PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAJLY SUNflATAUG&UST 16, 1$42 :. a, : . U"5 . Atr4tgau Daily The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By l)REw PuEARSON Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Tle Summer Daily is published every morning except Monday and Tuesday. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newvspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as seond-Class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. EPRE9SNTEO POR NATIONAL ADV.RTIS1NG DY National Advertising Service, Inc. G College Pbls ersRepresentative 420 MADisON Ave. NEw YoRK, N. Y. CrNCAG . -lOSTON . LOS ANOSLES - SAN 1RANcIsco Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Homer Swander . . . Managing Editor Will Sapp . . . . City Editor Mik ke Dann . A E r. Sports Editor ASSOCIATE EDITORS gale Champion, John Erlewine, Robert Mantho, iving Jaffe. Robert Preiskecl Business Staff Ward Perlberg . . . . Business Manager Id M. Ginsberg . Associate Business Manager rton Hunter . . . Publications Manager r Ed Fri Mar NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN BRLEWINE The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily stiff ind represent the views of the writers only. Prof. Goddard - Example For The Community... V ERY FEW EDITORIALS are written about deaths anymore. The old and s4cred custom seems to have gone out of fashion ecept in the case of war heroes. Perhaps its disappearance is justified in many cases, but when a man dies who has done so much right and good as Prof.-Emeritus Edwin A. Goddard the story of his life should be told if only to im- pf'ess the example set by such a man. The de- scription of such a man can do far more for justice than theoretical argument about what is wrong and right in the world. Professor Goddard lived as full a personal life as it is possible for a man to have, and yet he devoted most of the hours of that life to the community and the University. He was a teacher, scholar, and author of the first rank. An instructor for five years and a law professor for 35 more, Professor Goddard did not let his interests in students end in the class room. He and the late Mrs. Goddard helped students of widely different nationalities work their way through school by furnishing free board and room. When the Goddards built a larger home, they had a special room with a private entrance constructed in which students could live. He was no less proficient as a scholar than as a teacher, winning a Phi Beta Kappa key as a bachelor of philosophy and being elected to the Order of the Coif in law school. His books in- clude works on various phases of law such as real property and bailments, but he is also author of a trigonometry text and various legal dissertations. But it was more as a member of the com- munity that Professor Goddard lived as an ex- ample to all who knew him. He never hesitated to undertake any project which would prove beneficial to Ann Arbor or to the nation. At the time of his death, although 77 years old and in gradually failing health, he served the nation and hi community as a member of the local draft board, a board with an established reputation for fairmindedness He was so active in every phase of community life that only a partial list of his activities can he listed, while many more must go unrecorded -remembered only by those who benefited from his aid. Proffessor Goddard was at the time of his death a member of the city park board, and had been extremely active in the development qf the extensive playground recreation program qarried on by the city. So interested did he be- come in providing, additional opportunities for the young people of Ann Arbor that he donated the land which enabled the city to complete riverside Park. A charter member of the Community Fund Association, a member of the board of educa- tion,.a member of the board of trustees for the Y.M.C.A., he was also a member of the original committee to promote the ideas now incorpor- ated In the Huron-Clinton valley recreation plan. The list of activities go on and on. But these indicate the kind of life-long service which Pro- fessor Goddard dedicated to his neighbors. The life of Professor Goddard has so many far-reaching and important implications that they cannot be discussed in so brief a space. but implicit in that life is the most important lesson of all: WASHINGTON-Argentina-United States re- lations, already sour, are not being improved by a tug of war over South America's rubber sup- ply. While United States officials are signing up the Good Neighbors to deliver all exportable rub- ber to us, Argentina is trying to short-circuit these agreements. " In both Ecuador and Bolivia this competition has reached the