PAGE TWO THE MICHIG(AN flATIN a u 1a a V 1 I LI dY 1 m.!' 1 ' . _. . I . . _ __, t.C rt tlt Mt ' I The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DtEw PEARSON rI P~m"**" ---.t.r Edited and managed by studets of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is published every morning except Monday and Tuesday. Member'of the Associated Press Tha Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the 4iegular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. RER*E9ENED IOR NATIONAL ADVERTIS1NG SY National Advertising Service, Inc. 4 College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. r.IicAaO* " ftzm *+1.ot ANRELs SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff homer Swander . . Managing Editor Will Sapp . . . . City Editor Mike Dann . A . Sports Editor ASSOCIATE EDITrORS Hale Champion, John Erlewins, Robert Mantho, Irving Jaffe. Robert Preiskci BusinessStaff Edwkrd Perlberg . . usiness Manager Fred M. Ginsberg Associate Business Manager Motton Hunter . . . . Publications Manager NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN ERLEWINE I The editorials published in The Mictigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. r I- Cunningham Drug :helps Hitler L 4T WEEK there appeared in the j Ann Arbor News editorial columns a sample of the type of racial discrimination that b lies the very foundation of our war aims. Two ads placed side by side in that paper by tie Cunningham Drug Co. indicate too clearly the position of the Negro in America. One ad ran, "WHITE MEN Needed for Stock Work," and the / othor, "COLORED Dishwashers Wanted." The two ads were alike in makeup except, strangely enough, no experience was required of the white men. Nothing could have illustrated so concisely the 4egrading role to which the Nego is sub- jeted in America. He is made to take the dirtiest jobs. He is made to live in ,the filthi- est houses and pay exorbitant rents for the privilege. And here we have an Ann Arbor firm with, the brazen gall to make itself a party to this sordid discrimination. IS IT ANY WONDER that some Negroes feel only bitterness about the war ef- ftvrt? It is miserable logic that tells him he is better off under American rule than he would bf under the Nazi rule. The mote in Hitler's eye isno excuse for the beam in ours. An all-out war effort requires the highest degree of cooperation and morale on the part of all its peoples. The Negro wants tangible proof that he is not fight- ing a white man's war. Talking is no good-the best way to inspire loyalty is to eliminate the job discrimintion of companies like the Cunning- ham Drug. We must show the Negro that we mean what we say when we preach the catch phrases of democracy. If we are fighting this war to make the world a better place to live in, this t Where every one of us can do his share whether he is in uniform or not. It does no good to rail at the Cunningham Drug Co. for its part in this rotten discrimination. The fault lies with the individuals of America. Every little advertise- nient, every little intolerant word adds fuel to the fascist fire. It is promoting the very thing that Hitler claimed would bring the downfall of America-disunity among her peoples. MANY NEGROES are being asked to give their lives for 'all of us. We suffer no qualms of conscience at asking them for this supreme sacrifice, but even though they die for us we are not willing to accord them the de- cency that is due to every human being. Passing laws will not rid America of her shame. It is up to us, as individuals, to uproot these prejudices. It can be done and some progress has been made since the war began. But not enough. Those who truly believe in democracy would not be capable of such meanness as racial dis- crimination. Those who do discriminate are al- lies of Hitler to the extent of their discrimin- tion. -Art Carpenter Bitter Mud-Slinging Won't Help Jim Farley... ENIAL JIM FARLEY, the former hand-shaking postmaster-general of WASHINGTON-When Lyndon Johnson of Texas returned from naval duty in Australia to resume his seat in Congress, the President sub- jected him to a three-hour cross-examination on how things were going. One of the difficulties in fighting the Japs, Johnson reported, was the superiority of Jap Zero planes to American fighter planes. This is due to the fact that the Japs put no armor on their planes, but risk the life of the pilot to gain speed and maneuverability. Thus a Zero fighter can fly higher than an American pursuit plane, and can maneuver all round it. Once the two planes go into combat on the same level, American planes can make mince-meat out of the Zero, but present U. S. models can- not follow the Japs into the .high altitudes. Congressman Johnson reported that a fight between a Jap Zero and a Navy PBY patrol ship1 (not a fighter plane) was like arace between a Model T Ford and a Lincoln Zephyr. Note:-The Army and Navy are now trying to develop new types of fighter planes, but the problem always is whether to sacrifice speed or armor. It is almost impossible to have both. Vice President's Recreation On a hot August morning, when residents of the Wardman Park Hotel had fans turned on full blast, they looked with surprise to see four figures come out on the tennis court. They looked a second time. It was the Vice President and a party of friends out for a set of doubles. Henry Wallace took off a pair of slacks, threw them into a corner, and trotted out onto the court in white shorts and a white sports shirt. It was 8 o'clock as the game began. Wearing no hat or eye-shade, and wielding the racket in his left hand, Wallace entered into the game with the gusto of a high school boy. It was not tennis of professiongl quality, but it was high class amateur play. Frequently the ball was returned eght or ten times in a single exchange. Once when Wallace was at the net, he made five returns in succession, finally won the point. At 9:05, the set ended. Wallace retreated to the corner of the court, pulled on hislacks, headed back to his apartment for a shower. Other apartment dwellers, still sitting in front of the fans, sighed and shook their heads in wonderment. Capital Chaff About ten years ago, the great inventor Thom- as Edison was visiting the ,great juvenile court judge, Ben B. Lindsey, and told him of his at- tempts to develop synthetic rubber. He got noth- ing but rebuffs, however, from Washington (Hoover Administration).. .As boys, Edison and Judge Lindsey's father were operators at the himself a power in politics that rivals the Pres- ident. He believes sincerely that he made Roose- velt what he is today and that he can just as easily unmake him. SO OJIM FARLEY this week looked up his sleeve and broughit out an ace of spades to help him win this game of state politics Immediately after Mead described himself at' a press conference as "the all-out war candidate" behind whom all groups and persons solidly supporting the President's war program could unite, Farley charged Mead of having made an isolationist speech in 1941 at the same time that Charles Lindbergh was making sim- ilar speeches for the America First Committee. The speech NVV. Farley was referring to was giv- en, he said, before the National Democratic Club on Feb. 15, 1941. "I hereby charge and shall prove out of his (Mead's) own mouth," Farley said grandly, "that in this speech Senator Mead, in his en- deavor to create favorable reaction from his audience, revealed his true sentiments and by his own words convicted himself of being an iso- lationist and not in sympathy with the Presi- dent's foreign policies." IT'S TOO BAD Fariey had to go back and drag out dead issues. The question of isola- tionism vs. interventionism should have been buried after the Japaese attack on Pearl,Kar- bor. It isn't a question anymore of party faction that the United States is concerned with. It is a question of who is the best man to do the job. Senator Mead's record as a liberal politician is good enough to receive the backing of the New Deal, and Roosevelt has proved himself by this time to be the people's leader. We thought Jim Farley was a bigger man than he has shown himself to be by his latest action. If he wants to go on playing politics during war-time, however, someone might sug- gest that he be a little more careful in the future how he wraps up his campaign tricks. We think it is a little foolish now to bring up speeches made before the country had td tighten its belt and learn how to take it. Nor do we think Senator Mead's speech early in 1941 was quite the isolationist dogma Farley would have the electorate of New York believe it was. Mead said Monday that he wants to be con- sidered "the candidate of the rank-and-file. The committee will seek to enable delegates, not yet elected, to express at the convention the wishes of the rank-and-file of the party and the con- ,4entsth pe s ." Th,' Pwordsmcr nr tn same telegraph desks. ..Look for an agreement with Mexico soon by which it will turn over most of its rubber production to us. So far Mex- ico has no restriction on tires or gas, but will impose restrictions to help its good neighbor- the one-time "Colossus of, the North". . .The State Department has ruled that it is not reveal- ing diplomatic secrets to report that while King Peter of Jugoslavia and the President of the United States were viewing "Tortilla Flat," Sen- ator Austin of