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June 19, 1942 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1942-06-19

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By Lichiy

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
The Summer Daily is published every morning except
Monday and Tuesday.
Member of the Asociated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertisimg Service, Inc.
College Publshers Representative
420 MADisoN Ave. NEW YORK, N. Y.
caicAo 'BosToN ol ANGELES '-S5N1PRA ICO d
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941=42
Editorial Staff
Honier D. Swander . . . . Managing Editor
Will Sapp . . . . . . . City Editor
Mike Dann . . . . . . Sports Editor
Hale Champion, John Erlewine, Leon Gordenker,
Robert Preiskel

Business Staff


WASHINGTON-Secretary of War Stimson
had to wait twelve years for it to happen, but
he has just won an important naval victory.
When he was Secretary of State under Hoover,
the biggest row Stimson ever had was with the
admirals of the U.S. Navy. It was deep, bitter
and personal.
Stimson contended that I*g warships were
not necessarily the best type of vessel for the
Navy, that small, fast cruisers, able to fire at
lightning speed, might be just as good, perhaps
better. Stimson maintained that the Admirals
should experiment Wvith different kinds of ships
before they put all their eggs in the big ship
Because of this argument, the late Admiral
Hilary P. Jones resigned for a time from the
American Naval Delegation at London; and a
battery of admirals bombarded Stimson publicly
before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
But Stimson won his fight-until Roosevelt
entered the White House. Then the admirals
rushed to the man who once was assistant secre-
tary of $he Navy, and concentrated on their one
great love-big warships.
Lessons Of Big Battles
The Navy's announcements of the past week,
however, have supported Stimson 100 percent.
For in the battles of the Coral Sea and Midway
Island, the Navy's big warships did not fire a
single shot at a Jap vessel. They did not get
even remotely within range.
Everything was air power, with a few sub-
marines also participating.
And in other theaters of war, what we have
needed most is small, fast cruisers and destroyers
for convoy work, the type of vessel Stimson said
the Navy should try out exhaustively. I
Meanwhile, there are indications that the big
battleship advocates have been decisively de-
feated. Senator Brewster of Maine has reported
that he understands the Navy has abandoned
work on five super-dreadnaughts in favor of
expanding the aircraft carrier program. This
is a move which has been urged by many White
House advisers, who also want to see battleship
steel going into merchant ships and patrol'ves-
sels which can be finished in 1942, not 1944.
A staunch advocate of the battleship who has
been won over to the new strategy of naval war-
fare is Admiral Leahy. One of the ablest and
most forthright officers who ever bossed the
fleet, Admiral Leahy has come back from Vichy
to confess:
"This war has made a fool out of me. These
battleships' I advocated have to be wrapped up
in cotton wool. The trouble with us is that our
Bureau of Ships sees what the Japanese are
building and says 'We've got to build ships° to
match the Japs.' Then they see what the British
are building and say 'We've got to have ships
like those.'
"What we really want are some far-sighted
designers who will plan some ships which nobody
else has-ships that combine the best features
of the battleship and the airplane carrier."

