: .
Women s
Will Be
Physical Education Is Expanded
To Meet Individual's War Needs
Freshmen To Fill Department's .p
giving again to Spring includng
Requirements For Graduation sections of both semesters.
Archery Is Given
Recognizing the need for healthy In the fall and spring programs
young women in a period of war the have been included nine principal
Physical Education department may classes in which most of the instruc-
expand its fall program to include tion is offered out of doors. Begin-
mass exercises similar to PEM of- ning and advanced archers have an
feed to men. adequate range permitting shootings
With their aim, not to build mus- at 30, 40 and 50 yards.
cle but to increase stamina and abil- Elementary, intermediate and ad-
ity, the Physical Education depart- vanced golfers alike are welcomed
ment will require all incoming fresh- into the classes which will be given.
men to fulfill their stanclards for at the 18-hole University Golf course,
graduation, near the Stadium.
All women who enter with less Riding has likewise been dividedJ
than two years' college experience on for the convenience of the student.l
their record must complete this re- The beginners' class is for those who
quired amount of 'physical education know nothing whatever about the
before graduation. For this work one sport and the intermediate class is
of the finest physical education de- planned for reaching perfection in
Eartments in the country is at their riding fundamentals and gives the
disposal. The program has been ar- opportunity for learning how to care
ranged so that the necessary amount for a horse besides offering instruc-
of gym can be acquired in one year. tion in showmanship.
Based on the students' previous ac- For students who have had little
tivity in physical education in high or no training in these games, there,
school or junior college, the courses are provided classes in four team
which may be selected are planned to sports-volleyball, speedball, hockey
present a well-rounded program in and softball.
this field. Camp Craft Offered
Should Take Team Sports The other outdoor sport offered is
Those who haven't had sufficient camp craft, which includes firebuild-
experience with team sports should ing, camp cooking, hiking, overnight
plan to take at least one season of a camping and other special activities
team sport. Lack of knowledge or ex- connected with camp. Canoeing clas-
perience in rhythmatic (dancing) ses learn to paddle on the Huron
activity, including social dancing, River.
necessitates the election of this type During the winter months, four
of course for at least one season. other activities take their place in
Along the same vein, students dem- the physical education program to
onstrating poor posture are advised provide indoor games for the stu-
to include at least one season of body dents.
mechanics in their physical educa- Interclass and intraclass tourna-
tion course. ments are held in conj unction with
Before the completion of the phy- elementary and intermediate bad-
sical education requirement, all stu- minton classes. There are courses for
dents are tested to show that they both beginning and intermediate
have at least minimum skill anI fencers.
knowledge in two individual sports, The University Coliseum is taken
one a winter sport and one a sum- over for practice in ice skating. Team
mer activity. These individual sports sports for the cold months are indoor
include such games as tennis, swim- baseball and indoor basketball. In
Ming and archery. addition to these are the body me-
Upperclassmen Welcome chanics courses, which are designed
Although classes are filled mainly to improve posture and to help stu-
from those working on the comple- dents to gain a general grace in car-
tion of the physical education re- riage of body.
quirement, all upperclassmen are Swimming and Dancing Classes
welcome in the classes, to the extent Throughout the year classes in
that there is room, Mrs. Dorothy swimming and dancing are offered.
Miller of the Physical Education de- Beginners learn to swim in the Bar-
partment announced. Often new bour Gymnasium pool, and the in-
classes are organized to fill the de- termediate class, which is not only
mand from upperclassmen and stu- for bettering skill in individual
dents with complicated programs. strokes, but also for participation in
Division of each senster's work in water games and stunts, meets in the
this department gives the student Union Pool.
two quarters in which to test various Dancers have a wide variety of
types of activity. In this time at least classes from which to choose, includ-
two sports can be firly well mas- ing modern dance for both beginners
tered. The outdoor season lasts from and intermediates, a class for music
September to Thanksgiving in the majors stressing the relationship be-
fall -and from Spring to May at tween music and dance. Offered like-
the end of the year, and the in- wise are classes in both elementary
door season extends from Thanks- and intermediate tap dancing.