Vermont and Admiral King, Chief of the U. S. Fleet, also viewing the movie, fell asleep. . .The State Department objects to pub- lication of most news-connected with diplomatic discussions. Resort Air Bases The $975,000,000 appropriation for additional Navy public works encountered littleĀ° opposition on the House floor, but tiere was a battle royal when the Naval Kffairs Committee considered it behind closed doors. The question at issue was placing too many /naval air bases in Florida and chairman Carl Vinson of Georgia did some ex- ploding on the subject., "Why do you fellows always center your activ- ities in resort areas?" Vinson bluntly asked' Navy officers who testified for the appropriation.' "In the old days, the fleet used to be based at Newport, and later it was moved to Coronado Beach, Calif., another society mecca. Now the Jig accent is on Florida. "You have so many air bases in Florida that if an airplane flying over the State had to make a forced landing, it would be almost sure to land on a Navy field." "We have to train pilots as fast as possible," explained Comdr. J. B. Moss, chief of Shore Es- tablishments in the Bureau of Aeronautics. "Therefore, we have to pick a place for training where weather conditions are good, so we won't lose any time." "What about all these operational bases you have in Florida, where pilots are supposed to be trained to fly in all kinds of weather? shot back Vinson. "It's beyond me how you can give them that kind of training in a place where weather conditions usually are ideal." Vinson shot a side glance at 'Rear Admiral Ben Moreell, chief of the Bureau of Yards and Docks, who was listening to the cross-examination.. Moss squirmed, made no direct reply. "Well, my only hope is that our Navy pilots encounter the same kind of weather conditions in actual combat that they have experienced during their training period in Florida," contin- ued Vinson, "otherwise, they're going to be in a bad fix." Ci DAILY OFFICIALI BULLETIN THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1942 VOL. LII No. 37-S All Notices for the Raily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the summer session before 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publication except on SaturIay, when the notices should be submitted before 11:30 a.m. Notices The University Bureau of Appoint- ients has received notice of the fol- lowing United States Civil Service Examinations. Applications will be accepted until the needs of the serv- ice have been met. Junior Metallurgists, $2,000 per year. Junior Physicists, $2,000 per year. Rate Clerks: Freight and Pas- senger, $2,300 and $2,600 per year. The United States Civil Service Commission calls particular atten- tion to Junior Professional Assistant positions at $2,000 per year. Closing date is August 27, 1942. This exam- ination is being given for the benefit of Seniors graduatng in September. There are no options, but students are particularly desired in the fields of Public Administration, Business Administration, Economics, Library Science. Statistics and Mathematics through Calculus. Further information may be had from the notices which are on file in the office of the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information To Purchasers of War Bonds: Those who have pledged 10% of their an- nual income for the purchase of War Bonds, either under the University's payroll savings plan or otherwise, are entitled to a special button and sticker. These may be obtained at Investment Office, 100 South Wing, University Hall. University Committee on Sale of War Bonds and Stamps Consumer Education Exhibit may be seen daily at the Micigan League, Hours-11 a.m. to 8 p.m. A cadenle Notices Freshmen, Summer Term, College of Literature, Science, and The Arts: Freshmen may not drop courses without E grade after Saturday, Au- gust 8. In administering this rule, students with less than 24 hours of credit are considered freshmen.rEx- ceptions may be made in extraordi- nary circumstances, such as severe or long continued illness. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and The Arts: Midsemester reports are due not later than Saturday, August 8. Report cards are being distributed to all departmental offices. Green cards are being provided for fresh- man reports; they should be re- turned to the office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Mlall. White cards, for reporting sophomores, juniors, and seniors should be re- turned to 1220 Angell Hall. Midscmester reports should name those students, freshmen and upper- class, whose st ding at midsemester 4 is D or E, not merely thosp who re- ceived D or E in so-called midsemes- ter examinations. Students electing our courses, but registered in the other schools or col- 'eges of the University, should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered. Additional cards may be had at 108 Mason HaIllor 1220 Angell Hall. Doctoral Examination for Henry' Michael Foley, Physics; thesis: "An Investigation in the'General Theory of Pressure Broadening, and an Ex- perimental Study of Pressure Effects in the 14 Band of Hydrogen Cya- nide." Friday, August 7, East Coun- cil Room, Rackham Building, 3:00 p.m. Chairman, D. M. Dennison. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend the exam- ination and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. Students, College of Engieering: the final day for removal of incom- pletes will be Saturday, August 8. , Petitions for extension of time Old Imperialism Vs. New Financial imperialism has long been considered the chief demon in international affairs. Though con- quest may be undertaken for non- economic reasons, it has in recent years become colored and chiefly de- termined by economic interest-or supposed economic interest. In this phase, imperialism is an expression of the same financil technique that leads to monopoly in domestic affairs. At home, business- men and investors are frequently notj caticf a _ _fr% 0rr7nn hai 4ntivi4i DRAMA George Bernard Shaw has never been noted for his silence and his plays are much like the far-famed beard, constantly moving only through the force of his jaw. "Misalliance" was like all the rest of Shaw's plays in this respect and worse in others. There is an inexcusable lack of the action that makes a play grip or even hold its audience. Only highly emotional plays can go through two talk- ative acts and still survive. A comedy dependent upon wit can't do it, and although you are will- ing to stay alert, on the ready for Shaw's mots for'a while, you can't do it forever. One of Shaw's better characters,-the under- wear tycoon's daughter, sums it up all too con- sciously, "All we do is talk, talk, talk, talk! Nothing ever happens." Of course a sly old character like Shaw would never forgive a reviewer that refuses to recognize that Shaw knows all the foregoing and just did it for a trick. What Mr. Shaw is not conscious of is that the trick was not worth it, and never so hugely funny as he seemed to think it might turn out to be. Naturally the almighty and seemingly eternal Shaw can't go through two long acts without striking off sparks that are worth a mild fire or at least good enough to light a cigarette of thought. But his sly remarks in this comedy aren't enough for the most easily satisfied critic. The production is also something less than the Repertory Players are capable of. The actors in many cases pose as wits instead of as witty people, and I assure you that there is a vast dif- ference. Too, they shoot lines at each other as weapons. Not as spears to be avoided, but as something to be caught and returned deftly. They wait for the witty answer to come, and sometimes Mr. Shaw sadly disappoints them. Acting honors, what there are of them, go to the low-class intruder Julius Baker as played by Jack Ulanoff. When he enters in a speaking role in the second act the comedy for a minute catches fire and is genuinely entertaining. A stock character, old G. B. puts him in a highly unstock situation with amusing results until all tpe funniness is gradually talked out. 'Shaw al- hough more guilty of the fault in the first act. continues in the second act to create genuinely amusing situations only to wear them out with his infernal tendency to talk all the way around a point until there is nothing left for the audi- V should be filed in the Secretary's Of- fice at once. The final day for dropping courses without record will be Saturday, August 8. A course may be dropped only with the permission of the classifier, after conference with the instructor. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate for August or September, 1942 are requested to call at the office of the School of Education be- fore August 10 to take the Teacher Oath which is a requirement ;or the certificate. All Teachers in the summer school who do not have any job for next year please come to our office at once. The State Department would like to have this information. (201 Mason Hall. hours 9-12 and 2-4). University Bureau of Appoint- ments & Occupational Infor- mation Civilian Pilot Training: Learn to fly! Applications are now being made for the next program of 'Ci- vilian Pilot Training which starts approximately September 1st. A full ten weeks course is given in eight weeks. Detailed information may be secured in Room B47, Engineering Building. See