Edward Perlberg
Fred M. Ginsierg
Morton Hunter

Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
, Publications Manager

- I
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
- Ickes Nations Gas
Troubles Not H Fault.e
S gas rationing became a nationally
debated subject-one flung back
and forth between motorists the country over-
the fiery-tepnpered whirlwind that is Harold
Ickes took a temporary rumble seat.
The man who first fought-cursed vitriolically
by newspapers like the New York Daily News
and the Chicago Tribune-for a limited gas ra-
tibning which would prevent greater privation
fater on is now back in the headlines. His
scheme for a new pipeline has been in part ac-
tepted, and a reviei of his long tribulations is
in order.
Called Donald Duck by a press not ever overly
fond of one of the bitterest tongues in the
Roosevelt administration, Ickes was first apL
pointed Petroleum Coordinator for National De-
fense in 1941 with a brilliant administrative
record behind him.
Already possessor of a country-wide reputation
for unquiet determination to do what he thought
was right-w~hich usually is right-Ickes' came
into office to the tune of loud kicks by oil execu-
Heartened by opposition without which he
seems unhappy, the Chicago liberal began work
in fipe fettle. Finding thus depleted Eastern oil
reserves and a growing shortage of tankers con-
stituted a first-rate seaboard problem, Ickes set
to work to do something about it.
FIRST he attempted to have a pipeline built
to the seaboard, but the SPAB denied him
ptiority rights on the necessary steel-an amourt
much less than now lies at the bottom of the
Atlantic sunk carrying precious petroleum.
Next he tried rerouting railroads and in many
respects was successful. Unfortunately there
just weren't enough tank cars available under
the set circumstances, and recognizing the dan-
ger of still diminishing oil reserves Ickes came
out for seaboard gas rationing-while the wolves
It was tried for awhile, but an optimistic, easy-
going public turned it down, and Ickes was right
back where he s4arted.
Back to the pipeline he went and still no suc-
cess. Still as the gasoline situation on the East
Coast grew darke by the day, and shortages
began to threaten other parts of the country,
the man who foresaw it all got no recognition.
Now WPB has approved a pipeline for which
the nation can thank just one man, Harold
It may be a matter of too little, too late, but
the blame rests with a complacent public, an
obstructionist press, a dawdling Congress, and
a sleepy SPAB. All the credit goes Jo a dumpy
little fire-eater who with an almost prophetic
persistence has told the American people what
it doesn't want to hear.
Honest Harold-a nickname given him by
Washington administrators who have seen him
refuse time and again to make political appoint-
ments-can now step forward and take a bow.
He won't. Right now he's probably getting
ready to blow his top off about something else
Everybody else will feel uncomfortable. but
Ickes will be right at home. -- Hale Champion

A Suggestion from Pearson and Allen
In the rear trunk or rumble seat of your auto-
mobile is a rubber mat used to keep suitcases
from getting scratched, It is not essential to
your car, yet it contains between four and seven
pounds of rubber. Probably you could replace
it with a piece of old carpet, or even let your
suitcases ride on the bare boards.
At any rate, if everyone of the nation's 20,000,-
000 car owners turned in this mat, it would net
around 100,000,000 pounds of rubber.
lollywOvd Goes To Wair
Hollywood has sent a dozen or so notable pro-
ducers to the Army, where they are doing inter-
esting and sometimes valuable work. Of these,
highest ranking are Jack Warner of Warner
Brothers, and Darryl Zanuck, president of 20th
Between these two has developed a rivalry as
to who shall salute whom which threatens to
put in the shade even the good old dinner-
Seating clash between Dolly Gann and Alice
Roosevelt Longworth,
Col. Zanuck, who draws $260,000 yearly from
20th Century-Fox, got into the Army first with
tie rank of lieutenant colonel, which nets him
around $3,000. He is in the Signal Corps.
Then Jack Warner got into the Army also as
a lieut'enant colonel in the Air Corps.
Whereupon the rivalry started. Lt.-Col. Dar-
ryl Zanuck invited Maj.-Gen. Dawson Olmstead.
chief of the Signal Corps, out to Hollywood,
where he gave him a big blow-out with all the
stars and starlets for trimmings.
Sawlud an]ti
O.Uiter S'he//i4
NOT LONG ,AGO I received a letter from an
old teacher of mine. Old meaning that I was
in his class when I was twelve or thirteen, really
h's probably not much over fifty. When I knew
him he was a little man with curly grey hair
and not a sign of baldness, and in all the time
I was in his class I never saw him in any other
suit but a rough tweed one with trousers that
slide down over his hips because he had no waist.
His parents had been missionaries to China
and he, himself, had lived there until he was
ready to enter Columbia. Although no one was
ever quite able to determine just what his field
of concentration was he had several doctorates
and was perpetually going to school.
Now he's a professor at Columbia and as a
sideline puts a pompously entitled course, "Chi-
nese Letters and Literature" before high school
students in the university school. However, be-
cause discipline is difficult for him, his classes
more often than not degenerate into hours for
story-telling or are divided by moments given to
scribbling uncomprehended Chinese characters
on paichment with fat, very American water
color brushes.
Every year since I left he's written me once or
twice at least, letters addressed in purple ink to
towns I've moved away from or carelessly en-
trusted to general delivery and intuitive post-
men. This year's letter had been forwarded twice
and probably reached me about two weeks after
he sent it.
IN IT he outlined a plan to accomplish what
he modestly describes as "the preservation of
human progress in historical times," and partly
because I need material for these ten inches,
partly because I think you, kind readers, might
be interested, but mostly because I'd like to
send this column to my misunderstood friend
I'm going to restate his plan as clearly as I'm
"Civilization," he says, "cannot outlast this
conflict." In words that sound very much as
though they were taken from H. G. Wells but
do not expiress exactly that, he says that the
most we can hope for is that back-county peo-
ple, people of no political importance will be
spared to perpetuate the human race. The
great nations of the world will no longer exist
as units and anarchy will be the order of the

Only by hiding some few persons who are
products of our age of "advancement" and who
have benefited by "systematized" education can
we hope to preserve whatever it is that man-
kind has been able to accomplish.
My old teacher proposes that artists particu-
larly, whom he believes to be intellectually re-
moved from the conflict between nations, should
band together and settle in a remote part of
Siberia or the Kentucky hills.
The wisdom of setting apart artists as leaders
of any settled political life or of building any
sort of civilization upon artistic accomplish-
ments might be questioned but I'm merely stat-
ing his argument as he wrote it in his letter to
In this new organization of the world moral
codes which have inhibited civilization since its
inception must be destroyed and a new, entirely
pragmatic, system of right and wrong must be
built up. The artists whom my teacher would
set apart will be privileged to lead the backwoods

"ts easy for me to avoid danger and keep out of the machinery,
with the experience ve had as a private secretary, keeping
out of reach of the boss "
I As Others See At
American Communist - Rissian Tie-Up
Discussed By The New) Repi bi

"Navy's Decision
Shows Intelligence

, 0

facilities available to it for con-
struction of large ships to the production of
aircraft carriers should effectively squelch the
loudly proclaimed contention of certain duck-
pond admirals that the Naval High Command
is incapable of altering policy in order to meet
changing conditions.
Drew Pearson and Robert S. Allen, perpe-
trators of the Washington Merry-Go-Round,
have been particularly 'vociferous in criticism of
what they refer to as "Navy brass hats"--who,
within the last two months, have saved both
the United States and Australia from Jap inva-
sion fleets.
Since the early days of steel vessels the battle-
ship-the floating fortress carrying heavy guns
-has been the basis of all the world's first-rate.
navies. Though many predicted before the out-
break of this war thatthe airplane would ren-
der the battle-wagons useless, the first two years
oi sea warfare did not bear them out.
TRUE, the devastating British raid on Taranto,
and several isolated instances of English
ships being sunk by Nazi aircraft might be of-
fered to justify their premise. The fact is, how-
ever, that the Italian warships were not in mo-
tion at Taranto but were anchored in the har-
bor, easy targets for British bombardiers.
Added to this refuting evidence was the fact
that it was British naval guns, not aircraft,
which immobilized the French fleet off Oran
and kept the supply lines between America and
Britain open for two years,
Thus, there was no conclusive evidence to
support the superiority of the airplane in naval
warfare and much convincing testimony to re-
fute it until the opening of hostilities between
the United States and Japan six months ago.
Pearl Harbor simply emphasized the lesson of
Taranto-that planes were effective in a sur-
prise raid against stationary seapower caught
with its defensive trousers down.
THE CORAL SEA- ACTION of May 8 was the
first proof that aircraft, fortunately Allied,
could inflict large-scale damage on warships

FRIDAY. JUNE 19, 1942
VOL. LII, No. 4
All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday, when the notices should be-
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
Senior Group in the Program for
Honors in Liberal Arts will meet on
Saturday, June 20, at 2:00 in Room
118 Haven Hall.
P. A. Throop
Women Students: The Women's
Department of Physical Education is
sponsoring a picnic for all women on
campus. This will be held at 61:00
p.m., Friday, June 19. on Palmer
Field. A small fee will be charged
to cover the cost of food. Students
planning to attend must sign up and
pay the fee in Office 15, Barbour
Gymnasium ais soon as possible and
not later than Friday noon.
Dept. of Physical Education
for Women.

