TT""F MICHI A N it A T*F-V aa nwTvp lm A v 1 11 31 1T11.. -l.VZ.a 11A117. .F.# 11 !LH 1 J. I, lswuR$KUAIXj JL*uf'X 1, Al TT.TP MCTTTCA1 IONTC ,it Si4i3IgW l lt 13J S x I The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty *&I*-- 0,, 1, . !"Wo ,.0- e00llmot B yol m llw ll i c y I IE l II Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is published every zSnorning except Monday and Tuesday. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to. the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights OX republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matte~r. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERT13ING SYB National Advertising Service, Inc. Ollege Publishers Representative 420 MADIsoN AVE. 1JEW YORK, N. Y. CMICASO * BOSTON + Los ANGLES ":SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Homer Swander . . . . Managing Editor Wil lSapp . . . . . City Editor Mike. Dann . . . . . . Sports Editor ASSOCIATE EDITORS dale Champion, John Erlwine, Robert Mantho, Irving Jaffe, Robert Preiskel Business Staff Edward Perlberg s a . Business Manager Fred M. Ginsberg . . Associate Business Manager Morton 'Hunter . . Publications Manager NIGHT EDITOR: IRVING JAFFE The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Mismanagement Causes Acute Steel Shortae. . ERHAPS the most sensational revel- ation to be made to the American people in the last two months is the disclosure that we are so short of steel that vital ship and plane production is already beginning to suffer and will do so increasingly from now on. The public hasn't been told in so many wor;s that the situation is such, but it is to be inferred from several important recent actions of the War Production Board. We won't quarrel about why steel and production moguls didn't let us in on the dreadful secret, but we must inquire how the shortage came about. (Tis week's Plastic Ring-Brass Rings aban- doened for the huration-goes to Howard and David Corcoran, two undiscovered members of the brain trust family.) WASHINGTON-For a long time official Washington never knew that the celebrated 'Tommy "the Cork" Corcoran ever had anyone else, in his family. The public spotlight which' beat down on him as the most intimate adviser of the President was so intent that it put every- one else in the shadow. fecently, however, Washington has discovered two of his brothers. In fact, it has become very much aware of them. One is Howard Corcoran, assistant United States district attorney in New York, the man primarily responsible for the wholesale arrests in the German-American Bund. For more than a year, Howard Corcoran waged an up-hill battle to round up the Bund. Other federal officials argued that the Bund could not be touched, most of the members being American citizens. Some of the leaders might be arrested, but that was all, they said. Bund's Nemesis Howard Corcoran, however, maintained that the proper strategy was not to arrest the leaders and scare the others underground, but to watch the entire organization, then make wholesale arrests. This quiet surveillance was carried on for more than a year, and resulted in the largest arrest in our history. David Corcoran, the other brain trust brother, is fighting the Nazis in a unique manner. He has become the chief American spearhead in routing the Nazi drug trust from South America. To appreciate the importance of this, it is necessary to know that the drug industry for years has been the chief undercover organiza- tibn for Nazi propaganda in Latin America. Nazi traveling salesmen, penetrating the byways, were able to report on everything a foreign mili- tary power wanted to know, in addition to ar- ranging political contacts, and using radio and newspaper advertisements to spread Nazi "kul- tur" among Latin American good neighbors. So important is this drug propaganda network that until a short time ago the Nazis flew essen- tial drugs into South merica, smuggled aspirin from 'the United States through pro-Nazi Latin American armies and, thanks to the lar stocks accumulated before war broke, have continued to carry on. Guns Turned Around It is paradoxical that the commercial instru- ment through which Corcoran works is a firm that for a time had patent connections with the German drug trust. Corcoran's firm, the Sydney Ross So., is a sub- sidiary of Sterling Products, the biggest drug business in the U.S.A. Its enormous resources, once partially derived from its relationship with the German drug trust, now have been com- pletely reversed and, through Sydney Ross, thrown into an economic war to the death in Latin America. As one Washington official ex- pressed it: "We have boarded the Bismarck and turned her guns around." Dave Corcoran, the driving force behind the Latin American Sydney Ross