4 Warmer t ftp F 1ato Editorial Cunningham Drug Helps Hitler. VOL. LII No. 37-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 142 2:15 A.M. FINAL WPB Advocates Doubled' Output Of C argo, Planes Increased Production Requires Curtailing Other Vital Supplies; Decision Left To Military Staff Chiefs, Says Nelson By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Aug. 5-The War Production Board's committee on cargo planes has recommended the doubling, at least, of cargo plane pro- duction, Chairman ponald M. Nelson announced today, but he left squarely up to the military Chiefs of Staff the decision whether to cut down combat plane production to make the increase possible. Three major recommendations of the committee, Nelson said, called for: 1. An increase in cargo plane output to at least twice the present pro- gram, through an increase in present procurement and through conversion of certain bombers to cargo type. , 2. Further impetus to development of longer-range land and sea planes. 3. A "large increase" in facilities for the manufacture and transpor- tation of aviation gasoline to meet the needs of a greatly expanded move- ment of cargo by air. "If we now undertake to build a substantially larger number of cargo planes than is already provided for > in our schedule, we must of course cut down the number of some other :airplanes in our program," Nelson said in releasing a digest of the special committee's report. "That is a decision for the Chiefs of Staffs to make, since it is essen- tially a matter of high military stra- tegy. "Meanwhile the War Production Board will continue to study the situation to see whether it is going to be possible to expand our pro- duction of cargo planes through new facilities or by using other industries such as shipbuildefs." 'Mars' Is Successful In the latter connection,, Nelson said the committee's study indicated the giant Martin Mars 70-ton sea- plane would be "very successful." This is the type which Henry J. Kaiser, West Coast shipbuilding wiz- ard, has proposed to build in ship- yards. Fifty percent of all military ton- nage could be shipped overseas by air, in the committee's opinion, if sufficient sky freighters were avail- able. Twenty per cent of all non- military commodities which must be exported from the United States in the next year, including machine tools, concentrated foods, chemicals, surgical and medical supplies, could be shipped by air if the planes were on hand, it was asserted. \ However, even if the cargo aircraft program were doubled, as recom- mended, sufficient planes would be available to deliver only a fraction of this material. Bombers Grounded Senator Lee (D-Okla), Chairman of a Senate Sub-Committee investi- gating the possibility of building more cargo planes, said some Ameri- can bombers were grounded in Africa and Australia for lack of spare parts. This, he said, showed the need for big cargo planes to speed materials to the fighting fronts, actual and potential. Lieut. Gen. Henry H. Arnold, Chief of the Army's Air Forces, told the subcommittee that the Army was doing everything to obtain sufficient cargo planes in a rounded, all-out program which called for three cargo-carriers to every ten long- range bombers by the end of 1943.' .nly Available Supply Only the available supply of tools, facilities and critical materials is limiting the production of transport planes, the Air Chief told the -Mili- tary Affairs Subcommittee,, "We believe it is possible to get more tools, facilities and materials, but they are not in sight at present," he said. Commenting on Arnold's report that air freighter construction for the last half of 1942 would be equiv- alent to 21 per cent of the multiple- engined bomber plane construction, Chairman Lee (D-Okla) said this was "very encouraging" but still short of the need. Nazis Mlake Ne Long-Range Aerial Attack On Iceland REYKJAVIK, Iceland, Aug. 5.-(IP) -The Germans have made their second long-range aerial attack in 48 hours on isolated points in Iceland, the United States Army announced tndav in a eonmmniim dclaring a Overtime Payi PolicyOf CIO To Be Revoked' Huge Union Serves Notice Of Accepting Increased Wages For Extra Work By The Associated Press CHICAGO, Aug. 5.