THE MICHIGAN DAILY FREAY, ._, __ _ _ . . _. _ .... m w ra .... .e an Dai b The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DRw PEARSON ni l11 DAILY OFFICIAL UiL E" GRIN AND BEAR iT By Lichty f 4 IN L&I. 4 ( Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is published every morning except Monday and Tuesday. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Zntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. .Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00; by mail $5.00. REPRBEENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTitNG OY National Advertising Service, Inc. a College Ptblisbm sRepresentative 420 MADISON Av . NQw YORK, N. Y. cwgcaeo - eosi.n - 10 s ,,1- ARGMS SANPRANCScO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff kbmer Swander . . . . . Managing Editor Will Sapp . . . . . . city .Editor Mike Dan . . . . . . . Sports Editor ASSOCIATE EDITORS Hale Champion, John Erlewine, Robert Mantho, Irving. Jaffe, Robert Preiskel Business Staff Edward Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Morton Hunter . . . Business Manager .Associate Business Manager . . Publications Manager NIGHT EDITOR: HALE CHAMPION The editorials published in The Michigan IDaily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. ndian Independence Must Await Victory... TrHE REFUSAL of the All-India Con- gress Party to compromise in its de- minds for immediate union and independence i India, can certainly be understood and justi- tild from the standpoint of native leaders, but if consideration is extended to include world events, it must be realized that the danger which their refusal to cooperate is presenting may well destroy their chances for independence, as well as the war effort of the United Nations. SIndian leaders do not trust England, and they cannot be castigated for their lack of confidence, but they should realize that by refusing to accept the British promise' of post-war union and do- miniofi status they are exposing themselves to domination by Japan, perhaps not a worse mas- ter than England, but one which certainly will not be deposed. India has the promise of Eng- land;'they could probably get further assurances from the United States and Russia. Independence now, the granting of the Indian defense effort to national leaders, might well lead to a more chaotic condition than that now confi'onting the British. The, Moslem minority. ,Ofs 901000,000 perons,. the Sihk groups, would certainly rebel against control by Hindu Con- gress Party, and they would be fighting against an rinestablished, disorganized group. The na- ive leaders *lack the experience of British rulers andwould probably inspire no more confidence in the minority groups. FORCED.TO CHOOSE between passive resis- tance which manifests itself in strikes, rioting end bloodshed, and leaving India disorganized kiith a rebellious Moslem minority, the British, h ave elected to keep control, to try and force the Hindu leaders to wait for the end of the war. That seems, to us, the most sensible course of action. This insistence upon the immediate granting of. independence has been attributed by Prof. Eoward M. Ehrmann, of the history department to the Congress Party's desire to establish itself in a position which will assure them of being in control after the war If it is true that the pres- °t conflict has-arisen because the Hindu party 4 afraid of a government after the war which will represent the minorities in India, the Party actionis even more reprehensible. It is doubtful that the British will be able to adequately defend Egypt, India from a Japanese attack, and bolster the Russians in case of a break through in the Caucasus without coopera- tion from India. The whole Misddle East may be lost unless the Indian people are united and will- ing to get behind the war effort, T HE INDIAN PEOPLE are confidet that the British will try to defend India in Any case. If the British are to handle the de- *fense, the most sensibId thing seems to be keeping them in control. Gandhi and his fol- lowers should content themselves with the British p 'ofnises and- further guarantees, should not attempt to use the war effort to get control of the country which ignores the minorities, should realize that their best bet, and ours, is the defeat of the Axis.. All post-war planning, all governmental or- ganization depends on that defeat. - Robert Priskel Where We're Neutral American armed forces .in India have been ordered, the State Department announces, to WASHINGTON: Inside fact about the attack on the Solomon Islands is that it was very care- fully planned six weeks in advance, and was dif- ferent from any other naval action in the Pacific. U. S. Naval raids on the Gilbert and Marshall Islands were hit and run affairs. There our Navy had no idea of enemy strength, but depended on quick surprise hits and speedy withdrawal. o In the battle of the Coral Sea also, we were able to take the Japs by surprise. And in the bat- tle of Midway, we knew the enemy was coming, while the Japs did not know we knew. But in the Solomon Islands battle, our recon- naissance planes had made advance surveys and we knew fairly accurately the size of the enemy- knew also that we were up against a tough job that would exact heavy cost.