nizations To Open Song Recital Speech Group Inter-Guild Summer Worship Labor Conference a Tickets Tomorrow To Be Given To Hold Debate Service To Be Conducted Today Is CalledBy Navy 1 I The Summer Worship Service sponsored by the Inter-Guild Feder- ation which represents nine religious denominations will be held at 8:15 p.m. today on the bluffs above the Big Fireplace at the Island. The service, which will be led by Gregor Hileman and Virginia Rock, has been planned in response to re- quests that inter-denominational student services be held more fre- quently than once a year, as the past custom has been. Hymns, guided meditation, and prayer will be outstanding features of the twilight program. The order of service was compiled by a com- mittee representative of the cooper- ating denominations and Tom John- son, Inter-Guild president. Campus reaction to this outdoor union service will be discussed at the weekly Inter-Guild luncheon at 12:15 p.m. Thursday in Lane Hall. Just as student opinion concerning pre- vious services which Inter-Guild has sponsored has guided the commit- tee in planning this service, so reac- tion to tonight's service will aid in the preparation of future programs. All students and townspeople are urged to attend this open service, and the cooperating guilds will par- ticipate as groups. Cooperating guilds are the Roger Williams Guild (Bap- tist), the Pilgrim Fellowship (Con- Army Housing PlanDropped University Unable To Get Help To Open Dorms Plans to house 32 U.S. Army Air Corps officers and their wives in the East Quadrangle have been dropped because University authorities are unable to obtain sufficient help to open the building, Francis C. Shiel, residence hall business manager, an- nounced today. The officers are part of a group in charge of training enlisted men at the Willow Run Bomber Plant and are being housed during their four- week stay in hotels in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti and in the Union and League. There will be no curtailment of residence hall facilities this fall, Mr. Shiel stated, but the summer situa- tion is difficult because , all regular help has left for the summer.. "Although we have every inten- tion of cooperating with the govern- mertato the best of our ability, the shortage of help has forced us to abandon plans for reopening one of the East Quadrangle's houses for this group," Mr. Shiel said. "We have been short-handed ever since war plants in this area started extensive hiring and it was impossi- ble to obtain a staff large enough to let us open the dormitory for the Army group before next semester," he declared. Sugar Deliveries Ordered WASHINGTON, Aug. 8. -(IP)- Seven Western sugar processors were authorized by the Office of Price Administration today to make sugar deliveries in the Lower Mich- igan peninsula, to meet demands anticipated because of increased ra- tioning allotments. Shop Now Before Those Exams Get You! Your Golden Opportunity, as all remaining Spring and Summer Stock must go! COATS.. SUITS.. DRESSES at 1/2 and Less Dresses ... $7.00 -$10.00 - $12.95 (Many Dark Crepe for Fall and Winter) Prints - Smart Black and Navy, some with jackets, Rayon Crepes - Meshes - Jerseys. - at savings of over one-half their original prices of, $10.95 to $35.00. Dinner Dresses included in all groups. DRESSES..$5.00 Dozens of Cottons - Spun Rayons - Print Ben bergs - Little Suits. Also a few Evening Dresses. Sizes 9-17, 10-44, 16/-26i/z. Dresses...$2.98 and $3.98 Cottons - Rayons - Crepes . . Values to $8.95. g1 SPRING COATS, Black, Navy and colors in Boxy and Fitted Styles, all good for years to come at one-half price. Originally $19.95 to $45.00. Shortie Coats of Corduroy and Gabardine at $5.00 and $7.00 . . . were to $12.50. ODDS AND ENDS in Play Suits, Slack Tops, Blouses, Skirts, Gloves, Costume Jewelry at / price. Our Repeat Smash-Hit Sweater Pet! Wool Slip-Overs No College girl's wardrobe is complete without several sweaters to match those skirts. The lovely wool slip-overs are just the thing for between class hops. Newest Stock in Pastel and Dark Shades. Green, Mexiclay, Pink, Blue, Maize, White, Red ......Sizes 34-40. $3.95 Other Sweaters to $12.95 All Remaining SUMMER SPORTSWEAR Drastically Reduced! 7 / 4P- .A r o 1 ! r S ;dcy~ h S/ h. I; '' V i a