stage of impolite, bare-knuckle diplomacy. On July 2 and 3, the Government of Ecuador issued export licenses for shipment of 175 tons of rubber to Argentina. Five days later, July 8, the United States concluded an exclusive pur- chasing agreement with Ecuador, and its Gov- ernment issued a decree prohibiting further ex- ports of rubber to any country except the United States. Just at that time, an Argentine ship arrived to take the Ecuadorean rubber, only to find that the "gringo" from Washington (the local repre- sentative of Rubber Reserve Co.) had already bought the rubber, according to the terms of the new rubber agreement. But the Argentine Government protested that this shipment had been consigned to them be- fore the agreement went into effect. A triangular conflict has resulted, in which Jesse Jones's man sits tight saying, "Possession is nine points of the law." Bolivia has made a similar exclusive agree- ment with the United States, but while negotia- tions were going on, the Bolivian Foreign Minis- ter reported that the Argentine Government threatened to stop all flow of materials from Argentina to Bolivia, if Bolivia stopped the sale of rubber to Argentina. This is very serious, since Bolivia, cut off from the sea, must do business through Argentina. The War for rubber is continuing. New Army Shoes THE ARMY will soon walk on less rubber so it will have more rubber to ride on. To this end the Quartermaster Corps is chang- ing the construction of Army shoes. Beginning this month, all composition soles in Army Ser- vice shoes will be made without any crude rub- ber, and will contain 10 per cent of uncured tire scrap instead. Formerly, there was 1/4 pound of crude rubber per shoe, and the saving amounts to a tremen- dous figure in the millions of Army shoes. The Quartermaster also will effect a saving of reclaimed rubber by using less of this product, substituting a preparation called carbon black, which is derived from petroleum or coal. T ar Bonds WAR SAVINGS BOND salesman in Buchan- an County, Iowa, was nlonplussed when the spokesman for a colony of 75 families flatly re- fused to buy even so much as a 10-cent Stamp... The salesman was about to leave, but was called back and handed $6,450 in cash as-the colony's donation to the war effort.. .Seeking an explan- ation, the bewildered bond seller was told that the community was composd of Amish families Good Citizens Should Enter Politics .. . SOMETHING VERY ODD is happen- ing to our poltical life and the symptoms are becoming more pronounced with every election. The ideals we are fighting to pre- serve are being undermined from within by ridi- cule and mismanagement. One of our prime possessions is our right to elect public officials. Once elected we reserve the right to criticize them. This is necessary; growth and improvement are most often stimu- lated by criticism. But too often the public rashly abuses politics and politicians without offering any solution to the problem. We criticize because we are irritated with Con- gress' incompetence, but no one seems con- cerned enough to do anything about it. We as college students, can excuse ourselves because of age. But when the present group of students are successful in various careers and businesses just how many are going to be willing to leave all they have built up for participation in gov- ernment? WE NEED TO REPLACE our present leaders with men who are successes. economically and socially, in their private worlds. The char- ter members of the chamber of commerce and the rotary club are not our "best citizens" if they shun politics. There is also a trend becoming evident, of qualified office holders leaving their positions for more important duties in the Army or Navy. B t what is more important than good gov- ernment? Certainly, senators, governors and judges are more important to the nation in that capacity than as lieutenant-commanders. We are fighting to preserve our form of gov- ernment, yet we have trouble finding competent people who are willing to govern. Politics has become synondmous with distaste and humor to most people. ABUSES and bad practices have given politics a rather peculiar odor in most communities. But the conscientious citizen should not ignore and that their religious creed forbids them to make a profit out of war ...They were willng to make a gift of the money, but could not buy in- terest-bearing bonds. . .The infantry company at Fort Devens, Mass., boasts that every member of the company is buying War Bonds, and it is 101 per cent correct. . .Not satisfied with 100 per cent participation in the War Savings campaign, the doughboys bought a $25 bond for their mas- cot, Blackout, a tiny black dog. . .When Black- out's bond comes due, the money will