Weather Scattered Showers Tonight it 431W 4.4a Editorial I What Happened To Equality Of Sacrifice?' , . S j Y A IY M I®I 9 I VOL. LII No. 38-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1942 2:15 A.M. FINAL FDR Appoints New Agency To Invstigate RubbTer Tiemup Bernard Baruch Selected Chairman Of Group; Conant, Compton Also AppointedMembers President Vetoes Congressional Bill By RICHARD L. TURNER Associated Press Staff Writer WASHINGTON, Aug. 6.-President Roosevelt today appointed a com- mittee headed ly Bernard M. Baruch to "get the facts" on the confused and much-disputed rubber situation. He instructed it to make a thorough survey and to submit, as quickly as possible, a report which is to become the basis for action on the manufac- ture of synthetic rubber and the question of nation-wide gasoline ra- tioning. The Chief Executive made this announcement in a message to Con- gress vetoing a bill, pushed through by the farm bloc, under which an WASHINGTON, Aug. 6-()- Chairman Truman (D-Mo.) of the Senate Defense Investigating Com- mittee proposed today that Donald M. Nelson exercise his authority a Director of the War Production Board to "out off a few heads and *make that board work more effi- ciently." His remark was made during a. hearing on the shortage of steel and the system, of allocations for ships and other kar purposes. independent rubber supply agency would have been created and directed to provide an adequate supply of rubber, using synthetics made with alcohol produced from farm and forestry products. Establishing such an agency, the President said, would have infringed the ~i iciple ~ountiiedcontrol of the war production program, and would have used up critical materials in building synthetic rubber plants, re- gardless of the needs of the Army and Navy, until civilian motorists, including "Joy riders," had received an adequate supply of tires. In naming Baruch to the chair- manship of the committee, Mr. Roosevelt drafted the services of an old friend and intimate advisor, as well as of one who is versed in war- time industrial problems. Baruch was chairman of the War Industries Board in the World War. The other members of the committee were an- nouncel as Dr. James B. Conant, president of Harvard University, and Dr. Karl F. Compton, president of Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology. Dutch ' W arned Against Aiding Second Front By The Associated Press LONDON, Aug. 6.-A "most urgent warning" that those Dutch who aid landing parties or as much as show themselves on the streets in event of an allied invasion will be given a blood bath was sounded by German military authorities in the Nether- lands today. 'The stern proclamation of (Gen. Friedrich Christiansen, Nazi com- mander, was read over the Nether- lands radio as informed British sour- ces, deeply impressed by the gravity of the situation in Southern Russia, asserted they were "working zealous- ly" with -the United States on prep- arations for an ultimate continental front while seeking means to increase immediate material aid to the Red Army. The German counter-preparations to the second front threat came less than 12 hours after Premier Pieter S. Gerbrady of the Dutch govern- ment here, in a broadcast to his homeland, had urged the people to wait patiently until the call came from London to take "an active part in the destruction of the tyrant." It also came a few days after it was announced that Prince. Bernhard, husband of the Crown Princess, was preparing to "return to the Nether- lands" presumably in his capacity as NLRB Upholds Charges Of UA WAgainst Broach Condemns Company For Unfair Labor Resulting In Decreased Output Of War Practices Goods By ROBERT PREISKEL Charges filed two months ago by the UAW-CIO that unfair labor practices resulted in a large drop in the production of war materials at the American Broach & Ma- chine Co., were upheld yesterday by William R. Ringer, trial exam- iner of the NLRB in a decision condemning the Broach company for descrimination, intimidation and company unionism. According to Ringer, "Implicit throughout the hearing was the contention of the respondent that the organizational campaign of the Union caused a slump in the production of vital war materials, and that the Board, by issuing the complaint and conducting the hearing increased the .unsettled conditions in the respondent's plant. On the findings