f Editorial E~xorbitant Incomes Must Be Cuirbed . ig itt 4 a Ii, Weatier cor~ntlied wartm, I' VOL. LII. No. 3, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1942 2:15 A.M. FINAL } Soldiers' Pay Increase Bill Is Made Law B President ,Buck Privates, Apprentice Seamen Will Get $50 Miniinum Pay, Raising Rates $20 Per Month Rent Allowances To Be Graded Up WASHIlGTON, June 7. -(P- Men in the armed forces were assured of minimum pay of $50 Rt month when President Roosevelt signed in- to law today legislation recently passed by Congress. Retroactive to June 1, the measure raises the pay of buck privates and apprentice seamen to $50, and like- wise grants increases to grades up to and including Army second lieu- tenants and Naval ensigns. For most men it means an in- crease of at least $20 a month. Army privates now get $21 to start, $30 after fofr months and $40 after a year. The following tables shbw the old and new monthly base pay and al- lowance schedules: Privates and apprentice seamen raised from $30 to $50. First-class privates and second- class seamen/ raised from $36 to $54. Corporals and first-class seamen, raised from $54 to $66. Sergeants, Petty Officers Sergeants and third-class petty of- ficers, raised from $60 to $78. Staff sergeants and second-class petty officers, raised from $84 to $114. Master sergeatit and chief petty officer, raised from $126 to $138. Second lieutenants, and ensigns, raised from $125 to $150. Nurses' base pay would be raised $20 monthly, to $90, for those with less than three years of service, and $5 monthly, to $135, for those with more than nine years of service. As in the case of the Army and Navy, the base pay is exclusive of additional pay for longevity.f Rental Allowances Second lieutenant with dependents. raised from $40 to $60. Without de- pendents, $40 to $45. First lieutenant with dependents,' raised from $60 to $75. Without de- pendents, $40 to $60. Captains with dependents, raised from $80 to $90. Without depend- ents, $60 to $75. Majors, with dependents, raisedr from $100 to $105. Without depend-l ents, $60 to $90.f Lieutenant colonels with depend--f ents, $120 (no increase). Without de- pendents, raised from $80 to $1'05.f Colonels with dependents, $120 (no1 Increase). Without dependents, raised from $80 to $105. Higher ranks unchanged except forI $25 increase for brigadier and major1 generals without dependents. (Similar provisions for Naval off i- cers of corresponding rank.) P etain Adm'its Rising Unrest WthinoFrane VJICHY, June 17. -(X)- Marshal Petain, France's aged Chief' of State, acknowledged on this second anni- versary of his suit for the armistice with Germany that "discontent is growing , . anger is rumbling" in F'rance. Heappealed to Frenchmen to be patient and hopeful in the face of "all-too-real deficiences of the state." Of these, he said he was aware, as he was of the unrest for which he blamed in part individual citizens. Petain opened his address with a reference to June 17, 1940. "the trag- Ic hour of the armistice request" when he called on the French "to silence your anguish so as to heart- en only your faith in the destiny of your country." "A year later, on June 17, 1941," continued the 86-year-old leader, "I declared to you that the trail would be long and hard. Today I cannot speak to you in different terms. I do not hide from myself the feeble- ness of the echoes my appeals havet met with. ". .the workman suffers-and his enforced passivity cannot be tak- en for resignation: the peasant grows impatient." But he held out no promises of1 Savage Nazi Terrorism Strikes Back At European Resistance Propaganda "rive On Home Front Warns Defeat Means Dire Results; Calls For Iron Purpose' t LONDON, June ,;7.-(P)-A grow- ing wave of terror, with repressive measures of the Nazi conquerors in- creasing in savagery and ingenuity was reported from many parts of oc- cupied Europe tonight. On the German home front itself, reports added, the Nazis have opened a new propaganda drive calling for fortitude and "iron purpose"-and, menacingly, warning of the dire con- sequences of defeat: By countries, the reports reaching London gave this picture of the latest Nazi moves to make good their "new order" in Europe: Poland: More than 1,000 persons were arrested in Warsaw yesterday, the PolishGovernment in exile an- nounced, in a noon mass raid and were carried away, presumably, to join 5,000 others who were seized in Warsaw a few weeks ago and sent to Germany as slave laborers. ,The Polish Government in exile also saidt it had received word that 12 women and three men accused of distributing underground newspapers were hanged publicly in Poznan on June 8. Czechoslovakia: The Czech