go to the S.P.C.A. Dies Committee REPRESENTATIVE MARTIN DIES always is able to get resolutions passed extending the life of his investigating committee by whopping majorities, but he seldom wins a battle with the House Accounts committee. Accounts Chairman Jack Cochran of Missouri, a militant foe of Dies, usually sees to that. Dies' most recent tiff with Cochran was over some additional funds the Texan requested for "administrative expenses." The Accounts com- mittee considered this behind closed doors. Dies himself did not attend, but Representative Joe Starnes of Alabama, Number Two man on the un-American committee, was there-also, sev- eral supporters of the committee, including Rep- resentative Frank Boykin of Alabama. One of the things Starnes and Boykin argued for was a salary boost for Robert Stripling, the committee's young chief investigator. Boykin eloquently maintained that Stripling "frequent- ly works seven days a week and has a staff of 40 people under him," but hadn't received a pay boost in three years. "Yes, but he's already making $400 a month, and you want us to raise him $50 a month more," shot back Cochran. "That's an awful lot of mon- ey for a man who used to be a $150-a-month clerk." "Why, what are you talking about, Jack?" re- torted Boykin. "You and I are making $10,000 a year, but you used to be a $125-a-month clerk on Capitol Hill and I well remember the time I was a 35-cents-a-day water boy and figured I was rich." But Cochran refused to budge and Stripling's salary was not increased. Merry-Go-Round PRESIDENTIAL ADVISER Isador Lubin, after 36 straight hours of hard work, went to bed one morning at 9 o'clock, slept until 9 the next morning. 9DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SUNDAY, AUGUST 16, 1942 VOL. LII No. 45-S All Notices for the Daily Official ui- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publication except on Saturday. when the notices should be siibmtted before 1:30 a.m. Notices The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notice of the fol lowing City of Detroit Civil Service Examinations. The examination and filing date is given in each case: Student Public Health Nurse: fe- male; September 1, 1942; applica- tions accepted until further notice. General Staff Nurse, Relief; Fe- male; September 1, 1942; applica- tions accepted until further notice. Motorman; male: August 21, 1942; until further notice. Communicable Disease Nurse; fe- male; September 1, 1942; until fur- ther notice. Intermediate Typist: male: Sep- tember 3. 1942; August 27, 1942. .Further information may be had from the notices which are on file in the office of the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau1-of Appointments and Occupational Information Consumer Education Exhibit may be seen daily at the Michigan League. Hours-11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Acad emic Notices Teaching Departments wishing to recommend tentative Summer Ses- sion graduates from the College of Literature. Science, and the Arts and the School of Education for De- partmental Honors should send such names to the Registrar's Office, Room 4, University Hall, before Au- gust 21, 1942. Recommendations for Summner Term graduates should be filed riot later than the 25th of Sep- tember. All School of Music graduate stu- dents are asked to attend an assem- bly to be held at 7:30 p.m., Monday, August 17, in the Rackham Amphi- theatre. Earl V. Moore Senior Engineers: Aluminum Com- pany of America representative Mr. W. S. Idler will interview Senior Engineering Students for positions in tat org4anzation Monday, August 17, 'x942. Sign the interview schedule on the .Bulletin Board at Room 221 West Engineering Building. hnterviews will be held in Room 216 West Engiffeering Building. D octoral Examination for James Lawrene ~1ai $iic; field : Edua- tion; thesis: "The Development of Public Schools in Virginia," will be held on Wednesday, August 19, in East Council Room, Rackham, at 9 :0 a.m. Chairman, R. Schorling. Y3y action of the Executive Board the Chairman may imvite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to ttnd the exam- ination and he may grant permis- sion to those who for sufficient rea- son might wish to be present. j Doctoral Examination for John Emnil T ilford, Jr.; field: English Lan- guage & Literature; thesis: "George Borrow as a Litei'ary Artist," will be held on Wednesday, August 19, in 3223 Angell Hall, at 3:30 p.m. Chair- man, W. G. Rice. ,By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend the exam- ination and he may grant permis- sion to those who for sufficient rea- son might wish to be present. ,octoral Examination for Howard T. Batchelder; field: Education; thesis: "An Analysis of Student Teachers' Difficulties in Directed Teaching," will be held on Tuesday, August 18, in East- Council Room, Rackham, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, R. Schorling. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend 4he exam- inationand he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. Doctoral Examination for Este- fania Aldaba; field: Psychology; thesis: "A Study of the Resemblance of Siblings in Various Tests of Func- tional Efficiency," will be held on Monday, August 17, in 2129 Natural Science, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, C. H. Griffitts. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend the exam- ination and he may grant permis- sion to those who for sufficient rea- son might wish to be present. Doctoral Examination for Lyman Beecher Brooks; field: Education; thesis: "A Socio-Economic and Edu- GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichcy Dominic Says TOT ALL EDUCATION serves a wise purpose. Truth in the control of goodness is one thing, while truth in the hands of evil is sonething different. As Jesus finished a lesson on the highway one day with "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, strength, and mind, and thy neighbor as thy- self", a lawyer standing on the fringe of his sem- inar, asked "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus gave his analysis. Knowing that every lawyer must have a case, Jesus gave the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke X: 25-37). All the "right people", the mayor, an elder in the church, and the chief teacher of the school were shown to "by-pass' their opportunity while a fellow-citizen, in the course of customary social practice, was wound- ed. Then a sympathetic ethical stranger, a half- breed Samaritan, came along and met the situa- tion, caused his remedy to fit the disease, per- formed his neighborly act with simplicity and went on to his own work. IF THE CASE were to be taken from Michigan life in our troubled decade, it would have in- volved socially complex institutions, not a man on a mule. The "right people", the churchmen and the professors who are passing by their op- portunity could be found. Likewise, the sympa- thetic ethical men of imagination and high so- cial purpose, perhaps a despised federal agent, some expert from afar, a radical without honor in his home town, or a black citizen in a white ward. It would be easy to make local applica- tions, but there are three issues here. First, insight is essential if we would be neigh- August Berg; field: Psychology; the-F sis: "Development in Behavior: ther Micturiton Pattern in the Dog," willC be held on Monday, August 17, in 2129 Natural Science, at 3:00 p.m.s Chairman, J. F. Shepard.g By action of the Executive BoardF the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend the exam-C ination and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present.s Doctoral Examination for Donald Gale Stillman; field: English Lan- 2 guage & Literature; thesis: "A Criti- cal Study of Beaumont and Fletch-d er's The Maid's Tragedy," will be held on Tuesday, August 18, in 2213 Angell Hall, at 3:30 p.m. Chairman,n H. T. Price.a By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite membersh of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend the exam-3 ination and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. College of Literaure, Science, andl The Arts, and Architecture; Schoolse of Education, Forestry, Music and Public Health: Summer Session stu- dents wishing a transcript of this summer's work only should file a re-t quest in Room 4 U. H. several daysr before leaving Ann Arbor. Failure to file this request before the end of the session will result in a need- less delay of several days. Students and Faculty, Summert SessIon; ColIlege of .Literature, S- r ence, and the Mts: The attention ofr students and faculty is called to the following regulation of the College: It should be noted that a report ofl X (absent from examinat n) doesi not guarantee a make-up examina- tion. An instructor must, in fairness to those who take the final exami-r nation at the time announced for it,x give make-up examinations only tor students who have a legitimate rea- son for absence.- Faculty, Summer Session, College 1 of Literature, Science and the Arts: a It is requested by the Administrativee Board that all instructors who make reports of Incomplete or Absent from Examination on grade-report-sheetsP give also information showing the1 character of the part of the workf which has been completed. This may be done by use of thie symbols, I(A), X(D), etc.I Library: 1. Students enrolled in the eight weeks summer session and having in their possession books drawn from the University, are notified that suchI books are due Wednesday, August 19. 