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August 16, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1942-08-16

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Little Change

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Prof. Goddard-Example
For The Community,..


2:15 A.M. FiNAL

Nazis Launch
Full Offensive
On Stalingrad
Germans Begin Attacks
On Fronts Before Volga
City; Hurl Infantrymen,
Tanks at Important Goal
Heavy Losses Mark
New Axis Assaults
Associated Press Correspondent
MOSCOW, Aug. 16 (SUNDAY).-
Apparently launching a full offensive
against Stalingrad after securing
strongholds in the north Caucasus,
the Germans hurled masses of infan-
trymen, tanks and planes today
against Russian positions on the
Kletskaya and Kotelnikovski fronts
before the important Volga city.
Russian reports early today said
the Germans had opened up a series
of attacks with no regard for losses,
with German bodies littering the
ground along a railroad east of Ko-
telnikovski, where the Germans
struck after regrouping their forces.
Germans Stalled
The Germans have been stalled on
the Kletskaya and Kotelnikovski
fronts for weeks while they won posi-
tions in the Don bend and beat their
way deep into the Caucasus. Now
they appear to be putting on the
pressure again, with most of the
north Caucasus in their hands.
Coincident with the threat to Sta-
lingretd was a drive aimed at Astrak-
han from the Kotelnikovski area.
The Russian midnight communi-
que said that the Germans lost heav-
ily in attempts to recapture lost po-
sitions northeast of Kotelnikovski,
while the Moscow radio broadcast
that the regrouped Nazis fighting
east of the city were trying to drive
to the northeast toward Stalingrad.
Kotelnikovski is 95 miles southwest
of Stalingrad.
Pincer Movement
On the northern arm of this huge
pincer movement against the city
named for Joseph Stalin, the Ger-
mans apparently were trying to de-
velop and enlarge their break
through to the Don River southeast
of Kletskaya, which is 75 miles
northwest of Stalingrad.
"Southeast of Kletskaya the Ger-
mans launched several fierce attacks
and sustained heavy losses," the mid-
night communique reported.
(The Russian accounts did not
make clear how the battles in the two
critical areas facing Stalingrad were
The Germans also attacked in the
Voronezh area at the top of the long
southern front and slightly pressed
back the Soviets, the communique
declared. However, the Russians beat
the Axis forces back and killed 400
RAF Pilots
Destroy Ten
Nazi Planes
By The Associated Press
CAIRO, Aug. 15.-American fight-
er pilots are flying as wing-mates of
the RAF in a new outburst of aerial
activity over the desert and overseas
supply lines, it ,was disclosed today

along with the conservative British
report that the RAF had downed at
least 10 of the Axis planes attacking
the Malta convoy during the week.
In operations other than the con-
voy battle, long-range RAF fighter
planes sent two big Junkers-52 trans-
port planes flaming into the sea and
fighters escorting ground-strafing
bombers downed a Messerschmitt
The transports loaded with Axis
specialists speeding to the African
front were of the type caught flying
low over the Mediterranean on pre-
vious RAF forays over the contested
Axis sea-air lanes.
The American fighters got into the
battle for the Middle East a month
after the first announcement from
the headquarters of Maj.-Gen. Lewis
H. Brereton that U. S. bombers had
been carrying out missions with the
RAF for some time prior to that.
Army Bomber Crash
~ A - i l li