venture, got to it in a roundabout way, in fact via Asia. Origin- ally he was preparing for a medical career, but a girl diverted him into Asiatic trade. When he was graduated from Princeton, he was entered at Oxford for medical studies, but he fell in love and wanted to get married. His father insisted he have a professional education first. A medi- cal course would take several years, so Dave fished through college catalogues to find the .professional education requiring the least time. He took a two-year course at the Harvard Busi- ness School. Romance Changes Career At the end of the course, he married his girl and went to work for an Asiatic trading com- pany. In the Far East, he became Tokyo manager of General Motors, saw the movement through Japan of the first military trucks for the con- quest of Manchukuo, left General Motors to sell American, pharmaceuticals for Sterling Products in China, the Philippines, Malaya and India. Later, Corcoran was lent to Washinton as president of China Defense Supplies, Inc., of the Lend-Lease Corporation, and was the first of the crusaders to get supplies up the Burma Road, to make up for the trucks he had sent into Man- churia ten years ago. About this time Sterling Products promised the Justice Department to compensate for its previous partnership with the Germans by trying to drive' the German drug business off the commercial map of Latin Amer- ica. It seemed an impossible job. But Sterling fished Dave Corcoran out of its pocket and put him in charge of an economic drive against the key item in the German line- aspirin, which had been trademarked and adver- tised in Latin America for nearly 20 years And had a practical monopoly. Corcoran had to be- gin from scratch with a new name. The Germans had stocks carefully accumulated against the lossibility of war. Corcoran had to export from the U.S.A., often by the air, as submarines handicapped shipping routes. The Germans had a solid, 65-year-old organization; Corcoran had only' a handful of young Ameri- cans. , Dave Goes Into Action The way the Sydney Ross Co. swung into action still has Latin America gasping. Cor- coran called in his old team from all over the world and scoured the lists for every good export man he had ever known. In six months, the Latin American organiza- tion had tripled. The new trade name mejoral" became the subject of the biggest American pro- motion job in Latin American history. Overnight, Sydney Ross became the biggest radio and newspaper advertiser and the biggest sound and movie truck operator in Latin Amer- ica. For the first time the American Govern- ment has a Latin American "sales" organization comparable to anything the Germans ever had in their commercial conquests. This organiza- tion covers not only the city areas, but follows the trail of the famous German peddler and hi mule throughout the interior. , The success of the drive has been phenomenal. Wherever Sydney 'Ross can get supplies it is already consistently outselling the Germans and has developed such a fierce competitive tech- nique that anti-monopoly cranks in Washing- ton already are moe' concerned that Sydney Ross will dominate the market than lambasting the Germans. All of which causes Dave Corcoran to remark: "Monopoly! About the same kind of monopoly the Marines had at Wake Island!" An Axe To Grind By TORQUEMAPA (The following column is written by your colum- nist, who agrees fully with everything he has to say . . . . Torquemada.) THE FIRST THING is that we have become too involved in the smooth intricacy of using the first person plural and from now on ego rides in the saddle. I thdught it would be a good idea to keep from punctuating every third or second sentence with a screaming collegiate "I," but it's too much trouble, an too artificial for me to do otherwise. * * * * A story of the army comes from Al Dann, ex-Daily editorial director. Imagine Fort Custer at 5:30 in the morning. A bunch of rookies straggle out, tired, sleepy, and disheveled. A rookie tall, gangly, and corn-fed, only a few1 days in the -army himself, looked scornfully atJ the bunch as though he could stand it no longer; then turned to the guy next to him with a per- fect imitation of Groucho Marx imitating an Army sergeant, "And they expect me to make soldiers out of this." * * .