PAGE THREE TEll MICHIGAN DAILY The Cracker Barrel By Mike Dann Daily Sports Editor I s ' A Civilian Pilot Training program, revised in line with recommenda- tions of the War and Navy Depart- ments, will begin July 1, according to Mr. J. F, Cline, assistant coordi- nator of CPT, and applications are now being accepted in the aeronauti- cal engineering office. At the present time the Unive - sity's quota and the length' of the summer course are unknown, but it is likely that the training will be full-time work, covering an. eight- week period, with the government paying a small salary to all students. To be eligible for enrollment, stu- dents must be between the ages of 18 and 37, and must pass CAA men- tal and physical tests, it is expected that the program will attract large numbers of students who have been unable to meet the stringent physical requirements of the Army for com- bat pilots. The enrollees in the new CPT course will be required to take CAA 4 commercial examinations and will be enlisted in the reserve corps in a new category whereby specific num- bers will be called at the completion of certain courses for prescribed du- ties in the army. The others will re- main on inactive status as civilian instructors, airline pilots or ferry pilots. 1 Housing in the dormitories of col- leges giving ground instruction will be furnished most of the trainees and in 24 to 40 weeks from time of initial flight, students will be eligi- ble for jobs as service pilots. Pilots with previos flight experience will be able to qhalify for these positions in a very short time, and are par- ticularly urged to enroll so that sea- soned instructors in CAA Training Schools may be released for military service. Because of the urgency of the war effort, the original plan and policy for pre-flight training in CPT and enrollment in the Air Corps Enlisted Reserve Corps will be abandoned and those trainees who have taken CPT and have been enlisted will be caled to active duty at an early date. According to Mr. Cine, who has Just returned from a conference at Lansing, where Civil Aeronautics Ad- ministration personnel an train- ing contractors discussed the new program, those who cannot be ac- commodated in the first class will be given priority for later classes start- ing each eight weeks. Russian War Relief Supper To Be Monday Proceeds Are To Be Used For Medical Supplies, Surgical Instruments A Russian buffet supper-zahuski -complete with samovars of tea and blintchniki, will be held at 8 p.m. Monday in the Masonic Temple for the benefit of Russian- War Relief, Inc. Russian music and dancing will be featured at the program. Prof. John L. Brumm of the School of Journal- ism will act as master of ceremonies. Tickets will be sold at the door. Named "Aid To Russia Day" by rayors and governors throughout tle nation, including Mayor L. J. Young of Ann Arbor, Monday will see intense drives for Russian Relief Funds. Scrolls of signatures, greetings to the youth of Russia, will be ciru- lated on campus Monday. Nation- wide distribution is expected to net 1,000,000 signatures. After the collection of the scrolls has been accomplished they will be presented to Soviet Ambassador Maxim Litvinoff, who will forward them to the Soviet Union. A double purpose is served by the signature collection for scrolls. Signers will be asked to contribute small sums to the Russian War Re- lief Fund. Medical supplies and surgical in- struments will be purchased by the RWR to be sent to the Soviet Union. They will be transported to the ci- vilian population and the front-line hospital by the Soviet government. Already cooperating in the inten- sive drive for funds and scroll signa- tures are Ann Arbor churches, fra- ternities, sororities, campus organ- izatiqns and cooperative houses. Victory Dance Scheduled The Michigan Wolverine will hold the first in a series of victory dances Summer Intercollegiate Sports . . Despite countless obstacles the University of Michigan athletic depart- ment is starting to mold a well balanced intercollegiate athletic program for the present semester. Definite plans have not been completed yet, but it is certain that the Wolverine baseball, tennis and golf teams will be active this summer. First to see action will be Coach Ray Courtrighl's golfers, who will compete in the national intercollegiates starting Monday at the Chain O' Lakes course at South Bend. Courtright will take a six-man team with him but only four of that group will score officially for the University of Michigan golf team. Three other varsity linksmen will participate in the tournament unattached. The Wolverine squad, which holds the Big Ten crown, will be headed by Capt. John Leidy and Ben Smith, captain-elect. Others who will make the trip are Chan Simonds, Dave Osler, Bill Courtright. Bob Fyfe, Bill