- There is every reason to believe, too, that the Japs knew about our preparations, because troop transports cannot be loaded and brought within striking distance without enemy scouting planes sighting them. Therefore, this was a real test in more ways than one. For instance, this was the first time land, air and sea forces all have cooperated in a single striking force. Upon the final outcome of that cooperation will depend whether the United States follows the advice of many high Army-Navy strategists and concentrates more on the Pacific than on Europe. Capital Chaf Madame Secretary Perkins recently put in a bid for an apartment already reserved for a young naval officer. Apartments are scarce, but being a member of the cabinet, she got it. Later it turned out that she didn't want the apartment after all, merely used her name to help a friend. The young naval officer she ousted was the son of Undersecretary of State Welles.. .Gov. Hol- land of Florida, Herbert Bayard Swope, chairman of the New York State Racing Commission, and Thomas R. Underwood, editor of the Lexington, Ky. Leader in the heart of the blue-grass racing region, told the Senate Finance Committee they did not oppose taxes on racing, but that this was a state matter. Federal racing taxes, they said, invoked the law of diminishing returns. . .In the middle of these hectic war days, the -President took a minute off to send a letter of appreciation to an old friend who had established generous scholarships for students at a North Carolina college. . Women Influence ;history All through history, from Helen of Troy to the Duchess of Windsor, women have influenced the tides of fate. And if it had not been for a woman in the life of Gen. Douglas MacArthur he prob- ably would not have been in a position to per- Put Teeth In Sahotage Laws .. . 7TOT LONG AFTER six of the eight Nazi saboteurs were electrocuted and the papers had turned to bannering the U. S. offensive on the Solomon Islands, Attorney Gen- eral Francis Biddle said he would ask Congress to impose harsher penalties for conspiracy to commit sabotage and to harbor or assist sabo- teurs. To most people, the Attorney General's statement came as a mild surprise. They had naturally taken it for granted that the laws took care of serious crimes and cracked down hard on those who sympathized too much with the enemy in war-time. As a matter of fact, Biddle was merely point- ing out something that you could expect to find in a country suddenly plunged into total war, especially in a country practicing democracy. The United States has lived a long time, has made a lot of mistakes which history books won't let posterity forget. And the leniency of our sab- otage laws, though surprising at first, must be looked upon as just another error we haven't yet gotten around to correcting. The war caught us off guard, true. And we are a country which too often leans over backwards to be democratic. Leniency is one of many methods by which we try to be democratic. O THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S statement shouldn't be wond'ered at. Biddle said that sabotage in war-time is punishable by a maxi- mum sentence of thirty years and a $10,000 fine, or both. But conspiracy-to commit sabotage must be tried under the general conspiracy statute, with a maximum penalty of imprisonment for two years or a $10,000 fine, or both. NOR IS THERE any special statute punishing the harboring or concealing of persons who have committed sabotage. The general statute under which such an offense is tried provides a maximum penalty of three years' imprisonment or -a $500 fine, or both. Because the sabotage laws are so ridiculously lenient, the government is- unable to prosecute the fourteen aides to the saboteurs for treason. Instead, the government must do its best to trump up a charge that will imprison them for the longest possible time. It might not be a bad idea for Congress to give Biddle what he wants. Of course, you know and I know that the government won't let little legal technicalities get in the way of the serious bus- iness of winning the war. But if the sabotage laws were given teeth of their own to bite with. form his heroic defense of the Philippines and command Australia today._ Just after the last war, the belle of Washing- ton society was vivacious Louise Brooks, step- daughter of the millionaire Edward T. Stotes- bury, a partner of J. P. Morgan. She was the toast of Washington. Gen. Pershing, just re- turned from France. was one of her most de- voted attendants. Admiral Beatty, hero of the battle of Jutland, was another. Once, after a dinner at Mrs. Marshall Field's both Pershing and Beatty escorted Louise