heretofore made, it is clear that the slump in production was caused by the re- spondent's attempt. to defeat the Union. What the situation would have been if the respondent had accorded its employes their rights under the law is speculative, but it is clear that when the resphnded interfered, assisted, and discrimin- ated, as found hereinabove, an at- mosphere of uncertainty, fear and resen'tment immediately and inev- itably resulted in lessened produc- tion." On April 29, The Daily reported a statement by James Morgan, in- ternational representative of the UAW-CIO asserting that the in- timidation and descrimination at. American Broach "had cut pro- duction 50%". At that time Mr. F. J. La Pointe refused to comment. Last night he said that he had heard nothing about the NLRB de- cision. The NLRB recommended to the company that it shall: 1. Cease and desist from domin- ating and interfering with the ad- ministration of the Broach Pro- tective Association (independent union formerly. representing em- ployes), from interfering with the formation of any other labor or- ganization, and from contributing to the support of any such organi- zation; 2. Cease recognizing the Protec-' tive Association as representing the employes. 3. Cease from discouraging membership in the UAW and en- couraging membership in the Pro- te>tive Association. 4. Cease interfering with any other employes in their rights to organize and to bargain collective- ly through representatives of their own choosing. 5. Pay to six men fired for dis- criminatory reasons, net earnings lost because of the discriminatory action. The six men are Alfred Eckerle, Walter Butler, Albert Shipman, Ivan L. Boner, Orville Nowlin and Max Tobias.- I IIOI IIIIYI gY Ylli 1®Yli C. Of C. Head Asks Congress For Sales fTax Sthieffelin Demands Bill Be Passed Even Though Fall Elections Delay It By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Aug. 6.-The Sen- ate Finance Committee was, chal- lenged today by W. J. Schielfelin, Jr., representing the Chamber of Commerce ..of New York state, to write a "stunning" new revenue bill incorporating a retail sales tax even if it had to wait until after the November election to do it. f Recommending a graduated levy ranging from 2 to 5 per cent on the sales of all articles, Schieffelin told the committee: Election Miasma "If election miasma makes such a bill impossible within the next few weeks, please stand up and tell the country so and tell them that in! November you will pass the stunning bill demanded by the times to whip the enemy and to keep our money good." The witness asserted that the tax program submitted by Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau apparently was designed to "shield the majority of voters from bearing a greater share of the country's burdens." A flat limitation on the pfofits from war production was proposed by Chairman George (Dem.-Ga.) after businessmen had complained to the committee that renegotiation of their contracts with the government was causing confusion and excessive taxation. Brown Makes Suggestion Senator Brown (Dem.-Mich.) pro- posed in a formal statement today that arrangements be made in the new revenue bill to defer tax pay- ments for persons and corporations in debt by the amounts they paid on these debts. Brown said low interest rates might be charged on the amount of taxes thus deferred, but he contended that levies eventually must be collected by the government to avoid inequi- ties with taxpayers not in debt. CIO Committee Urges Willow Run HousingApproval WASHINGTON, Aug. 6.-P)-The housing committee of the Congress of Industrial Organizations urged the war production board today to approve construction of houses at Two Saved In Sagmnaw BayMishap Couple Found On Small Island; Rescue Total Has Reached Four By The Associated Press . BAY CITY, MICH., Aug. 6.