THE NEW TREATY between the
USSR and Great Britain and the
new understanding between the USA
and the USSR have been interpreted
to death by the commentators but
one aspect of both has almost wholly
escaped attention. It is the obscure
but embarrassing relationship be-
tween the Soviet government, through
the Third International, and the
Communist Parties of the United
States and Great Britain. As ex-
plained to Parliament by Foreign
Minister Anthony Eden, the Russo-
British treaty contains a provision
pledging each of the parties to re-
frain from interference in the in-
ternal affairs of th other.
As outlined in the cryptic White
House announcement, the accord be-
tween this country and Russia con-
tained no similar understanding.
However, the pact negotiated by
President Roosevelt and Maxim Lit-
vinov under which Soviet-American
diplomaticrelations were resumed
early in the New Deal did contain a
mutual guarantee of non-interfer-
ence. A positive reaffirmation might
have been regarded either as an ad-
mission that the original agreement
had been broken or as an unneces-
sary redundancy.
In any case, Soviet Russia now
stands pledged to have nothing to
do with the Communist Parties of
the United States and Great Brit-
ain, both of which are, in essence,
Russian nationalist groups operat-
ing with legal sanction inside na-
tions that are now Russia's allies.
In the United States, members of
this nationalist group hold hig
office and influence high policy in
the labor movement, hold a few
minor jobs in the government it-
self, propagandize and proselytize
under the protective tent of gen-
erally guaranteed civil lberties and
faithfully follow any line deemed
to serve Russia's best interests.
Frequently in the past few years
Russian interests and American in-
terests have been inimical. At these
1 Y
To the Editor:
IF thle Libray of the University of
Michigan is for the use of the
students-and the betterment of the
community in its broadest sense-
somne of its policies would bear re-
vision. A number of students who
are woring in Ann Arbor so they
can- go back to school during the
winter are deprived of the privileges
of circulation because they are not
formally enrolled.zr
First of all, they are no less STU
DENTS because they are not en-
rolled for the summer; the criterion
is they want to read. Secondly, they
are not able from a time standpoint
to read in the library as suggested.
The Ann Arbor Public Library un-
aided lacks the physical facilities to
meret their needs,
ITS IMPOSSIBLE to secure the
briefest use outside the library of
books to be used for one of the com-

times American Communists havea
unhesitatingly worked against the
interests of the United States. At
the moment, to be sure, the major
objectives of Russia and the United'
States are identical-to beat the
Axis. Chances are that the main
lines of Russian and American pol-
icy will remain merged for some time
to come.
Yet there already are divergences
in the secondary lines that trace
means to the common end. The
United States is fighting Japan. Rus-
sia is technihaly neutral in this
fight. Russia's, attitude toward the
Pacific war is understandable and
beyond criticism. But it is wholly
within the realm of possibility that
the existence of a Russian nationalist
party :within the Unibed States might
be embarrassing in this situation.
For example, what if the Com-
munist-dominated unions on the
West Coast decided that too much
American material was going' to
China and not enough to Russia?
What if Harry Bridges decided to
remedy this maldistribution of ma-
terial by ordering a slow-down of
loadings on ships bound for India
with cargoes to be moved overland
-to China?
This probably won't happen, but it
is not too fantastic 'a hypothetical
case in view of Bridges' part in the
North American strike, which closed
down a key factory to prevent manu-
facture of airplanes for Great Britain
at a time when Russia was buying
time with a Russo-German mutual-
assistance treaty.'
Assuming that such a slow-down
were ordered, it is safe to assume
that two of the most influential men
in the Washington office of the CIO
would work hand in glove with
Bridges to force the government to
back down from its policy of aid to
China and step up its aid to Russia.
The Daily Worker, The New Masses
and several obscure sheets would
join in the fight. A few obscure gov-
ernment officials would contribute
what they could to the campaign.
If the War Labor Board, under
these circumstances, cra'cked down
on West Coast longshoremen, they
would be systematically reviled by
word of mouth and in print. Aid to
China would become a policy of re-
action in left-wing circles. Innocents
and front organizations would take
up the cudgels., Motives would be
cloaked in elaborate dialectics.
As long as there is an organized
Russian nationalist group operat-
ing in the United States, half un-
derground, half on the surface,
possibilities of this kind will re-
main a source of potential discord
between two of the anti-Axis allies.
So long as the American Commu-
nist Party's disgraceful record dur-
ing the life of the Russo-German
Pact is remembered, the Party's
existence will remain a source of
irritation and danger to the Roose-
velt administration and its friends
in their on-going struggle for do-
mestic support of the war.
How close the liaison between the
American Communist Party and the
Soviet government has been in the
last few years is a question. Soviet
officials and diplomats have been