Gov- ernment in exile, led by President Eduard Benes, vowed vengeance on the Nazis from Adolf Hitler to the lowest tbol of the Gestapo respon- sible for crimes committed in Czech- oslovakia, where 382 persons have been executed and the village of Li- dice exterminated with 350 more dead in retaliation for the assassina- tion of Reinhard Heydrich, Gestapo executioner. Russia: Russians escaping from German-held Kharkov, Ukrainian Student Blood Donors Ask ed To Si)gn Friday In answer to a rush call for great- er contributions from this area the Red Cross is appealing for 50 stu- dent volunteer blood donors. Students who wish to help the vital blood bank campaign are asked to sign Friday on the Diagonal for ap- pointments with the Red Cross Mobile Unit which is scheduled to appear here June 24. The Diagonal station will be open from 12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. only, at which time appointments will be made for the afternoon of June 24. Since students under 21 must se- cure parental permission difficult to procure. before the Mobile Unit ap- pears here, a special appeal is made to older students to sign Friday., In appealing to the Detroit area, the Red Cross pointed out that it had fallen short of its share in this vitally important program. Since the demand for blood for transfusion purposes is greater now than ever before with Americans in action on every front, all quotas must be met immediately, it further stressed. Prof. Williams To Speak Prof. Mentor L. Williams of the English department will be the prin- cipal speaker at a celebration of United Nations day and the signing of the Atlantic Charter to be held at 8 p.m. today at the Beth Israel Center under the sponsorship of the local B'nai B'rith. city, told of mass executions among suffering civilians who daily saw bodies of those who had died of star- vation being carted to the city's out- skirts. Yugoslavia: Reports received by secret channel said 250hostages were shot in a 10-day period during April in the German-occupied part of Slo- venia, in northern Yugoslavia. Yugo- slav resistance continued and 1,500 Axis soldiers were reported captured recently in a battle between them and Gen. Draja Mihailovics guerrilla fbrces. Rushing Rules To Be Learned Houses Violating Summer Regulations Will Suffer, Warns IFC President Stressing the point that the IFC will be in full operation this summer and hence able to punish any houses violating the rushing regulations, John W. Fauver, '43, president of the council, yesterday urged all fresh- men, rushing chairmen and house presidents to familiarize themselves with the summer rulings, First semester freshmen should note that it is illegal for any house to rush them or for any fraternity man to approach them during the summer term. This does not apply to second semester freshmen and others, who may be rushed outside of houses, pledged, and initiated when a proper grade average is at- tained and certain data given to the Dean of Students. Complete Regulations The complete regulations are as follows: Article 1. It shall be a punishable offense for any fraternity or the member of any fraternity to con- duct rushing, between the first and the last days of the summer term in- clusive, except as hereinafter pi'o- vided; and any such offense shall be punished as provided in Article 5 Article 2. It is deemed to be a punishable offense for any frater- nity or member thereof to rush a man enrolled in the University who has not completed at least one se- mester therein. Article 3. Those men not excluded from rushing by Article 2 may only be rushed outside of the fraternity house. There shall be no rushing of any kind conducted within the fra- ternity house. Meaning Of 'Rushing' Article 4. The term "rushing" shall be held to include all contact between a fraternity man or men with a non- fraternity man or men, which con- tact is for the purpose of influencing the non-fraternity man or men with respect to the fraternity house or to the members thereof. Article 5. The Executive Commit- tee of the Interfraternity Council shall have jurisdiction over all alleged offenses of any or all of these articles, and the said Executive Com- mittee shall be empowered to levy a fine against the offending fraternity of not more than $50.00 nor less than $25.00 for each offense. Russians Stall German Drive On Sevastapo! Resist Constant Battering Of Nazis On Soviet's Last Black Sea Port Still Hold Balakava MOSCOW, June 17.