-(I- Coast Guard rescue of two more sur- yivors today wrote a final amazing chapter to the tragic adventure of 13 persons whose fishing cruiser cap- sized in Saginaw Bay last Sunday. Eugene Sauve, 27, of Kawkawlin, and his 21-year-old wife, Fern, were taken from Lone Tree Island, four miles off Sebewaing, today, and brought to a Bays City hospital. They were the third and fourth persons from the ill-fated cruiser to weach shore safely. Bodies of the other nine aboard the boat have been recovered from the bay. Previously rescued were Abraham La Bean, 32-year-old Bay City wel- der who spent 73%/2 hours in the wa- ter before Coast Guards found him yesterday, and Mrs. Dorothy Repkie, 23, who swam seven miles to shore Sunday after the 30-foot cruiser struck a rocky reef. , In a Standish, Mich., hospital to- day, La Bean told how part of the torn superstructure of the boat helped him keep afloat and how "thoughts of my wife and my young- sters kept me going." When Coast Guards picked him up he had only a life jacket to sustain him. He didn't know when he lost his plywood raft, Pilot Describes Wake Air Raid Flying Fortress Destroys Four Jap Defenders From Associated Press Summaries HEADQUARTERS, HAWAIIAN' AIR FORCE, Aug. 6-A sky battle three to five miles above Japanesel held Wake Island during which an American Flying Fortress definitely destroyed four out of six attacking Japanese fighter-planes, was de- scribed today by Major George B. Glober. The 40-minute engagement took place last weekend. The fifth plane was reported prob- GENERAL MACARTH.UR'S HEADQUARTERS, Australia, Aug. 7 (Friday) .-Japanese occupation of the islands of Kei, Aru and Tan-- imbar in the Arafura sea north of Australia has been disclosed by An Editorial Ann Arbor-long one of the worst open-shop towns in the nation and still no picnic ground for a labor union-has at last received its first stiff dose of industrial democracy. At the same time the American Broac and Machine Company has discovered that it can no longer continue to deliber- ately hold up essential war pro- duction merely because it does not choose to treat its workers like decent American citizens. The NLRB decision confirming every CIO charge of discrimina- tion and delayed production is as good news as a military victory. It means more guns for our sol- diers and more democracy for our war workers. We compliment the NLRB on its excellent verdict and we urge the CIO to vigorously continue its local organizational drive. Both the verdict and the drive are long overdue. - Homer Swander Gandhi To Ask For Settlement Of Indiani Rule Hindu Leader Will Plead With British For New, Freer Colonial Policy India Threatens 'Mass Movement' By The Associated Press BOMBAY, Aug. 6.-Mohandas' K. Gandhi declared tonight he would plead with the British once more for avoidance of conflict before begin- ningt a "mass movement" to drive British rule from India. He said he would address his plea to Viceroy Lord Linlithgow. The nationalist leader made his statement to American newsmen on the eve of the opening here of the All-India Congress committee ses- sion from which he is certain to ob- tain authorization for any course of disobedience. Meanwhile, Maulana Abul Kalan Azad, president of the All-India Con- gress Party, was reported to be draft- ing letters to President Roosevelt, Ggneralissimo Chiang Kai-Shek and other Allied leaders asking support for the Congress' demand for free- dom and emphasizing that the Con- gress was prepared to offer armed resistance to aggressors. The working committee charged with drafting a resolution which all sources agreed will undoubtedly be ratified by the Congress made it plain that the new "mass struggle" will seek India's immediate inde- pendence, despite British assertions that "chaos and confusion" are bound to follow any attempt to re- organize the government in wartime. "The committee feels that it is no longer justified in holding the nation back from endeavoring to assert its will," the resolution said. It called upon Mohandas K. Gandhi to lead the campaign "on the widest possible scale." Queen Wilhelmina Sets Eleanor-Like Record WASHINGTON, Aug. 6-(I)- When Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands finally put her royal head on her pillow at the White House tonight, she could say "Whew, what a day," conscious that she followed through on a . heavy program that ranged from tulip discussions to commissioning a new submarine chaser. The 61-year-old monarch, the world's senior ruler, was the first Queen to address Congress, to hold a press conference here. Aboard the Presidential yacht, she went with the President and' Mrs. Roosevelt to Mount Vernon where she .visited George Washington's home. OBERLEUTNANT KRUG and MAX STEPHAN * * * * By PAUL CHANDLER Associated Press Staff Writer DETROIT, Aug. 6.