PAGE TWO Council Seeks Peace Solution Following War Organized Day After Raid On Hawaians; Ruthven Keynoted First Meeting Even midst the present din of bat- tle and war preparations, the Uni- versity Post-War Council is already studying the difficult problems of a just peace that will forestall the com- inig of World War III. Organized last Dec. 8, the day af- ter Pearl Harbor, the Post War Council has since that date spon- sored numerous lectures, conferences and panels on the subject of peace problems in a world of conflicting ideologies and vested interests. Ruthven Keynotes The first Conference on post-war problems sponsored by the Post-War Council was held in the Rackham Auditorium, April 17 and 18, 1942. The Conference was officially opened by President Ruthven, and keynote speakers included Dr. J. Donald Kingsley of Antioch College and Dr. Francis McMahon of Notre Dame University. Following the keynote speeches, the Conference split into three panel discussion groups that treated, re- spectively, the political, social and Economic aspects of the world re- settlement problem. During the past summer, the Pot- War Council has sponsored a series f weekly meetings, including talks, anels and discussion periods on var- uus phases of post-war reorganiza- on problems. Typical problems dis- ussed in the summer meetings were: ttitude toward a Post-War Ger- any; The Future of Nationalism; conmic Reconstruction, and other Ilied topics. Future Plans The activities of the Council will ontinue during the coming year, and ter this year the Council plans to raw up a set of principles to guide he world toward a sane conduct af- er the war. Though the war is yet far from be- ng won by the democracies, and our aximum energies must be placed ehind the war effort, the Post-War ouncil feels that lasting values can e derived from the present sacrifice .nly if we begin now to solve the problem of a lasting peace, so that ve may not again be swept unsus- ,ectingly into another Versailles.- Faculty advisors to the Council ar President Ruthven, Dr. EdwardW Blakeman, religious counselor, Prof James K. Pollock, of the political sci- ence department, Prof. Preston Slo- son of the history department and Prof. Leonard L. Watkins of the ec- onomics department. Student chairmen of the Council are Pat McGraw, '44, and Herb Heav- enrich, '44E. Membership in the Count)l is open to all students inter- ested in the problems of post-war peace. Inter-Racial Group Helps In Minority HousingProblem The Inter-Racial Association, first University-recognized student bodyt created to study and alleviate race problems, has organized an agency to help student members of racial minorities to find housing accommo-t dations in Ann Arbor. ' The housing agency is in charge of nn Fagin, one of the founders of te Inter-Racial Association, and itsr mporary headquarters are at the1 luriel Lester co-op.t Originated in the spring of thisI Year. the association has as its pur- - ose, according. to Bill Boothby, hairman, the elimination of racial i 1 will t y a better understanding of t le scientific, economic and social r tuses of discrimination. To this end, the group has had 7ceches by colored and white ex- Serts on race problems, parleys on ithportant questions, and plans to ,,art a library and circulate petitions i 4 favor of the anti-lynching bill, a ilunteer mixed and white regiment, a id against the poll tax. Alumni Will Hold 1Opening Reception Holders of Michigan Alumni schol- arships will be entertained at a re- ception by the Alumni and Alumnae associations, Sundae, Sept. 27. 100 incoming Freshmen have been awar- ded these scholarships.. Founded in 1845 by the eleven members of the first graduating class the Alumni Association has been a vital organization promoting an ac- THE MICHIGAN Tl A TT.V QT'Vln& 3TTt--'r-?V 0 1dA4 A as & R . '. ikU i -Fu£H IN U C. I L4,I SUMJAY'X, tiUL'S 81942~i Union Offers U. Of N. Men Free Services Males' 'Last Stronghold' Has Library, Pool, BarberShop (Continued from Page 1) place and as the site of forum discus- sions. The South Lounge is equipped as a game room. Club rooms are available throughout the building for the use of campus organizations and local groups. Offices of the Interfraternity Council, Congress, Executive and District Councils, and the Mimes- Union Opera are on the third floor. The tower of the Union contains the chapter rooms of three Senior Secret Societies-Michigamua, the all-cam- pus group, Drgids the literary college group, and Vulcans, the engineering college society. Offices on Main Floor On the main flor are the offices of the Union's Executive Committee, president, and secretary. From the time the new Michigan man enters Orientation Week until he receives his diploma he is in contact with the large Union staff. After introducing the Class of '46 and transfer students to Michigan life through tours, ral- lies and mixers, the Executive Staff swings into its regular program of activity. At the beginning of each semester the Student Book Exchange, a non- profit textbook market, operates in the lobby of the Union. During the football season the staff conducts a Ticket Resale Desk for the conven- ience of those wishing to sell or ex- change football tickets. On Sunday evenings the Union shows movies of the preceding Michi- gan football games and during home games conducts the stadium card display. Annual Class Games The annual class games, culmina- tion of class rivalry between fresh- men and sophomores, are under Un- ion supervision and are held midway through the football season. The Un- ion's Fall Open House has become a campus institution while the Decem- ber presentation of the Mimes-Union Opera, featuring an all-male cast, has achieved nationwide fame. The Activities Smoker introducing new students to the many campus extra - curricular organizations, is held at 'the beginning of the second semester as is University Day, when the Union plays host 'to groups of high school students. Thirty Members. In Sailing Club Skippers Hold Whitmore Lake Practice Races With the wind in their sails and Michigan Sailing Club members at their tillers, six 12 foot dinghys are to be seen gliding over the waters of Whitmore Lake many an afternoon and evening throughout the warm months of the year. Boasting a membership of about1 30 students, the club participates in races held all over the state and country. Both boys and girls are wel-i comed as members providing they've had some sailing experience. If a1 candidate hasn't had the experience,. club members train him in the art ofc guiding a wind-wagon skillfully over the waves.- In past years the club has traveled1 East and returned to Ann Arbor withi victories tucked under their belts. In 1940 they won the Sandusky Dinghyt races sailing against eight other col- leges. That same year they capturedt the Mid-western Intercollegiate e Dinghy Championship in Chicago. V Choral Union To Begin 64th Season Here Don Cossacks Will Begin Concert Series Oct. 20; Gladys Swarthout Next (Continued from Page 1) core will play here Dec. 3. Foremost interpreter of Beethoven, he also ranks at the top in presentation of Brahms and Mozart, Boston Symphony Here Often called "the best orchestra in the world", the Boston Symphony will perform here December 9. Led by Serge Koussevitzky. famed for his interpretations of every great com- poser and foremost among all con- ductors as a proponent and intro- ducer of new compositions, the Bos- ton is a well known feature of Uni- versity concert programs. Josef Hofman, "the Prince among Pianists", will play January 18. A long time favorite in Ann Arbor, the great pianist has played here five times since 1920, and is known throughout the world as one of the best of today's musicians. The concert on Feb. 16 will have as soloist Jascha Heifetz, probably top-ranking violinist in the world. According to Deems Taylor, "He has only one rival, one violinist whom he is trying to beat: Jascha Heifetz." Famous English Conductor Sir Thomas Beecham, famed Eng- lish conductor, will make his Ann Arbor debut March 2 as guest con- ductor of the Detroit Symphony Or- chestra. Famous for his interpreta- tions of Handel and Mozart, Beech- am ranks among the top-notch or- chestra leaders of the world. Nelson Eddy, American baritone of concert, opera, radio and screen will bring the series to a close on March 17. Season tickets for the series may be obtained by writing to Charles Sink, University Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower, Ann Arbor. The six concerts of the 1943 May Festival will be presented May 5, 6, 7, 8. The Philadelphia Orchestra, with, Eugene Ormandy conducting, has been contracted to appear here for the eighth consecutive time in the Festival. 'WoFlverines' Help Build School Spirit A new student organization hits campus this year - the Michigan Wolverines. It was created for the express purpose of fostering school spirit. The club will sponsor pep rallys before football games, team send-offs and other activities that need concentrated student support. A special block of seats in the foot- ball stadium will be reserved for the Wolverines to help the cheers and handle the card displays. The club will also organize the freshman snake dance that annually takes place be- tween the halves of the Michigan State game. Bomber-Scholarship Is Campus Project Originating at a party sponsored by the Abe Lincoln Cooperative House Feb. 20, 1942, the Bomber- Scholarship plan has grown into a major all-campus project. The first step to be taken after the Linera House party started the ball rolling with a collection of $12, was the organization of a committee representing major campus groups to administer the project. The aim of the Bomber-Scholarship committee is to collect $100,000 for the purchase of defense bonds-enough money for the government to buy a bomber. After the war, the bonds will be turned into scholarships for qualified ex-servicemen returning to the Uni- versity. SRA To Offerj Full Program Lecture Series The Student Religious Association. University inter-faith organization centered at Lane Hall, offers a pro- gram of interest and value to Michi- gan freshmen for the coming year. Emphasizing the importance of ethical and moral judgments in eur- rent problems, the Freshmen Pro- ject is a discussion group planned and led by the freshmen themselves. In addition, SRA offers various sem- inars, and social service projects, as: well as the popular Friday afternoon Coffee Hour. For the use of students and facul- ty, there is a music room with an ex- cellent record collection and an up- to-date library of religious and phil- osophical books, as well as a student lounge, fireplace room, and handi- craft shop. Each year the Association sponsors a lecture series, bringing to the cam- pus such distinguished speakers as Bertrand Russell, Reinhold Niebuhr. Mordecai Kaplan, Mortimer Adler and Father D'Arcy. This summer's Work Holidays have combined a good time with badly needed social ser - vice in the Willow Run area and the Meditation Week-ends at Lyn Or- chard House in the Irish Hills pro- vide opportunity to get away from the confusion of college life Appoiitiieir~ B wei (oiiae~, X',e ionil (iidiir Seeking to help wth se-udeni i(letr-i'- nell-"at'vo "" ione sod pre- pa"e himself for and o helo gradual- ing seniors contact prospe(ct ive t- ployers. the lUniivcrsity 1 3u reai of Appeintnent and Orcupatonal In- formaticn servcs a vital pur'ose on campus. Mr.T. t h Pu'doi. , 0 f She P rcauii f-me, ha o 1e r 100 person: I 'ok ;idvs: iv' of I le vuo'a- tional guidance eti ; hirg t he pa" year. Used by sI udens. Enployi's Bet :x talents and empleyci's make demands upo Tie Bureau for well- trained people for summer employ - mnent. Many times summer work (t fers on opperui tar 1hw cadi- d tes to itablish prmanen rela- tionships lor their later ccareers. Plaecrne Oi :ca(Iers takes in a large part of the Bureaus work, but, vocational and guidance services are intended for the student body. Ad- vice regarding; the selection of cour- ';es to prepare for certain fields in demand and the #:ec'hn iques of inter- viewing and writing letters of appli- cation is freely given. Testing Prc'gram A complete testing program has been developed to answer the de- mands of students in helping them to select thei Vocat ions and set tcl somia of their Pe'rsonal problems. T(ie c ; a'e ivre to proctlive ,I (ehn', as ell as s i tdexits. Credentials gat heved frein each ;1p!!nt inc;de ta1l in formai Aeiai ding sAhot Irainint working experience hota in dhoot and out SCside ; iviic." :nd persoal inter- est s. \ll of this information is re- onest ed by employers. Strong and \\ vik li eo a rh clart ('ri:;tirs of an Hid iiid i < a ri disrom'-(' thrug eciroirar i ;!teno' il and ratings ob-, amed fronm t lie :pl iran. himself, 5nd( (ithters who kiimv him well. Gocvernmient Agenejes GIv:-rnmien igen 'is have been ralig on the Bureau since the out- hreak of (ie war, seeking specially- m' m d uden'. to fill civil service t'milt onx; ohl nos relating to the war' mndtstx'ir: he infovuma ion demand(d of the Burrs il concerning the registrants 'ovc's 5 wide area. The early life of ie registr-ant, his high school and academic trainiU, his activities in and out of '(Ol, his personality, what he has done on the job and what his priofessors and employers think of him all goes to make up a ecinposite pc re of the individual in a form that can easily be under- Coiisiiluation On Religi)Jons In Ava(ilible Because the ITniversity feel that personal, academiiic and social 1rob- lems in the field of religion need prompt review by experienced per- sons, the office of the Counselor in Religious Education exists for all students regardless ef affiliation. The office is under the direction of Dr. Edward W. Blakeman who i' available from 11 to 12 and from .3 to 5 p. m. each day at Room 9 Uni- versity Hall, Dr. Blakeman who took over the position of Counselor in Religion 1when it wa's inlaugurated tena years ago, has outlined his work itn thi manner. "It is highly desirable to have someone available for new stu- dents to consult with on personal problems, science-religion conflict--, and eases of emotional tension. While there are many questions that we -can't answer we try to break the big problems down into little ones so that the student can solve them one by one." The program is designed, to a large degree, to make the University, de- spite its size, as warm and personal as a small college. Dr. Blakeman also serves as a guide for those freshman and sopho- mores interested in the degree pro- gram in Religion and E lhics, _ .( b_ _ -l- BL STUDENT at F ol SUPPLI ES Ilett's EiinncO u i ein tnt an Instruments A E a!b _ ' ----==- - _ _______ -_ _ _ _.__ _ __ , TE TBO): Intensive Business Courses for HIGH SCHOOL and COLLEGE GRADUATES Pre-College Course in Shorthand, Stenotypy, and Typewriting. *Secretarial,Accounting, and Business Administra- tion Courses, leading to business employment. * .College-grade student body. * Free Placement Department. Every Book for Every Course rn' I irI