Weather Showers' mod fr 4 ~ai4 Editorial Six Saboteurs Dead, Why Not Two Morel.. VOL. LII No. 40-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, AUGUST 9, 1942 2:15 A.M. FINAL Gandhi Given Full Authority In Campaign Against British All-India Congress Party Surrenders Direction of Passive Resistance Movement To Leader Government Heads Refuse Negotiation BULLETIN - BOMBAY, Aug. 9. (Sunday)- (A')- Uohandas K. Gandhi and other Indian Nationalist leaders were arrested today within a few hours after the All-India Congress party had approved a resolution authorizing a mass campaign of civil disobedience to support its demands for immediate Indian in- dependence. * * * By PRESTON GROVER Associate4 Press Correspondent BOMBAY, Aug. 8.-Mohandas K. Gandhi, mystic 72-year-old leader of ' the Indian Nationalist Movement, was handed full authority by the All- India Congress Party today to di- rect a general campaign of passive resistance and civil disobedience aimed at forcing an end to British rule in India. "I am pledged to the Congress amd the °Congress is pledged to do or die," Oandhi declared in concluding a two-hour address that wound up the meeting of the party's general com- mittee. Make Every Effort He said, "We shall make every ef- for to see the Viceroy before start- ing tie movement," but advices from New Delhi toright said the Govein- ment of inria declined to negotiate with the Congress on its demands. The New Delhi statement said the government "would regard ,as wholly incompatible with their responsibil- ities to the people of India and their obligations to the Allies discussions about a demafid the acceptance of which would plunge India into con- fusion and anarchy And paralyze her effort in the common cause of free- dom." The government prohibited the printing or publication of news about the mass movement or of measures taken by the government against it. The ban includes reports of speeches or statements made by members of the public. Offers Rejected Britain's own previous offers of post-war independence have been re- jected by the Congress Party, which is pinimarily Hindu, and by the Mos- lem League and other major and mi- nor elements of the mutually dis- trustful and complex elements of India's racial, religious and political life. More than 250 of the 360 members of the Congress Party's committee were pretent at the voting here this afternoon in a canvas pavilion be- fere about 8,000 perspiring onlook- ers. Only 13 raised their hands against adoption of a resolution which Gandhi already has said would launch an independence drive dimming all others into insignifi- cance. European Tension High As Second Front Nears Nazis Take Strong Preparatory Measures Against Possible Invasion; Keep Troops In Greece By NOLAND NORGAARD Associated Press Correspondent LONDON, Aug. 8.-The peoples of Europe were reported tonight to be in a state of mounting tension as their Nazi conquerors took strong preparatory measures against the threat of an Allied invasion and at the same time tried to persuade them a second front would fail. A Czech government source said the tension was particularly acute in Bohemia and Moravia because the Germans were sending more and more workmen to Western Europe to labor on fortifications. Prague re- ports showed a belief among the people, this source said, that "deci- sive events will take place this year." (Travelers reaching Istanbul, Tur- key, were quoted as saying the Nazis were so fearful of a possible invasion somewhere along the extensive coast line from Norway to the Pyrenees that they had established large aerial intervention points far behind the probable front lines from which vet- eran parachute troops could be swiftly carried by transport planes. (These concentration points are scattered through Westphalia in Western Germany, the Rhineland district and Southern Norway. Planes and troops are held in constant readiness. (A report from Ankara, Turkey, Friday night, said that between 150,000 and 180,000 Germans and Italians in Greece, destined for serv- ice in Northern Africa, were being held there temporarily lest a second front be opened and they be required elsewhere.) Stockholm press reports quoted by (inaf ore' Is Last Offering Of Repertory The speech department's Michigan Repertory Players .will present their 10th annual summer operetta at 8:30 p. m. Wednesday, when W. S. Gil- bert and Sir Arthur Sullivan's imi- mortal "H. M. S. Pinafore" begins its five day run on the Mendelsschn stage. The action of this comic opera classic