Nazis Shoot Prominent
Dutchmen In Reprisal

Five Killed For Countrymen's Failure To
Saboteurs To German Occupation Fo



Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Aug. 15.-Five promin-
ent Dutchmen were stood before a
stone wall and shot dead today in
Nazi reprisal for the failure or re-
fusal of their countrymen to deliver
to the occupation forces the sabo-
teurs who wrecked a German troop
train Aug. 7, and the lives of many
more hostages were declared forfeit.
The executions were reported here
by the Netherlands government-in-
Prof. Goddard
Funeral Rites
Will Be Held
Services For Law School
Faculty Member Set
For 3 PM. Tomorrow
Funeral services for Prof.-Emeri-
tus Edwin C. Goddard, who died Fri-
day night in University Hospital, will
be held at 3 p.m. tomorrow at the
residence, 1212 Hill St. Burial will be
in Forest Hill Cemetery.
Professor Goddard, who would
have been 77 Aug. 20, was a full pro-
fessor of law from 1903 until his
retirement in 1935. He was secretary
of the law faculty from 1901 to 1917,
and in 1917-18 he served as chairman
of the administrative committee of
the Law School. He is also the au-
thor of a number of books on law.
Very Active
Very active in community affairs
as well as those of the Law School,
Professor Goddard was one of the
original founders of the Community
Fund and president of the city park
board, doing much to further the de-
velopment of parks and playgrounds
in Ann Arbor. He was also a member
of the Congregational Church and
was prominent in the formation of
the Emeritus Club of the University
Alumni Association.
Professor Goddard was well-known
for his active interest in the Univer-
sity students, helping a numberof
them through school by giving them
free room and board.
Born in 1865 in Wennebago, Ill.,
Professor Goddard attended the
Winnebago public schools. He re-
ceived his secondary education in
Ann Arbor High School, and then en-
tered the University here. Elected to
Phi Beta Kappa, he graduated in
1889, receiving the degree of bache-
lor of philosophy.
After Graduation
After graduation from the Univer-
sity, Professor Goddard served as a
mathematics teacher and then as
principal of the Saginaw High
School until 1895. In that year he
returned to the University as mathe-
matics instructor. While teaching
mathematics, he pursued a law
course, and received the bachelor of
laws degree in 1899. In 1900 he was
made associate professor of law, and
in 1903 full professor.
Professor Goddard is survived by
a brother, Henry A. Goddard, of Kal-
amazoo; a foster- daughter, Mrs.
Tracy Cockrell, of Cleveland, O., and
a sister-in-law, Katherine Rose-
warne. His wife, the former Lillian
Rosewarne, of Decatur, died in 1937.
Pallbearers will be six of his Law
School associates. They are Dean
Edmond B. Stason, Dean-Emeritus
Henry M. Bates ,Prof. Edson R. Sun-
derland, Prof. Paul A. Leidy, Prof.
Grover C. Grismore and Prof. K. L.

exile on the basis of an announce-
ment by Gen. Friedrich Christiansen
of the occupation forces, who said:
"The perpetrators of the high ex-
plosive attempt in Rotterdam have
been too cowardly to give themselves
The Germans previously had said
the lives of ,600 hostages would be
forfeit if the saboteurs were not given
List Of Executed
Those executed were William Ruts,
director general of Rotterdam; the
Count of Limburg Stirum, of Arn-
hem; a Mr. Waalde, an attorney of
Rotterdam; Christopher Bennekers,
former police inspector of Rotter-
dam; and Alexander Baron Schim-
melpenninck van der Roye, former
president of the Netherlands Olym-
pic Committee.
One hour after the executions,
Premier Pieter S. Gerbrandy of the
Netherlands Government - In - Exile,
made a broadcast to the Dutch peo-
ple, telling them this Nazi act would
remain "a stain on the honor of the
German people."
He said the time would come when
the Netherlands Government would
bring to justice those who committed
these crimes against innocent hos-
'Aim And Duty'
Trial of those guilty of these exe-.
cutions will be "an aim and duty of
the Netherlands Government," he
"This trial will be public, speedy
and just."
Headeclared pointedly, "Further
explanation will reach you through
the intermediary of the RAF, with
which our men cooperate."
Sabotage that is rampant in Ger-
man-occupied countries, said Ger-
brandy, is proof that the Germans
are incapable of governing conquered
British Blast
Rhodes Bases
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Aug. 15.-British war-
ships bombarded a main springboard
threat to Cyprus, Syria and the
Middle East on the Italian islands
of Rhodes with a surprise shelling
last Thursday while the Axis was
preoccupied with attacks on a great
Malta-bound convoy, it was disclosed
The British squadron, under the
flag of Rear Admiral Philip L. Vian,
a young naval hero who often has
challenged the Axis and won against
great odds, delivered a precise 12-
minute attack on Axis preparations
for enlarged operations in the Middle
Then Vian's forces raced away un-
scathed, leaving fires raging among
the harbor and shore targets.
The Italian defenders of the larg-
est of the Dodecanese group were
taken completely by surprise. It was
several minutes before their shore
batteries replied to the British salvos.
Then, reports from the warships
said, the Italian fire was faulty. All
their shells missed their racing tar-
gets and only two salvos gave the
British a nearby splash in the sea.
Informed British sources said the
dawn attack had the dual purpose
of diverting the Luftwaffe from at-
tacks on Malta and the convoy and
of breaking up any Axis preparations
to use Rhodes as a base of attack.

