dTi i
Choral Group
Will Present
New Numbers
Selections By 'hompson,
Buxtehude To Be Given
In First Performances
Prof. Klein To Direct
Two selections which have not for-
merly been presented in Ann Arbor,
will feature the Choral Vespers to be
given at 8:30 p. m. Sunday at Hill
The program, which is announced
as the climax of the summer work by
the Summer School Chorus of 100
voices, will combine "Rejoice Be-
loved Christians" by Dietrich Buxte-
hude with "The Peaceable Kingdom"
a composition by Randall Thompson.
Christian to Play
Prof. Palmer Christian will be at
the great organ. The solo party for
the evening will be sung by Arthur
Hackett, tenor, Blair McClosky, bari-
tone, Delta Dean Doran, mezzo-so-
prano, Margaret Martin, soprano,
and Betty Mason, soprano. The
Chorus will be under the direction of
Prof. Maynard Klein.
The composer of "The Peaceable
Kingdom," Dr. Thompson, is now on
the faculty of the University of Cali-
fornia. He was prepared at Harvard
and later held both the Prix de Rome
fellowship and the Guggenheim
Foundation Fellowship. He taught at
one time at Wellesley and later at the
Juliard School.
Suggested by Painting
"The Peaceable Kingdom" is a se-
quence of sacred choruses and was
suggested by the painting of the
same title by Edward Hicks, to illus-
trate the scripture by Isaiah, 11:6-9.
It sets forth the longing of the hu-
man heart and portrays the deep
emotion and profound understanding
of this prophetic writer, Isaiah.
This Choral Vespers, according to
Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, Director of
the Summer Session, is the final wor-
ship occasion for the summer session,
but is given for the entire University
and Ann Arbor public.
Prof. Klein in Charge
Prof. Maynard Klein, the director
for the summer, has charge of the
Choral Music at Sophie Newcomb
School, Tulane University.
"Commenting on the forthcoming j
event, Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, Re-
ligious Counselor, said, "Year after
year the School of Music invariably
produces an exceptional program at
the end of the Summer Session. For
the Religious Education Committee,
I desire to express our appreciation
to Prof. Klein and the members of
this Chorus and soloists for their out-
standing spiritual service to our stu-
dents as well as to the citizens of
Ann Arbor."
Soviet Film Of Nazi Warfare
To Open Rackham Run Today
* * * *
One of the most moving and real-
istic war films ever released will be
shown at 8:30 today at the Rackham
Lecture Hall as the Russian War Re-
lief committee on campus presents
"This Is the Enemy."
"This Is the Enemy" has been ap-
plauded everywhere as a true inter-
pretation of the brutality of the con-
flict between different ideas of the
nature and future of man.
In savage, episodic form this
unique motion picture shows various
B. H. Sajet
Will Lecture
Here Sunday
University -students will get a first
hand account of Nazi occupation
methods from Dr. B. H. Sajet at 4
p. m. Sunday in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall.
Member of the Municipal Council
of Amsterdam until the German in-
vasion and now associated with the
Netherlands Information Bureau,
Dr. Sajet has been brought to Ann
Arbor by the Citizens for Victory.
Because of his active interest in
problems of public administration
and his work as a member of the
Dutch Social Democratic Party, Dr.
Sajet's position in Holland became
untenable after the capitulation.
He escaped to England in a small
rowboat with his two sons and his
four companions to learn there of
the death of a son who, serving in
the Dutch Air Force, had crashed in
a training plane.
While working as a ship's doctor,
a chance assignment brought him
to America where he accepted a few
speaking engagements beginning an
assignment which has included a
five month lecture tour of Canada.
phases of the invasion of Russia by
Hitler's hordes. It makes no bones
about being a propaganda picture, a
picture presented to show why and
how the Russians put up their vali-
ant fight.
It is, according to the New York
Post, a vivid presentation of the kind
of war which every country invaded
by the Axis must face. It includes
guerilla warfare and how the Rus-
sians have for the first time in mod-
ern war employed it as a major wea-
Other episodes find the Nazi and
the Russian in hand to hand combat.
Performances will continue
through Saturday and all proceeds
will go for medical aid to Russian
wounded through the agency of Rus-
sian War Relief. Tickets may be ob-
tained on campus, and at the door.
Summer Band
T o Play'Today
Annual University Concertj
To Be At West Park
Under the direction of Leonard V.
Meretta, instructor in the School of
Music and assistant to the band di-
rector, the Summer Session Band of
the University will play its annual
concert at 8:15 p. m. today in West
Bob Roberts, a senior in the music
school, will be featured as cornet so-
loist, playing "A Tone Picture," by
The following selections are in-
cluded in the program: "American
Champion," by Smith; "Introduc-
tion to Act III, Lohengrin," by Wag-
ner; "American Patrol," by Meach-
am; "If Thou Be Near," by Bach;
"Prologue to the Golden Legend," by
Sullivan-Williams; "The Cocoanut
Dance," by Hermann-Yoder; "Iolan-
the Overture," by Sullivan-Leidzen;
"The Mosquitoes' Parade," by Whit-
ney-Yoder; and "American Eaglets,"
by Meretta.
56-year-old painter, John Stull, was
arrested today on a charge of mali-
cious mischief. Police Lieut. Albert
Granitz said the man drew a huge
swastika with a painted note-"Kill
all Jews" on a rooftop. Stull said he
did it for a joke.
Special Survey
Reports School
ystem Okay
No Revolutionary Changes
Needed; Board Approves
Committee's suggestions
The Ann Arbor Board of Educa-
tion's special Survey Committee as-
serted last night that it had found
"no reason or occasion for revolu-
tionary changes in the Ann Arbor
school system."