takes place entirely on the quarterdeck of the H. M. S. Pinafore,] in view of Portsmouth. On of the sailors, handsome Ralpr Rackshaw,i is in love with the captain' daughter, Josephine, and their love appears to be a hopeless one because of the dif- ference in their station and because she is betrothed to the First Lord of the Admiralty, Sir Joseph Porter. Ralph and Josephine find support and sympathy among the sailors with one exception, Dik Deadeye, who attempts to frustrate their plans to elope. He in turn is thwarted by1 Little Buttercup, who reveals that through a mix-up in infancy, the Captain and Ralph had been placed in the wrong cribs, so that the former is in reality a plebeian, while the lat- ter is of noble birth--bringing the story to a happy climax in true Gil- bert-Sullivan tradition. Margaret Lunn is cast as Little Buttercup, who will sing the familiar "I'm Called Little Buttercup," while Robert Holmes, as Sir Joseph Porter, will rattle off the words of "I Am the Ruler of the King's Navy. Reuters said the whole Norwegian coast line has been under a state of alert since Aug. 1, while the German- controlled Norwegian press empha- sized that the party of Major Vidkun Quisling would not "allow themselves to be mown down either by Ameri- cans or British Bolsheviks or their satellites here in Norway." The Norwegian Government in London said the Germans were con- structing a great air base in the Vesteraalen Island area apparently for use of Focke-Wulfe bombers which could operate against Iceland and convoys bound for Russia over the Arctic Sea route. The Free Belgian News Agency re- ported many hostages have been ar- rested in Belgium and quoted the Nazi authorities as warning the peo- ple they could guarantee the lives of these hostages only if they refrained from sabotage and other hostile acts. Expect Senate To Turn Down Revenue Levy Informal Canvass Shows Consensus Of Opinion OpposedTo Proposal By JACK BELL Associated Press Staff Writer WASHINGTON, Aug. 8.- (I)-' There were signs today that the Sen- ate Finance Committee would reject a proposed sales tax despite argu- ments of its supporters that it would meet the Treasury's demand for a $2,500,000,000 increase in the new revenue bill voted by the House. Although proponents said they would seek to force a vote on the question, an informed Senator said an informal canvass showed senti- ment preponderantly against the proposed levy both in committee and in the Senate itself. This Senator, who asked not to be quoted by name, predicted that if the proposal were brought to the floor it would be defeated after a brief fight. Vandenberg Advocate Two Republicans, Senators Taft of Ohio and Vandenburg of Michigan, have been the most outspoken advo- cates of a sales tax on the commit- tee, drawing support from such Dem- ocrats as Senators Herring of Iowa and Byrd of Virginia. The Treasury consistently has op- posed such a tax, contending that it would prove inflationary in effect. The House Ways and Means Com- mittee rejected proposals for the levy but Chairman George (D-Ga.) of the Senate committee has said he ex- pected a fight to write it into the bill. Added Money To Treasury George told reporters it had be- come obvious that if the pending bill was to be boosted to the point where it would bring in the $2,500,000,000 additional revenue requested by the Treasury, the committee would have to resort to some new form of taxes. (The bill as voted by the House provides for $6,271,000,000 in new revenue. This, when added to exist- ing taxation would bring federal rev- enues to between $22,000,000,000 and $24,000,000,000, it is estimated.) Nazi Pincers Converging OnOilFields U.S. Forces In Southwest Pacific Move To Turn Tide Of War For Allies Germans Continue Stalingrad Push By HENRY C. CASSIDY Associated Press Correspondent MOSCOW, Aug. 9 (Sunday).-Two German columns were reported con- verging on the Maiko oil fields to- day after cracking Russian defenses in the Krasnodar-Armavir area 60 miles above that prize at the foot of the Caucasian Mountains. Red Star announced the German break-through toward Maikop whose wells supply seven per cent of Rus- sia's oil, but the midnight communi- que did not elaborate on this grave development. Varying Success The Red Army defending the southern approaches to Stalingrad "fought with varying success" against a German tank and infantry wedge into the Russian positions northeast of Kotelnikovski. The phrase "north- east of Kotelnikovski" indicated the Germans were gaining ground in