FREDAY, AU G. 14, 11942
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Deferred Rushing Allows Only
Upperclass PledgingThis Fall
(Continued from Page 3)
B. Rules for period of intensiv
1. Only freshmen with a C aver-
age or better are eligible to be
2. Rushing shall extend from
aturday, February 13, to Wednes-
day, February 24.
3. Schedule of rushing parties:
Saturday and Sunday, February
13 and 13-Invitation Open Hou-
ses, 3:00-7:00. Tea with only two
of following: cakes, cookies, or
sandwiches-no candy or nuts.
Monday through Friday, February
15-19-Coffee, Cocoa, Tea, 7:30-
9:30. No more than two waiters
used for these.
Saturday, February 20-Luncheon,
12:00-1:30, or Buffet Supper, 5:30-
Sunday, February 21-Breakfast,
9:00-10:30, or Buffet Supper, 5:30-
Monday, February 22-No rushing.
Tuesday and Wednesday, February
23 and 24-Formal dinners, 6:15-
4. Invitations, acceptances and
a. Printed invitations to the ini-
tial Open Houses must be pur-
chased from Panhellenic. No other
forms may be used.
b. The list of rushees will be di-
vided alphabetically so that the
first half of the sororities will in-
vite the first half of the rushees
on the first tea day and the last
half on the second tea day, while
the last half of the sororities will
invite the last'half of the rushees
on the first tea day and the first
half on the second tea day. (Fine
c. Invitations may be delivered to
the mail boxes of the dormitories
or to front doors of the League
Houses starting at 9:00 a. m. two
days before the initial tea. No ac-
tive may talk to a rushee at this
time. (Fine C).
d. With the printed tea invita-
tions may be enclosed a sorority
card asking a rushee to a party at
the beginning of the week; she
may be given her choice of one of
several parties.
e. Rushees need not reply to the
printed tea invitations, but they
are told in their booklets that they
must accept or refuse any other in-
vitation enclosed, at Open House
or by the following evening before
11:00 p.m.,
f. Rushees are told in their book-
lets that they must stay no longer
than three-quarters of an hour a
each Open House, and that the
may go to all of the initial Open
Houses for which they have re-
ceived invitations.
g. A rushee may attend the ini-
tial Open Houses at each sorority
only on the day for which she is
invited. No dates but these may be
h. A sorority may not have more
than four dates with one rushee
(including the Open House and a
final dinner). (Fine C).
i. A rushee may be asked for a
second date by enclosed invitation
as described above, during, the tea,
or by telephoning. She may be
asked for a third date during the
first date. (Fine C).
j. A rushee may not be asked to
a final dinner until she attends a
second date except in the case of
a sorority which is unable to make
an engagement with the rushee
until late in the rushing season or
in the case of the rushee entering
school late.
k. A rushee may attend only one
final dinner by each sorority. (Fine
1. Each sorority shall turn in ev-
ery morning between 8:00 and
10:00 a. m. a list of the girls that
it has dropped beginning the
morning after the last Open House
through the day before the first of
the final dinners. (Fine C).
5. Contact between independent
women and sororities:
a. No sorority women except
mothers and sisters who are not
active may be in the dormitory.
b. Beginning with the Open
House on February 13 there must
be no other contact between pos-
sible rushees and sororities except
as stated in the rules. (Fine A or
c. No alumnae may communicate
with a rushee during the intensive
d. Only four calls may be made
upon a rushee by each sorority. A
call shall consist of a telephone
message or a mailed invitation on
the written form. There shall be
no calling in person on any rushee.
This does include the initial Open
House invitation. (Fine B).
e. No rushee is to be called for or
taken home by the sorority or any-
one connected with the sorority
except in the case of final engage-
ments when the rushees may be
taken home but not called for.
(Fine B).
f. From 9:15 p. m. on Wednes-
day, February 24, until 9:00 p. m.
on Saturday, Februay 27, there
bidding. (Fines B and C).
6. Expenses:
e a. No sorority may spend more
than $35.00 for flowers and decor-
ations for the two intensive rush-
ing seasons. This amount to be di-
vided as the sorority wishes. An
expense account shall be turned in
to the Panhellenic treasurer by
one week after each of the final
dinners by each sorority.
b. No paid musicians may be had.
c. Not more than three courses
may be served at the final dinners.
Demi-tasse is not a course. (Fine
d. No favors whatsoever may be
given. (Fine C).
e. Entertainment at the parties
may consist of dancing, songs,
skits, games, provided by members
of the house.