-German-born Max Stephan must die for treason against the United States, despite his boast that "Germany will not let me hang." He will be hanged within the red brick walls of the Federal Correctional Institution at Milan, Mich., on the morning of Friday, Nov. 13, 1942, Federal Judge Arthur J. Tuttle decreed today. His crime was the assistance he gave an escaped Nazi prisoner of war who visited Detroit April 18 while trying to flee from Canada to his father- land. The prisoner, Lieut. Hans Peter Krug, was captured in San Antonio, Tex., and testified at Stephan's trial for the government. "Stephan never lost his love for Germany," Judge Tuttle told a packed courtroom. Weary, pale, wearing the same wrinkled gray suit he wore during the trial At which he was convicted by a jury July 2, the heavy-set restaurant owner stared blankly as his sentence ' a y 'Traitor'Stephan To Die -Boasts 'I Won't Hang' Reds Seize Better Line Of Defense Win Favorable Position In Battle Of Don Bend To Protect Stalingrad Russians Continue Caucasian Retreat By The Associated Press MOSCOW, Aug. 7. (Friday)-The Russians officially reported today their capture of an "advantageous defense line" in the Don bend battle for Stalingrad but simultaneously acknowledged that their hard- pressed soldiers had withdrawn to new defense positions in the Cdu- casus. The Soviet midnight communique reported that a Qerman attempt to land soldiers from planes behind the Russian lines in the Belaya Glina sector 100 miles southeast of Rostov was defeated by Russian troops, who annihilated or captured the flying in- vaders. was read. His wife, a iose-complexioned wo- man in a pale dress, crushed her head into her arms and left the jammed courtroom. Outside she wept bitterly, and then fainted. Several hundred men and women heard the verdict in startled silence. It was- the first such conviction in a Federal court in 148 years since the Whiskey Insurrection against taxes: on liquor occurred in Pennsylvania. John Brown, the abolitionist, who raided the Federal Arsenal at Har- A short time after Stephan had been taken back to Milan, John W. Ingram, Deputy United States Marshal, who was ;guarding him, quoted him as saying: "I'll bet all the tea in China I won't hang." per's Ferry before the Civil War was convicted and hanged for treason, -but it was in a Virginia state court. "The life of this traitor, Max Stephan, is less valuable than the lives of our loyal sons which are be- ing given to the cause of the United States, Judge Tuttle said in a husky voice, visibly wrought. "This court does not hesitate to take the life of one traitor, if it, in turn, will help the just cause of the United States. "This court should, in no hesitat- ing and uncertain way, say to the disloyalelement that during this aw- ful war the penalty for treason is death." Then the judge ordered that Stephan be confined in a cell at Mi- lan until Nov. 13, "and on that day, within the walls of the Federal Cor- rectional Institution or within an enclosed yard thereof, the said de- fendant be by the United States Marshal hanged by the neck until he, the said Max Stephan, is dead." Until the last Stephan apparently. did not expect the death sentence. In his cell, puffing a cigar, he called out: "Victory will be sure. Germany will not let me hang." And at another time he said: "This war will be over soon and when it is over I will get out of jail. A victor- ious Germany will not leave Stephan in jail." Labor Board 'Coudemned' By UAW Vote, Refusal To Effect Wage S t a b i liz aton .Measure Of President Decried By The Associated Press CHICAGO, August 6.-(W)-The' united automobile, aircraft and agri- cultural implement workers unani- mously passed today a resolution condemning the National War Labor Board "for its refusal to effect a wage stabilization program as announced by President Roosevelt." Delegates adopted the measure' after their president, R. J. Thomas, a member of the War Labor Board, urged its passage and explained he had voted against the Board's deci- sion in the little steel-. case which gave the CIO-United Steelworkers a 44 cents a day pay raise and union maintenance, whereas thedsteel- workers had asked $1 a day in- crease. The resolution, asserted the War Labor Board, "has fallen victim to a fallacious theory that wage stabiliza- tion would lead to an inflationary tendency." In it the UAW-CIO "de- manded" that the Board and other government agencies concerned with wage adjustments guarantee raising of sub-standard