-( )--The fortifications of Sevastopol and his- toric, battered Balaklava presented an unbending defense tonight to the repeated attacks of Germany's great- est offensive against the last Russian ports to stand guard on the western Black Sea. Front line dispatches described six Nazi assaults against an important highway on the upper approaches to the Sevastopol Naval Base andt five others against the southern de- fenses, and said the fury of the Ger- man attacks exceeded that of last! November and December.f However, the Russians said theyt still held the highway and remaineds in possession of Balaklava, the fish- ing port seven and a half miles south of Sevastopol where the British light brigade made its storied charge in 1854. . The Germans continued fierce as-1 saults on the Sevastopol lines onI Wednesday, the Russian midnight1 communique stated, but the Red Ar-i my held firm and repulsed the at-, tacks., On other sectors of the front, no1 essential change took place, the communique said. It noted that in fighting on the Kharkov front the Russians destroyed 15 German tanks; and "up to 1,500 German soldiers and officers." (The German High Command, re- porting "bitter resistance and diffi- culties of terrain" at Sevastopol, said the Germans and Rumanians on that front had stormed the important1 "Fort Siberia" Wednesday morning; and had extended other breaches in1 the fortified lines about the naval1 base.) In the Ukraine, the second battle of Kharkov appeared to have turned in the Russian favor. The Germans were reported lagging in the attack? and falling back SelfmGoverning Girl 'Citizens' To :meet Today More than 225 girls from every1 part of the state of Michigan will arrive in Ann Arbor today for a full week of experience in communal liv-t ing and self government. The seconfd annual Wolverine Girls'1 State-an organization designed to1 develop leadership in outstanding girl 'citizens' of high school age-will begin a complete program guided by Universty instructors and making use; of many University facilities. Living in Mosher Hall, the girls will publish their own newspaper. compete in a photography contest and participate' in musical, art and athletic programs. Sponsored by the American League Auxiliary, the group will follow a full, variegated schedule for the seven days they are here, electing their own officers, studying home economics, and giving a good share of their time to recreation and en- tertainment. Tank Strength Shortage Hampers British Army In Defense Of Tobruk RA F's Bombings Take Heavy Tolls CAIRO, June 17.-(P)-Depletion of British tank strength-principally the 28-ton Michigan-made "General Grant" tanks-was the principal factor in today's smashing Nazi tank assaults with superior forces south- east of Tobruk. in an ineffectual at- tempt to isolate that stalwart British seaport garrison from additional land supplies. 0 British Heartened British defenders of the Eighth Army were buoyed up in the hope that a much-battered convoy from the east, which fought off an Axis naval assault several days ago, will land armament supplies at Tobruk, including new tanks needed for a counter-attack before Axis columns can press their present advantage to the limit. The Michigan-made British tanks were the bulwark of the defending forces' strength, but weeks of day and night action had depleted this battle arm. Reserve tanks now in action are. no match for the heavy "mark fours" of the German African Corps. With RAF fighter-bombers alone destroying ten of thirty German tanks thrusting toward Sidi Rezegh, 25 miles southeast of Tobruk, the Eighth Army's command announced the first attack had been broken up. British At Acroma, The British forces at Acroma, 20 miles southwest of Tobruk, repulsed another Axis attack, and today the Imperial forces still were holding all the important 'fixed positions in a semi-circle west, south and southeast of the Tobruk perimeter. Their line was anchored on the west at Acroma, dipped southward through El Adem and veered east to Sidi Rezegh, which is but 50 miles from the Egyp- tian border. Reinforced Axis forces were massed about El Adem, however, apparently taking on ammunition and supplies for another jab eastward. This force, it was conceded, presented a serious threat to the British land communi- cations with Tobruk. There already was new fighting of a fierce nature between tanks and motorized infan- try between El Adem and Sidi Re- zegh. All British forces from west of Acroma now have been withdrawn. DoilyT ryouts Any student interested in work- ing on any staff of The Daily this summer is invited to attend a try- out meeting at 4:30 pm. today in the conference room of the Stu- Publications Building, 420 May- nard. Previous 'experience is not an" absolute prerequisite, but those with publications training are par- ticularly urged to attend. Haber Named To Manpower Division Post PROF. WILLIAM HABER . * * Special to The Daily