent to with a will to return the favor of the Iron River party with an Open House and Supper. I Much interest and ingenuity was shown in decorating the Mess Hall with hemlock boughs and flower ar- rangements. On arrival at camp in the bus pro- vided for them, the girls, dressed in typical Sadie Hawkins style to match the foresters' field clothes, were es- corted by their partners for the day to the various buildings that com- prise Camp Filibert Roth. The two dormitories, study hall, office and wash house were visited in turn, while the three newly erected cabins received their full share of visitors. Unluckily at this time, the girls were not treated to a sight of the mother bear and family of three cubs that have come to be quite friendly to the foresters in these cabins. Before entering the mess hall for supper, the cookee relinquished his privilege of ringing the triangular bell for that meal, turning it over to a line of willing girls Michigan Alumn us' Describes Library Collection Increase Figures appearing in the August issue of the Michigan Alumnus re- veal collections in the University li- braries have grown until they are nearly three times as large as they were 21 years ago when annual re- ports began to be made on library growth. According to the figures the rate of additions to the libraries has shown a general increase. The num- ber of periodicals has nearly doubled. Recorded use of books in all the University libraries, excepting the Law Library, has usually ap- proached, and in five years, passed the total number of books. In the last three years there has been a falling off in book use which library officials can only explain as due to wartime uncertainties which have led to an increase in student dis- cussion and a decrease in research. of TABLE TENNIS in the Union B Itbrd Room . .. t .en.. . A Cool, Delicious Union Milk Shake at the Soda Bar MICHIGAN UNION I \No, I 66 e h2Ion Sh0 FINAL CLEARAN( SPRING AND D SUMMER D Travel Fashions for Vacationers. All Spring, S mer,and Mid-Season Stock must go. Former p are forgotten. Now is the time to buy. You'll be ing, "I' so glad I bought my clothes before I l Dresses... $7.00 - $10.00 - $12, (Many Dark Crepe for Fall and Winter) Prints - Smart Black and Navy, some with jac KeTs, Rayon Crepes - Meshes - Jerseys - at savings of over one-half their original prices of $10.95 to $35.00. Dinner Dresses included in all groups. DRESSES ...0$5 Dozens of Cottons - Spun Rayons - Print Bem- bergs - Little Suits. Also a few Evening Dresses. Sizes 9-17, 10-44, 16%-26V2. Dresses... $2.98 and $3.98 Cottons-- Rayons - Crepes . .. Values to $8.95. SPRING COATS A p Gree..ne's will Re-size vn..uII I I I i Ii I