weather L 3k1 hzt t .....rwyr+. - 4 1 ! Y r Editorial Showers Chamber Of Commerce Complains .About Taxes . 1' AL11 No. 44-S ANN ARBOR, NI4CIG N, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1942 2:15 A.M. FINAL Nazi Advance Polish Force F 'On Stalin grad Smashes Past Don Defenses Russian Positions South l Of Kletskaya Reported9 'Pierced' As German n Force Reaches River ° Soviets Reinforeede B y Siberian Troops By EDDY GILMORE Associated Press. Correspondent 1 MOSCOW, Aug. 15 (Saturday") v Germnan troops fighting towardg *taligad in the on River bendt we're reported officially early todayb to have pierced Russian positions south of Kletskaya, 75 miles north-F west of Stalingrad.T - "To the south of Kletskaya," af *. usian communique said, "our tpops fought fierce battles against fin enemy group which had brokene through to a river."~ The communique indicated thea QGmans had reached the Don River 1ecause Kletskaya is only a shortd distance from the Don, the last nt-n _ iral defense barrier west of the im-v ' portant Volga River port of Stlin- grad. J(The German-controlled Paris ra- dio reported that Siberian troops had sarrived. to bolster the Stalingrad front and that German airmen "heavily strafed these newly-arrived divisions.") RRussians Acknowledge The Russians aso acknowledged a Nazi" breakthrough in the Krasno- dar area in the suothwestern Cauca- sus despite heavy losses inflicted on the Germans. "On one of the' sectors," the com- ..munique said of this front which is northeast of the Black Sea port of Novorossisk, "the enemy at the costn * of large forces was able to advance into the depths of our defenses." Two German infantry companies,h a, squadron of, Rumanian cavalry and 12 German tanks were knocked out oin the Krasnodar action,, the Rus- _ shins 'said.h Elsewhere the Red Army was re- ported holdi firmly on a line ex-r teniding more than 1,000 miles frome below, the ice-sheathed Caucasian mdountain :peak of Elborus in thea south to Leningrad in the north. c German Break-Through A menacing German break-v through to the Don In the Kletskayar area had been reported in press dis-o -patches late yesterday, but the Rus-1 is were said then, to have hurledn back the Germans. Today's official announcement ofr this serious turn in the fight to saveF stalingrad said that the Red Army had beaten off ".considerable forceso of tanks and motorized infafitry" atx Ketskaya itself but that the Ger-e a 4 tide had broken through southi of that, city "to a river" (presumably the Don).k More than 1,500 Germans were1 killed in the loop battle, the com-I munique said. Dodge Death Is, Attributed To Fracture1 By The Associated Press DETROI, Aug. 14-Even after his death, the ppotlight today followed1 John 'Duval Dodge, scion of the mul-i ti-millionaire automotive family, when a coroner's autopsy disclosed that before he lapsed into a coma Wednesday morning he had sufferedI a skull fracture.I Dodge had been more or less in the public eye for 22 years, climaxing. his] escapades with what Prosecutor Wil-7 liam E. Dowling said was a drinking party that rsuited in his arrest, his subsequent collapse at a precinct po- lice station and his death last night in receiving hospital. Today's autopsy brought a formal report that Dodge died of cerebral hemorrhage following a ten-inch fracture of the skull. Dr. Edmund J. Knobloch, coroner, said the fracture "could only have been caused by a good jar of the head. It was not caiised by a sharp blow because there was no wound, or, depression." Police of the precinct station al- ready had reported 'that Dodge, placed in a sitting position on the stone composition floor, suddenly threw himself backward, his head For 'Futlure OJ Gen. Sikorski Announces New Arm As European Spirit Of Rebi By BLAKE SULLIVAN the sabote Associated Press Correspondent identities LONDON: Aug. 14.-Gen. Wladys- thorities. law Sikorski, premier of the Polish Dth- government in London; announced Dutchy ex the formation of a Polish armored onlybero mrotors corps for "a future offensive faced exec on the continent" today as the spirit cause of a of rebellion appeared to be on the Nazi-opera rise in Nazi-trampled Europe despite Country executions and reprisals, picture ofi From Norway, Holland, Czecoslo- France- vakia, France and Greece came re- the Petain- ports of punishment for sabotage and tion were anti-Nadi activities, while via the Clermont Moscow radio the French were ad- France. vised to "prepare for armed strug- greec -- gle" because "the real fight is at chief clerk hand." Fighting French headquar- sulate at S ters here declined to comment on the The city's broadcast but dispatches from the been press Soviet capital quoted Roger Garreau, Fighting French representative in Czechosl MVoscow, as making a plea to prepare cuted on v for open insurrection, and Bruen Great Tension jelgium- The greatest tension was experi- to have at enced in Holland where a midnight airdrome i deadline had been set for the arrest ing four p of 'saboteurs who' last week wrecked mans. ThE a Nazi