PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY NEW YORK, Aug. 8. --P)- The I today by the Federal Bureau of In- rest of 33 enemy aliens, one a pho- vestigation. engraver who possessed navigation Other contraband seized included aps of Now York harbor and Long two telescopes owned by a 23-year- land Sound waters, was announced i old German ---- Ii , MOYIEPEVYI EWS At The State . .. At The Michigan . . . Comedy is the keynote of "Maisie Starred together for the first time Gets Her Man," which opens today in "Crossroads", MGM story of in- at the State co-starring Ann South- trigue and blackmail which opens at ern and Red Skelton. the Michigan today, are Hedy La- In the newest of the "Maisie" ser- marr and William Powell. ies, Ann Southern, who plays the Cast as the wife of a French diplo- part of the Brooklyn-born Maisie, is mat (William Powell) Miss Lamarr the target for a knife-thrower's act. aids the combating of a plot to ruin The fast-moving comedy revolves her husband's name. Playing oppo- around an actor's hotel known as the site Miss Lamarr in his " first dra- "Larceny" building, which houses matic role for several years is Wil- everything from vaudeville hams to liam Powell. A veteran of mystery cheap crooks. pictures and suspense thrillers, Wil- The man Maisie is out to get is liam Powell has appeared in several "Hap" Hixby, corny vaudeville come- "Thin Man" pictures. Miss Lamarr's dian, played by Red Skelton. Red latest hit was "Tortilla Flat". Skelton of "I dood it" fame and re- Key characters in the extortion cent star of "Ship Ahoy" turns in plot were Michele Allaine, played by moments of serious acting as well as Claire Trevor. and Henri Sarrou, his customary comedy role. played by Basil Rathbone. Miss Filling the lesser parts in the MGM Trevor is cast as a beautiful night comedy are Allan Jenkins as "Pappy" club entertainer. Other members of Goodring, the rental agent, Leo Gor- the strong supporting cast are Marg- cey, Dead End Kid, as "Ceecil", Don- aret Wycherly, Sig Rumann, H. B. aid Meek as Mr. Stickwell, and Rags Warner, Philip Merivale, and Vladi- Ragland as "Ears" Cofflin. mir Sokoloff. Fraudulent Bidding Bi e rae8 oKe ra Bw Ice Breakers To Keep Great Oi Nary (>nacts (h , ( ake Oeill Yearh Navy Hopes OPENING WEDNESDAY NIGHT The Department of Speech presents MICHIGAN REPERTORY PLAYERS in The Gay Gilbert and Sullivan Operetta '"H. M.S . PINAFORE i Staged in conjunction with the School of Music and the University Symphony Orchestra. Wednesday through 5aturday and Monday, Aug. 17th, 8:30 P.M. Tickets $1.10 - 88c - 6Ec (including federal tax) Box Office Phone 6300 LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE RepeatConcert Will Be*Given Beethoven Performance Is Set For Tuesday For the benefit of those who were unable to secure tickets for the first performance in the Beethoven Sona- ta Series, there will be a repeat pro- gram given at 3:30 p. in,, Tuesday, in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building. Under the sponsorship of the School of Music, this series is being presented by Mabel Ross Rhead, pi- anist and member of the faculty, and Gilbert Ross, violinist and guest summer professor, and is open to the general public without admission charge or the necessity of obtaning tickets. These concerts, which represent the early-middle portion of the mas- ter's career, are unique in that they have never before been presented in their entirety in Ann Arbor. The complete repeat - program planned for Tuesday includes three sonatas: "Sonata in D major, Op. 12, No. 1," composed in 1793 and dedi- cated to F. A. Salieri, one-time tea- cher of Mozart; "Sonata in G major, Op. 96," composed froin 1810 to 1811 in honor of Archduke Rudolph; and "Sonata in C minor, Op. 30, No. 2," composed in 1802 and dedicated to Alexander I, Emperor of Russia. Nazis Offer Reward For Dutch S boteurs LONDON, Aug. 8.-(iP)-German military authorities in Holland tocf y offered a reward of 100,000 guilders (about $54,000) for information lead- ing to the arrest of saboteurs who wrecked a German military train near Rotterdam last night, Aneta News Agency reported today. The authorities threatened to execute Dutch hostages if the saboteurs are not caught by midnight, Aug. 14. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY LAUNDERING LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 2e FOR SALE BEIGE fur coat, $25; brown jod- phurs, $2, size 12. 502 E. Liberty, Apt. 5, after 4:30. REPLIES THERE IS a reply in Box 8. Radio Station Pla Audition Will Be Given A half-hour radio play, "The Old Oak of Witch's Hill," will be given in a demonstration broadcast as part of a program in practical radio spon- sored by the department of speech at 4 p.m. tomorrow in Morris Hall. One in a series of National Broad- casting Company Mystery dramas. the play will be auditioned here for NBC, and a recording of it sent to New York. Following the demonstration broad- cast, questions concerning practical radio will be considered in an open forum discussion.j The program is under the super- vision of Prof. David Owen of the speech department and Mr. Don- ald Hargis, visiting faculty member in the department. The play will be directed by David Rich, Grad., and announced by Ra- mon Gerson. Another in the Original Drama series will be radiocast at 3:15 p.m. tomorrow over WJR. This program which originates from Morris Hall, was written by Katharine Searles and will be directed by Robert Reif- sneider. The action of the show, "The Astute Mrs. Harper," evolves about Mrs. Harper, the house mother at a sorority on the edge of Mid- western's college campus. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN VOL. L1I No. 40-S SUNDAY, AUGUST 9, 1942 All Notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publication except on Saturday, when the notices should be submitted before 11:30 a.m. Notices Consumer Education Exhibit may be seen daily at the Michigan League. Hours-11 a.m. to 8 p.m The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notice of the fol- lowing State of Michigan Civil Serv- ice Examinations. Closing date is August 26, 1942. Arts and Crafts Teacher Al, $145 to $165 per month. Elementary General Teacher Al, $145 to $165 per month. Home Economics Teacher Al, $145 to $165 per month. Kindergarten Sense Training Teacher Al, $145 to $165 per month. Music Teacher Al, $145 to $165 per month. Physical Education Teacher Al, $145 to $165 per month. Dairy Products Executive IV, $325 to $385 per month. Dairy Products Inspector A2, $125 to $145 per month. Garageman C, $100 to $115 per month. Institution Business Executive II, $200 to $240 per month. Institution Business Executive IV, $325 to $385 per month. Prison Industries Salesman I, $155 to $195 per month. Steam Fireman B, $115 to $135 per month, Further information may be had from the notices which are on file in the office of the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Academic Notices Carillon Programs: The bell cham- ber of the Burton Memorial Tower will be open to visitors interested in observing the playing of the carillon from 12 noon to 12:15 p.m. daily from Monday, August 10, through Friday, August 14, at which time Professor Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will present an infor- I M1 1 t i Added! . POPEE CARTOON TRAVELOGUE 9 NEWS j THE MICHIGAN DAILY SERVICE EDITION 4 AUGUST 9, 19421 LATEST THING IN BARRACKS. Hutchins Hall, part million dollar Cook Law Quadrangle, where Army's Advocate-General course will be given of the seven new Judge- Professor Sellars declared nale to the Ypsi Cubs by the season was seven vic- a 1-0 count Friday ... The Wolverine team had an tories against three de- feats . . . Michigan coed