_________THE MICHIGAN DAILY TH I U URSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1942 04rg £ic4ipgrn Dati _ , The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON ,, f , { . Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is published every morning except Monday and Tuesday. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights° of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Afhor, Michigan, -as reccnd-cla,.; nmal matter. Su-criptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTED POR ATIONAL AtVERTiSIN2 ev National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Represenatie 420 MADieoN Ave, NEW YORK. N. Y. rCAao . BostoN - LOs AhGELIM - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff HO! Wil Mik mer Swander . . . . . Managing Editor 1 Sapp . . . . . City Editor e Dann . . . . . . . Sorts Editor ASSOCIATE EDITORS Hale Champion. John Erlewine, Robert Mantho, Irving Jaffe, Robert Preiskel Business Staff ward Perlberg . " . Business Manager d M. Ginsberg . . Associate Business Manager rton Hunter . . Publications Manager Zdc Fre Mo .,.,.. - rm NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT PREISKEL _ _, "r I The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. F P rice .eliig Structure Crumbles.. HE DILATORY TACTICS of Con-. T gress and the Administration in re- gird to inflation and price control have reaped a long-growing harvest in yesterday's decision by the OPA to increase the price .ceilings of 400 commodities. No price ceiling will ever be effective so long as the elements which determine the :prices of any commodity are allowed to increase. Wages and farm prices are still rising. Some 00 billion dollars of excess purchasing power is still com- peting for the reduced supply of consumption gceds that remain available. Chain stores which operate on small margins have been forced to eliminate some items from their stocks because they were losing money on them at the ceiling prices. Many stores have -been selling items at more than ceiling prices in an effort to keep their trade. The applications under the hardship 'clause of the general maximum price regulation code ex- press only a fraction of the difficulties with this price control. And the Worst is yet to come. Un- less Congress takes immediate action to remedy the underlying causes of this increase there will be others and still others. THE ADMINISTRATION has shown =painful neglect and blind optimism by placing so much hope in the voluntary purchase of war bonds. The American people would have to buy about 30 billion in war bonds yearly if this meth- od of reducing purchasing power were to suc- ceed. At the present time they aren't buying a total of more than 10 .billion yearly. This means that the remainder of this excess purchasing power is being utilized to pull prices up 'from - their ceilings. Deposits in commercial banks with their expansive effects have gone up tremen- dously in the last two years. The cumulative ef- feet of rising wages, rising bank deposits, and rising farm prices coupled with a .sharp reduc- tion in the supply of goods can mean only rising prices and inflation. The thing to do now is to make sure that -n further increases will be necessary. The impositien of heavily regressive compulsory savings is an absolute necessity. The treat- ly increased wages of the lower classes must ho drained away for the duration. Congress was se atraid of ?ts coming elections that it reglected this piece of dirty work. Now the rsults of it. apathy and tmidity have shown the voters that there can be 'no choice. Either their wages will be lost in the feim ef higher prices, or they will be taken in compulsory. savings. TlHE ALTERNATIVE to compulsory savings is a sales tax. This type of taxation is not in accord with the equality of sacrifice program, but that never seems to bother Congress any- way. As a political expedient it may be necessary and would certainly be better than nothing. But while there is a chance for a compulsory savings prgram that would ultimately give labor the benefits of its hard work dor victory it is better to try to obtain such a system. America owes it to herself, and to the rest of the world to maintain as strong a domestic posi- tien as possible, in order to supply future aid in rebuilding the battered countries of Europe. The p etvetion of inflation in America is a vital part of this obligation. At last Congress should be able to see the drastic effects of its failure to WASIINGTON-It will probably be denied, but last February the Soviet Government offered the United States all its patents, information and technical experience in making synthetic rubber-and now, six months later, still has received no reply. The offer was made by Russian officials at a meeting with Will