-The United Automobile, Aircraft .and Agricul- tural Implement Workers Union to- day served notice it would revoke its policy of shunning overtime pay for war labor on Saturdays and Sundays within the regular work week unless rival groups made similar sacrifices. The executive board of the big, CIO union formulated the policy at a war emergency conference last April, when it decided that no over- time should be paid for work on Saturday and Sunday when those days were part of a normal five-day work week. The policy alo said overtime should be paid for a sixth; or seventh day of labor within a1 work week. Some delegates complained that competing American Federation of Labor unions capitalized on the pol- icy of the UAW-CIO by informing prospective members they, could get overtime pay in the AFL. The convention then approved a( resolution which set forth: ' "Unless the policy of relinquishing premium pay for Saturdays, Sundays and holidays is universally applied1 throughout industry within 30 days from the adjournment of this con- vention, the UAW-CIO shall deemi itsplf released from its commitment and will consider local unions to be1 legally and morally justified in re- fusing to recognize as valid any con- tractural provision by which such premium pay was relinquished." The declaration also urged Presi- dent Roosevelt to order the renego- tiation of war contracts "so that the. nation and not the employers shall receive the benefit of the savings de- rived from the relinquishment of double or premium time." Union To Allow Record-MaK Use Recordings Only Once Is Condition Of AFM NEW YORK, Aug. 5.-(P)-George S. McMillan, secretary of the Asso- ciation of National Advertisers, said today the American Federation of Musicians (AFL) had assured him it would permit its members to make transcriptions for commercial broad- casts provided the recordings were played only once over a station and then destroyed. The union told him, McMillan added, that each individual request should come through recording com- panies and the master disc must be filed with the Chicago or New York City headquarters of the union "or assurances given that it will be de- stroyed." The union's ban on making musi- cal recordings for public use went Murray Urges Complete Unity To HaltStrikes Asks Cooperation Of AFL To Eliminate Stoppages Of Work During War By The Associated Press CHICAGO, Aug. 5-CIO chief Philip Murray today urged the Amer- ican Federation of Labor tocooper- ate with the Congress of Industrial Organizations in a program designed to halt jurisdictional strikes for the duration of the war. Murray stated he was "deeply con- cerned" by work stoppages caused by such' differences and recalled that, in a letter to AFL President William Green last Sunday, he had proposed the creation of a joint CIO-AFL committee, with an impartial arbi- trator, to handle all jurisdictional disputes between the two groups. "I hope the federation will em- power. its president to mediate, con- ciliate and arbitrate," he said. "If the executive council (AFL) agrees to delegate that power to its president, I am prepared to assure America that there will not be another strike caused by jurisdictional disputes in the United States during the war. I depend on the A. F. of L. I am ready to do my part." Murray defined his views in a speech before the annual convention of the United Automobile, Aircraft and Agricultural Implement Work- Urs Union (CIO). Green, here attending a meeting of the AFL executive council, made no: comment. Murray also touched briefly on the agreement" of the AFL and CIO to consider a reunion of their forces at a peace parley. He said, "Many knot- ty problems will arise in the coming unity conference, and I appeal to the patience of American workers while the two committees strive to adjust differences." Revised Rules For Fraternity men ,Approve Announcing that recommenda- tions made by the Executive Com- mittee of the Interfraternity Council and the University of Michigan In- terfraternity Alumni had been ap- proved by the members of the Stu- dent Affairs Committee late Tues- day, Joseph A. Bursley, Dean of Stu- dents, added that these new regula- tions governing the activities of fra- ternities have been adopted in view of the emergency situation and for the period of the emergency only. The request for an extension of time from midnight to 1 a. m. for the Summer Prom, the loutstanding social event of the Summer Term, was also granted with a further rec- ommendation that all dances be sim- plified as much as possible. During the emergency the Student Affairs Committee declared that no approval will be given for fraternity house parties., Upon the suggestion of the