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Se inoa foudationftattmeet
PE Department
Aims To Build
Healthy Coeds
Dr. Bell Emphasizes Demand
For Strong, Agile Students
To Assume Responsibilities
Physical education for women this
year will be adapted to the individu-
al's needs and aptitudes with greatest
emphasis placed on increasing the
individual's endurance, agility and
strength for her part in the war ef-
At least five million women are
needed to replace men in all indus-
tries. In the Detroit area alone some
80,000 women will be needed in fac-
tories by November. "Clearly then if
women are to replace men, they must
be healthy and have a reservoir of
endurance that will compensate for
the difference in strength," Dr. Mar-
garet Bell, :director of the Woman's
Physical Education depatment, said.
Dr. Bell continued, "Health and
vigor are reflected in the morale of
the worker; confidence in her abilty
to perform new tasks will be directly
in proportion to the way she feels."
Needs Considered
To provide a department that will
help the Michigan coed have a heal-
thy and attractive appearance the
Physical Education department will
probably be expanded to meet the
student's individual and war time
needs. -
When the student enters the Uni-
versity there is an effort made to ap-
praise her needs along many varied
lines. First of all is considered the
student's interest in the sports. A
wide choice of elections makes this
possible and the fact that the school
year is divided into four sections
gives her an opportunity to take ad-
vantage of more of these opportuni-
Needs of the freshman come to
light, first through the extent of her
previous training, and second,
through the compulsory physical ex-
amination taken by all entering stu-
dents and the doctors' recommenda-
tions upon the basis of the results of
this examination.
Sports Are Appraised
Next, the sports themselves are ap-
praised technically to test their ef-
fectiveness in offering college exper-
ience valuable in the physical field,
in connection with health, and in the
psychological field, along the lines of
emotional and social training. This
is vital to the development of a well-
rounded personality. In keeping with
this and with the trend in modern
athletics, mixed classes have been or-
ganized in such sports as tennis,
bowling, badminton, tap and modern
The total four years' training in
the -department is lined up on the
student's record, to give an idea of
the extent of the development of ini-
tiative in the student toward varied
types of sports. Alumnae surveys
conducted at intervals have proved
the value of this extension of initia-
tive along many lines.
Division of the departmental pro-
gram has been planned to give as
much leeway as possible to the stu-
dents to develop their initiative and
broaden their participation program.
Fulfills Requirement
First is a group of courses offered
the student in the fulfillment of the
physical education requirement.
Apart from this study is one of the
most concentrated and recognized
teaching training programs in the
nation's schools, which is given in
conjunction with the School of Edu-
cation, and which offers more spe-
cialized teaching.
Recreational facilities for the stu-
dent are comprehensive.
First are the intramural competi-
Athletic Director
University Has Co
For Women's At
Comparable to a woman's recrea-
tional club are the facilities, unsur-
y .r y
rnplete Facilities Paintings, Sculptures
Are Exhibited Here
The Fine Arts Collections were be-
gun in 1855 and are located for the
individual sports equipment-bad- most part in Alumni Memorial Hall.
minton rackets, tennis rackets, golf Painting and sculpture exhibits in-
clubs, archery bows, fencing foils, clude valuable original works of the
masks, and plastrons, skis, outdoor nineteenth century and the contem-
sports and picnic equipment-which porary period, particularly from the
-1N -
tions. Since women's athletics are
confined largely to the campus, tour-
naments in team sports are conduc-
ted among the various sororities, dor-
rnitories and League houses. Aside
ftrom these are the tourneys in indi-
vdual sports.