military train near Rotter- arrested 4 dam. The execution of an unan- saboteurs nounced number of 1,000 hostages furnaces i was threatened by the Nazis unless Norway- Wednesday Wage Increaseteagis ~-~- the work Recom ended Norwegian said it had For GM Corp.pnsmn arrested in ing flower Panel Okays Five-Cent Per Haakon's b Hour Raise In Earnings who bl ast For 225,000 Workers out of th ________threatening By The Associated Press shelteredt WASHINGTON, Aug. 14. -The children a majority of a three-man panel rec- males weri ammended to the War Labor Board Italy, the Today an increase of five cents an- hour for more than 225,000 employe of the General Motors Corporationa. Cony Two CI0 unions had asked for an increase of $1 a day, or 12 1/2 cents an hour. Wa The majority also recommended a maintenance-of -membership clause, effective as of last January 1. Concen The wage increase would be retro- Def active to April 28, the date the old contract expired., Fowler V. Harper, dean of the Uni- B versity of Indiana Law School, the LONDO public member, and' Patrick Fagan, voy defied of the United Mine Workers, the planes, s labor member, constituted the panel boats and majority of the WLB. bomb-spla Wilbur H. Doran, of the Metro- plies to t, politan Edison Company, Reading, ranean for Pa., the industry member of the of the cr panel, recommended an increase of aircraft ca one-and-a-half cents an hour and a announced maintenance-of-membership clause Axis cl effective on whatever date the Board ships, two issues its order. ers as wel Board sources said no decision had branded a been made whether to hold a public the Admir hearing on the recommendations. also claim They said it was possible no decision ships, two would be made until panels in the fied numb Chrysler and Ford Motor Company The bu cases reported.' shepherded The recommended increase in- ships as luded 11/2 cents per hour as an ad- weathered justment for increased living costs, been the1 and 31/2 cents per hour to equalize reted aga rates with. those in Ford plants. voy. The panel's report said average hul annso M okr d hourlearinsofGC ores d - I vacdfrom 97.9 cents an hour in 7~~i~ January, 1941, when they were work- ing'an average of 41.8 hours per week, to $1.147 an hour in May, 1942, when I51i~ they were working an average of 45.6 hours per a week. After allowing for overtime pay- ments, the panel estimated the aver- I age earnings at straight time ad- vanced from 94.1 cents to $1.065 in Nine we the period from January, 1941, tomeic Ma,1942. The panel said that rep- ensk, inc resented an increase of 13.4 per cent Duranty, compared with the cost of living ad -____ vance of 15 per cent in that period. Edwin Goddard, Lawa Professor, Dies InHospital Prof .-Emeritus Edwin C. Goddard of the Law School died at 9:10 p.m. yesterday at the University Hospital after a long illness caused by mastoid infection. Professor Goddard first camne to the University in 1895 when he re- ceived an instructorship in the De- partment of Mathematics. In 1899 he obtained a law degree, ormed rfens ive' cored Motors Corpsi ellion' Rises urs surrendered or their were disclosed to the au- overnment officials here :pressed fears a greater f victims than originally ution might be killed be- n attempt to blow up a .ted radio station. by country, here was the unrest in Europe tonight -three persons opposed to -.Laval policy of collabora- condemned to death at 'errand in unoccupied -David tiano, 38, former in the United States Con- >alonika, shot as a hostage. 6,000 Spanish Jews have ed into labor gangs, Ten Czechs ovakia--Ten, Czechs exe- arious charges at 'rague n in two days this .week -Belgian patriots reported acked a German military ni the Liege district, burn- lanes and killing 16 Ger- e Gestapo, said the BBC, 0 workers in its hunt for who wrecked two blast n a metallurgical factory. -a Norwegian executed , according to Swiss dis- om Oslo, for having writ- tthe Nazis and circulating among his friends. The government in London been unable to learn what 1, if any, had been meted men, women and children, tOslo last Week for wear- ,s to commemorate King irthday. ia-Reuters said Italians, etc the village of Ravnik e ground, posted notices g death to anyone who he homeless women and nd the aged. Most of the e shot or drivn away to agency said. oy Battles y To MaltaI rated Axis Attack 'ed By British The Associated Press N, Aug. 14.-A British con- d swarms of Axis war- dubmarines and torpedo fought its way through shed seas to deliver sup- e embattled mid-Mediter- tress of Malta at the cost wiser Manchester end the rrier Eagle, the Admiralty I today. rims of sinking 21 cargo destroyers and three cruis- I as the Eagle were curtly s known exaggerations by salty statement. The Axis red damage to two battle- carriers and an unspeci- er of other ships. lk of the British ships, d by several British battle- well as aircraft carriers, what was believed to have heaviest air attack yet di- tinsf a Mediterranean con- American jap ases Forces Strentgth'en Grip [)n Islands, As Allies Hit , Ship Concentrations 4 Z Where The Marines Hit The Ja ps ..................................... .................:..... u. .: i ........ t r.. EQUATOR s i. :t.' Y1C: :iiiii :K. irtt ; -" :::;..,...iii. ".....................,...,,...,,.....,........ ....,.......,.......,.......,,...,....,.......,.,.....,,.............,r................,....,.....«....,...«...,:.................-... ,...... ............. :::.^.:::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::ii:ii:i]:iiii iiiiitiiSCilti':i:i°:i::::.^.:: ;[:: [::::a::a[::::::::: :# .... : ADMI AbT{/ i :NEW ..... NY .. T 5 ::x EL D ":r.. R. iiii^iiii iiii i iiiriir:iiiii?.'°i , x., ...... :" ::::::::::c::::::r.:: :- ii P L .... 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T Li :SAl+I R 08A ii^iii:::;: C IS iiii'i.^:: ::::::::::::°:;: ......... i . :: ........... itii I s iii R£NNE :w OUISiAOEii ? I. Gft ...... Eir3 i E eii S Ca ARCHIPELAGO:** Barrio iii .' YiNk K iii i wi to e ter . " Coral Sea Sii i 30O :::::~ :::::::::: LIA ii _ ' =i : 1 'BRA ._ :.::......::.:: i i:: i s: iaeii 10 STATUTE MILS AT EOUATaIt While American marines fought to consolidate their positions in the Solomon Islands (circle), United Nations bombers smashed (plane symbols) at key points in the Jap supply line to the Solomons to hin- der Jap reinforcements on the way to the battle area, U.S. Troops Consolilating Beach Heads As Shore Based Bombers Attack Senate Will Pas Bill By Oct. 1, By The Associated PressR WASHINGTON, Aug. 14.-Senate passage before October 1 of a sub- stantially revised tax bill was pre- dicted today by Chairman George Dem.-Ga.) as the Finance Commit- tee wound up three weeks of. public hearings on the new revenue meas- ure voted by the House in July. Although George declined to spec- ulate on detailed charges in the bill, which would add $6,271,000,000 to yearly Federal revenues as it passed the r House, he told reporters that testimony taken by the committee had made it apparent to him, at least, that some alterations were necessary in major sections of the measure. Business representatives have con- centrated most of their criticism of the bill's provisions on methods of calculating excess profits taxes, on a proposal to put all corporations or a calendar year tax-paying basis and on the measure's failure to pro. vide relief for the payment of debts or the accumulation of post-war re- serves. Only a handful of witnesses testi- fled directly on, individual income tax sections of the measure,, their suggestions ranging from requests for sharp increases in lower brackets s Rev ised Tax WPB Needs George predicts Srn os States Tolan to proposals to shift a greater part of ____ the burden to incomes above $10,000. In this connection, the Congress of Congressman- Points Out Industrial Organizations supported Need For Civilian Head and the American Federation of La- bor opposed President Roosevelt's With Absolute Control suggestion that all incomes be limn- ited to $25,000 through taxation. By The Associated Press Senator George announced that WASHINGTON, Aug. 1.-Re-as- the committee would' begin work re- serting that the nation faced a crisis 'vising the bill behind closed doors in its war effort, Chairman Tolan August 24. (0-Calif.) of the House Committee __________ on Defense Migration, declared to- - night that the arms production pro- 0 PA Declares Steels gram needed a civilian boss "who t i doesn't have to be afraid of- any- Probe Just Starting body." _____Tolan said Donald M. Nelson, u chairman of the War Production , QLEVELAND, Aug. 14.-(IP)-OPA Bojard; had been given broad powers attorneys said tonight a suit filed by President Roosevelt to get needed *here "only scratched the surface" in tools of war built, but that he had - their nation-wide drive to break a given most of this power to the Army f"black market" in steel, No. 1 war and Navy. 1 He recited reports of shortages of 1commodity. vital materials and shut downs of s Accusing steel operator Willard P. War plants and declared they threat- Markle of charging 68 per cent in ex- ened America's present military po- s cess of legal ceiling prices, the OPA sitions abroad. -attorneys today obtained a tempor- "The time has come," said Tiolan, ary injunction against the former "for Mr. Nelson to use the powers -Houston, Tex. warehouseman. Their conferred on him by the President e civil suit said he had bought 80 tons eight months ago. Throukhout these r of steel and sold it to the New Or- months too much of. Mr. Nelson's s leans shipbuilding interests of An- time has been spent in being an umn- - drew J. Higgins. pire. instead of ,a boss." -The chairman's remarks were ' made in an address prepared for ra- dio broadcast over CBS. The address reiterated charges made by his committee recently that III ! mss' the war production program was not functioning as effectively as it 9 o should. The committee, he said, was ia i e" convinced that "faulty control" was /L11P1 I t a responsible factor. -months before trial in the prison o EightAr Wo n e 3Chalon, and -was investigated andAr Wo n e dnqestioned as a possible spy, of both During Indian Riot Churchill and Stalin before being ____ ________________ BOMBAY, India, Saturday, Aug. * 15,-(I)-Eight demonstrators were ::>: :.....