Execu- tive Committee of the Interfraternity Council, the Committee on Student Affairs decided that eligibility rules in regard to depledging are to be sus- pended for the summer term only and that unaffiliated men residing in fraternity houses are to sign con- tracts agreeing to abide by all Uni- versity approved chapter rules re- garding conduct and other regula- tions. The University of Michigan Inter- fraternity Council, representing the present undergraduate fraternity membership, and the University of Michigan Interfraternity Alumni Conference, representing the contin- Turn To Page 3, Col. 5 Allies If England Gives Freedom; Nazi Pincer Closes On Stalingrad, Heavy Fighting Reported On Caucasus Railway As Germans Press On Russians Inflict 'Terrible' Losses By EDDIE GILMORE Associated Press Correspondent MOSCOW, Aug. 6 (Thursday)-A new German push south and west of Stalingrad by Nazi tank and in- fantry columns seeking to complete a pincer movement on the great steel city has brought fighting on the central front to Kotelnikovski, 95 miles from Stalingrad, the Soviet High Command announced today. "Stubborn battles" were fought Wednesday on the Stalingrad-North; Caucasus railway and the Germans advanced slightly with heavy losses, the midnight communique said. The Russians reported continued fighting in other sectors of the Stalingrad front and in the North Caucasus but without specific results. South of Kushchevka, 50 miles south of Rostov, the Germans suf- fered particularly heavy losses, the Russians said. One Soviet unit alone accounted for six tanks and killed 600 Germans. Attacks Repulsed In the Kletskaya sector, on the northern end of the German pincer before Stalingrad, repeated German attacks were repulsed and 1,200 Nazi troops were killed ,the communique said. The Russians retreated again in the Belaya Glina sector deep in the Caucasus to escape envelopment by German parachute troops and furious assaults by.tank masses and swarms of dive-bombers. As Russia's peril increased, Maj. Gen. Follett Bradley of the U. S. Air Forces landed a bomber in Moscow and declared: "I am here to facilitate any pos- sible way to make aid to Russia more effective. We are sending all we can and would like to send more. This is the focal point of the war. There is great readiness in America to con- tribute everything possible here." Lines Stiffened .The lines in the Don Elbow 75 miles west of Stalingrad stiffened and held after a withdrawal yester- day, but a retreat in the 'simlyansk sectol' 130 miles southwest of the greatindustrial city on the Volga in- creased the peril before that south- ern finger of the German pincer. At Tsimlyansk, the Germans have crossed the Lower Don. ' Under cover of night, the fearless Cossacks slipped through the Ger- man lines at Kushchevka and charged the Nazi infantry. Rubber Conspiracy Charged By Texan WASHINGTON, Aug. 5. - (P)- Sweeping charges that "certain in- ternational cartels and patent pools" had joined in a conspiracy to con- trol production of synthetic rubber were laid today before the Senate Patents Committee by C. R. Starnes, Texas independent oil operator. He told the committee that his opinion was based upon six months experience in attempting to get a go- ahead signal for production of rub- ber; that he had been blocked and "given the old run-around" by offi- cials of major oil companies. Pelle dCalled raitor' patriot' As Federal Court Jury Retires I Ewing, Caughran, Dub 6 Jurors Warned To Be. By The Associated Press INDIANAPOLIS; Aug. 5-William Dudley Pelley was pictured as both "traitor" and "patriot" in opposing arguments before a Federal Court jury retired late today to, decide his fate on charges of criminal sedition. Oscar R. Ewing of New York, Spe- cial Prosecutor, and B. Howard Caughran, U. S. District Attorney for southern Indiana, called the 52-year- old founder of the Silver Shirts a "traitor" and Defense Attorney Oscar F. Smith said his client was a "patriot." Ewing labeled Pelley "a man who serves poison against his govern- ment-sugar-coated with the teach- ings of Jesus of Nazareth." Caughran, closing the govern- ment's case, shook his finger at Pel- ley and said : "You are a traitor to your country. You stabbed your country in the back while it was engaged with a foreign foe." Quisling of America "The record shows plainly," the district attorney told the jury, "that Pelley wanted to be the Quisling of America. He was willing to see it the victim of