Physical Education-Women Stu-
dents: All physical education classes
are open. Register in Office 15,
Barbour Gymnasium. No late regis-
tration fee.
Dept. of Phys. Educ. for Women
Department of Metal Processing
The following course is being of-
fered during the Summer Term:
Metal Processing 5, Welding. 2 hours
credit, hours to be arranged with
Professor Spindler, 2044 East En-
gineering Building.
Prof. W. A. Spindler.
Ch.-Met. 171. Explosives. 3 Hours
Mr. Osburn. Lecture and Recitation,
Mon. and Fri., 1-3, Rm. 4215. A
Study of the Processes Used in the
Manufacture of Commercial Explo-
sives: Their Properties and Uses.
Prerequisites Ch.-Met. 25. First meet-
ing of the class will be on Friday,
June 19.
Department of Chemical and
Metallurgical Engineering.
The Storehouse Building will act
as a receiving center for scrap rubber
and also metals. Any department on
the Campus having metals or rubber
to dispose of for defense purposes,
please call Ext. 337 or 317 and the
materials will be picked up by the
trucks which make regulr capus
deliveries. Service of the janitors is
available to collect the materials
from the various rooms in the build-
ings to be delivered to the receiving
E. C. Pardon
Candidates: All students previous-
ly registered with the Bureau and
now on the campus are reuested to
come in to the Bureau and. leave
their addresses, telephone numbers,
and their summer elections.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
Methodist Students: You and
your friends are invited to the in-
formal party and open house at 9:00
o'clock tonight in the Wesley.Foun-
dation rooms of the church. Inez
Chamb'erlin is chairman, and there
will be singing, games, refreshments,
and dancing. Betty RaIe Hileman,
Social Director.
The Lutheran Student Association
will hold an open house a .Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall this evening
at 8:00 p.m. All students are wel-
Psychology 31: A new section, sec-
tion 4 will be given Monday and Fri-
day at 11 o'clock in Room 3126 N. S
Westminster Student Guild-Steak
Roast at 6:30 p.m. on the church
grounds. New students interested in
the Presbyterian Ghurch are espe-
cially invited. Make a good start
and join this fellowship. Mr. and
Mrs. C. Dey, Mr. and Mrs. R. Spokes,
Mr; and Mrs. L. R. Hunter, and Mr.
W. V. Lampe are the chaperons.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
(Continued on Page 4)
It is now obvious that Stalin en-
tered into the German pact with his
fingers crossed. He knew that Russia
would eventually fight Germany. So
it seems improbable that he would
have sanctioned the North American
strike. The local comrades simply
followed what they thought to be
Kremlin line too enthusiastically.
Since the signing of the new lease-
lend agreement and announcement
of the second-front understanding
much has been written about the
necessity of breaking down R ussias
natural suspicions of the Unlted
States. Even the most conservative
columnists have in retrospect de-
fended the pact, the Kremlin's de-
mand for repossession of the 1altic
states and its later abandonment of

this demand. Much has been said in
justification of Russia's refusal to




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