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August 14, 1942 - Image 17

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Michigan Daily, 1942-08-14

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OIDA T, AUG. 14, 1942



IM1iehigan Daily
I~s P-aeemaker9'-y
Wins Numeraous Awards1
From S"ima Delta Chi
F'Or Excellent Standards
yEniters 520dYear

S1tulerlt t

Publications Bttidittfg Is Otte Of Cotry's Finest

One Of Largest Firms:
,"ly' Busin~ess Staff 'Off
Stdent Prc;cc4_pf !wc

* (contlue from Pape 1)
snp decisons when, unforeseen cir-
mstances may arise. A 'night editor
- itist, also be able to coordinate hi
iiiglit-.desk: workers and keep his
_MPY flowiing regularly to the cor-
p ing, room where it is set up by
pf~sioia1l: inotype operators.
'ehais the biggest responsibility
txynesi in. thOe last 1 minutes before
tte 3ib a. M. press deadline. A .news-
Ipr s always fightng'against time,
~4d it is duriirg the last few minutes
t'k at -the pressure is greatest. Then a
n1ht edtor mst utilize all the back-
toun "training he has received over
0 rriod of two years to "put the pa-
ir to bed."
V Whatever decision he makes under
pt~essute, must be ;quick and 'it must
b right.
_'Junior Night Editors
Junior nighteditors for the coming
fal semnester include Hale Champion,
E~Abert .reiske, Leon G~renker,
f~arry Levine, Irving .Jaffe, ohn Er-
l wine' Bud' Birimmer, Clayton Dick-
,, Charlotte Conover' and Mark Lip-
O . alternates are Mary Ronay,
lyaron Ford and Beryl Shoenfield.
kisprts ; and womens page staff
iembers work under the same sys-
.0m .iof, comipetition as the edit staff.
' hard-working sports staff: under
' e ,direction of sports editor Bud
}indel '43, covers all the Univers-
i~rathletic contests eachin its sea-
sOn. A reporter is uually assigned to
, Ve1i with the football team on its
~ti of town games." Golf, track,
24mming, baseball and wrestling get
ih rplet . coverage and intramural
e*'tas'will,always 'find' a Daily re-
1~trin the grandstand
)'~ProfitftrM Baly Eperi enee
1'rmr Dily sports staff members
t4y are working for any metro-
jeitan newspapers and have prof it-
e iroin the valu~able writing exper-
t~e, they' received in four years of
~iWomen's editor for the fall is Bar -
br 'eFries, '4. Under her super-
#;ion, , staff of workers has its !own
Virte page to put' out each day
aftid its owen requirements to meet.
Womens page copy has for its sub-
, 3~tmatter the fashions and society
dg Ann .Arbr and the camus. All
'k.. in. this' channel of newspaper
-,icing ,requires ya special technique
Or .ere too rihe repor er must be
thorough and dependble to gt her
gainig Grotnd
'the Daily does not end after four
years of school -for the reporter. Be-
Sof the, high estand rds it has
it 1f r itself ~and, the excellent record
it ha~ tmaintained for the last decade,
t ;e Daily is respected as a valuable
41trininig ground" for future report-'
lies by newspaper all over the con-
'}Daily alumni todo; are editing and
writing ' for "papes anywhere from
Detroit to. San Francisco. The three
1'ajor press, services Have "on their
Yqwters the names of many Daily men
wt l ist got their start under this
Un Rsthead. Foreign ' correspondents
npw .coering the. war on every bat-
t~efront in the world include in their
distinguished ranks Daily men who
never (heard of printer's ink until
thiey tried out for t4%~ University of
Michigan's campus newspaper
%apus To Get
l~A 1"; r ' 7

One of Ann Arbor's biggest,'bus-
iness concerns is "operated . by. less ;
than 75 University stuidents.:
With Edward Perlberg, as business
manager, and Fred Ginsberg.' as as-
sociate business manager, - the 'Daily
business staff each year tak~es in
more: than, fifty thousand dollars in'
advertising and circulation 'sales.
The quarter -of'a-million dollar c~onl-
cern is run' entirely' by{ students.
Work is divided' into thre'phases,
all providing an: excellent chan~ce. to
learn' first-hand the tech'niques of
sound business at work. The core of
the business staff :begins with the' six
departmental "'managers. who handle
local advertising, 'service 'and publi-
cations, national advertising, con~-
tracts, circulation _and classified ad-
vertising;, and 'accounts. No previous'
experience 'isN needed.'
The size departmental, managers
are also in charge of, the men's sopln-
omore service staff. The service staff
is open to any miale University stu-'
dent w ho ,js 'eligible to participate 'In. k a -u r ul ct v ie an in a -
uable business training for the fu-'
Women's: advertising includes ser-
vicing and' fashion work."The staff is
composed' of .five women-a senior
women's advertising head and fouir
junior assistants-and 'a' sophomore,
tryout class . which is .as 'iarge as any
other group in. publications woank;
The' two biggest Campus style shows
wxe handled by:this 'staff in coopera-
lion with local mer chants .
The women's business 'staff. han- E
dies circulation for.TPhe Daly..This.

work incluides selling . subscriptions
and 'zprnng the carrier routes.Mail.
subscriptions 'and circulation prob-'
lems' are assigned to this .group.
The women's business staff~ is com-
posed. of. a senior womlen's business
m~anager and"sevn 'junior assistants
who ar~e assigned, to the .six depa'rt-
mental mnR'igers. 14 sophomnores
help in th ecorrespondence and sec-
retarial work necessary to'keep The.
Dailyr's 300-oddi local 'and'national
PracticaL. work in stenography and
book-keeping is .a-contributio)n .of the
Wom~en's business staff. Any eligible
sophomnore "woman,' Ian try 'out.