Stew- art, Phil Marcellus and Bill Ludolph. Play Local Nines ..a. Coach Ray Fisher has mapped tentative plans for his summer schedule but must wait for official acceptances from some of the colleges. Notre Dame and Ohio State are two of the universities that Michigan will prob- ably play. A major portion of the Varsity's dialmond tilts will be played against local nines in the Industrial and Business loops. Some excellent teams make up these two leagues and should give their Wolverine neighbors plenty of trouble. Capt. George Harms and Bud Chamberlain, who were seniors this spring, have returned to school and will probably form the nucleus of Fish- er's new aggregation. Chamberlain refused several Major League offers to play professional ball this summer because he is enrolled in the Navy's V-7 program.' In order to remain in this branch of the service Bud has to take several math courses this summer. The tennis program for the summer is still very much up in the air according to Coach Leroy Weir. There will be a big IM tennis program but who will be Michigan's opponents in intercollegiate competition will prob- ably be announced/iext week. Wakefield May He Brought Up. . . Cracker Crumbs: Dick Wakefield, ex-Wolverine star, is still burning up the Texas League with his sensational hitting. Several nights ago Dick pasted Shreveport pitchers for three home runs and two doubles in six times at bat. According to rumors the big fellow will be brought up to De- troit to give the Tigers sQme much needed batting power . .. James Chase Fannon, who was the Big Ten individual golf champion in 1939 while play- ing for Northwestern University, was killed Wednesday 'when his naval training plane crashed. . . Wise money has it that Benny Friedman, Michi- gan All-American quarterback in 1925, will resign his post as coach of the City College of New York football team and join the Navy. If he does that City College will drop grid activities for the duration . . . Talk of summer football practice for the 1942 Wolverine team is out of the question because Conference rules forbid any organized practice before September 7 . .. the athletic career of Bob Riley, co-captain-elect of the Purdue basketball squad and star fielder, will be suspended for the duration of the war at least. Bob has enlisted in the U.S. Naval Air Corps and expects to be called foK active training in the near future. Vir idi1TrueksPitches Tigers To 34 Victory Over New York Dark Horses Hale America ,ot 05s;Pae Forly-light Players Shoot Under Par As Turnes And Crisnmu Are TIed CHICAGO, June 18.-fA- -A little- known pro from Alabama and one of seven golfing Turnesa brothers posted low scores of 65 today in the opening 18-hole round of the Hale America National Open Golf Tour- nament at the Ridgemoor Country Club. Otey Crisman of Selma. Ala.. up here "gallivanting around," came in with the first 65 and for four happy hours gloried in his lead, which ap- 'peared to be safe. But the firing wasn't over yet, for Crisman had overlooked little Mike Turnesa of White Plains, N. Y., one of seven brothers. Mike, shooting a 34 on the first nine and a blistering 31 on the sec- ond, sneaked up to tie Crisman and thus the two led the field after 96 players-81 pros and 15 amateurs- had finished wrecking the course with sub-par golf. Eleven of 107 entrants withdraw: Forty-eight players ripped par to pieces and 15 equalled it. Par for the compact little 6,519-yard layout is 72, but thpt's for the club members and not for the golfing slickers who trampled over it today. Crisman had five birdies on the back nine, while Turnesa scored six. Grouped two strokes behind Turn- esa and the drawling Alabaman were five players-Lawson Little of Mon- terey, Calif., 1940 National Open Champion; Al Brosch, Farmingdale, N. Y.; Lighthorse Harry Cooper, Minneapolis, Minn.; Lloyd Mangrum, Monterey Park, Calif., and Mike Sip- ula of Ottawa, Ill. Another group of six were in the 68 bracket-they were Dick Petz, Oak Park, Ill.; Herman Barron, White Plains, N. Y.; Jimmy Demaret, Red- ford, Mich.; George Schneiter, vet- eran pro of Ogden, Utah; Wilford Wehrle, Racine, Wis., lowest shooter of the 15 amateurs, and the veteran Horton Smith, Pinehurst, N. C. Local Pitcher, Pail Beer May et State Sanction ottnue s. -from Pge 1) ler 's total of enemy planes destroy-l ed in combat to eight. His fighter also has a miniature painting of a flag with a bomb in the center to indicate that he dropped a light bomb on a Japanese anti-aircraft batterly at7 Salamaua, New Guinea, on March 10.1 At that time he was the Navy's lead- ing ace-having three more credits than Edward (Butch) O'Hare. Gay- ler's total, however. may have been surpassed by other pilots in the Mid- way Island battle. Brett Comies From Cloud Let us *revert for a moment to the attack on Japanese