to her car, nearly had an altercation over who was to take her home. But Gen. MacArthur, then superintendent of West Point, stepped in and married the lady. shortly thereafter, Gen. Pershing, not at all ha: pyi over MacArthur's victory, transferred him to the Philippines. MacArthur and his wife were stationed in the Philippines for several years. And although the marriage later ended in divorce, it was MacAr- thur's tour of duty in Manila which acquainted him with Filipino leaders and later brought about his return as Field Marshal of the Philip- pine Army. If Pershing or Lord Beatty had married the lady, history might have been different. Solomon Islands Strategy What the Navy was up against in the battle of the Solomon Islands was the little known fact that the Japs were fortifying the islands at break-neck speed. Working night and day the Japs have been building runways, gasoline tanks, anti-aircraft installations. Since the Solomons extend down near the supply route between Hawaii and Australia, they have been a direct menace to U.S. shipping and the trans-Pacific air line. Therefore it was up to the Navy to move before the Japs became too deeply entrenched. Moreover, Japanese activi- ties in the Solomon Islands were typical of their zeal in other South Pacific islands, in many of which they have been spending 24 hours a day with bulldozers and tractors leveling runways and fortifying harbors. All of this was going on during the lull after the battle of Midway and during the monsoon rains in India. Bildnts Should Reflect Pre~senCivilization. P EOPLE TODAY SPEND over one half of their life time in buildings. The economic value of buildings is also of di- rect concern to the thousands of owners. Yet, when it becomes necessary to producenew build- ings we have invariably turned back to historical examples. Why, when we need a new automobile, don't we reproduce the body of a Maxwell and add a twelve cylinder Lincoln motor? We modernize kitchen equipment, simplify furniture, and add new mechanized forms of air conditioning and heating, yet the outside structure resembles the Babylonian temple or the early American colon- ial type. University buildings, as well, continue to grope blindly in the medieval and Renaissance strain. EVEN ON OUR OWN CAMPUS the same holds true. Angell Hall serves as an excellent exam- ple. Many people point out Angell Hall as one of the most beautiful buildings on the campus. Why? Simply because the person who drew the plans was an expert at interpreting and repro- ducing the works of the Greeks and Romans. The facade of Angell Hall, if built in the sixth century, would have been a commendable job. Today it remains of little more than archaeolo- gical value. However, in any building the elements of func- tion, structure, and beauty should never be for- gotten. We have seen the tendencies to over- emphasize function to the ridiculous. The same is true of structure and history illustrates the periods of over-emphasis of beauty. The problem of today suggests a need for the balance of the three. It is evident that with changes in transporta- tion, industry, and social values buildingfacili- ties must maintain the same stride as the ad- vances in technology. We have failed to see the value of this. Consequently, we have been con- fronted with problems of blight, slums, traffic jams, and other bottle-necks which have re- sulted from the attempt to adapt our modern civilization to an outworn pattern. W HEN THE ELEVATOR was invented we were not content to use it on ten, twenty; or even thirty floors. Instead we pulled civilization above the clouds and neglected function. Today the top third or half of many skyscrapers remain un- finished. The skyscrapers will stand as monuments to our incapability to realize the place of function. The skyscrapers, too, will' symbolize our former prosperity as well as having provided a handy, jumping-off place for many after the 1929 crash. Buildings, therefore, reflect the thinking of their day. The Egyptians and Grecians under- stood and expressed themselves in the 'symbol- ism of their temples much better than we can ever hope to understand the reason for using their styles in our banks and insurance buildings. The American architecture of our era should de- nif +the A[imr+rn.rv of txhe+TTvtifA n.tpc inAe FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1942 VOL. LII No. 43-S All Notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of thr dary preceding its publication except on Saturday, when the notices should be submitted before 11:30 am. A c'cdein ic JNIotic es College of Literature. Science, and The Arts. and Architecture; Schools of Education, Forestry, Music and Public Health.: Summer Session stu- dents wishing a transcript of thi5 summer's work only should file a re- quest in Room 4 U. H. several days before leaving Ann Arbor. Failure to. file this request before the end of the session will result in a need- less delay of several days. The