wages, elimination of inequities in wage levels on a plant, regional and national basis, and ad- justment of wages "to safeguard workers against loss of the estab- lished real wage fevels through in- creased living costs ." By a standing vote the convention approved addition of two vice presi- dents to the union's executive staff, now including only the president, secretary-treasurer and executive board members. Five vice presiden- cies were abolished in 1939 after an internal union row which finally brought the end of the reign of Homer Martin as president. Union spokesmen indicated candi- dates for the new vice-presidencies in the elections scheduled 'tomorrow probably would include executive board members Richard T. Franken- steen and Walter Reuther, long-time leaders of the UAW. Resolutions adopted included call- ing on Attorney General Francis Biddle to severse his "arbitrary and unfounded" order for deportation of Harry Bridges, west coast CIO lea- der, Green Waits AFL Approval Of Amity CHICAGO, Aug. 6.-(P)-President Berlin Claims iAdvance (The Berlin radio reported early Friday that a German column had reached Kursavka, indicating an ad- vance of 230 miles from Rostov in ten days. Kursavka is on the Rostov- Baku railroad.) The communique told of fierce bat- tles in the Kletskaya sector some 75 miles northwest of Stalingrad. "South of Kletskaya one of our units in cooperation with tanks pressed back the enemy and captured an advantageous defense line," the communique declared. "Prisoners were taken." The withdrawals of the battered Russian soldiers were in several sec- tors of the Belaya Glina battle and in the Kotelnikovski fighting. In each instance, it was reported, the Russians fell back before the German tanks, motorized infantry and massed troops. Germans Drive Wedge The Russians reported that a wedge was driven by the Germans In the Kotelnikovski battle, some 95 miles southwest of Stalingrad on the Stalingrad-North Caucasus rail line. Soviet soldiers bolstered with re- serves were reported holding the Germans in the western Caucasus south of Kushchevka, which is sdlne 50 miles below Rostov. - Here the Russians said they beat off enemy attacks and several times penetrated the German lines and in- flicted s vere losses on them. The Russian mid-day communique and frontline dispatches yesterday declared the Soviet troops were in- % flicting heavy casualties on the Ger- mans incessantly attacking toward Stalingrad. Circus Blaze Suspect Held By The Associated Press PITTSBURGH, Aug.'6.-District Attorney Russell H. Adams reported today a 16-year-old Pittsburgh Ne gro had told him he and a companion started the fire which destroyed 42 animals of the Ringling Brothers Circus at Cleveland Tuesday. Adams said the boy, whom he iden- tified as Lemandris Ford, explain'ed they tossed lighted cigarettes into hay in the menagerie tent "to get even with circus" for discharging them as roustabouts. The two, Ad- ams said, were hired here by the circus July 26 and were dismissed at Cleveland for being absent from work. Adams said Ford related: "We puffed on the cigarettes until they got a good light. The other fel- low shot his cigarette into the straw. I hesitated but he persuaded me to 3 do the same and threatened me with a knife if I didn't." When the menagerie tent burst into flames and smoke, the youths fled. Later they 'returned to the scene, Adams said, adding that Ford told him: "I felt pretty sorry when I saw all those dead animals lying around." The district attorney reported Pennsylvania railroad detectives ar- rested Ford in nearby Duquesne for riding a freight train. He was held for Cleveland detectives. His com. panion was sought by police. Sellars Says U.S. Must Change Ideology For Complete Victory America must redefine and think through its democracy, must bring its ideology up to date if we are to have a spiritual victory over the Axis powers as well as a conquest by arms, Prof. Roy Sellars of the Philosophy department declared yesterday. In a University lecture, Prof. Sellars said "to convince the peoples of the economic and social aspects of the kind of society in which they live. "We have lived too simply, too con- fident that time would take care of everything. It took the great hammer blows of the depression to let us know that we had lagged in our feeling for democracy and our understanding of new problems. ON-" 7