carrier No. 1 as Commander Brett's torpedo planes came snaking out of the low cloud, Commander Ault's four heavy dive bombers were gaining altitude for- their attacks. They first flew over the Japanese at 3,500 feet, picked the carrier from amid the form tions' below. The Japanese ships mdmen- tarily were in clear air but were steaming fast for a rainsquall. The four piaaes turned into their dives just as the first torpedoes were being released. Much of the car- rier's anti-aircraft was busy with the torpedo planes--there being 11 of them-and Commander Ault's bomb- ers were not molested in their swift, straight descent. The result was that three of their bombs plunged through the carrier's deck. Tower- ing masses of smoke and debris rose after each blast. "The bombs seemed to act in a dual manner," one of the torpedo pilots who saw the dive bombers come down said afterward: "Not only did they tear that carrier apart but they also had an incendiary effect. Of course, that's not so strange. Carriers have huge tanks full of fuel oil and high test gasoline. Once this starts to burn it's, goodbye." Only one of this force of four dive bombers reached the Lexington after the battle. A cloud of Zeros inter- cepted Commander Ault's little force and shot down three. The Command- er's last words ov&r the radio were: Gunner Badly Hit "My rear gunner is 'adly hit, I'm also wounded. Going down on the water." Ensign N. A. Sterrie, one of Com- mander Brett's torpedo plane pilots, said: "Many Japanese fighters showed up during our attack but they didn't push their- attacks home. The car- rier went into a tight corstant turn when it was attacked, and was smok- ing heavily when we went away. As I came out of my attack, I found one of our group had saved his torpedo, since the carrier seemed to be def- initely gone. "He turned away and made a run toward one of the four cruisers that were accompanying the carrier. I had no fish but accompanied him on the attack in order to absorb some of the anti-aircraft fire from that ship's guns. We were unable to see the re- sult of the torpedo shot.," Bombs Released The assault on Japanese Carrier No. II was just as furious as the raids our objective," Ensign J. H. Jorgen- son in one of our carrier No. II tor- pedo planes told me after the fight. "We circled once and saw two car- riers, two battleships, three heavy cruisers and three light cruisers. They were increasing their speed to 25 knots and were spread over a dis-' tance of five miles long and three to four miles wide at that time. "We dived on the, starboard car- rier, the skipper, Lieut. Comm. W. O. Burch, led and I followed. My bomb was released at 2,000 feet. I could see the skipper's 1,000 pounder hit flush on the carrier's deck. Then I saw a lot. of smoke.- As he swooped up out of his dive, Ensign Jorgenson said, his plane was hit by Japanese anti-aircraft fire. "It lurched and started into a left spini After recovering I discovered a shell hole in the left aileron and wing. Fabric quickly ripped off and the wiring and tubing protruded. "As I gained a climbing altitude three fighters jumped my tail. Their bullets peppered the plane and es- pecially the wings and front end of the fuselage. Some passed in over my right shoulder and tore off the rear of my telescope. Others hit the back of the seat (which was arm- ored). More came through wreck- ing most of my instruments. One bullet passed through the oxygen tube which was lying on my foreari -causing the tube to smoke. "Three bullets grazed my right leg and I got some shrapnelsor powder burns in my foot and toes." Radioman Sees Jap The plane became difficult to con- trol, became heavy in the left wing, the Ensign said. "I flew through some clouds and my radioman saw one Japanese fight- er. Three more attacked from above ahd ahead. One came in head-on and I shot into him until he veered off smoking. After this my engine be- gan to lose power-missing on one or two cylinders. I picked up a group of Douglas scout bombers ahd came home. "Arriving, I tried to land with flaps down, but the plane was uncontroll- able. I then raised the flaps, notified the carrier I would land in the water, and sat the plane down in the sea. I was picked up four minutes later." Lieut. E. S. McCusky, also from United States Carrier II, was in a fighter accompanying a group of dive bombers and torpedo planes. He also saw two carriers and watched his comrades in the bombers and torpe-t do planes deliver ,strong assaults. Then he found himself in a fight with Japanese defensive fighters that occupied all his attention until he dived into a cloud and escaped. Mc- Cusky's official report read as fol- lows: When we saw the enemy they - - - - - -- were steering for the cover of a rain- storm. In their group were three battleships, two carriers, with an