FAIESX THE MICHITGAN DlAILY FRIDAY. AU6. 14. 194 .. v 1 - a . v sI - Ia I T A- I~TflAV ATTI~ U 1OA~A 7 Keep Off The Grass: Incoming Firesh,;ian Students To_ Have Full Runa Of Cam pus *In seven days of whirling social the literary school include: Bill Ager, and academic activity--filled with I Alan Anderson, Harry Anderson, Ed coke: dates,, dances, counselor confer- Anthony, Clark Baker, Warren Bout - ences, and registration climaxed by ' ,quin, Martin Browning, Doug Bur- the first football game-incomingItoCaecCrlnHe hm students will be introduced to the tn lrneCrsn aeC~n M~ichigan campus during Orientation pion, Charles Chaplin, Bill''Cochtan, Week'. Gene Conncr, Ken Crippen, John With the acclimation of students' Crow, Clare Davis, Bob Dillingham, to, the campus as its primary purpose,, Mel Englehardt, Pete Farago, Herb Orientation Week Activities are de- Fisher, Dick Frankel, Tracy Free- signed to acquaint students wr'th the mn.n Bob Gibson, Bob Grunder, Ja'ck facilities and activities of the Uni- Cooper, and Everett Houston. versity. Also from the literary school are: On the social side of the week-long John Hunter. Bob' Johnson, Mel program," mass coke dates, mixers, Krohn, Jerry Lipnik, Howard Lung, dances, 'coke bars, 'and smokers are Norton Norris. Charles Otto, Max pla.nned, with a pep rally before the Pearse, Leroy Pecar, Dave Past, Rich- Mlchigan State game opening the ard Rawdon, Dick Rosenman. Asa football' season. Rowlce. Harwood Ryndolm. Louis Campus Tours Saks, George Sallade, Bob Schulze, Interspersed with the social life Bob Sovern, John Wiese, Fritz Wolf, will : be tours through the campus, Henry Wolf, and Burt Zuckerman. conferences with academic counsel- Engineering Advisers ors and concentration advisers, reg- Advisers for the engineering school istration, classification, health exam- include: Bob Cohen, John Eley, How- inations, and a thousand-and-onearHoetergJhnnDc other activities to prepare the stu- Lapidos, Ed Lau, Jack Lougheed, Bill dents for entering the University. Millman, Dick Neymark, Jim O'Mal- Ixn charge of the entire orientation lev Bill Osgood, Harry Petrowitz. program is Phillip Bursley, French Charles Raymond,. Karl Reed, Dean professor and counselor to all new Rockwell, Dick Schoel, Peter Sher- students. Student chairman for the, man, George Snow, Art WisemSi, 1942 Orientation Week are: Virginia and Bob Wylie. Capron, '43, freshman orientation From the architecture school are frwomen; Gloria Donen, '43, trans - Bob Yoder and Bob Griffith; School fer orientation for women, both rep- fo Music, John Eidson, and Robert resenting the Michigan League; Mar-Hlan;prmcRyodad in Bforman, '44, freshman orienta- pyia dctoDv ates transe forimen;taid Srifme, both Theactive list of transfer 'orienta- representointionMfori enn oth tion advisers for the fall of 1942 for Freshmn origttheMcignandUirothe College of Literature, Science, 1~rehma orenttionadvser-fo and the Arts include:; David Crohn, This Is The Map That Solves The diddle Of The C."intpis 1IU4c - .TIcFgr ome I ,J 12!' " 1 u' 'i^lRAK~ Ca-,a H eu' " L .,r 5 N ,tv M ( G A ARCH 'Ann 1 ba;Mic, # S TALS FI AP LV tORE.At. 1" iNI HOVE C 'rON ' ' HEPLTN llJsJ . fs "-.. 6 E V M£;Z Y es __-- - :. __ .. ,, ;_ t ''iii !22' 1 lT1" W~r 1 I I av~isers: 0 2 1 110ii~'(U"~t) hr- 1 't"h''? ( I kr1' i Ji r E llenTp * .'~0~\'1' ' '~I a I''e nd rMar- ~ 0~' ' I c~u ns, Dot- 1 '! 1,1 O" t'' . '.! I tftiea J~lon ~'' '1'. 01( ii Jl P lton o '''' 1' 2 00 'l,''~ dt': t z tat- 1 Ila , Jae hoeRa Iitzs o~l I I >1 V 11 Ic iMry elen ad 1 v~71 1 1 ( i (orIwel AndMMillaed it, ow, uz;n 1c '' aic I a 01by r n, art- '? -.l ' i i iovecplJne lSchera- 'I' ju li, i ' 'li'csyLn, M'~asrh a N- c:' G ~ha '. li Brga- I o,:iia, (1in WIIcIAli yane Uelen, Vu ia Noy, B'ityAnnal, do- I , l el itie L'1 1); enl, N ama '?(" oe, nSuz Jan let Ia "'M.' y r(tppl. t vJohnso, I fGilnor1% Marilyn Maer. Mr Leigh Nh r Moonre. (I _rlotte MorIry. Lou- - Muilrr. Betty Oldificld, Carol Pitcer, line ,Richrt and Donne Ot1hr ;li tedM X1recBetty Suchs, JOY Webstefr. Fran1ces TrieStII-m, Molly WVine~u,. Ja1net Veenboecr. Shirley: igPeg S.vagey. Marjiorie Smith, Su1, ea Iah. Wanda lBaumiller, Sybil GraIhagm. Villa r'whvxirtl'ee. Ann Kahn. F avrbara Piron. June Arnutit~ to, Cienevieve Fooke. Jean Misner," Virginia Jack, ou Shirley Altfeld, Phyllis Presentt and Sue rCcne. PI-ograilm Is PJ1pzam'd Orient athinweek wiill begin for' both fi'c hnm and Ira w'firs Stunday, Sept. 27. On Tu~esdayV evening the~ transfer wocmen will take a, tour of the League, meeting all the executive cfficcrs and chairmn an11d ending up for an infor-mal ixe:r in the ball- room afterw ards. Freshmen will take the saue tour WednesdAay acid Thur'sda y. Friday night, Dean Alice Lloyd will address the entire group J)in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theal i'e. Coke dates will be arrangerd between -the fresh-. men and transfer men and women by the advisers of the women and the' advisers of the mhen. The complete orientation program, designed to keep newcomerrs busy the first week, will be outlined in detail at the first meeting of each group in-. September. Arch School Plans MixerT One of the leading architectural schools in the country, the Univers- ity of Michigan's College of Architec- ture and Design offers a full quota? of courses in all phases oif architec- ture, drawing and. painting, land- s cape architecture, interior decorat- ing and industrial design. A tentative schedule of activities has been proposed for the coming f all semester by the School. This will include: 1) A mixer gfor fr'eshmen during. Orientation Week. 2) A student-faculty reception during the first or second week of chool. 3) Faculty teas, to which students are invited. 4) Discussion groups and lectures throughout the year by prominent men in various fields. 5) Design awards for otstandingi work by, students. 6) The traditional Architectural Ball to be held in conjunction with the Business Administration School. 7) Trips to points of interest for architectural students and faculty. ]M'ihiganensiajn Is Campus Yearbook Michiganensian, official University of Michigan ,yearbook, is the one publication which gives everything than happens on campus during the year;' between its .covers. The 'Elnsian staff has its own of - ie 'on the first 'floor of the Student Publications Building and the lights Are burning into the wee hours for rhost 'of the fall semester as members are hard at work preparing the stor- isand doing the art work which makes the 'Ensian the most prized piossession of the 'college student. The yearbook contains the indi- vidual portraits of graduating seniors each' year, pages of fraternity and sorority pictures, candid shots of Mich'igan's traditional dances and parties, pages crammed with action photos of all the athletic events, pic- tures and articles of the student or- ganitations and reproductions of campus scenes. Carson Grunewald, John O'Brien, Jim Terrell, Don Westfall, Richard Picard, Theodore Jacob, Donald Tews, Ed Adams, Ed Aldworth. and J. B. Dalton. Transfer Advisers For the College of Engineering are: Howard Snyder, Frank Lahr, Bryce Broughton, Ben Lent-Koop, Mark Fisher, Jr., Lincoln Aldridge, LeRoy Brooks, Rufus Teasdale, Sam Coul- ter, Joe Gwinn, and David Ovaitt. Advisers for the School of Educa- tion will be Paul McKee and Erston Butterfield; for the School of Music, Eugene Brown and Charles Hills; School of Dental Surgery, Floyd Pond and Griffith Cossar; School of Forestry and Conservation, LaMont Engle; College of Pharmacy, Rubben Fried and Arthur Rosen. From the Union staff will be: Alan Holt, Erwin Larsen, Kenneth Frantz, Hobery Aldrich, Henry Kowalczyk, Don