7. Bids and pledging:
a. Rushees are told clearly in
their booklets that an invitation to
a final dinner does not necessarily
mean a bid.
b. There shall be uniform bids.
c. Lists shall be preferential.
d. Lists shall be typewritten dou-
ble spaced on full sized typewriter
paper. Names shall be alphabeti-
cally arranged, correctly spelled,
and with address.
e. All clerical work shall be done
at the Office of the Dean of Wo-
f. Each rushee who has been in-
vitep to join a sorority will receive
a preference slip the day follow-
ing the final dinner, which she
should fill out and return to the
Office of the Dean of Women be-
fore 12:00 noon on the Saturday
immediately following.
g. Pledge day shall be Sunday,
February 28. Pledging shall start
at 3:00.
h. Pledges shall present them-
selves at the sorority rather than
be called for. Flowers may not be
given to them until they reach the
i. A rushee is bound for one cal-
endar year to the sorority for
which she has designated her pref-
erence. Preference slips may not
be withdrawn.
j. A pledge shall consist of a
written statement, witnessed and
filed with the sorority, in addition
to the wearing of some sort of
gk. One calendar year must elapse
after breaking a pledge before an-
s other invitation for pledging shall
ebe extended.
8. Initiation requirements:
a. No woman who has taken less
than 11 hours is eligible for initia-
t tion. A woman who has taken less
than 15 hours by the advice of the
Health Service or the Administra-
tive Office but who has earned not
less than 26 honor points may be
b. Any girl who lacks no more
than three honor points of the
amount required to lift her proba-
tion and who has better than a C
average in her work for the pre-
ceding semester may be considered
by the Executive Board for initia-
tion into a sorority.
A. There shall be no rushing with
men, nor shall any sorority member
attempt to influence any rushee
through men.
B, No rushee may have a man call
for her at a sorority.
C. No woman who is not registered
s for the semester may be rushed, fol-
lowing the initial Open Houses, or
bid. (Fine C).
D. There shall be no summer rush-
ing except under these conditions:
1. No entertainment which in-
cludes meals, dances, or teas for
more than three prospective rush-
ees, shall be given by a sorority
group unless members of the Mich-
igan Panhellenic sororities are
present. (Fine C).
2. No entertainment may be
given throughout the spring or
summer vacations by actives,
alumnae or patronesses for women
not in the University unless two or
more other sororities are repre-
sented. Any illegal summer rush-
ing done by Ann Arbor alumnae
will precipitate the penalty on
their active chapter. The definition
of entertainment in (1) also ap-
plies here. (Fine B or C).
E. During informal rushing soror-
ities may have one function a week,
lasting not more than three hours.
Dinners must terminate at 8:00,
Rushees are informed in their book-
lets that they must be out of the
house at 8:00.
F. A chairman of rushing in each
sorority shall be responsible in case
of any breaking of rules and shall
authorize all invitations.
Fine A: For the individual girl
committing the violation, social pro-
bation for the first two weeks follow-
ing the rushing period, or, during in-
formal rushing, following the action
of the Executive Committee.
Fine B: For the individual girl
committing the violation, social pro-
Nation for the first four weeks fol-
lowing the rushing period, or during
Class Of
on the
U. of M. Campus
Sta rri ng
Experienced seniors have told Betty
Coed to buy her clothes at Jacobson's
to be assured of correct Michigan at-
tire . .. because they know that Jacob-
son's, being right here in Ann Arbor,
have their finger on the pulse of college
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'C F
Suits for Fall.. .
for those who are always ahead on fashions.
All-wool shetlands, twills, gabardines, plaids
and herringbones.
No college girl's wardrobe
is complete without sev-
eral sweaters to match
those skirts. Theselovely
slip-overs are just the
thing for classes.
E t
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t b \
:F - ;
s ..fir
:. \
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«+ y, _
, , II
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dsr -,ti < '
r : 1
S1 ,,;
r ~' C
s; x _ :.
r: . z '",
T *
for dress
ferent in
gay and dif-
junior hats.
A Jounty
Beret "...
to top your casual
clothes, sweaters and
Zdip-I nners
The new Talon Slide-
Fastened "Zip-inner"
inner coats are bulkless
and very sightly be-
cause they are made of
heavy flannel quilted
on both sides with ray+
on lining. _ 2
_ ,.,....
0., ®1
p .
_ LL =
Wherever you
go, whatever
you do . . . , CONNIE
"SPECS" are part of you!
Tailored of Polished Calf-
skin or Suede with Embossed
Leather! "Boomps Toes" take
inches from your feet! Black,
Military Tan or Browne. .
High or mid-way heel.
Again the season's favorite two-
piece cardigan in rabbit hair jersey,
banded with hand-embroidered felt.
Other Carlye Styles
I 5 : MEi
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