Seeks New
Treasury Requests Likely
To Be Rejected; Three
Proposals Thrown Out
George Advocates
Post-War Rebates
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 15.-The
Senate Finance Committee appeared
likely today to reject certain Treas-
ury recommendations and to turn to
new fields of taxation in an effort to
boost federal revenues beyond the
$6,271,000,000 increase already voted
by the House.
Although Secretary of the Treas-
ury Morgenthau has requested that
the $6,271,000,000 figure be raised to
$8,700,000,000, the committee already
has voted not to consider three of the
Secretary's recommendations which
would have brought in an estimated
$707,000,000 more money.
Three Proposals
The three proposals thrown out
were for the establishment of man-
datory joint returns for married cou-
ples, revision of income return re-
quirements in community property
states, and taxation of the interest on
outstanding state and municipal
The Treasury itself has asked the
committee to junk a five per cent tax
voted by the House on freight and
express shipments, contending that
such a levy might puncture price
As experts laid the groundwork for
the committee's detailed considera-
tion of the measure next week, strong
sentiment appeared to be developing
among members against any increase
over the House figures on individual
and corporation income taxes.
'Stiff' Rates
Chairman George (D-Ga.) told re-
porters the combined rate of 45 per
cent for normal and surtax levies on
corporations, plus a 90 per cent levy
on excess profits, was so stiff that it
appeared necessary to provide for a
post-war rebate of some portion of
the amount paid in.
While he said there had not been
as many complaints about the indi-
vidual rates, which range from 19
per cent for combined normal and
surtax levies in the lowest brackets
to 88 per cent in the highest, he re-
marked that these were "pretty
steep." In this connection he said the
commttee would study the establish-
ment of limited tax credits for debt
payments of various kinds.
A recommendation for a $1,100,-
000,000 additional yield from these
taxes, over and above the'$5,513,000,-
000 increase already voted by the
House, formed the backbone of the
Treasury's proposals to the Senate
H ih-Ranhing
Indiani Leader
Will Intervene
By The Associated Press
BOMBAY, Aug. 15.-Evidence was
developing tonight that the deadlock
between the British government and
Indian nationalists might soon be
broken through the intervention of
at least one and possibly another
prominent Indian.
As reports circulated that the Brit-

ish might apply. severe penalties, in-
cluding death andcollective fines, to
halt rioting and destruction by fol-
lowers of Mohandas K. Gandhi, word
came from the city of Trichinopoly
that Chakravati Rajagopalachari, one
time prominent All-India Congress
figure, was going to New Delhi next
week probably on political business.
At the same time it was reported
from Allahabad that Sir Tej Bahadar
Sapru, India's most prominent law-
yer and sometime negotiator between
the government and Gandhi, also
was heading for New Delhi and
would visit Lord Linlithgow, the Vi-
Moreover, the working committee
of the Moslem League meets in Bom-
bay tomorrow to formulate a new
policy to meet the situation arising
from Gandhi's sponsoring of a non-
violent independent drive.
Hail To Lecture

Important Coastal Bases
In Solomon Island Group
Reported SeizedB U. S.

15.-(P)-A large Army plane,
bound from Camp Pope, Ga., to
Camp Edwards, Mass., crashed
tonight at Peru, Mass., it was re-
ported at Mitchell Field. It could
not be determined immediately
how many persons were aboard but
state police reported at least four
men in the crash were alive.
B. H. Sa jet
Will *11Lecture
A first hand account of life in
Holland since the German invasion
will be given by Dr. B. H. Sajet, for-
mer member of the Municipal Coun-
cil of Amsterdam, at 4 p.m. today in
the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Forced to leave Holland after the
capitulation because of his active in-
terest in social affairs and his mem-
bership in the Dutch Social Demo-
cratic Party, Dr. Saet escaped to
England in a small rowboat.
Dr. Sajet, at the time of the Ger-
man invasion of The Netherlands,
had a well-established medical prac-
tice in Amsterdam. He also took an
active interestin problems of public
administration and had become a
prominent member of the Dutch So-
cial Democratic party, serving on the
Amsterdam municipal council.
Dr. Sajet offered his services as
ship's doctor to The Netherlands
shipping committee in Londonmand
came to New York on assignment
aboard a Dutch ship. There he spoke
a few times on the Dutch situation,
leading to his transfer to The Neth-
erlands Information Bureau as a lec-
turer. For the last five months he
has been speaking in Canada and the
United States.
Novel Play Has
No Male Parts
Secondary School Theatre
Show To Be Wednesday
Featuring an all-woman cast,
"Time for Romance," produced by
the Secondary School Theatre of the
Department of Speech, will be pre-
sented at 8:30 p. m. Wednesday in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. This
three-act comedy by Alice Gersten-
berg is one of the few plays available
that does away completely with male
The action of the play centers
around the interior decorating estab-
lishment of Cynthia Clyde, played
by Peggy Richards, who is trying to
decide whether to marry or to con-
tinue with her career. Her secretary,
Betz, is played by Dorothy N. Wine-
land, and the head saleslady, Azalea,
is played by Lillian Moeller.

Marks Triumphant conclusion To First
Phase Of Pacific Battle; Japs Thought
Dislodged From Strongholds On Shore
Associated Press Correspondent
Fighting Leathernecks of the United States Marines were believed tonight
to have captured important coastal bases in the Solomon Islands in trium-
phant conclusion of the first phase of that great battle still raging in the
Southwest Pacific.
The failure of Japanese quarters to make any but a negative reference
to their land forces, coupled with a Washington announcement that the
Marines are consolidating shore positions in the Tulagi area, led qualified
observers here to the belief that the Nipponese had been dislodged from the
The Japanese-controlled radio stations failed to refer to ground forces
on the southeastern Solomon Islands yesterday but an intercepted Domei
report from Batavia, Occupied Java, admitted today that a "small enemy
force was left on one Solomon Island."
(Japanese in recent days have become curiously quiet on the Solomons
battle but a report from Tokyo reaching London by a German broad-
* 1ast ALulard dr fiarowaf i~ 1iner a+

'U' Enrollment
For Fall Term
Set At_10,500
Estimates Of War Board
Show 7 Per Cent Drop
For Winter Semester
Estimated at 10,500 students by the
University War Board, University en-
rollment for the fall term will show
a decrease of seven per cent from the
enrollment for the fall term, 1941.
The contrast between this estimate
and nation-wide predictions that
1942 college enrollments will show a
large decrease is accounted for by the
need of Army, Navy and Marine
Corps services for professionally and
technicallyttrained men and women,
according to the War Board.
President Alexander G. Ruthven
has stated that government authori-
ties charged with military and civil-
ian enlistment in the war services
have given definite approval of de-
ferments for large numbers of stu-
dents in order that they may receive
college training.
Quotas allotted to the University
for special enlistment programs of
the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and
Coast Guard would permit the en-
listment of every male student who
can pass physical requirements, thus
assuring a stable enrollment in the
University, the War Board states.
Including Army officers and civil-
ian employees of the Army and Sig-
nal Corps who are to receive special
training at the University in the En-
gineering, Science and Management
War Training program, the total en-
rollment will nearly equal that of
fall, 1941.
The freshman class, including in-
coming registrants and students who
entered the University for the Sum-
mer Term, will be larger than in 1941
and increases or maintenance of
present enrollment are expected in
all but six schools of the University,
according to the War Board estimate.