WASHINGTON, June 17. - Dr. William Haber, University of Michi- gan economics professor, was named today to the Manpower Commission's professional and. technical -employ- ment and training division.. A social security expert, Dr. Haber has been here in Washington 'since February working under Harold D. Smith in the Bureau of the Budget. Edward C. Elliott, president of Pur- due University, was appointed head of the division by Paul V. McNutt, Commission chairman, along with the following other selections: Dr. Leonard Carmichael, Tufts Col- lege president; Robert C. Weaver, of Washington, chief of the Negro manpower serv- ice; Will W. Alexander, chief of minor- ity groups service. Under the division's direction will be the engineering, scientific and management training program con- ducted in more than 200 colleges and universities through the U.S. Office of Feucation. Inveterate Tire Saver Adds To Rubber Drive ANTIGO, Wis., June 17. =(/P)- Frank Neigenfind, Langlade County farmer, stopped at a filling station here and started to toss off old tires from his truck. He kept on tossing, while the at- tendant watched in amazement, un- til the pile towered as high as the station roof. When he stopped he had unloaded more than 500 tires- an estimated two and one-half tons -for the scrap rubber drive. Neigenfind said he had bought the tires over a period of years to be cut up and burned in pans when boiling sap to make maple syrup in I his sugar bush. He plans to burn wood next year. Four-Motored Liberators Score Bullseyes On Two Fascist Dreadnaughts Germany Claims SinkingsOf British LONDON, June 17.-(A)-Newly- graduated United States Army air- men, led by a Hoosier veteran of the commercial airways, scored 35 bulls- eye bomb hits on two Italian battle- ships as a major contribution to the American and RAF aerial' exploits which enabled convoys to run the Mediterranean gantlet to Tobruk and Malta this week, it was disclosed to- day. In this first American air opera- tidn in the Mediterranean war, the four-motored Consolidated Liber- ators coasted down with the sun at their backs so quietly that the Ital- ians did not know they were there until the bombs were neatly dropped, The Americans also contributed with the RAF to sinking a 10,000- ton Italian cruiser and two destroy- ers and damaging two cruisers 'and two destroyers, British accounts said. For good measure, the RAF an- nounced that its torpedo planes fol- lowed up Monday morning's defeat of the heavy Italian naval squadron by penetrating a smoke screen and torpedoing one of the wounded bat- tleships Monday night as the thwart- ed Fascists fled back toward their home base. Italian Navy The Italian Navy never got into contact with the Tobruk-bound con voy which had been its objective, reliable London sources said. With 20 bomb hits on one battle- ship and 15 on the other, plus a tor- pedo wound in one, experts said the two would be laid up at least four or five mnonths for repairs. It was officially stated in London that both convoys got through with needed supplies but the cost was conceded to be "considerable," be- cause of violent German and Italian air attacks. No Tabulation No tabulation of convoy losses was given, but one source said it was be- lieved that the British lost- no war- ship larger than a destroyer and that four merchant ships were sunk or damaged. The combined German-Italian claims in the four-day running fight added up to 53 ships sunk or dam- aged-a figure that the British Ad-, miralty scornfully dismissed as "Fas- fistic. Besides the Axis naval losses, the RAFsannounced that 14 Axis planes were shot down at sea on Monday alone and many others probably nev- er reached their bases, so badly were they hit. Reached Malta The convoy which reached Malta (and which apparently suffered the heaviest of the Axis attacks) was shepherded the final 300 miles by re- lays of RAF fighters which sallied out from Malta continuously from Sunday night until the convoy ar- rival Monday night. Nothing was said in London to confirm speculation that United States warships might have been I the convoys. The Consolidated Lib- erators were the only American fighting forces specifically mentioned as participating. Germans Claim Sinkings Of British BERLIN (from German broad- casts) June 17.