The Women's Athletic AssociationI
program is developed along widely
divergent lines within the realms of
sports. Besides the club element,
whch served to bring together stu-
dents with the same interests, the
WAA fosters individual practice in
perfecting ability in different games
through the facilities for coaching
and competition which it offers. As
much as possible, faculty members in
the department devote time to the
club groups.
Exhibitions Planned
Exhibitions and demonstrations of
various sports to the club as a whole
widen the scope of gains which a stu-
dent receives from the club's pro-
Besides the intra-mural aspect of
the physical education program as a
whole there are carried on a number
of extra-mural competitions. Play
days, tournaments of various sorts
and meets are features of this side of
the department's plans. Women com-
pete in three-way tournaments with
others from Michigan State and the
normal college in Ypsilanti.
In addition to these are the tele-
graphic tournaments conducted with
college and university students
throughout the country, in rifle, ar-
chery, bowling and swimming.
. Physical Check Provided
By way of extending oppgrtunities
offered entering students for having
their health thoroughly checked, Dr.
Bell has announced that, as has been
the case in previous years, upper-
classmen will be given the benefit of
a physical check before graduation.
It has not generally been the case
that the medical examination given
entering students is repeated yearly
for students who have a high health
rating, because the original one is a
thorough one, Dr. Bell explained, but
every student known to have a phys-
ical defect or intercurrent illness is
rechecked before participation is be-
gun in an activity. In this way more
than 80 per cent of the students re-
ceive one or more extra examinations
before their senior year.
Duplicate records of a student's
health status are kept at Barbour
Gymnasium in order that the physi-
cal education staff may have ready
access to all necessary information
concerning the students under their
Through the use of all these varied
methods of check and through the
almost individual coacling it offers,
the department is enabled to project
its program to the best interests of
each student.
passed by any other university, of the
Wcman's Athletic Building, Palmer
Field and Barbour Gymnasium.
Open to students and their dates
are the tennis courts, putting greens
ani bowling alleys. Believing that co-
recreation is enjoyable as well as
healthful the department has estab-
lished a policy encouraging co-ed,
parties. Girls need only secure cards'
at the W. A. B. for their guests.
Activities Center in W. A. B.
On Palmer Field are to be found 12
tennis courts, three hockey fields,
basetall diamonds, an archery range
and a golf practice set-up.-
Many of the indoor activities cen-
ter in the Women's Athletics Build-
ing, which is situated adjacent to the
Field. Here students are free to use
a' sizeable dance floor, four official
Iowling alleys. nine indoor golf ca-
ges, a rifle range and ping pong ta-
Lies, in addition to shower and looker
Gymwasium Faclities
Within Barbour Gymnasium, on
North University, are the gymnasium
floor' which is used for many team
and individual sports, the Sarah Cas-
well Angell dance studio, the remed-
ial gymnastics room and the small
swimming pool which is used by be-
ginning classes. Intermediate and
advanced classes meet at the Union
pool, as does the Swimming Club.
Golf is carried on at the University
Golf Course, with practice groups
meeting on Palmer Field. The local
riding stables provide facilities for
riders; clubs in hiking and woodcraft
tramp the wooded area about the
city; canoeing is cohducted on the
Huron River and skating and winter
sportsu tilize both indoor and out-
door facilities.
Expense Eliminated I
To eliminate much of the expense
Toliin the student's owning a
of the expensive equipment required
for the various sports, the physical
education department owns certain
may be rented by women students at
a nominal fee.
While it is hoped that this proced-
ure will widen participation in var-
ious sports by lowering expense,
those students 'who are beyond the
elementary stage in the sports are
urged to provide their own equipment
as an assurance that they wll be able
to continue playing after they leave
the University.
American school. Portraits by Gari
Melchers and sculpture by French,
Bitter, and Weinmann are on exhi-
bition. In the Fine Arts Study Room
there isa collection of 14,500 mounted
photographs, a collection of original
etchings and engraving~s and a stand-
ard collection of textiles acquired
by the University through agrant
from the Carnegie Corporationrof
New York.
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