that area, too. A communique yesterday had lo- cated the fighting as "north" of Kot- elnikovski, which itself is about 95 miles southwest of industrial Stalin- grad. Thousands of German reinforce- ments were hurled into battle both above and below the Don River in the effort to reach Stalingrad, and another ominous development re- ported in the latest communique was that the Nazis had concentrated a huge tank force south of Kletskaya, which is 75 miles northwest of Sta- lingrad in the Don elbow. Dead Nazis The Germans, were said to have left thousands of dead azistin the wake of their advance, but their re- serve flow thus far has filled the gaps. The German drive on Maikop ap- parently stemmed mostly from the northeast Kuban River bend because the Russians said their troops also were fighting the Nazis in the Krop- otkin sector, 50 miles northwest of Armavir. Kropotkin Fighters These Kropotkin fighters may be the remnants of the Russian divi- sions which had been fighting at Kushchevka farther to the north on the Rostov- Baku railway because to- day's communique did not mention the Kushchevka sector. (The Germans claimed their troops had crossed the Kuban River to capture Armavir, then seized Kur- gannaya 30 miles to the west on the Laba River, in the drive toward Mai- kop. That would place the Nazis only 30 miles from the oil city.) Flying Off icer Will Talk Here Commander Of Self ridge Field To Speak Tuesday Colonel William T. Coleman, Com- manding Officer of Selfridge Field, will speak at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday in the Kellogg Auditorium on the sub- ject "Cannon on Wings." His lecture will in large part con- cern the use and construction of the Bell Airacobra, first line pursuit plane of the Army Air Corps. It will be accompanied by a sound color motion picture released by the makers of the Airacobra. 0k1. Coleman is a graduate of the University engineering school and took his degree in aeronautical en- gineering, and his illustrated lecture is sponsored by the University stu- dent branch of the Institute of Aero- nautical Sciences. The Kellogg Auditorium where the meeting will be held is located in the new Dental Building at the corner of N. University and Fletcher. Law School Operation Is Not To Be Impeded In a special statement to the Daily today, Dean E. Blyte Stason of the University Law School emphasized Assaults On In First Pacific Offensive 0 American Forces Launch TuIagi Area 411 Long~ German Plane Celebrates Anniversary Of London Raids By WMIAM B. KIND Associated Press Correspondent LONDON, Aug. 8.- ()')- Sirens screamed and anti-aircraft batteries boomed in the London area today on the second anniversary of he begin- ning of the Battle of Britain which raged day and night for three months and cost the Germans at least 2,375hplanes destroyed. But all the noise today in the cap- ital was occasioned by a single Nazi U.S. Bombers Destroy Large Enemy Vessel RAF Smashes At Harbor Developments In Egypt; Two Convoys - Attacked By The Associated Press CAIRO, Aug. 8. - The U.S. Air Forces of the Middle East sank a, 10,000-ton enemy transport and damaged other ships in attacks on two convoys in the Mediterranean in the last week, it was announced to- day, and in close cooperation with the RAF smashed harbor and repair- shop facilities behind the Alamein Front. In one convoy attacked in daylight, two direct hits and numerous near misses were reported among three large Axis transports under escort of eight destroyers. Units of the same attack force of B24 Consolidated bombers pounded the Axis installations and encamp- ments at Tobruk in the evening of the same day, said the fourth weekly summary of operations issued from the headquarters of Maj.-Gen. Lewis H. Brereton. In connection with a raid on To- bruk, presumably the same as that mentioned by Brereton's communi- que, the RAF Middle East* News Service reported that additional de- tails of operations carried out Thurs- day evening showed RAF heavy bombers scored a direct hit on a 10,000-ton enemy merchantman in the center of the harbor. The Amer- ican B24's dropped several tons of bombs and started one large fire in the docks. Before the Tobruk attack, Brere- ton announced, two successful raids were made by American airmen on an Axis motor repair depot and oth- er targets at Matruh, with RAF crews in Wellington bombers light- ing up the objectives by dropping flares ahead of their flying allies. The University Chorus of the Summer Session will present its Summer Choral Vespers at, 