-()-The German Radio indicated tonight that the British Navy had lost four warships in the air-sea battle in the Western Mediterranean and that 18 ships car- rying dead and wounded men had reached Gibraltar this morning, The radio, broadcasting a DNB dispatch from Madrid, said 22 war- ships left the British base last Thurs- day night. One of the cruisers which returned was said to be in a sinking condition. Among the ships reported arriving were the battleship Malaya, and the aircraft carriers Eagle and Argus. The Eagle was said to have been damaged. J. S. Airmen Blast Italian Battleships With 35 Hits; Nazis Repulsed In ibya Heroic Crew Fights Desperately To Save Lexington (This is another in the series of sto- ries supplied to the Associated Press by the Chicago Tribune whose foreign cor- respondent, Stanley Johnston, was the only American newspaperman aboard the aircraft carrier 16exington n the Coral Sea battle. In his preceding sto- ries Johnston recounted preliminary movements of the American fleet, the air raid on Jap ships in Tulagi Harbor. the sinking of an enemy aircraft car- rier and the attack on the Lexington. This story details the last hours of the battered Lexington.) By STANLEY JOHNSTON (Copyright 1942 by The Chicago Tribune) CHICAGO. June 17.-This is the story of the Lexington's last hour. It is the story of a crew, smashed and blitzed from the air by an over- whelming enemy force, that rose to a second desperate fight when at- tacked from within by natural ene- mies that fed upon the fuels and stores within the great, valiant air- craft carrier. The fight to save the Lexington began as soon as the attack upon her had ceased that morning of last May port (left) side along the water line and below it. One heavy bomb, prob- ably a Japanese 1,000 pounder, had hit the ship's rail on the forward flight deck and on the port forward 5 inch gun position. Another lighter bomb had ripped holes in her smoke- stack and killed with its splinters several men of an anti-aircraft ma- chine gun crew stationed there. In addition to these direct hits by torpedoes and bombs, the Lexington also had been damaged to some ex- tent by scpres of near misses by Japanese dive bombers. The heavy bombs, exploding in the water at dis- tances of 100 feet to 10 feet from the carrier's sides. had rocked her and possibly had sprung certain side plates. She had taken, in the swift air battle, a six degree list to the port side as water poured through the torpedo holes. The torpedoes and bombs had damr= aged three fire rooms of the Lexing- dive bomber had flown away Com- mander H. R. (Pop) Healy had tele-. phoned to the bridge to tell Capt. Fred Sherman, the Lexington's skip- per (and since promoted to Rear Admiral: "We've got the torpedo damage temporarily shored up, the fires out and soon will have the ship back on an even keel. But I would suggest sir, that if you have to take any more torpedoes you take 'em on the starboard (right) side." The routine of a carrier in dan- gerous waters was going on. Com- mander Healy was overseeing the pumping of fuel oils from port stor- age tanks into empty tanks on the starboard side, and the list was taken off the ship and its flight deck. As soon as this was done our fighting planes, which had been in the air for durations ranging from one to three hours each, began coming back on board. The first one in was a scout bomb- plane were picked up, unharmed by the accident. Now many planes of all types be- gan returning from the attack on the Jap fleet. So normal was the Lexington's appearance that many of them did not know she had been in a fight until they were on the deck' and saw the bomb splinter scrat- ches. At 12:45 p.m. there was a heavy. dull explosion 'inside the hull. I was standing on the flight deck and my knees buckled as the ship shook. Go- ing below with damage parties I found that the blast had come from deep within, and had twisted heavy, steel, watertight doors from their hinges. Fires at a number of points in the opened holds were burning fiercely, These were being fed fresh air through bent and twisted scuttles that had given way along with the watertight compartment doors. A scuttle is a thick steel hatch which closes off entrances between decks. had thrown Commander Arthur J. White, the ship's surgeon, through one of his hospital doors, breaking his collarbone and one ankle. The second explosion camecabout 25 minutes after the first. It was the beginning of a series that ulti- mately came at intervals of a few seconds. After the third and fourth explo- sions the navigator reported that the steering apparatus for the Lexington,. which had functioned perfectly in the battle and up to that time, had failed, This failure was due to the loss - of electric power for the bridge control. Men were sta- tioned at the "trick wheel"-an aux- iliary wheel situated deep inside the ship where it was operated by hand. But the greatest difficulty for the navigators was the loss of electrical communications systems to pass their orders to the wheelsmen. When the fires destroyed these sys- tems a line of men was formed along