Storehouse Building will act as a receiving center for scrap rub- ber and also metals. Any depart- ment on the Campus having metals or rubber to dispose of.for defense purypses, please call Ext. 337 or, 317 and the materials will be picked up by the trucks which make regular janitors is available to collect the campus deliveries. Service of the materials from the various rooms in the buildings to be delivered to the receiving location. E. C. Pardon . LIP N Yt~* r e' .. '' .Vi:: * .. . "F is" / "'14- hcaoT- m ,' - , Ga l S PV Off. AllR "Sis is all right for an evening-but you just oughta have to live here all the time without a uniform." Carillon Programs: The bell cham- ber of the Burton Memorial Tower will be open to visitors interested in observing the playing of the carillon from 12 noon to 12:15 p.m. daily from Monday, August 10, through Friday, August 14, at which time Professor Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will present an infor- mal program. Manuscripts for the summer Hop- wood contest must be in the Hop- wood Room by 4:30 p.m. this Friday, August 14. R. W. Cowden Are you interested in speaking Spanish fluently? The Spanish Table meets Monday through Friday until the end of the Summer Session in Room 103 of the Michigan Union to afford just such practice to those who are interested. Reservations may be made in the Romance Languages department office. Graduate Students in Speech: Qualifying examinations in Speech in the following six fields: (1) Rhet- oric. and Oratory, (2) Argumenta- tion and Debate, (3) History of the Theater, (4) Radio, (5) Speech Sci- ence, (6) Practical Theater-will be given Friday, August 14, at 2 p.m. in room 4203 Angell Hall. DoctoralhExamination for Bun- liang Tamthai; field: Anatomy; the- sis: "The Nuclear Pattern of the Non-Tectal Portionshof the Mink Midbrain," will be held on Thurs- day, August 13, in 3502 East Medical, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, E. C. Crosby. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend, the ex- amination and he may grant per- missionto those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. Doctoral Examination for Richard Gildart Fowler; field: Physics; the- sis: "A Study of the Mechanisms In- volved in the Production of Radia- tion in the Low Voltage Arc, will be held on Friday, August 14, in East Council, Rackham, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, O. S. Duffendack. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend the ex- amination and he may grant permis- sion to those who for sufficient rea- son might wish to be present. Faculty, Summer Session, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: It is requested by the Administrative Board that all instructors who make reports of Incomplete or Absent from Examination on grade-report-sheets give also information showing the character of the part of the work which has been completed. This may be done by use of the symbols, I(A), X(D), etc. Students and Faculty, Summer Session; College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: The attention of students and faculty is called to the Similar To World W'ar I he Russians have drawn a paral- lel between this war and World War I in their unceasing campaign for a second front against Hitler. Gen. Shilovsky, who accompanied Molo- tov to Washington, has written in the Soviet military-journal Red Star that German strategic plans in World War I :were upset when the Russians attacked East Prussia and forced the enemy to concentrate large forces on the Eastern front. This military action, he says, con- tributed to the French-British vic- tory on the Marne in 1914. Gen. Shilovsky points out that de- spite the fact that Russian resistance collapsed in 1917 and the Brest- 1: following regulation of the College: It should be noted that a report of X (absent from examination) doesi not guarantee a make-up examina-i tion. An instructor must, in fairness to those who take the final exami-; nation at the time announced for it,, give make-up examinations only to7 students who have a legitimate rea- son for absence. Events Today ' Ellen Lambert, mezzo-soprano, willr sing German, French and English songs at her recital at 8:30 p.m. tonight in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building. Miss Lambert is a student of Arthur Hackett and is+ giving her recital in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the de- gree of Master of Music. The pro-i gram is open to the general public. H. M. S. Pinafore, comic opera by Gilbert and Sullivan, will be given tonight at the MendeJssohn Theatre, and will run through Saturday night, with an additional performance on Monday, August 17th. This produc- tion will be staged by the Michigan 1 Repertory Players of the Department of Speech in conjunction with the School of Music and the University1 Symphony Orchestra. Tickets are on sale daily from 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the theatre box office.