PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, AUGUST 16, 1942 Coroner's Jury To Investigate Dodge's Death Dowling Say's Questioning Of Several Persons Will Be Carried Out By The Associated Press DETROIT, Aug. 15.-The final strange chapter of John Duval Dbdge's life will be unfolded before a coroner's jury here beginning next Thursday. Coroner Edmund J. Knobloch said a jury of representative citizens would be selected to determine, if possible, how Dodge, son of the late automobile magnate, suffered a 10- inch skull fracture that resulted in his death from a cerebral hemorr- hage. Meantime, Prosecutor William E. Dowling said he would continue questioning of several persons who came into contact with Dodge during the hours preceding Dodge's arrest Wednesday morning and his sudden collapse in a precinct police station. Dowling said he was not yet satis- fied he had been told the complete story of Dodge's activities. Already, the prosecutor has been told by Miss Mignon Fontaine, 33-year-old inter- ior decorator who roomed in the home of Howard E. Lange, that she fled the house when Dodge, visiting there, attempted to enter her room and started to pry a window screen loose. It was this act, noticed by a neighbor, that brought the police to the scene. Officils Read Presidential Proclamation That Ended Strike1 Plan To Sing New Pieces Iere Today Power In Air lei'rMed Vital By Lee SOMEWHERE IN OKLAHOMA, tacles. You would strike at its vital / ug. 15.-u"---Senator Lee