Clayton, assistant secretary of commerce and Jesse Jones's right hand man; and with George H. Hill, Jr., vice president of Jesse's Defense Supplies Corporation. This was shortly before the fall of the Dutch East Indies, but when its fall appeared immi- nente. Russia. realizing the danger to our rubber sources, and being then the biggest synthetic rubber producer in the world, offered its infor- mation to the United States. The Soviet uses an alcohol process for synthetic rubber, which it developed, and published in its trade journal, even before Germany. However, the Rubber Reserve decided to use a petroleum base for rubber instead of alcohol. It clung to that thesis until recently when Con- gress raised such a terrific furor over discrimi- nation against midwest grain and contended that Jesse. Jones was favoring the big oil com- panies of Texas. Note:-The Russians asked nothing in return for their synthetic rubber information. Basebatll Diplo mat "Professor" Moe Berg, one-time Big League baseball catcher, is going to Latin-America as 'an extraordinary good-will ambassaor. His diplomatic mission is almost without parallel in the annals of diplomacy. The big ball player is being sent by the Rocke- feller Office to improve relations between Amer- ican troops and Latin-American citizenry wher- ever U.S. soldiers are stationed below the Rio Grande. He will also try to boost morale among U. S. troops. Moe Berg is a Princeton graduate, was captain and shortstop on the Tigers' baseball team, also learned Spanish and Portuguese. Later, he went to the Brooklyn Dodgers, then to the Chicago White Sox, the Cleveland Indians, and landed DRAMA People look for a lot of things in Gilbert and Sullivan, mostly for a good time. Last night the audience had a good time at the Repertory Players' "Pinafore" , I think you can divide any Gilbert and Sulli- van operetta into a couple of parts, the satire and "the music. Either can stand alone. Last night the music won out: as a whle there was no unity tto the presentation, and all the humor came either from the business or from isolated phrases. I think the unity in Pinafore runs :around Sir Joseph Porter, and the serio-comic class struggle, but that didn't seem to go over very well, mostly because nobody bothered to emphasize it: the direction didn't seem quite up to Gilbert's wit. I don't think that matters very much, be- cause the music was actually delightful, the chorus was marvelous, the ensembles neat, and the soloists were very fine as a whole. From the overture, I got the impression of an orchestra that was up to any musical comedy around. Mr. Gall's conducting was vigorous and the music sounded nice and pleasant and as good as it should have (except for the french horns which almost ruined two of Josephine's solos from their constant off-key position). And the opening chorus was done just well enough so that I couldn't help anticipating an enjoyable evening. The thing I liked about the whole production was that it didn't dodoize Savoy by making it into something in which no changes should be made without the backing of a doctor's thesis. Little bits of new business were pleasant; some were masterful-like when the sailor walked on- stage and doubletook at the approaching bevy of Sii Joseph's relatives. As I said before, the sailor's, chorus was good and vigorous; it was surpassed by the chorus of females whose actions were less uni- form and stagy, and whose intelligibility was a trifle better. But I can't reemphasize enough how nice the choral work was as a whole. I think only one of the cast realized the po. tentialities of her dramatic part-Josephine (Donna Weiss), Most everybody else either couldn't act at all. or acted with not enough burlesque. Thus the Captain (Jack Secrist) had -a completely winning personality, and a siooth stage feeling. But he was more like Cap'n Briggs of the Nancy Belle. a Yankee clipper out of Gloucester, than a fine pompous blustering Brit- isher. And Ralph (Maurice Gerow), though his performance picked up towards the end, was mostly too serious in his part. -Buttercup, (Mar- garet Lunn) was the same way, though initially handicapped by a lack of buxomness. Robert Holmes acted not enough like Sir Joseph Porter, K.C.B., and too much like Massa Porter, suh. Most of the soloists were good; if their voices weren't. their diction was. But Mr. Gerow was more than excellent as to voice and diction, liv- ing up quite completely to my conception of a nd G&S. tenor. Buttercun was audible. Can- with the Washington Senators in time to help win the 1933 pennant. Then for six years he caught for the Boston Red Sox, and twice went to Japan with Connie Mack's all-star team. This week, Moe will leave for Panama, where he will mingle with U.S. troops, then on to Ecua- dor, Venezuela