Judson, John - Wunch, Earl with, Tom Grier, John Laursen, and Irwin Kasle. From the War Table are John Stauch, Frank Rank and Keith Nicolls. Michigan Union Facilities All-out facilities of Michigan's two and one-half million dollar Union will be devoted for one week to enter- ing freshmen and transfer students. The vast recreational facilities of the Union will be open to all-the swimming pool, the billiard and ping- pong rooms, the bowling alleys, the Pendleton library, and the dining rooms and tap room. I I. THE MENsS CLUB ..OFTHE... UNIVERSITY of MICHIGAN ---q 3 1 . Prof. IBursley:v. Academic ian, Hard Worker To academic, hard-working Philip E. Bursley belongs much of the cred- it for developing Orientation Week into the institution it has become at Michigan. Professor Bursley, brother of Dean Joseph A. Bursley, and assistant pro- fessor of French, took over the Ori- entation Program in 1929, after the germ of the scheme had been planted at the University three .years. The idea originated with President Clarence C. Little, who came to the campus in 1925. The plan khad been developed at the University of Maine. ' A Tentative Plan In 1926 a tentative plan was put into operation, with around 40 coun- selors and a full seven-day program. Three years later Professor Burs- Icy became director of Orientation Period. At this time the program was' only for freshman students, but a few years later, with the as~istance of the League, a plan was developed for an Orientation period for women transfer students. Two years later. the Unrien took over the program for mien transfer students. mince that time the scheme has pi'ogl'e, sed a, gr'eat deal. both for in- coming fre shmen and For tra nrfer, ntrodents developing into a Michi- j gars tradition. Ci:rentation Week gives all 'new students a real chance. to get to know their campus, to be- crue acquainted with mnany of their cwn' classmates. ft's A M~an's Job And all this the result of an idea br'ught to Michigan 16 years ago by President Clarence C. Little, the work I o'f prof. William Frayer as Orienta- tion hiead until 1929, and ProfessorI Bursley's work since then. It's a full-time job, or would bej for any other man. There are fresh- men and transfer applications all year around, questions and hundreds seeking advice. But Phil Bursley fills the role more than satisfactorily, and finds time, too, to teach French and be one of the most popular profes- sors on campus. mmmmmw I WA rA JI[ C-i iI AN LEAGiUE j I Orientation ac tivi tic-,[or won1 w~ill center around the Michig~an Wo- men's League. The League offers all its; many 1':- cilities for the use of new s[ idenuls, including the library. the cafe!{ ('110 and dining r'ooin, the beai'v sop the garden, the chapel and the League Ballroom. Al LIrrod i:40lA Ieotilent extra-currici- i. ]r'c it l'sro111dances to victory. I viICS.I' mt onunder tihe sponsor- (di n 1 (ii'arduate Student-,Cour'- t il, ; ( 1i101' Sttlsir'ni(governing body ('n tWeC'Mi('hif,,an campus. 'T le ,coleic the Council is wide, iti: pritnary function is the spone= 0111)of gradurate .'Gdances, coffee 1 (t-t11', mand otlher' social events. For lii'. C' IXnts, the Council has at its lisosa1.the luxurious facilities of h'.; lla( lBi lding, including the lounesW a Ir'ooiand terrace. For All Miehigan Men the uiouku SWIMMING POOL BALLROOM BOWLINGAL LYS STEAM ROOM BILLIARD ROOM PING PONG LIBRARY DINING ROOM CAFETERIA BARBER SHOP LOUNGES GUEST ROOM1S Pleasant and Comfortable Guest Rooms Available CE NTr OF ~IUniversitv Flying Club Helps Toward License The University Flying Club, a member of the National Intercol- legiate Flying Club, is accepting non- flying students for membership for the first time this year, because most flying students have left for service WO1VIEN'S ACTIVITIES AT TH[ UNIVER.SITY OF MICHIGAN I I JLt/ /°"1/Qom I II i I