Mrs. Fischthal. Exhibition of Chinese Painting: Water-colors by Professor Chang Shu-Chi; Rackham Building Gal- leries; Tuesday, August 4 through Sunday, August 8: 2 to 5 and 7 to 10. Professor Chang will give dem- onstrations of painting in the gal- leries on Thursday and Friday, be- tween 3 and 5. _ Lectures The Spanish Lecture "Poesia pop- ular en la Argentina" by Ezequiel Martinez Estrada to be given on Thursday, August 6, at 4:15 p.m. has been cancelled. "Conflicting Ideologies" is the sub- ject of Prof. R. W. Sellars' Lecture in the Rackham Amphitheatre, Thursday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock. Lectures in Statistics: Professor Neyman will give the last of his series of lectures on "Methods/of Sampling," today at 8 p.m., in 3011 Angell Hall. All persons interested are cordially invited. Dr. Willard C. Olson of the Uni- versity Elementary School will dis- cuss "Elementary Education" at 4:05 p.m. today in the University High auditorium. Public invited. Lectures on Statistical Methods. Professor Craig will give the last of his series of lectures on "The Control of Quality of Manufactured Products," on Tuesday, August 11, at 8 p.m., in 3011 Angell Hall. All persons interested are cordially in- vited. Events Today "Misalliance," provocative comedy by G. Bernard Shaw, will be pre- sented tonight through Saturday evening by the Michigan Repertory Players of the department of speech. Tickets are on sale daily at the box office, Mendelssohn Theatre. The Slavic Society meets tonight at 8:00 p.m. in the International Center. Program: Play Production Plans; Music and Refreshments. All members. requested to attend this important meeting, new members invited. Ph; i Fa izma wil have is, fir+ Beethoven Sonata Series: The second and third programs of the series of Beethoven Sonatas by Gil- bert Ross, violinist, and Mabel Ross Rhead, pianist, will be given In the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Build- ing instead of the Assembly Hall, as previously announced. The larger hall will enable the School of Music to admit the general public without tickets. The second of the series will be given at 8:30 p.m. tonight as announced. Inter-Guild will hold its weekly lunchepn at 12:15 in the Fireplace Room of Lane Hall, and those who attend the University Worship Serv- ice aife urged to come at 12:30. All members of student religious groups are invited to attend; it is desirable to phone reservations to Lane Hal, 4121. Pi Lambda Theta: Honors Day Re- ception at the Woman's Lounge, Rackham Building tonight at 8 p.m. "Post-War Germany" will be the topic of a panel discussion led by Professor J. K. Pollock. The meeting will be held Thursday in the Grand Rapids Room of the Michigan League at 7:55 p.m. Cercle Francais: The regular meet- ing will be held at the Michigan League tonight at 8 p.m. Mile. Jeanne Rosselet will rad some let- ters from France and Professor Ar- thur L. Dunham will give an illus- trated talk entitled "Illustratiozi de l'opinion publique francaise a l'egard de l'Allemagne pendant la premiere guerre mondiale." Students and fac- ultyhare cordially invited, Members of the Cerele who plan to attend the picinic at Portage Lake on August 12 will please notify Mrs. Morris, Miss Olthouse or Mr. Jobin. Math. 347, Seminar in Applied Mathematics, will meet today at 4 p.m. In 312 East Engineering (in- stead of Friday). Professor Wojtas- zak will speak on "Deformation of Plates and Shells." This topic will continued by Professor Wojtasak the following Thursday at the same hour. Coming Events Maurice Gierow, Tenor, will present 1 a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music at 8:30 p.m. Friday, August 7, in the Assembly Hall of the Rack- ham Building. A student of Professor Arthur Hackett. Mr. Gerow will be accompanied at the piano by Miss Joan Stevens. The public is cordially invited. Star Clusters and double stars will be seen from the Angell Hall observ- atory on Friday night, August 7th, from 10-11 o'clock. Blair McClosky, baritone, will pre- sent a recital of songs at 8:30 p.m. ,Monday, August 10, in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Building. This recital was previously announced as scheduled for the Assembly Hall but the Lecture Hall is now available, and the general public will be admitted without, tickets. Bernice Winchester, Violinist, will I present a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music at 8:30 p.m. Wednes- day, August 12, in the Rackham As- sembly Hall. Miss Winchester is ,as- sociate professor of violin and history of music at Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois, and a student of Professor Wasilu 1Bskirskv hn will hb eR-