and Brazil, and to every Latin- American country where our soldiers are sta- tioned. L C TT E RS TO THE EDITOR Answer To Microme gas To the Editor: M ICROMEGAS really wants to feed starving Europe! It is a worthy thought, and consistent with his former articles. But in a war one can hardly feed Europe with- out feeding Germany. And one can hardly feed Germany without aiding her. It is logical to as- sume that Herr Hitler and his armies would al- low food to enter their countries, but it is hardly logical that they would allow it to feed the peo- ples of other lands. By all reports the Germans are not eating too well themselves, what with "ersatz" this and that, and any food liable to enter their lands, would without doubt abate their own hunger before it helped the Greeks, the French, etc. It is true that men and women are dying in the 'gutters all over the world, dying from star- vation, but after experiences with the promises of Hitler, it would be folly to send food to starv- ing Europe, even under the assertions by Hitler that he would leave the food unmolested. We are fighting a war devoid of any pity for the indi- vidual, a pattern set up by Hitler. Can we expect to see Hitler permitting the weakening of his "order", through feeding of the hordes by the United Nations? Hitler is fighting a cruel war, and he 'would not allow his death grip upon Eur- ope to weaken by contact with the humanitar- ianism of the United Nations, humanitarianism evidenced by abundant food. He'd eat the food, loosen his belt, and wallow on to more victories. THE UNITED NATIONS cannot win this war with kindness, with "humanitarianism~". They have to win it with victories! The execution of seven traitors or spies helps little if we then turn about and feed thousands of Germans. Consis- tent effort toward military victory will shorten the suffering of Europe, but strengthening of Germany's morale, by filling her stomach, could only result in more suffering, for a longer peri- od. If the United Nations can prosecute this war to a successful conclusion, they can also fight famine to the ground, successfully. But one thing at a time, please. We'll win the war, but we can't nullify our victories by boatloads of food, food -ostensibly to feed the starving Europeans, the starving Chinese. All of us hate war. Let us de- votedly pledge our every effort to speedily con- cluding this terrible debacle. Food sent to con- quered nations will not bring closer the time when we announce a new Armistice Day, a new Peace! Allen Raymond, Sr. Sawclt ana T NEVER CHANGES, for four years it's the same, you're always waiting for your laundry bag. It isn't important, really, you can always wear a shirt another time, and there are socks that can be washed in the bowl. It's only that you like to have it come, you like to know when it's going to be in the hallway. You can remember when the bag was new. You were a Freshman and the original card say- ing "stamps" was still behind the cellophane window. It came more regularly then but that isn't important either. It makes you wish though that there wasn't any war and that people would be quiet and go to bed and that there were cool places in the country where it was green. IT MAKES YOU want to hear egg-beaters and vacuum cleaners and to eat breakfast in the morning. It makes you wish that you would never see another Hamburger and that there was a place in Ann Arbor where they served veg- etable in big bowls. It makes you wish, too, that people still had cars and tires and gas and that they took rides on Sunday afternoons, not long rides,-just so they would be home- for supper. It makes you remember that when you were in high school you got up at 7:30 in the morning and that there are people who punch time clocks every day. It makes you remember too that when you were small you thought that twenty was very old and that grown people knew a lot of things. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1942 VOL. LII No. 42-S All Notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding Its publication except on Saturday, when the notices should be submitted before 11:30 a.m. Notices The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notice of the fol- lowing United States Civil Service Examinations. The closing date is listed in each case. Junior Investigator, $2,600 a year, August 17, 1942. Junior Custodial Officer, $2,040 a year (Men only), August 31, 1942. Departmental Guard, $1,500 a year, No date listed. Enginemen Needed (Steam-Elec- tric), $1.680 to $2,040, no date listed. Further information may be had from the notices which are on file in the office of the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 201 Mason, Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Engineers:-The United States Army Air Force has just informed us of an urgent need for Junior Engi- neers in the Mechanical, Aeronauti- cal and Electrical fields. Starting salary for these positions is $2,400 a year. Positions are open up to $5,600 a year for those having additional experience in the aeronautical field. Persons who are physically handi- capped may be accepted for these positions. Any prospective applicant employed in war work in private in- dustry will be required to furnish a release from his present employ.er. The deadline for filling out an appli- cation is August 15, 1942. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information The University Bureau of Appoint- nmentshas received notice of the fol- lowing State of Connecticut Civil, Service Examination. State Policewoman, $1800 per year plus maintenance, closed August 26, 1942.1 Candidates must be between 25 and 40 years of age; a Connecticut residence is required. Also, graduate training in social work and or ex- perience. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information To Purchasers of War Bonds: Those who have pledged 10% of their an- nual income for the purchase of War Bonds, either under the University's payroll savings plan or otherwise, are entitled to a special button and sticker. These may be obtained at Investment Office, 100 South Wing, University Hall. University Committee on Sale of War Bonds and Stamps Academic Notices Are you interested in speaking Spanish fluently? The Spanish Table meets Monday through 'Friday until the end of the Summer Session in Room 103 of the Michigan Union to afford just such practice to those who are interested. Reservations may be made in the Romance Languages department office. Carillon Programs: The bell cham- ber of the Burton Memorial Tower will be open to visitors interested in observing the playing of the carillon from 12 noon to 12:15 p.m. daily from Monday, August 10, through Friday, August 14, at which time Professor Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will present an infor- mal program. Manuscripts for the summer Hop- wood contest must be in the Hop- wood Room by 4:30 p.m. this Friday, August 14. R. W. Cowden Psychology 31: A make-up mid- semester will be given Thursday eve- ning, August 13, at 7:00 p.m., in room 1121 Natural Science Building. Mathematics 347, Seminar in Ap plied Mathematics. Will meet Thurs- On The Offensive For the first time since Pearl Har- bor, eight months ago, the combined land, air and sea forces of the United States have taken the offensive against the enemy. The action in the olomon Islands has every look, at this istance, of being a major operation. long planned and well implemented. its purpose, obviously, is to over- whelm and turn back the left, flank f the long string of positions Japan 11as been organizing north of Austra- lia. If it succeeds, the way will be op- ned for further actions of a similar nature. We shall be fortunate, indeed, if we 1merge from this offensive without considerable losses. Modern battles cannot be won otherwise. But win or lose, an operation of this nature, sooner or later, was absolutely neces- ;ary. And until we have definite in- ormation to the contrary, most of is will go on feeling pretty sure that e are not going to lose, in this, the irst real test of our offensive- "All this noise is sure a relief after working as a secretary and listening to the boss tell all about his golf!" day at 4 o'clock in 312 West Engi- neering Bldg. (instead of Friday). Professor Wojtaszak will continue his talk on "Deformation of Plates and Shells." Graduate Students in Speech: Qualifying examinations in Speech in the following six fields: (1) Rhet-. oric and Oratory. (2) Argumenta- tion and Debate, (3) History of the Theater. (4) Radio, (5) Speech Sci- ence, (6) Practical Theater-will be given Friday, August 14, at 2 p.m. in room 4203 Angell Hall. Doctorial Examination for Bun- hiang Tamthai; field: Anatomy; the- sis: "The Nuclear Pattern of the INon-Tectal Portions of the Mink Midbrain," will be held on Thurs- day, August 13, in 3502 East Medical, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, E. C. Crosby. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend the ex- amination and he may grant per- mission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. Doctoral Examination for Richard Gildart Fowler: field: Physics; the- sis: "A Study of the Mechanisms In- volved in the Production of Radia- tion in the Low Voltage Arc," will be held on Friday, August 14, in East Council, Rackham, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, Q. S. Duffendack. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend the ex- amination and he may grant permis- sion to those who for sufficient rea- son might wish to be present. Faculty, Summer Session, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: It is.requested by the Administrative Board that all instructors who make reports of Incomplete or Absent from Examination on grade-report-sheets give also information showing the character of the part of the work which has beenhcompleted. This may be done by use of the symbols, I(A), X(D), etc: Students and Faculty, Summer Session; College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: The attention of students and faculty is called to the following regulation of the College: It should be noted that a report of X (absent from examination) does not guarantee a make-up examina- tion. An instructor must, in fairness to those who take the final exami- nation at the time announced for it, give make-up examinations only to students who have a legitimate rea- son for absence. Events Today The Slavic Society will meet to- night at 8:30 in the International Center. Program: Play readings; music, refreshments. All members urged to attend. Professor Percival Price will pre- sent another in the current series of carillon recitals at 7:15 to 8:00 p.m. tonight. The program will consist of prelude 1, by Bach, Concerto by An- Antonio Vivaldi, and Fantasie 5 for carillon composed by Professor Price, a group of folk songs and four Uni- versity of Michigan songs. Student Recital: Edgar Pickett, a student in the School of Music un- der Professor Brinkman, will present a piano recital at 4:15 p.m. in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building. Compositions by Bach, Ra- vel, Debussy and Beethoven will be included in this recital, given in par- tial fulfillment of the requirements '. M. S. Pinafore, comic opera by Gilbert and Sullivan, will be given tonight at the Mendelssohn Theatre, and will run through Saturday night, with an additional performance on Monday, August 17th. This produc- tion will be staged by the Michigan Repertory Players of the Department of Speech in conjunction with the School of Music and the University Symphony Orchestra. Tickets are on sale daily from 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the theatre box office.. Freshman and Sophomore 1bn majoring in Chemistry andl Chemical Iugnineering. Meeting of Chemistry Club Thursday, August 13, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 303 Chemistry Build- ng. Dr. H. H. Willard will speak on Fluorescence. Imperialism in the Far East will be the topic of a panel discussion headed by Dean L. Woodburne to- night at 7:5 in the Grand Rapids room of the Michigan League. The public is invited. Post-War Council' Coming Events Elen Lambert, mezzo-soprano, will sing German, French and English songs at her recital at 8:30 p.m. Friday, August 14, in the Assem- bly Hall of the Rackham Building. Miss Lambert is a student of Arthur Hackett and is giving her recital in partial fulfillment of the require- nments for .the degree of Master of Music. The program is open to the general public. Wesley Foundation: Reservations for the picnic supper on the Island at 6:30 Friday evening should be in at the office (6881) by Thursday night. If you cannot attend the sup- per, drop in at 7:30h for baseball, or at ?J:30 at the church for a party. Ilepry Wenzel, violinist, will pre- sent a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music at 8:30 pm., Sat- urday, August 15, in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building. Mr. Wenzel is head of the string and wind instruments department at Mary Hardin-Baylor College, Belton, Tex., and a student under Professor Wassily. esekirsky. His program, in- cluding compositions by Bruch, de Falla and Franck, will be open to the public. The Inter-Racial Association will have a picnic at the Saline Valley Farms next Sunday afternoon, Au- gust 16th. All members and those interested in the Association are cor- dially invited to attend. We will leave from the steps of the Rack- ham Building at 4:00 p.m. Iced drinks and ice cream will be sold at the Farms, and there are facilities for cooking. A small charge will be made to cover transportation costs. Reservations should be made by Fri- day at the main desk of the Union, the Social Director's office of the League, or the Bulletin Boards of the -Main Library, Lane Hall, and International Center. The final vespers for the summer will be the Choral Vespers at 8:30 p.m. Sunday evening, August 16, at Hill Auditorium. The Summer Ses- sion Chorus will sing "The Peaceable Kingdom" by Randall Thompson, and '.'Rejoice Beloved Christians" by Dietrich Buxtehude. Professor May- nard Klein will direct with Palmer Christian at the organ. Public. lectures Protection within the gates. Prof. 0. W. Stephenson of the department pf Social Studies in the University GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty