_" _______THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDA4Y, ,3 e mlr4igan "Daily An Axe To Grind By TORQUEMADA GRIN AND BEAR IT By Liphty r Edited and managed by student of the University of chgan under the authority of the -Board in Control of";Student Publicaons. The Summer Daly is published every morning except Monday and Tuesday. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all, news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited i this newspaper. All rights of republication 91 all other matters herein also reserved, ,Etered at the Post Office at An.Arbor Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTO FOR NATIONAL ADVERTiNG BY National dvertisig Service,Jc- e C kee PUldshers JupresnWtie AC2) MMicsoN AVE. NEW YOx, N. Y. CHICAGO. BOSTOS . LOS AU6EIAS * SAN. F3AHCIscO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff . Homer D. Swander . . . . Managing Editor l Sapp . . . . city Eitor Mikle "D n . . . .Sorts Editor ASSOCIATE EDFrORS ;dale Champion, John Erlewine, Leon Grdencer, Robert Preisel Business Staff Edward Perlberg . . . Business Manager Fred M. Ginsberg . . Associate Business Manager Moton .Hunter . . . . Publications Manager NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN ERLEWINE The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by .members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Exorbitant Incomes Must Be Curbed ,* * C ONSERVATIVE business - as - usual criticisms of the super taxes recent- ly tabled by the House Ways And Means Com- mittee are keynoted by the Detroit Free Press' which sees in the bill a threat to "the America you have known as the symbol of freedom and liberty." President Roosevelt's suggestion was that no one be allowed to retain a personal income of more than $25,000 a year. According to the plan, if anyone 'las more than 25,000 left after paying the regular income tax he can use 15 per cent of the sum to pay debts or insurance pre- miums, contribute to charity or invest in gov- ernment securities. What is left of the excess after this deduction is subject to a 100 per cent tax that will bring his spending money down to $25,000 a year. "The dangerous aspect of the proposal is that for the first time in the history of our country, a limitation would be placed on the amount any marn could earn," says the Free Press. "This reasoning is fallacious because it puts our char- acteristic national ambition and incentive away in moth balls." IT IS TRUE that as a revenue getter-$184,- 000,000 would he collected from 11,000 in- dividuals-the plan is not too important a piece of legislation. But as a bill to establish equality of sacrifice and equality of privilege the propos- al becomes truly significant. Complete freedom of expression is gone for the duration. Labor has given up its right t strike. The rights to remain in school, to hold a job, to buy what one can pay for and to sel to whom one wishes, to manufacture what one desires have all been stowed "away in moth balls." The country has decreed that millions of men will spend years training and fighting, and of necessi- ty many of them will die. But for some undoubtedly unacceptable reason the "'right" of some "1,0M0 persons to make fortunes out of the war, to live lux- uriously for the next few years and to feather their nests at the expense of the whole country is to be considered inviolable. If democracy-"equality of privilege" is the phrase used by tax adviser Randolph Paul-- is to have any meaning at all exorbitant wartime incomes must be curbed. THE BEST ARGUMENT for enormous profits is, of course, the incentive one. Big Busi- ness is greedy and Big Business loves its profits. But there is something immoral about demand- ing more than $25,000 a year for effective pen- cil-pushing while gun-toting and dying is worth only $50 per month. It is all part of the attitude that prohibits disclosure of Big Business salaries "for military reasons.' A desire to safeguard national unity would ne more acceptable, to safeguard profits more honest. It is part of the attitude that is Ileeping a tax measure in the hands of the Ways and Means Committee until reactionary members can force through a sales tax. Tt is the feeling that America belongs to a privileged few and that sacrifices belong to the unprivileged many. THAT THE JEWISH problem is a problem in our democracy was revealed by an editorial from PM reprinted in yesterday's Daily. There are still people in the United States who will judge Sammy Goldberg not on whether he is a good egg or a crumb, but on his being Sammy Goldberg. The fact that some of the scum of anti- Semitism has been brought to the surface need cause no one to despair of working democracy. The only valid despair would come if people didn't give much of a hoot for the whole thing. There is-a lot of anti-Semitism in the country -only seldom does it rise to the visual.level of Jew-baiting. If everybody merely shudders a little at an obvious atrocity, like they shuddered when the Germans cut off 50,000,000 Belgian hands during the last war, and like when four miners got trapped in a shaft for 10 days in Ari- zona, or indulges in similar sympathetic emo- tions, then is when you should start worrying about democracy. Because the whole thing depends on whe- ther people are willing to make an effort to understand and combat anti-Semitism. None of us believes that democracy here is perfect, but all of us depend essentially on its willingness to try and be perfect. Things 'like this can't be a drop in a bucket; they can.t merely ,vrovoke a shudder and then a "So What?" TE ORIGINE of anti-Semitism lie pretty deep and pretty far back, the consensus of opin- ion being that it was the natural result which occurs when you have an alien group in -a country. Jews in 70 A.D. became an expatriate -group, desiring in large part to retain the cus- tqms and religion of their old society. They were a relatively unassimilateable group in practic- ally all the Near East and European countries, they were foreigners and aliens, a small minor- ity, and they were misunderstood. The misunderstanding works both ways. First the Jew is ojectionable because of his being a foreigner. That causes anti-Semi- tism, which in turn gives the Jew a sort of a group inferiority complex, By trying to overcome and compensate for this in ways which ma'y be objectionable to the national group, more anti-Semitism is created. FOR EXAMPLE, in the Dark Ages, Jews were a foreign group in an almost entirely Catholic world. They were kept at arm's distance like everything-strange is kept at arm's distance. They refused to become Christian, which was at the time incomprehensible to the Christians; so they were barred from working the land, from engaging in ordinary pursuits. They turned' to the only thing available, money-lending. Some were unscrupulous (the Law of Moses forbids usury), some were aggressive, all were clannish -of necessity-and so more anti-Semitism Draft information Is Very Confusig... THE SELECTIVE Service system and policies as expounded by draft offi- cials, publicity releases, and Brigadier-General Lewis M. Hershey are getting more confusing by the day. The one bureau in Washington which sadly needs organized publicity for a newspaper audiencequick to seize on every small tidbit of informaton apparently has almost no organizaion at all. According to publicity statements about mar- ried men deferments, all the following has been decided at approximately the same time: They're not going. They are going. They're not going because we don't need them. They are going with Congressional pay to dependents. They're not going until all the single men' are gone. What do you say, boys, to keeping it quiet un- til you make up your minds? We can wait. -hale Champion Baham-aNegro Situation Deplorable.. HE DUKE OF WINDSOR suddenly halted an American tour and offi- cial visit to Washington to go back to the Ba- hamas and straighten out some labor trouble. That was the surface story carried by most of the American press last week, but beneath it lay a serious problem in one of Britain's here- tofore most peaceful possessions. The situation which yanked the royal visitor home in such a hurry was a labor dispute which had erupted. into violent riots causing several fatalities and additional heavy injuries. NEGRO WORKERS on American defense pro- jetsin the islands are getting about 8Q cents per day in contrast to wages of a dollar a day and over for white workers whose skills are little greater than their own. The tremendous wage differentation alone- stirred up serious trouble, and when pseudo- Americans started brutal mistreatment of, the sensitive Bahamians for no apparent reason, things got out of control. Add the further fact of tremendous local price increases to catch U.S. workers' wages ands explosion was natural. r HE INEXCUSABLE handling of the Negro question by industry in this country seems to arose. They became more clannish, it became harder to make an honest living and so more became unscrupulous. It became a question of fighting against growing anti-Semitism, (fos- ,tered by the Church, and not unwillingly ac- cepted by the people) by fair means or foul, or else migrating. Some stayed, some were killed, most migrated. Emancipation started in England with Cromwell, was first given legal status by Napoleon. But by the time they became accepted as regular members of society, it had become increasingly difficult for them to adjust to that society. Thus you have the sociologist's phenomenon of the inverted pyramid. A normal society is arranged quanitatively with most people farm- ers and in basic manufacturing and fewest in the professions, government and management. But with the Jews the situation is reversed, be- cause of the original closing of the more home- ly ways of getting a living. So more people rail at Jews, and the whole damn mess gets more intricate. ,WTHEN YOU HAVE an undesirable circular problem, you have to break into it some- way. Some have suggested that the Jews be repatriated in Palestine. This has been tried, and to a large degree in Palestine the twisted occupational problem has been solved. Every- one, however, won't go to Palestine, and this seems to be only a partial solution to the prob- lem. (The interesting parallel between the Zionist movement and the establishment of Liberia can here be noted). The solution that Americans are faced with is a realignment of their thinking along the lines of considering a person as a person. The intelligent Jew will have to fight his racial in- feriority complex. Little by little Jews may be- come accepted, and with the acceptance may vanish any objectionable features which accrue to them as non-Gentiles rather than as people. It may work out, but probably not Aoon. The key to the whole thing lies in the action of a democ- racy's citizens in trying to make that denoc- racy work. Ire Pc/n ted dPen SEE WHERE Louis Bromfield and the Detroit Free Press find a "clear cleavage" between the thoughts of the people and the "New Deal politicians." They believe the people are wor- ried because of "Washington's persistent pur- suit of social experimentation when the fate of the Nation is at stake." Perhaps Bromfield and the Free Press have forgotten that the "people" they speak of are the same people who sent the New Deal to Washington three times in a row by over- whelming majorities. And if I know the Free Press, it will still be finding a "clear cleavage" after the New Deal has made it four straight in 1944. * * * * OUR OWN Senator Arthur Vandenberg, rg- cently commenting on the nation's taxa- tion problem, had this to say: () 9"2 f 1c*.". s, , 1F 'l men; it's my wife's special recipe for Welsh rarebit!" "It's tough, durable, and elastic-the ideal synthetic rubber, gentle- A s O the rs yatts asee oIo t Sam il (FooN Say Isoato n Minds Folloii Nazi Paiteri Ten days ago I heard the Germans chattering on the short wave that a second front would mean a second Dunkerque. One bright Nazi lad,I fatuously sounding like a teacher's pet, read chapters out of English books on the horrors of Dunkerque, gloating over each bloody detail. He was curiously cheerful for a man en- gaged in the difficult enterpriseof trying to scare the English by radio., A few days later I heard more short wave; this time two German comics making much of America's gasoline shortage, and asking, in that special Ngzi manner; whether giving up automobiles constituted saving the American way of life. They were be- side themselves with glee; they howled; they certainly thought they had a point. Same Stetf f Reappears I stacked this stuff somewhere in the back of n y mind, where it lay dormant. Then, last week, it came to life. The moment the Soviet- English-American agreement on the second front was announced several of our isolationist senators and news- papers began to comment that we had better beware of a second Dun-l kerque; that's all they had to say, that's all. When, simultaneously, the isola- tionist press continued to kick up about the gasoline shortage, enjoy- ing this, safe excuse for making a stink about the war, the similarity with the Nazi line became oppres- sive. I do not accuse any of these men of working for the Nazis. Their offense is, really, rather worse; they thought up the Nazi line all by them- selves, 3,000 miles away, without help. Here's Another Line It is one thing to see a man pick up a scrap of Nazi material and use it, perhaps in dim-witted innocence. It is more depressing, not less, to know that he doesn't get it from the Nazi at all, but that his mind works somewhat as theirs do, and comes to the same conclusions when present- ed with the same facts; that we have local infections of gloom, defeatism, and that very special brand of snide Nazi cleverness. One other line peddled by local isolatimi ists had been annoying me, theirattack on scholars, intellectuals, pedagogues. The vicious assaults against the poet, Mr. Archibald Mac- Leish, are an example, the cheap "sock 'em with a sonnet," comments on Mr. MacLeish's work in the Office of Facts and Figures, the attempts to poke fun at Mrl-. MacLeish for hav- ing hired "a weird assortment" of dramatists, novelists, etc., though why he should have hired bricklay- ers or doctors to do a writing job has never been explained. Why Fear Intelligence? Then, last week, the Gestapo raised to horrid crescendo its mur- der of Czechs, and Emanuel Moravec, the Czech Quisling, that startling exception in a race almost free of traitors, took to the Prague radio. He announced (and at the same time the same comment was made in Ber- lin) that Czech "intellectuals" were to blame for all unrest, that the Czech intelligentsia, as a class, would now have to be destroyed. Well, there you are. This third parallel between a line locally pop- ular with American isolationists, and a line officially adopted by Nazidom is, in a way, the most dreadful of all. This hysterical fear of the in- tellectual exposes the essential phoni- ness of both the Nazi and the isola- tionist worlds. Who has anything to fear from intelligence and learn- ing except the man who is wrong? No critic has been able to point to any conspicuous error Mr. MacLeish has made in his official analysis of the world problem; they hate him precisely and specifically because he. is right; as the swine Moravec hates Czechoslovakia's MacLeishes for the same reason. Our Case Stands Up It will probably break some isola- tionist hearts that the President has picked for his final, or semifinal fully coordinated coordinator of informa- tion, Mr. Elmer Davis, a man who was once a Rhodes scholar. Why couldn't he, they will want to know, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETINI THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1942 VOL. LI. No. 3 All Notices for the Daily Offi-ial *1- letin are to be sent to the Office of the summer Session before 3:30 p. of the day preceding its publication bxcept on Saturday, when the notices should be submitted before 11:30 a.m. Recreational Swimming -- Women Students: There will be recreatinal swimming for women at the Union Pool every Tuesday and Thursday evening frogi 8:30 to 9:30. Dept. of Physical Education for Women. International Center: All foreign students and their Amerifan friends are invited to attend the regular Thursday afternoon teas sponsored by the International Club Board and given at the International Center from 4 to 6 o'clock. The teas on June 18 and June 25 will be in charge of the Chinese Club. Michigan Sailing Club: First s i- mer meeting at 7:45 p.m.. in Rouu 304 Michigan Union. The Storehouse Bullling will act as a receiving center for scrap rubber and also metals. Any department on the Campus having metals or rubber to dispose of for defense purposes, please call Ext. 337 or 317 and the materials will. be picked up by the trucks whih make regular campus deliveries. Service of the janitors is available to collect the materials from the various rooms in the build- ings to be delivered to the receiving location. E. C. Pardon Candidates: All student previous- ly registered with the Bireau and now on the campus are requested to come in to the Bureau and leave their addresses, telephone numbers, and their summer elections. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupationdl Information. Flying Club will meet Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. in Room 302 of the Union. All members should be there. In addition, any students or members of the faculty who might be interested in flying the University Club airplane this summer are in- vited to attend. Alan R. Pott, Pres. of U. of M. Flying Club Ch.-Met. 171. Explosives. 3 Fours. Mr. Osburn. Lecture and Recitation, Mon. and Fri., 1-3, Rm. 4215. A Study of the Processes Used in the Manufacture of Commercial Explo- sives: Their Properties and Uses, Prerequisites Ch.-Met. 25. First meet- ing of the class will be on Friday, June 19. Department of Chemical and Matalurgical Ehkineering Women Students: The Women's Department of Physical Education is sponsoring a picnic for all women on campus. This will be held at 0:00 p.m., Friday, June 19, on Palmer Field. A small fee will be charged to cover the cost of food. Students (Continued on Page 3) have picked some one filled to the neck with pure smoking-car political science, instead? I'm glad he didn't. One outstand- ing fact in our war is the almost com- plete agreement on the issues by our intellectuals, and England's, too, and I am proud of that agreement, proud that our case can stand review by able and well-stocked minds, and be the stronger for it, That is one of our protections against the bleak mir- acle which takes place again and again when mean minds look at the world and. come up with the same descriptions of it as those formulated 3,000 miles away by men with a spe- cial interest in the triumph of mean- ness. -By Samuel Grafton in The Chicago Sun. 4 r "This (additional in- come-tax levies) is chief- ly a device for increasing further the burdens on present income taxpay- ers. The low - income groups would be better off under a sales tax lowered exemptions." than under * * * * A new way of apprehending Nazi agents has been discovered by the Michigan State Police. It all started a couple of days ago when a military policeman heard a Mt. Clemens man singing in German. The song translated was something about "Blue is a little f lower named the forget- me -iot." This was obviously subversive, so the singer was "investigated," had his job taken away from him and may be charged with disor- derly conduct. The latest rumour is that the police are going all over the state sneez- ing at people, and if anyone says "Gesund- heit" for them be is immediately appre- hended and charged with subversive activi- ties. -The Managing Editor 'As Mame Goes So GoesoThesNatm?... ACK IN 1936. when the Kansas Sun- flower bloomed from the lapels of numerous voters adhering to the stand-still poli- cies of the Republicans, a reincarnated slogan appeared: "As Maine goes so goes the nation." The disciples of Republicanism were deceived by their apostles-much to the delight of the Democrats who were joyfully triumphant-for Maine went the wrong way. The infallible token voting had not pointed the way. WEDID NOT want the nation to follow Maine in the last election. for the man in the + T S. And Japanese Ship Losses From The Christian Seience Monitor The following tables show the respective losses suff ered by tle United States and Japan in actions in the Pacific battle theatre since the Japanese attack on Pearl Ilarbor, Dec, 7. The tables have been compiled from official communiques by the Navy Department. UNITED STATES JAPAN Sunk or Believed Pos. Darn- I Sunk to Prevent Lost Capture warships Battleships ........ Aircraft Carriers .. Aircraft Tender 1 1 1 i Cruisers .......1 Destroyers .. .9 Submarines ........ 2 Seaplane Tender ... 0 Minesweepers ...... 3 Gunboats .......... 3 Patrol Torpedo Boats 2 Totals..........23 Noncombatant Ships 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 16 . 6 Damaged 1. 1 0 2 4 0 1 0 0 0 9 Totals 2 2 1 3 14 3 5 4 3 38 Warships Sunk Probably Battleships ..... 0 0 Aircraft Carriers, 4 1 Cruisers........11 "4 pestroyer leaders 1 0 Destroyers ..... 16 3 Submarines .... 6 0 Seaplane or aircraft. tenders ........0 0 Minesweepers .. . 1 1 Gunboats .......9 1 Submarine chaser 1 0 Patrol boats .... 2 0 Totals ....... 51 10 Noncombatant Ships Fleet tankers ... 9 0 Transports .... 14 0 Troopships ..,....0 0 Sunk Sunk aged Tot. 0 0 4 4 1 0 4 10 1 0 19 35 0 0 0 1 1 2 10 32 0 0 1 7 1 0 4- 5 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 11 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 43 110 0 0 0 9 4 0 10 28 0 0 1 1 Tankers ........... 3 0- Q 3