2. The names of all students en-c rolled in the eight weeks summer ses- sion who have not cleared their rec ords at the Library by Friday, August 21, will be sent to the Recorder's Of-2 fice where their semester's credits1 will be held up until such time as saidt records are cleared, in complianceI with the regulations of the Regents.c WARNER G. RICE1 Director Events Today H. M. S. Pinafore, comic opera by Gilbert and Sullivan, will be given it the Mendelssohn Theatre, on Monday, August 17th. This produc- tion will be staged by the Michigan .1epertory Players of the Department Af Speech in conjunction with the School of Music and the University Symphony Orchestra. Tickets are on sale daily from 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the theatre box office. Tr I nter-RaethialAcgjfw lamUwill V You know Dr. Truffle who's been trying to find out what's wrong with my stomach, dear? Well, I'm bringing him home to dinner tonight." Professor Maynard Klein, with Balr McClosky, Arthur Hackett, Mary Craigmiles. Delta Dean Doran, Mi-g- aret Martin and Betty Mason a soloists. Palmer Christian at the great organ. The Vespers will take place at 8:30 p.m. at Hill Auditorliu . Members of the Graduate Outing Club will go to Clear Lake county park west of Chelsea Sunday for swimming, boating, and hamburgers. Cost is 40c. Meet at the northwest door of the Rackham Building at 2:30 p. mn. Those who have cars please leavename at Rackham lobby ~esk by Saturday noon. Avukah will hold another com- munal supper tonight at 6:30 at the Hillel Foundation. Fol- lowing the meal David Crohn will lead group singing. Reservattdoni may be made by calling 3779 .bffdr Sunday noon. Cost of the dinner is 35c. Coming Events The Midwest Avukah Canip wlllbe held at Chelsea, Mich., from the 24th of August to Labor Day. The U. of M. chapter will attend on the Wvek- ends. hDiscussions, lectures, s90s and social activities will compiise the program. Further information may be obtained from William Schu- mer at 7945. Pauline Slonecker, a student of pi= ano under Professor Brinkman, has planned a program of Mozart, B. thoven, Debussy and Brahms for er recital in partial fulfillment of th requirements for the degree of Mas- ter of Music. It will be given at .4: 1 p. m. Monday, August 17 in th Rackham Assembly Hall. The publi is invited. Student Recital: Mary Jane MPr- ris, pianist, will give her recital in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Master of Music at 8:30 p. in. Monday, AEgst 17, in the Rackham Assembly 1047. The, program will include works -by Brahms, Mendelssohn, Beethoven and Chopin, and is open to the gPn- eral public. IoloIa Society. We will meet .with Mr. Ostafin this Monday. All meir- bers will gather at the Interntiohil Center at 8 o'clock. Michigan Dames. Bridg.e KMgon- day evening, August 17, at Michigan League, from 8 until 10:30. The first meeting of the reorgAn- ized Freshman Discussion Group will take place at Lane Hall, Tuesday, August 18, at 7:30 pm. with John Fitch, '46, and Jack Morrison, '46, as co-chairmen. The topic for Ois- cussion is Post-War Economics. Secondary School Theatre: "Time for Romance", a three-act comedy by Alice Gerstenberg, will be presehted by the Secondary School Theate of the Department of Speech at 8:30 p. in. Wednesday in the Lydia lin- delssohn Theatre. Admission Will be free. As only a limited number -of seats will be available, patrons in- terested in this production are urged to come early. The doors il be closed as soon as the theatre is fll. Doors open at 8 p. in. Choir Concert: The Univeritypof Michigan Summer Session Choir, Maynard Klein, director, will pre- sent a special concert at 8:30 p. m. Wednesday, August 19, in Hill Audi- torium. Mr. Klein has arranged a program including four first per- formances on the campus, and -ea- turing the works of Palestrina Thomas Morley, Brahms, Deliu, R. Vaughan Williams and Ransall E borly, in a swift-moving panorama of world events, and he is most apt to properly use truth who is alert to the best practices in the area involved. Let no modern citizen think he is Christian when he over-simplifies a problem or evades it or substitutes religious isolation for prayerful performance., SECOND, RESPONSIBILITY is mine, in ref- erence to every creative gift. The laboratory scientist, cannot pass all social responsibility to the field engineer, the engineer pass it to the city official, the city official pass it to the social worker, the social worker pass it to the religious leader, and the religious leader pass it to Deity without landing our culture in the abyss. Re- sponsibility is all up and down this line of tech- nicians. A new neighborliness is long overdue.