* * While we're with old campus biggies, Jack Grady, last year's Union secretary, than whom no high-pressurer ever pressured higher, is now working for the Pet Milk corporation. Good luck, Jack. SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 1942 VOL. LII No. 34-S All Notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session before 3:30 psm. of the day preceding its publication except on Saturday, when the notices should be submitted before 11:30 a.m. Notices The University Bureau of Appoint ments has received notice of the fol lowing State of Michigan Civil Serv ice Examinations. Closing date i August 19, 1942, except in the las case, which is August 27, 1942. Prison Physician III, $250 pe month. Highway Designing Engineer I $155 per month. Highway Designing Engineer II $200 per month. KeypDrive Calculator Clerk CI $105 per month. Key Drive Calculator Clerk B $115 per month. Sanatorium Physician II, $200 pe month. Public Health Laboratory Scien tist VII, $650 per month. Prison Farm Superintendent III $250 per month. Utilities Property Assessment Ex aminer III, $250 per month. Utilities Property Assessment Ex- aminer IV, $325 per month. Liquor Stores Executive III, $25( per month.I Liquor Stores Executive II, $20( per month. Photographic Laboratory Techni- cian I, $155 per month. Junior Professional Assistant, Au- gust 27, 1942, $2,000 per year. This examination is being givenefor th benefit of Seniors. There are no op-. tions, but students are particularl3 desired in -the fields of Public Ad- ministration, Business Administra- tion, Economics, Library Science Statistics, and Mathematics throug Calculus. Further information may be hac from the notices which are on file ir the office of the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hour 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Academic Notices School of Music Students may se- cure complimentary tickets to th song recital to be given at 8:30 p.m Monday, August 10, by Blair M- Cosky, baritone, by applying at th office of the School of Music before the end of this week. Due to th limited seating capacity of the As- sembly Hall of the Rackham Build- ing, admission is by ticket only, anc after August 3 any remaining tickets will be available to the general pub- lic. Exchange Fellowships and Profes- sorships Leaflets and other informa- tion pertaining to the Exchange fellowships and professorships in Latin-America provided by the gov- ernment of the United States under the convention for the promotion of inter-American cultural relations can be obtained in the office of the In- ternational Center by anyone inter- ested. Senior Chemical Engineers, Me- chanical Engineers, and Chemists: Mr. A. A. Scullin of the Texas Com- pany will interview seniors in Room 3201 East Engineering Building qn Monday, August 3rd. Sign interview list in Room 2028 East Engineering Building.' Students, College of Engineering: The final day for removal of incom- pletes will be Saturday, Augut 8. Petitions for extension of time should be filed in the Secretary's Of- fice at once. The final day for dropping courses without record will be Saturday, August 8. A course may be dropped only with the permission of the classifier, after conference with the irnstructor. Consumer Education Exhibit may be seen daily at the Michigan League. Hours-11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Notice to Students in the College of Literture, Science and the Arts: Students transferring to a new course during the second half of the Summer Term, or to a new instructor in the same course, are hereby noti- fied that the first half of the Sum- mer Term will end on August 5th and the second half of the Summer Term, will begin on August 6th. L. S. Woodburne, Assistant Dean Engineering Faculty: There will be a meeting of the Faculty of this college on Tuesday, August 4th at' 4:15 p.m. in Room 348. A. H. Lovell, Assistant Dean and Secretary Students and Faculty of the Latin and Greek Departments will meet for a Coffee Hour and Round-table discussion of teaching problems on Tuesday, August 4, at 4:10, in the East Conference Room of Rackhaam Building.I T3 Q - r " i L . . , ,,,:z ,... t "I was just thinking. Willis-ene iy planes coming to bomb our vic- tory gardens might overshoot their mark and hit that aircraft factory!" l School. 4:05 p.m., Tuesday, August 4, (University High Auditorium.) Weekly Review of the W r, by Pro- fessor Howard M. Ehrmann, Depart- ment of History. 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, August 4, 'Rackham Amphitheatre.) Lectures on Statistical Methods. Professor C. C. Craig will give' the second of his series of lectures on "The Control of Quality of Manu- factured Products" on Tuesday, Au- gust 4, at 8 p.m., in 43011 A.H. All persons interested are cordially in- vited. Events Today Dancing: This evening from 9-12 at the Michigan League. Come with or without a partner. Graduate Student -Dance: 9_12 There is no doubt about the acuteness of the shortage. Andrew Jackson Higgins and his novel shipbuilding schemes were smashed by lack of steel priority-when he was ready to produce America's most vitally needed pro- duct. Henry Ford's Willow Run plant plans were cut because of the steel shortage and much needed future bomber construction was liven up beeausQ of the steel shortage. In fact original plans for 190,000 men were cut to plans for 60,000 men. p.m., Saturday, Rackham Ballroom, Lounge and Terrace. Single and couple admissions. "Letters to Lucene,"-by the Michigan Repertory Players of the Department of Speech. Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Last performance this evening at 8:30. Academic Notces Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate. for August or September, 1942 are requested to call at the office of the School of Education be- fore August 10 to take the Teacher Oath which is a requiremernt for the certificate. .I I Elsewhere all over the country, less-publicized but almost equally important war factories are being forced to cut or halt production. All this because of a steel shortage. Where did this sudderi and amazingly com- plete lack of the precious metal come from;? From what unexpected sources did it spring? Unexpected it must have been, for certainly the WPB did not indicate that any serious ethreat was upon us, in fact did not even predicate its actions upon such a theory. WE IN NORMAL TIMES can produce about 91,000,000 tons of steel in a year. Because of scrap shortage we can produce but about. 85,000,000 tons this year. That's still a lot of steel and plenty for all peacetime needs. But in time of war steel is like oil-something with- out which modern armies are helpless, and so although nothing has been publicly said about it, many government officials realized that we needed an expanded capacity as far back as 1939. But we didn't get it, for the steel industry said it could take care of all needs and then some, and Roosevelt, grinning with satisfaction over the statement, believed it. Thus while needs have shot far beyond the rosiest steel production hopes, we have not had enough capacity to take care of it. But that is only our first mistake; there have been others which unnecessarily decimated our al- ready too small supply. Principal reason for all this peculiarly un- publicized waste was a lack of adequate control in the War Production Board set-up. Not until July 1 was there an actual mechanism for ac- counting for what happens to American steel. Not until then was WPB certain of how steel was being used and where-and by that time it was too late. Thus because of this complete lack of control, manufacturers with large stockpiles-but with- cut permission 'to do anything with them-sold them on the black market, bootlegged them to the highest bidder. BUT NOW stockpiles amount to about 17,000,- 000 tons while peacetime inventories never found more than 4,000,000 tons on hand. Other misuse has been charged to the Army and the Navy who according to Walter R. Reuther have practically thrown away 2,500,000 Examination Schedule for Week Courses in Education: Time of Regular Class Meetings 8 a.m. 9 a.m. 10 a.m. 11 a.m. 1 p.m. 2 p.m., 3 p.m. Time of Examinations Fri., 4_6 p.m. Sat., 7-9 a.m. Sat., 1-3 p.m. Sat., 9:J1 a.m. Sat., 11-1 p.m. Fri., 2-4 p.m. Sat., a3-5 p.m. Six- Is Sugar Rationing Really Necessary? * O ATIONING OF SUGAR speaks of the government's evident belief that the public has little interest in winning this war. The rationing program is an efficient set-up, and is working well. But what does such a program indicate? The OPA says that rationing means "share and share alike." War time usually makes the public ready to sacrifice life, property and time for the common good. They are ready then to voluntarily "share and share alike." The government has said to its people, "Chil- dren, you can have only this much." And react- ing in a child-like fashion they retaliated by worshiping every granule of the white stuff. In the last war sugar rationing was accomplished -by the individual. Have the people changed so radically that they can no longer be careful of this precious commocdity? NOW CONSCIOUS that they"'are entitled to a certain amount of sugar the public greedily consumes it. Customers who never touched sugar before demand their quota for every cup of tea. One hotel manager found that the return of the sugar bowl (rapidly becoming extinct) saved more than the question, "Sugar in your tea?" Consider the cost of doleing out this commod- ity. Dozens of men put in 15 and 16 hours a day for weeks on end before War Ration Book One was ready for distribution. All the school super- intendents in the country had to be instructed in the registration program. ND REMEMBER the days of registration last May. 1,250,000 public school teachers spent three days registering the civilian population. Tons of paper have gone into the necessary Mail is being held for Mr. Carmen Baggerly in the Museums. Coming Events' Graduate Outing Club: Everyone planning to go to Greenfield Village Sunday, August 2, must be at the Greyhound Bus Station ready to take the 2 o'clock bus; Purchase your own round-trip ticket which, will cost $1.42. Swimming or canoe trip planned for Sunday, August 2, at 2:30 for Graduate Outing Club members not interested in going to Detroit. Please sign up by Sat. noon at information desk, Rackham Building. 