a foreign nation in order to realize his dastardly ambitions..r "The Silver Shirts bristle through and through with militarism. . .It was the purpose of Pelley to raise 4, private army.. .As they say, it may have been disbanded in 1939, but I say it marches on today. I have seen it in this courtroom." Judge Robert C. Baltzell cautioned the jurymen to disregard their own political affiliations in arriving at Silver Shirts 'Militarist Impartial In Judgment i c'; City To Test System Soon.' A gasoline "curfew" system which would close Ann Arbor's 60 gas sta- tions at 8 p.m. Tuesday for a three- day trial period was virtually prom- ised late last night by Rankin J. Peck, secretary-director of the Mich- igan Retail Gasoline Dealers Associ- ation. Peek said Detroit dealers who are members of the association will open their stations at 7 a.m. and closel them at 8 p.m. Tuesday in a new trial system which will cover five counties in the state. This indicates that all Ann Arbor dealers who are also members of the association will cooperate. The move followed a meeting of the Retail Gasoline Dealers Associa- tion of Michigan Tuesday at which 200 members voted to have a five- county "trial" curfew. It is in line with the Office of Price Administra- tion's move to introduce a system of nationwide gas rationing. "The principal object of the cur- few," Peck explained, "is to release skilled mechanics and semi-skilled men for the war program. When the public changes its gasoline-buying habits as it has changed its habits to conform to shorter grocery and department store hours we can give the same service with less than half the manpower now being wasted." * * * Gas, Mileage Rationing Subject of Debate WASHINGTON, Aug. 5.--(P)-The problem of keeping tires on the na- tion's wheels resolved itself today in-! to a choice between nation-wide gasoline rationing, long supported by the Office of Price Administration, and a system of "mileage rationing" and speedometer checkups, advo- cated by the Office of Defense Transportation. A war production board spokes- man. who declined to permit use of their verdict. They received the case at 4:45 p. in, (CWT). The trial began July 28.- Smith concluded his arguments fort the defendants by telling the juryv that "Pelley intended to help thec American people and to uphold ther Constitution of this glorious repub-y Lic." Called Storm Troopers Ewing called Pelley's Silver Shirtsr the "storm troopers who were ready. to do his bidding when-in his own words-'the time comes.'" Opening for the defense, Smi h said the government had introduced "only excerpts" from Pelley's pub- lished writings and asked: "Why weren't the whole articles read to you, the jury, so you could decide for yourselves." Attorney Floyd G. Christian, con- cluding for the defense, said there was a distinction between criticism of the administration and criticism of the government and asserted Pel- ley's writings were solely of the ad ministration. Senate Aked For Sales Tax In War Perio Business Official Termst Temporary Measure( 'StrictlyDeflationary' By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Aug. 5. - Urging senators to vote a five per cent sales tax for the duration and six months afterwards, a spokesman for the Na-+ tional Retail Dry Goods Association declared today that such a levy+ would be "distinctly deflationary" and not inflationary as Treasury of- ficials contend., "All economists agree on the defla- tionary aspects of such a ta," lay+ Iglauer told the Senate Finance Committee, which is considering the tax bill recently approved by the House.+ "You mean all economists except those inthe Treasury, don't you?" Senatior Vandenberg (Rep.-Mich.) asked wryly. Later Vandenberg told reporters he was "perfectly amazed" by the Treasury's continued opposi- tion to a sales levy. "When the retailer himself has agreed-is even urging-to accept the load of collecting such a tax, then the last man who had a right to complain has disappeared," Vanden- berg said. Senator Taft (Rep.-O.) said he thought Iglauer had made an excel- lent case for the sales tax, but Sen- ator Brown (Dem.-Mich.) told re- porters he was not ready to support a tax on all the necessities of life. Brown added he was working on a proposal to increase the excise rates on certain luxury products. RAF Strikes At Ruhr Area LONDON, Aug. 5.