- First Presbyterian Church: Westminster Student Guild-So-. cial evening in the Social Hall of the church. This will be Game-Night.- Come in and bring your friends. Dancing, Friday and Saturday' nights at the MichiganLeagueufrom 9-12 p. m. Come with or without a; partner." Library: 1, Students enrolled in the eight weeks summer session and having in their possession books .drawn from; the University, are notified that such books are due Wednesday, August 19. 2. The names of all students en- rolled in the eight weeks summer ses- sion who have not cleared their rec- ords at the Library by Friday, August 21, will be sent to the Recorder's Of- fice where their semester's credits will be held up until such time as said records are cleared, i compliance with the regulations of the Regents. WARNER G. RICE Director Wesley Foundation: Recreation for all students tonight. Picnic supper on the Island, leaving the church at 6:15. Cost: 20c. Baseball, badminton, and games at 7:30 on the ball field. After dark, folk dancing on the light- ed church lawn, followed by refresh- ments, ping pong, and social dancing. Come to all or part of the fun. Res- ervations for the picnic must be made at the office (6881) by Friday noon. Coming Events Henry Wenzel, violinist, will pre- sent, a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music at 8:30 p.m., Sat- urday, August 15, in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building. Mr. Wenzel is' head of the string and wind instruments department at Mary Hardin-Baylor College,. Belton, Tex., and a student under Professor Wassily Besekirsky. His program, in- cluding compositions -by Bruch, de Falla and Franck, will be open to the public. Methodist Students: The work hol- iday scheduled for this Saturday has been postponed. Choral Vespers on Sunday eyening, August 16. The Summer Session Farms Sunday afternoon. August 16th. All members and those inter- ested in the Association are cordially invited to attend. We will leave from the tteps of the Rackham Building at 4:00 p. m. Iced drinks will be sold at the Farms and ice cream, will be provided without charge. There are facilities for cooking. A small charge will be made to cover transportation costs. Reservations should be made by Friday at the main desk of the Union, the Social Director's Office of the League, or the Bulletin Boards of the Main Library, Lane Hall, and International Center. Members of the Graduate Outing Club will go to Clear Lake county park west of Chelsea Sunday for swimming, boating, and hamburgers. Cost is 40c. Meet at the northwest door of the Rackham Building at 2:30 p. m. Those who have cars please leave name at Rackham lobby desk by Saturday noon. Pauline Slonecker, a student of pi- ano under Professor Brinkman, has planned a program of Mozart, Bee thoven, Debussy and Brahms for her recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Mas ter of Music. It will be given at 4:15 p. m. Monday, August 17 in the Rackham Assembly Hall. The public is invited. Student Recital: Mary Jane Mor- ris, pianist, will give her recital In partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Master of Music at 8:30 p. m. Monday, Augu' 17, .in the Rackham Assembly Hall The program will include works b, Blahms, Mendelssohn, Beethoven and 'Chopin, and is open to the gen- - eral public. Choir Concert: The University of Michigan Summer ' Session Choir, Maynard Klein, director, will pre- sent a special concert at 8:30 p. m. Wednesday, August 19, in Hil-l Audi- torium. Mr. Klein has arranged a program including four first per- formances on the campus, and fea- turing the works of Palestrin4, Thomas Morley, Brahms, Delius, R. Vaughan Williams and Randall Thompson, in addition to a composi- tion by Blair McClosky, guest in- structor of the School of Music. The public is invited. Secondary School Theatre: "Time for. Romance", a three-act comedyby Alice Gerstenberg, will be presented by the Secondary School Theatre of the Department of Speech at 8:30 p. m. Wednesday, in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Admission will be free. As only a limited number of seats will be available, patrons in- terested in this production ate urged to come early. The doors will be closed as soon as the theatre is full. Doors open at 8 p. m. Master's Breakfast: Those receiv- ing invitations to the Master's Break- fast Sunday morning, August 16, should call for their tickets at the Office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell Hall by this afternoon at-4:30. Cooperation between the Teahing Profession and Lay Groups, by-J. B. Edmonson, Dean of the School of Education. Monday, August 17th. 4:05 p. m. University High Auditor- ium. The School in the New Defense Com unity, by Claude Eggertsen, Assistant " Professor of Education. Tuesday, August 18th. 4:05 p. m. Univefsity High 'Auditorium. Oriental Colonization in Latin America, *by Professor Robert B. Hall of the University Geography Depart- '3 '/.: i 4 I