ac- companying screen of destroyers. I was at 2,000 'feet and the torpedo planes were right down on the water. "As the torpedo planes went in I could see the Japanese main batteries firing their heaviest guns-either six or eight inc ers-in salvos. They were kicking up spouts of water close to our planes, which were all fanned out to cover any angle the carrier might turn to evade the missiles. Zeros Get Set "Thirty seconds later I saw three Zeros above preparing to attack. I closed in on my leader, Lieut. George S. Leonard, to warn him. I overshot and the first Jap dived on me from above and behind,. I applied full throttle and made a steep climbing turn toward him. His tracer bullets trailed behind my plane. "In a few seconds I saw him pull up in front of me, smoke hesitate, then go down in flames-evidently hit by one of our fighters, I believe by Lieutenant Leonard." McCusky saw another Zero com- mencing a dive at him. He turned toward the plane in a "scissor maneu- ver" to avoid the attack. Then as the Japanese pilot climbed for an- other dive the Ensign raised the nose of his plane until his sights were full on the enemy. 400 Rounds Fired "I fired 400 rounds into him," Mc- Cusky wrote. "He did not attack but turned, straggled into a cloud with smoke trailing behind him. At this moment another .Zero attacked me from above and as I was almost at stalling speed I went into a cloud to avoid him. As I entered I saw three more Zeros below and behind." The dive bombing pilots of Unit- ed States Carrier II were busy mean- while dropping ,their big explosive charges on and around Japanese Car- rier II. There were 24 of these, which accounts for the large number of hits-seven--as compared with the Lexington's total of three on the car- rier her dive bombers hit. The-Lex- ington's main dive bomber group, re- member, did not find the Japanese at all, and the only dive bombing sup- port given the torpedo planes was by four planes. "In these stories I have mentioned several natnes. I want to point out that the men whose exploits I cited as examples to illustrate the univer- sal valor of our airrien and ships' crews, were no more ,brave, daring, or self-sacrificing than a large num- her of others whose names have not been mentioned. In news accounts, even as full as my editors have al- lowed these to run, it is obviously im- possible to cite every outstanding deed." - - -I- Lexington Airmen Devastate Jap Carriers In Great Coral Sea Battle By HALE CHAMPION From Associated Press Summaries If every club in the American League pushed the Yanks around like Detroit's upstart Tigers, July 4 would find fans still pouring into the ball parks trying to figure out the pennant wiener. Young fireballer Virgil Trucks brought the season score to 6-4 for the Tigers yesterday as his four-hit masterpiece whipped the world champions 3-1. Spud Chandler went all the way for the losers, but De- troit bunched four of their six hits in the second inning to wrap up the ball game. Trucks Settles Down Trucks, wild in the early innings, settled down after Keller drove home the Yankees' only run in the first, and with great support afield turned back Murderer's Row with a mini- mum of difficulty. Jubilant over their series victory, the Tigers didn't go off the deep end. Birdie Tebbetts, No. 1 Detroit- catch- er, will leave the club for the Army Air Corps July 9, while the draft threatens off-and-on young pitcher Hal (Lefty) Newhouser, and rookie shortstop Bill Hitchcock and Murray Franklin. Meanwhile those rough, tough Brooklyn Bums gave - the St. Louis Cardinals both barrels in a night game. In a scrap marked by sixth- inning fisticuffs, the Dodgers halted the seven-game St. Louis string with a 5-2 win behind the steady eight-hit hurling of veteran Larry French. As usual belligerent "Ducky" Med- wick was mixed up in the extra- curricular activities, but even Dolph Camilli-named Father of the Year before the game-threw a few Army Decision Places Damper On Louis Fight WASHINGTON, June 18.-W)- Prospects of another title fight- by Corporal Joe Louis Barrow faded into the indefinite future today as the Army decided that the heavy- weightf champion must complete his basic military training forthwith. Secretary Stimson announced that- Louis had been ordered to report to Ft. Riley. Kans., Cavalry Replace- ment Training Center and added that, until his period of intensive soldiering there was completed, "ap- punches. After the battle, a ten- minute affair, was completed Lefty Max Lanier, the Card starting pitch- er, weakened and the Brooklyns scored twice to tie up the game. Three runs off ace reliefer Mercer Beazley in the eighth won the contest as the Dodgers picked up another full game on their closest rivals. Nine-Game Streak Broken Their nine-game streak broken yesterday, Boston's rampaging Red