8:30 p.m. Sunday, August 16, not to- day as stated in The Daily yes- terday. plane making a token raid in day- light on a locality in one of the sub-' urban home counties. The lone raider dropped his bombs in the outskirts of a home county town, then from low altitude ma- chine-gunned the streets before tak- ing to the clouds with British fight- ers in pursuit. Some casualties re- sulted in the town. Near the channel ports, two Mes- serschmitt 109s slipped out of a cloud and shot down one of Dover's barrage balloons before they were chased home by a pair of Spitfires. Official circles announced late in the day that a few enemy aircraft had appeared over southern England and the home counties during the afternoon and dropped bombs at 'a small number of places." The alert was brief in London it- self where large crowds of shoppers and movie-goers continued about their business, refusing to take shel- ter. London has had few daylight at- tacks since Oct. 31, 1940, when the Luftwaffe abandoned mass daylight raids, or, in the words of the air min- isetry, retreated with the remnants of a shattered and disordered arma-. da. Perkins Asked. To Halt Coast Strike Threat By The Associated Press CHICAGO, Aug. 8.-President R. J. Thomas of the CIO-United Auto- mobile, Aircraft, Agricultural Imple- ment Workerse Union, which is in convention here, appealed today to Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins and John H. Steelman, head of the Labor Department's Conciliation Service to avert a threatened strike in a West Coast 'war production plant. The UAW president wired the two government labor officials to "act vigorously and at once" to bring about a conclusion of wage contract negotiations which have been in progress since October of last year at the Aluminum Corporation of America's Los Angeles plant. Thomas told Miss Perkins and Steelman that the management had "aggravated" UAW workers at the plant by delaying the negotiations and said "workers at the plant are threateningto walk out Monday." Meanwhile, the 1,640 dlegates to the union's international convention worked on resolutions in an effort to conclude the convention today. The convention passed resolutions advocating that: The War Labor Board take full jurisdiction of all disputes brought before it, and not reserve aspects of any case brought before it for furth- er consideration by the National La- bor Relations Board: Solomon Island Operation Termed 'Progressing Favorably' By Nimitz Successful Despite EnemyOpposition By The Associated Press PEARL HARBOR, T. H., Aug. 8.-- United States forces in the South- West Pacific have launched offensive operations in the Tulagi area of the Solomon Islands, which are pro- gressing favorably, a communique by Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, com- mander-in-chief of the United States Pacific Fleet, said today. The communique, which indicated the possibility of a turning point in the Pacific war, also told of a United States fleet task force attack on the Japanese at Kiska, in the Aleutian Islands. Admiral Nimitz' communique said: "Forces of the United States Pa- cific Fleet and Pacific Ocean areas, assisted by units of the Southwest Pacific area, launched offensive op- erations in the Tulagi area of the Solomon Islands on August 7, East Longitude Time. "These operations are progressing favorably in spite of opposition by enemy land-based aircraft and gar- risons. "On August 8, East Longitude. Time, a task force of the Pacific Fleet bombarded enemy ship's and installations it Kiska." The communique showed that pow- erful combined American forces of sky and sea had swung into vigorous offensive action on the widely sep- arated battle sectors of the Pacific Ocean. While only sparse information re- vealed the nature and extent of the operations, there were clear indicate tions that an important turning point in the war in the Pacific has been reached and that an initial 'effort was being made to wrest from the Japanese some of the strategic areas they have seized. The nature of the turning point was from a war of attrition to the dealing. out of smashing blows to roll back Japanese lines. 