-(P)-The RAF's new determination to raid Germany regardless of weather conditions was carried out with an attack on the Ruhr, last night through thunder- storms, solid overcast and even snow at the higher altitudes, the Air Min- istry announced today. "It was like flying through a white woolen blanket," said the gunner in a Halifax. bomber. There was no indication of the size of the attacking force, but de- spite the poor weather only one bomber was lost. # .1 One fighter plane was lost on sweeps against trains and other ob- jectives in occupied territory, and LONDON, "Thursday, Aug. 6.- (I)-Sir l Stafford Cripps, whose mission to settle the Indian prob- lem failed last spring, declared in a statement today that Britain in- tended to "preserve law and order" In India until the war ended. After the war, he said, the In- dian people will be gven~ an oppo'- tunity to attain theself-govern- ment which Indian nationalist leaders are demanding be granted them now and for which they are preparing to launch a civil dis- obedience campaign. able India to become an ally of the United Nations and fight aggres- sors." But, the resolution warned, the Cogress Party was prepared to launch a civil disobedience struggle if necessary to gain independence. The Working Committee also drew up a resolution to be presented to the full committee meeting here Fri. day recommending that if Britain re- jects a demand for Indian independ- ence full powers to lead a civil dis- obedience movement be given to Gandhi. The draft of the resolution, deal- ing with India's role against aggres- sor nations in the event of independ- ence said the government "will whole-heartedly and unreservedly declare itself on the-side of the United Nations, agreeing to meet the Japanese or any other agressor with armed resistance." It was said the new'resolution was drafted to comply with "reasonable and constructive" criticisms made after the British disclosed the orig- inal draft of a resolution offered by Gandhi. Truman Hits Naval Bureau MHisconduct' WASHINGTON. Aug. 5. -(IP)- A charge that the Navy's Breau of Ships was 'guilty of "negligence or wilfull misconduct" in connection with plans to build special tank-car- rying vessels has been placed before Secretary of the Navy Knox'by Sen- ator Truman (Dem.-Mo.), chairman of the Senate Defense Investigating Committee. A letter from. Truman to Knox, which contained the charge, also as- serted that the bureau had treated Higgins Industries, Inc., of New Or- leans in a "biased and prejudiced" way in connection with the construe- tion plans. Truman explained, to reporters that the Higgins firm ,,was granted a contract for turning out tanker lighters, to be used for tansporting tanks from ship to shore. However, Truman said, production was held up , for seven or eight months while the Navy checked on other types of tank lighters for pos- sible use instead of those produced by Higgins. Prof. Pollock Will Lead Post-War Council Panel A discussion of what a victorious United Nations should do with Ger- many and the Germans by Prof. J. K. Pollock of the political science de- partment will feature this week's India Passes Resolution To Join Independence Showdown Will Settle Controversy; British Decision Near Indian Committee Makes Final Offer By H. R. STIMSON Associated Press Correspondent BOMBAY, Indig, Aug. 5 - The working committee of the All-India Congress Party, nearing a showdown with the British Empire on the issue of independence, today adopted a resolution serving notice that India would become an ally of the Allied Nations if granted freedom. The Working Committee's 1,200- word resolution demanded the "with- drawal of British power so as to en- City Council Studies Proposal To Build, Operate Trailer Camp A special city council committee is studying a recommendation made by Prof. A. D. Moore of the engineering department Monday that Ann Arbor should build and operate a tent and trailer camp near the police depart- ment's pistol range along W. Huron Drive for purposes of housing the increasing numbers of war workers in this region. Prdf. Moore submitted the recom- mendation after a thorough personal ing shelter but it is not impossible." His main concern was for the family, the report showed. "Since new homes and apartments cannot appear overnight," Prof. Moore said, "it seems evident that additional temporary quarters may only be secured by resort to use of tents and trailers. "The least the city could do would be to provide the site. The most it might do would be to initiate, oper- ate and supervise the whole thing."