veasu ac nowleage nerce ifghting aL
one point.
("Fierce fighting is reported to be
taking place between Japanese forces
and United States Marines who have
landed on one of the Solomon Is-
lands," the Tokyo dispatch to DNB,
German news agency, said.
(This' was the first acknowledge-
ment from the Axis side that battle
had taken an adverse trend and it
16 (Sunday).-(,P)- The Japa-
nese have recently strengthened
their forces in the interior of New
Guinea, an Allied spokesman ac-
knowledged today after a com-
munique disclosed the invaders
were still exerting pressure in their
attempt to break through the Jun-
gle-covered mountains for an at-
tack on the Allied base at Port
Moresby, only 350 miles across wa-
ter from the Australian mainland.

did not attempt to explain how the
Marines had established beach heads
in the face of the Japanese claim--
entirely unconfirmed-that the U.S.
Naval forces were routed.)
U. S. Ships, Planes
Damage Jap Vessels
WASHINGTON, Aug. 15. -(P)-
Flaming guns of the U.S. warships
and bombs of naval planes severely
damaged a destroyer and two cargo
vessels and sent a third cargo ship
to the bottom in Kiska harbor in
raids Aug. 8 and 9, the Navy dis-
closed today.
More than 3,000 shells were hurled
from the big guns of warships of a
task force of the Pacific Fleet which
hit hard at the enemy occupied
island off Alaska.
Shells striking the enemy's main
camp set huge fires which still were
burning when reconnaisance planes
flew over the harbor a day later.
A short distance to the south a
secondary camp also was hit hard by
the heavy bombardment, and anti-
aircraft and shore batteries through-
out the island were silenced.

University Chorus To Introduce
Compositions At Vespers Today

The University Chorus of the Sum-
mer Session, 100 voices under the
direction of Prof. Maynard Klein,
will offer two compositions never be-
fore played in Ann Arbor at the
Choral Vespers to be held at 8:30
today at Hill Auditorium.
They will combine "Rejoice Be-
lovedChristians" by Dietrich Buxte-
hude, a cantata for mixed voices,
with "The Peaceable Kingdom" by
Randall Thompson.
"The Peaceable Kingdom" is a se-
quence of sacred choruses and was
suggested by the painting of the
same title by Edward Hicks to illus-


tles blew, and nearby farm-
house lights dotting the
countryside went off one
by one, as if controlled by
some master switch; Ann
Arbor was taking part in
its first tri-stateblackout
...The blackout, which
was held Wednesday night.
was termed generally suc-
cessful by Ann Arbor Po-
lice Chief Sherman Mor-
tenson, and covered 41
counties in Southern Mich-
igan . . . Several isolated
cases were found of lights

production of Gilbert and
Sullivan's "H.M.S. Pina-
fore" . . . Performance was
timed so as to continue
right through the blackout
and thus keep the good
citizens off the streets.
Smaller Enrollment -.-.-.
THE DATE problem will
be essentially the same
here, it was indicated by
the University Wqr Board
yesterday, when it released
figures estimating only a
seven per cent decline in
enrollment at the Univer-
sity for the coming fall

taries of Michigan days
gone by have been joined
by a display of photo-
graphs of former Michi-
gan men now in the armed
forces, downstairs in Alum-
ni Memorial Hall . . . The
men represent nearly every
branch of service, and
some have high positions
as officers . . . Many are
boys who were still on cam-
pus last semester.
Summer Session Ends...
CROWDED more than
usual this summer because
of the-maintenance of the
.pg.fl s chno term Ann

years, died in the Univer-
sity Hospital Friday night
... Professor Goddard, who
would have been 77 this
week, was long an active
civic leader in Ann Arbor
even after his retirement
from the University facul-
ty in 1935 . . . He served
as president of the city
park board and was a
memberrofthe Ann Arbor
selective service board.,.
Professor Goddard was
highly popular with stu-
dents, especially foreign
students, for whom he and
the late Mrs. Goddard al-
ways had an open house.,

. - . ---.- ---Clip Here And Mail To A U.-M. Man In The Armed Forces - - - - - - - - -


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