'Anna Christie' Will Be Shown "Anna Christie," the great Eugene O'Neill play in a classic film version, will bring to a close today the sum- mer Art Cinema League -series. Starring Marie Dressler and Greta Garbo in their sole movie to- gether, the film has long been re- garded as one of the finest produc- tions in Hollywood history. Short subjects to be shown with the principal attraction include a travelogue and an animated cartoon. There will be two presentations of the program, at 7 and 9 p.m., in the Rackham Auditorium . Part of the proceeds from the entire summer series will be devoted to an Art Cin- ema League contribution to scholar- ships for needy students. Six German Saboteurs Die In Chair As Two Escape Supreme Penalty! - - -- - -- - - Clip Here And Mail To A U.-M. Man In The Armed Forces-- -- - SERVICE EDITION U 4Iwt 41MFrtijnDi { .s.' VOL. I, No. 7 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN AUGUST 9, 1942 By RICHARD L. TURNER Associated Press Staff Writer WASHINGTON, Aug. 8.-Six of eight Nazi saboteurs, who sneaked ashore from enemy submarines bent upon crippling the American war ef- fort by fire, explosion and terrorism, paid the penalty today-death by electrocution. Two others, adjudged equally guilty by a military commission of seven generals, escaped the death penalty fixed by the law of war for their intended crimes, by tattling on the rest. Because they helped the govern- ment prepare its case, they were given prison sentences, one for life, the other for thirty years, both at hard labor. At noon, the first of the agents of destruction to nay with his life was several miles away, announced that President Roosevelt had approved the findings and recommendations of the military commission and that the six had been executed. The rec- ord of the case, containing much in- formation of an important military nature, it was said, would be sealed until after the war. So, nearly two months after the arrival of the eight men on American shores, their cases were ended. They were closed, Attorney General Declares Sabotage Laws Inadequate WASHINGTON, Aug. 8.-E:')-At- torney General Biddle said today that the trial of the eight Nazi sabo- teurs had demonstrated the inade- ouacy of laws for dealing with per- There now is no special provision of law covering conspiracy to commit sabotage, the Attorney General said, and while war time sabotage can be punished by thirty years in prison and a $10,000 fine, conspiracy to commit sabotage must be tried under a general statute carrying a penalty of two years in prison and $10,000 fine. At present, he said, there is no special statute for punishing the har- boring or concealing of persons who have committed sabotage or persons who have guilty knowledge of such acts but fail to inform law enforce- ment officers. Such offenses, Biddle said, must be tried as misprision of felony, which carries a maximum penalty of three years in prison and $500 fine. The weaknesses to which the At- torney General referred presumdbly Army Comes To U-M Breaking simultaneously with the conviction and execution of six saboteurs by an Army tribunal yes- terday came the story that the United States Army will train all future Judge- Advocates at the Univer- sity of Michigan Law School . . . The officers will be quartered in the $7,000,000 Cook Law Quad- rangle, and the few re- maining students in the regular Law School will re- ceive their education to- gether with the Judge-Ad- vocate trainees. Visions of heavy bombers and trans- ports trundling over the ground that is now peace- Mr. Dann And Serious Problems Grave problems faced the committee in charge of running Summer Prom, only big dance to be given on campus this summer. One question which stumped committee members was whether to have the dance for- mal or informal. Striking a democratic pose, the com- mittee turned to the campus at large and took a poll. Students voted to have it semi-formal by the close vote of 678-627. Interesting comment was evoked by fiery Daily sports editor Mike Dann who exclaimed in his column, Cracker Barrel: ". . . In some countries boys and girls can't decide whether they want a formal, semi-formal, semi- -semi-formal, optional formal, compulsory formal, eve- ning formal, afternoon formal, morning formal or strict formal." Notwithstanding, funds from the dance will go to war relief. ists and waive the driver's responsibility . . . Also in- cluded would be hitch- hiking signs on the street corners . . . More serious problems were aired this week when William R. Ringer, trial examiner of the NLRB, condemned the American Broach and Ma- chine Co. of Ann Arbor for discrimination, intimida- tion and company union- ism . . . The story goes back as far as April when James Morgan, represent- ative of the UAW-CIO charged that the coin- pany's tactics "had cut production 50%" . . Exam- iner Ringer recommended that the company cease