Despite anticipated disagreement
over certain conclusions of the final
report, the Board approved it unani-
The Survey Committee, appointed
last October to investigate any prob-
lems related to Board policies and
procedures, teaching and school ad-
ministration, stressed a comprehen-
sive basis for elementary education,
Values Important
"Children should be taught to
think, to have a sense of values, to
develop physical and mental poise,
to be trustworthy, and to take a re-
sponsible position in society, as well
as to learn reading, writing, spelling,
and arithmetic."
On the basis of its findings, and in
possible answer to criticism of a
large number of citizens the Commit-
tee, composed of Chairman M. H.
Waterman, Edna Dow and Ashley
Clague, specifically recommended:
1. Remedial classes in arithmetic
should be established for junior
high school students where needed
to meet individual requirements.
2. Possibilities should be consid-
ered for achieving greater uni-
formity and consistency in meth-
ods and content in comparable
grades of various schools of the
Reading Question Stormy
3. The subject of reading, a par-
ticularly stormy point during the
controversy over reappointment of
Superintendent Otto W. . aisley,
is approached with recognition of
the fact that the subject is. al-
ready well handled, but that adap-
tations may achieve still better re-
4. The adoption of a new arith-
ametic textbook series for the ele-
mentary grades should be author-
ized after careful consideration
and recommendation by the Sup-
Cites Evolutionary Changes
Citing examples of "evolutionary
changes" which "should be and are
taking place," the report pointed to
revisions which have evolved in the
school system in the past year "in
part as the result of the Committee's
1. A new procedure for hiring
and promoting teachers.
2. A new series of spelling books
has been adopted and put into use
in the elementary grades.
3. Spelling has been established
as a separate subject in 7th and
8th grades and will be taught be-
ginning in September.
4. More emphasis has been put
on arithmetic drill in the elemen-
tary grades.
Read The Daily Classifieds!
V-I Is Opened
To Pre-Law
Students Now
Freshmen, Sophomores
Enrolled In Combined
Freshmen and sophomores en-
rolled in the combined literary-law
curriculum may now enlist in the
Navy's V-1 deferment classification,
the Law School announced yester-
Enlistment bars were let down by
a Navy Department decision which
was made possible by the three-term
programs inaugurated by this and
other universities.
Since letters-law students are not
able to secure their degrees in Law
in four years due to the addition of
the Summer Term, they are able to
meet the time requirements which
formerly barred them from the pro-
Other changes in Naval Reserve
qualifications will enable more men
outside the Law School to enlist in
the V-1 and V-7 programs.
V-1 will now accept freshman and
sophomore engineering, physics and
mathematics students with 12/20 vi-
sion, to be trained for assignments,
as commissioned specialists after
graduation. College graduates below
the age of 28, whether married or
single, are now eligible for V-7.
Kelso Claims
Of Open Mind
LANSING, Aug. 12.-(P)-Dr. Rob-
ert W. Kelso, University of Michigan
sociologist, said today he was pre-
serving an open mind in his role of
"trouble shooter" in a dispute con-
cerning state welfare policies.
He has been designated by Gover-
nor Van Wagoner to study reorgani-
zation plans and propose new wel-
fare legislation to integrate welfare
activities. He stepped into a contro-
versy caused when the civil service
department demanded the welfare
commission cut its payrolls $200,000
a year, and the social security bureau
reported the plan was impractical.
Kelso said he would study other
states' welfare administration before
making his own recommendations,
and would proceed prudently, with
"true economy" toward his goal. He
said he recognized that too great a
reduction of the supervisory staff
might result in waste through carry-
ing welfare clients on rolls long after
they became ineligible.
All Out For War
NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 12.-(&,)-
Danners, an importing firm here for
42 years, has closed for the duration.
In a newspaper advertisement an-
nouncing the move, a footnote said:
"The entire personnel has joined the
armed services."
All students planning to enter the
Summer Session-Summer Term Hop-
wood Contest must have their manu-
scripts in the Hopwood"Room at 4:30
p. m. tomorrow.
Awards of $75 and $50 each are
offered in the four fields of writing-
drama, essay, fiction, and poetry. All
manuscripts must be typed on Swan
linen and bound in a durable cover.
beThree judges for each field shall
be selected from the staff of the
University. Their names are with-
held until the winners of the contest
are announced.
Distribution of prizes will take
place next Thursday afternoon, Aug-
ust 20, in the office of Dean Kraus.
Saturday Ends Our 1/z Yearly Clearance Sale
with Extra Values in All Price Groups
3 GROUPS - many good for Fall and Winter.
Sizes 9-17, 10-44, 161/2-261/2
Day Dresses Galore! Black and Navy, Crepes, Prints .,.
some with Jackets; Jerseys, Meshes, Better Cottons, at
savings of more than one-half of original prices.
$10.95 to $29.95
Evening and Dinner Dresses in all groups.
Two Groups of Cottons, Spun Rayons, and Bembergs.
Values to $8.95.
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at 1/2 Price
Spring and 'tween season types - in Black, Navy, and
Colors. Originally $19.95 to $45.00
at 1/2Price
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at $7.00
For the convenience of Defense
Workers we open on Monday at
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Gilbert and Sullivan's
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brilliant rendition of the operetta makes it
hard to believe that Pinafore was first given
as far back as 1878 - It's as fresh and alive
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The new United
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... by the Victor Light Opera Orchestra and
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This is truly an album of tuneful and humor-
ous treasures!
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