For am~fpus Wrter.
Safety-valve outlet for the burr
geoning' talents of camxlpus writers,
Persp~ectives, Univer~sity literary may-
aline, will continu~e publication dur
ing the"1942-4:1 season.'
Designed to furnish a medium fdo
all stusdents wh~ose talents wrrarit
hearing. Perspectives was founded 10
the early thirties.
M4anus'cripts are solicited and si-
mitted through the English depar -,
'nt :or' on the contributor's initiaf-
tive, after which they are co~nsideredl
a's 'to, relative merit by en editori~i
board composed of' several m~zpJeit
of the faculty and the' student fedi-
An~y form of literary endeavorli'
been accep~table "in the past, crrtert
being quality and sincerity rate
than preconceived notions of what.

The Univcrsity of Michigan's modern Student Publications Building, one of the finest in the nation,-'
houses all of the canmnus publications.. The Michiga n Daily, std~dent newspaper, The Michiganensian, cam-
pus ,yearbook, Gargoyle, humor magazine, and Perspectives, literary magazine.
Wa, xr Demonstrates Dedication.
OfDailyToSrieO Student Body

'hal Hownp ook i
First Floor Booths
Secon'd Floor: Table Service
in'a ttraective WilIIam'7sbwr6 Roomns
AIR-COOLE~D . ,. 615 East William

By ROBERT MANTIJO( into the building to give any infor-
In the early hours of DeYc. 1941, the mation they could to help get out the
night editor of The Daily told his war extra.
head writer to put the wards "War The business staff members took
Crisis Nears" in the lead headline for over three phones and asked for all
the next day's paper.. the advertising they could get. Stor-
"Make the head colorful," red- ies were assigned. Two Juniors were
headed Bill Baker told his head- told to take over the jot- of assem-
writer. "We've got to get our read- bling the startling wire news comingE
ers' attention tomorrow." over the teletypes.
the head-writers and sophomore From 3 p. mn. until after 5 a. in. the
tryouts all joked about it-t4he head next morning The Daily offices were
that appeared on Sunday morning, swarming with reporters working as
Dec. 7, 1941. Even night editor Bill fast as they could to serve their road-
Baker admitted that "maybe the ers. Out of excited confusion came a
head was a little toot strong." silent, trained efficiency as reporlters
But at 2:15 p. in. Sunday radio wrote d430" on their copy and handed
listeners started to tune in on their it to the two hard-working editors1
favorite after-dinner radio programs, responsible for getting the paper out.'
Some wanted to get the Sunday sym- Two reporters went into Detroit to
phony, others the ball game. Instead get pictures which were supposed to
they heard h'ow Japanese planes come in on an airplane from Chicago.
made a sudden raid on Pearl Harbor 'They met the plane but the picturesa
and at that minute were dumping weren't on it.
big bombs at random over a wide About 6 p. mn. Sunday an unknown
debris-studded area. The U. S. Army person who sounded like a a tJapan-
and Navy officials in charge there ese called up and gloated about the!
were taken off-guard by something Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.r
that only Orson Welles could make "Ha-ha," this person shouted fren-
sound convincing.' ziedly into the ear of a surprised re--
Editors of The Daily went into ac- porter, "the' Japanese have attacked
tion. In a half-hour they had phoned the United States. What is the
all the available help they could get United States going to do now?"
and had made arrangements with When the reporter told what he
the shop to print an extra. had heard over the phone, everybody
Editorial director Alvin Dann took stopped to wonder for a minute but
over the tremendous ,job of eliminat- then they put it down on the booksI
inating the confusion in the building as the joke of a prankster and went
and getting down to the grim buss- back to work.
mness of telling the public in herd, The Paper was slapped together
cold newspaper terms just how war hurriedly. Stories perhaps weren't as
was going to disrupt the lives, of mil- well-written as they might havea
lions before another day was over, been. There were no good action pic-
City editor David Lachenbruch was tures of the Pearl Harbor attack. Bt
out of town. Managing editor Ensile the paper went to press shortly after
Qele was at a movie and had to be I14 a. mn. Monday and every .single copy
paged.4 of it was sold at once.
Will Sapp and Bill Baker, both To the Daily men who collaborated
junior night editors, volunteered "t in getting the war news to the read-
put out the paper." People, seeing ers, the long hours of work writing.
the lights suddenly go onl in the Stu- editing, cutting stories, proof-read-
dent Publications Building, jammedj ing and copy-reading were ati examn-
in to see what was happening and '.pie of the newspaperman's; visiobr,
milled around the pounding teletype "hot news." But after their job -was
machines. ever, they took off timei lilac evc:y
Phones screamed, p opie shouted! body else in the country to talk ovrr
at Peachl other. professor's filed slowly I what had happened, to speculate arnd
36 Soeh iReim
Pjrri~ i~ Vr NSec

wonder what was going to come of
it all.
To all the readers, the war extra
was an uncooked-for service-and
that is what The Daily has dedicated.
itself to do.

-- _._ n.
1 _ .. m ,.. .. --

New People, NewB 'd."sNew onuestalmckg
TS TL, ECTN - as it ,pours over tkoetelctype'---n Te th ng ' 4e ,throughi
the comnposlng room and the pressroom, and into your rnrig'esic. As you
c- utl y through thhws -g e wee hours of the night, news is "being nM.1d~e at M idway, h
Londont el R.A.7.. or over France an (on-to -erlin. t"r'k s it's al there
Fr, "nr o, the story of the darkPe.s, in your n#gpaper. Tbr M. Ij'an Daili,3
>z '° 41'aper at Mic'hgan. It geves you, h. news o(©hcW dptus the.-news about your-
Sdf, c'nur fellows, You.' Viv ersity! .~.-4

1~e14~' ~'argoyie Facing the war situal ion wihh ' iP ac ~l n iebie l
. , ~~~~completely revamrped program, Mich noon dates inju,t e ,nd at ne:30 7p' n.,
Qargoyle-the University of Mich- igan's 36 general ,_wia1 fraternities' and all evening dates at 330 p. Inl.
igan's magazine of campus' life-will anticipate very little trouble, finan- The IFC, often called thle 'GranYd
be completely' tream'~lined and difi- cially spe.aling, during the hard Tp,vr of Fraternity affairs." is the rco-
fcrent in the devious ways of humor years that ay lie ahead. or-dinating body for all fratlrniitie,
when it begins its regular publi ca- According to .John Fauver, '431;,; on campus and passes on all iratrr-
tion this fall. president of the Initerfraternity pity petition:. ' infr'actions of Tini-
'Gargoyle editor Olga Gruhzit. '43. Council. the great majcrity of so! ver'sity and Council rutles , and house
promises a ".funny magazine so re- called "weak" houses have left the disputes.
eunditioned that you won't recognize campus during the past ten years' The varzious house:,, operratinrg
'Ti erthe humor magazine will social ac tivites. cemiarcutlng rohooper~ating with oth - activitiest every year.c i efofwhc
continue. tradition by offering a ser- or houses, and in other ways working are the IFC Sing. "Greek" Week, a I
ies' of ti'onthly''contests in the fields out a strong fraternity policy. !Christmas ,party for poor children.
of, the shotstory, cartoon and photo. IF0 records also show that the ma- and an Interfraternity Ball. This,
Pesides that,' Garg will 'concentrate jority of organized men on campus year the Council has also sponsored'
'ne w feature sections designed to belong to the various reserve officer war activities such as a Blood Bank
tikeyour floating rib,, photo see- plans or the enlisted reserve and will for the Rced Cross, a paper collection
Lion~s which emphasize;-the: ultra in thus be able to complete their college dr-irve, and the displaying of flags
aiapping a camera, and. amusing courses, living in and supporting 'from every house.
sideligh'ts of -the. University campus their, houses. During the comning year the IF C
"obff guard. ' Freshmen interested in joining a also plans on editing a fraternity.
Tryouts 'are' ,invited over to the fraternity," Fauver declares, "shouldI newspaper, sponsoring an all-Greek
Student Publications- Building atj realize that the movie-fraternity of stunt show, sponsoring a plan for,
their, convenience to confer with the, the roaring 20's, with its attic full of coopci'ative food buying .and reviving
'editors. Photographers ,and artists the "real stuff" and its coon skin the old tradition of fr'eshmen "phots."
Ar*e asked to bring 'samples ''of their coated-members, is a bygone thing." -
work. During the orientaton period, there (, 'u , s av
"The general set-up of the maga- will be a registration booth in the ! itt rrv
tine will include more and better lobby of the Union where interested Mvy;Ie~ieJ
photos, cartoons to rival those of! men will have an opportunity to reg-,
The New Yorker and contributiops ister for rushing. It is very impor- Actual specirnci~s of almost every
in fiction by the outstanding writers tant that freshmen attend to this branch of scientific study ranging N
an campus. matter, since no man who has not from the fine arts to archaeology aie

t _ c r The Asssocit" dPgees for wort,:[R w N
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t Vu IC7 Cty t?,J- g- i -g- Ts
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Dlon't Fail ITo Subscrib 5YOR CmpsN*sae
You are sure to weant to k .ep_.in tou.,ch wi th the Ui~riyyu rdauZghte r ts
4attending. A subscription 'to .The. Michigan Dily : Will- be just the-'thing to bring the
University of Michigan's camps into your home.


r 7 c J

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tt , -tire, ,.


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