{.......wounded today when police fired into :<::>::>' :> >:.:.>>;:.:".::- a crowd in Calcutta, ending a period of quiet in the All-India Congress "':>.:.;;ii$:'{?:' {>;2i".:-:::%:: 'iii:Party's campaign for independence t for India. e The demonstrators in India's great eastern city interfered with street car < ~service, cut telephone" wires and 's smashed fire alarm boxes. Mounted police dispersed a crowd at Rajkot which attempted to picket e the secretariat of the Western India n - States Agency. { Delhi was quiet but two big textile d mills and one flour mill still were closed. - Before the latest flare-ups, Mo- Japanese Naval Convoy Pounde By RICHARD 1, TURNER Associated Press Staff Writer WASHINGTON, 'Aug. 13.--Ame ican fighting men, though' st in the thick of heavy combat, t night had obviously taken a fir and perhaps winning grip upon the Solomon Islands.,v The Navy, given to reticence and understatement, announced that the "task of consolidating" the beach- heads seized and held by the marines was "progressing satisfactorily." Naval units, it said, were protecting the communication lines and escort- ing supply vessels to the forces Qf occupation. Shore-Based Aircraft "United States. Army and Allied... shore-based aircraft," it added, "are continuing to attack Japanese air bases and ship concentrations in en- emy-held harbors." There weret additional indications that American and,Allied forces held the important advantage of superior- ity in the air. Flying fortresses and fast attack bopbers of General Douglas Mac- Arthur's Australian Command were reported to be keeping up an inces- sant attack upon Japanese bases from which reinforcements might be sent to the Solomons, At MVac-. Arthur's headquarters, it was said that these planes ,were battering a Japanese naval convoy bound for the scene of the fighting.., From Sydney, Australia, an Eng-, lish war correspondent cabled word to his London paper, the Evening Star, that the Americans had won the first stage of the' battle for the Solomons. Strongly Entrenched American marines, he said, were so strongly entrenched at, Tulagi, a major point of attack, that only the "heaviest reinforcements" could di8- lodge them. The fighting would continue for weeks, he predicted, asserting that the Japanese had accepted the~ American challenge and apparently were. prepared to risk the results of a big naval action in the effort to~ hold the Solomons. Although not conclusive, the news was all good from this new theatre of active warfare, this first big of- fensive of the United S tates and the United Nations in the broad Pacific_ war area. Many gruelling rounds lay ahead, but it seemed evident that 14 the early fighting the Americans btl4 won. 'Navy Seizes Plant To End Cable Strike, L3 Lecture Program Announced: runty, De Seversky I ' U' Oratorical Assoc orld-famous men and wo- iding Alexander P. de Se- viation authority, Walter prominent foreign corre- Louis Fischer, formerly foreign cor- respondent for The Nation; Mrs Ruth Mitchell, recently connecter with the Chetniks, Margaret Bourke- White, famed photographer; and 'I R. Ybarra, author of "Young Man a Caracas", and Jay Allen, foreign cor" respondent. Co1. Romulo, who will open the ser" ies Oct. 22 with a talk on "The Bat, tle of Bataan", was one of the las men to leave Bataan before thi American surrender. Minister of In formation in the cabinet of Presidens Quezon, he owned four newspaper and two radio stations in the Philip pines. Born in the Philippines, he was th, first non-.American journalist to wi the Pulitzer Prize for foreign corre spondence when he won the coveter award for a series of articles writte: shortly before Pearl Harbor describc 1. 3 B B By The Associated Press BAYONNE, N. J., Aug. 14.-The navy seized the General Cable Con1_- pany's Bayonne plant today to end a. wildcat walkout and the strikers en- thusiastically returned to work for "Uncle Sam, our new boss." "We're all damn' glad it h pened," said Michael P. Petraki. strike committee chairman. have a real boss!" But the very jubilation bro from Washington indication the go ernmient had no intention of turn the seizure into a victory for work s who had walked out of their jo s despite the pleas of the War Labor Board and their own union leaders. The strike began Monday midnight when 1,000 workers tied up produc- tion of cable for army and navy af- ter the War Labor Board' had re- fused their demand for a 10-cent-an- hour wage increase. A responsible Washington official, declining to permit use of his nam~e, said employes: of the company prob- ably *'ould be'notified that the navy had taken over the plant to police it, not jto supplant the management. He implied a ,warning to other war workers that the government would not punish management for wildcat strikes. Anvr impression .that the navy was