Sox lost a chance to pick up that same full game on the Yanks as their game in St. Louis was postponed. Lou Boudreau's Cleveland Indians also lost an opportunity to pick up percentage points as the Washing- ton Senators, paced by their young battery of pitcher Early Wynn and catcher Jake Early, whipped them 7-1. Wynn scattered' seven hits in going the distance while Early's dou- ble0 and two singles drove in four runs. Frantic Jimmy Dykes' White Sox continued their merry-go-round with the Athletics, returning to sixth place with a 7-2 victory over the Philadelphians. Kid infielders Don Kolloway and Bob Kennedy furnish- ed the punch as Buck Ross, aided by Joe Haynes, limited the A's to five hits. Read States Willingness To Run For Lt. Governor LANSING, June 18.-(P)-ThomA Read of Shelby, veteran of 'many political wars. bluntly informed newsmen today, "I'm going to run for lieutenant governor." Announcing his candidacy for the Republican nomination for that post, Read gave notice of an attempt to come back politically following his rejection by the 1940 GOP state convention when he sought renom- ination as attorney general and col- lided head-on with another political veteran, the then Governor Luren D. LANSING, June 18. -(R)- The time-honored drinking custom of an- other day-"rushing, the growler"- may be given legal sanction in Mich- igan once again. The Liquor Control Commission disclosed today it is studying the ad- visability of legalizing the practice of purchasing beer in a pitcher or pail, drawn from a saloon tap, which flourished before prohibition. The Commission said some brew- ers and tavern keepers have recom- mended the practice be restored on the grounds that the war has caused a shortage of metal caps and con- tainers. Under present commission rules, sale of beer for consumption off the vendor's premises must be made in the original container only. 7 7 -. 7 7 _ F I made by the Lexington's squadrons on Jap No. 1. "We had an uneventful flight to For those who missed his memordble perfor- mance at the May Festival and - perhaps even more so - for those who heard it; Rachmaninof SRA Plans Active Summer; Volunteer Work On Program plays his own It Maintaining its position as one of the most active organizations on campus, the Student Religious As- sociation is busy with plans for a full summer's work. At the Inter-G'uild luncheon which was held yesterday, President Tom Johnson announced tentative plans for an inter-denominational service to be held in a few weeks and also for an inter-denominational hymn sing in the near future. Patriotic enthusiasm is to be di- rected into useful channels by a ser- ies of work holidays in the Willow Run area. These will consist of groups of volunteer workers who will do social service work in cooperation with the Child Guidance institute and other organizations. It will also include-some manual labor such as the supervising and building of play- grounds and recreational centers for the children of defense workers. Inter-Guild is a cooperative group of representatives of every denom- ination on campus. Luncheons are held every Thursday noon which are open to the public for the slight charge of fifteen cents. They fur- nish an opportunity to get acquaint- ed wjth members of different groups to discuss common problems. Another luncheon group is held every Saturday noon under the di- rection of Bill Muehl. This includes disaussions of political, ethical, and social problems on campus and in the country at large and in past years it has been one of the most popular of the SRA projects. These meetings have a reputation of com- bining humor with enlightenment as they are gatherings of brilliant wits and well-informed minds, with a predominance of graduates and senior law students, although every- one is welcome. The first Coffee Hour of the term is to be held this afternoon from 4 to 6 p.m., and all those who haven't yet acquainted theniselves with the facilities at Lane Hall are particu- larly invited. SECOND CONCERTO on / .VICTORRECORDS Other works by Rachmaninoff on Victor Records include: SYMPHONY NO.2 ..... . . .. . $6.82 Ormandy and The Minneapolis Symphony SYMPHONY NO. 3 . . . . ... $5.25 Rachmaninoff and The Philadelphia,Symphony FIRST CONCERTO . . ... . . . . $3.67 Rachmaninoff with The Philadelphia Symphony THIRD CONCERTO . . . ..«.... $5.25 Rachmaninoff with The Philadelphia Symphony 1' 1 oe ~o ,' nd a particular favorite bf ours RHAPSODY ON A THEME BY PAGANINI Dickinson. Shows ait 1-3 5 COOLED TO YOUR COMFORT! I NOW! REAL THRILLS! 'ROBINSON boss of 0v All kinds ofik -., - naut and neat, ,4f' . $3.67 Rachmaninoff with The Philadelphia Symphony e invite you to hear these or any others of your favorite ViCTO MASTERPIECES ~,it the1heauiful. iri-co diitinorl 'Pacific Blackout 9 3 lIi { sYt: ."} 1 II III E 1 IL