'Approxi- mate cost $1.00, deposit $.25. Avukah, the Student Zionist Or- ganization, will hold another of its communal suppers at the Hillel Foundation this Sunday at 6:30. A short discussion on the Avukah pro- gram will be followed by group sing- ing. Reservations may be made by :calling Netta Siegal at 2-2868 before 12:00 noon Sunday. The cost of the supper is 35c. The first of a series of three re- citals by Gilbert Ross, violinist, .and Mabel Ross Rhead, pianist, of the School of Music faculty, will be pre- sented Monday evening, August 3, at 8:30 in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building. The program will. be devoted. to three Beethoven sonatas, and admission is by ticket only, due to the limited seating ca- pacity of the hall. Bridge Monday evening from 8 un- til 10:30 at the Michigan League. tions may b'e made through the of- fice of the Romance Languages D- partment. The Regular Tuesday Evening ke- corded' Program in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building is can- celled because of the Faculty Con- cent to be given on the same evening in Hill Auditorium.' The ROTC 4)rum and Bugle Corps will meet Tuesday, August 4, at 7:30. All ROTC freshmen who are inter- ested in playing in the corps should report at that time. The meeting will be held in the ROTC hall, The English Journal Club will meet at 7:45 p.m., Tuesday, August 4, in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Professor Cleanth Brooks will speak ton "Rel- vance in Poetry: What Belongs There." All graduate students mi Eng- lish are invited. 1 The faculty concert planned for 8:30 Tuesday evening, August 4, in Hill Auditorium will include a group of works for organ played by Frieda Op't Holt, English songs by Thelma Lewis, and2Sonataquasi una fan- tasia, Op. 27, No. 2, by Beethoven, which John Kollen will present as his portion of the program. The concert is open to the general public. Faculty Concert: Thelma Lewis, Frieda Qp't Holt and John Kollen of the School of Music will present a program of compositions for or- gan, voice and piano at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 4, in Hill Auditor- ium, to which the general public is invited. - Miss Op't Holt has chosen organ works by Marcello, Bach, Rameau and Pachelbel to open the program, the fifth in the current series of reg- ular faculty concerts. Miss Lewis will be accompanied by Miss Mary Fish- burne in her group of English songs, and Mr. Kollen will bring the pro- gram to a close with Beethoven's Sonata quasi una fantasia, Op. 27, No. 2 for piano. Women In Education: Luncheon, Russian Tea Room, Michigan League, Wednesday, August 5, 11:45 to 1:00. Dr. Elzada Clover, Instructor in Bot- any and Assistant Curator in the Botanical Gardens, will speak on "Some Adventures in the Southwest," Come and bring a friend. Graduate Coffee Hour, Wednesday, August 5, at 4:30 in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building. All Grad- uate Students, Faculty, and frieids are invited, Bridge Wednesday afternoon from 2 until 4:30 at the Michigan League. Coffee hour at 4:30 in the Rackham Building. Speech Students: The activities of the Speech Clinic will be the subject of the departmental assem- bly at 3 p.m. Wednesday in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Movies of the ClInic will be shown, and a typi- cal case will be reviewed. All speech students should attend. Churches' Zion Lutheran Church Servies will be held at 10:30 a.m. with Rev. Stellhorn speaking on "Do You Know Godi?" The .text is taken from Acts' 17:16-34. Trinity Lutheran Church will hold Church Services at 10:30 a.m. Rod- erick Anderson, President of the Ohio Valley Region of the L.S.A., will speak on "The Lord Invites Us." The Lutheran Student Association will meet at the Parish Hall at 4 *, * * YOU MAY have wondered about why there were so many guest columns running in this spot lately (at least I hope you have). It's al- most like a big executive who can't do account- ing so he gets someone else to do the accounting for him. My big idea was to 'run the two good ,ones that appeared Sunday and Thursday, and then get some Union staff member to write a lousy one for Union points, so the quality con- trast between the guests and myself wouldn't start people to thinking, but I failed in that. Anyway, I might as well explain that the guest column is rather strictly for Daily people, past and present, and may Letters to the Editor take