Weather Slightly Cooler t 4! aiI Editorial Mismanagement Causes Acute Steel Shortage. VOL. LII No. 34-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 1942 2:15 A.M. FINAL Nelson Backs Kaiser's Plan; Program May Be Given O.K. WPB Chief Gives Virtual Promise Of 'Go Signal' To Production Of Huge Cargo Bearing Aircraft Lack Of Materials Is Chief Obstacle By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 31. - War Production Chief Donald M. Nelson virtually promised today to give Henry J. Kaiser tlie "go signal" to build a fleet of giant cargo and troop carrying planes in his west coast shipyards if engines and other ma- terials can be spared from the pres- ent military aircraft program. Declaring that the War Production Board has been "keenly aware for some time of the necessity for more and bigger cargo planes," Nelson said in a statement that he was "mudh in- terested" In Kaiser's offer to build a fleet of 5,000 huge aircraft on ways now being used to ,construct ships. "If it develops," the WPB chair- man said, "that. the engines and otheft components needed for these planes can be built without disrupt- ing the present military aircraft pro- gram, which is our No. 1 war essen- tial, he will gt plenty of action." Followed Kaiser Statement Nelson's statement followed an an- nouncement made earlier by Kaiser F, before a Senate military subcommit- tee that the WPB chairman had given full support to the cargo plane proposal. Kaiser said conversion of a part 'of his shipyard capacity could be undertaken immediately upon re- ceipt of a "go signal" from war pro- duction authorities. . I Some indication as to whether en- gines and other materials 'could be made available may be contained in a report of a special committee named by Nelson late in May to study expansion of the air transport problem. That report will be pub- lished within one or two days, Nelson said. Surprised Officials Nelson's reaction to the kaiser plan surprised many officials, be- r cause WPB airc aft officials at first voiced skepticisn about the feasibil- ity of building huge 70-ton cargo planes of the lenn Martin "Mars" ytype _in shipbuildin g plants.J Chairman Lee (Dein.-Okla.), one of the Senate suppoiters of the cargo program, told Kaiser he hoped the joint Army-Navy aeronautics com- mittee on construction could be shaken out of their "prudence" to give their support, too. Kaiser submitted to the committee a general outline of a design for 100- ton flying boats patterned after the 70-ton Mars. Mars Is Successful The Mars pattern should be adopt- ed at once, he said, because it "is a successful ship." He added, however, that 40 or more of his engineers were at work on a special cargo plane and that diversion of part of his ship- yard capacity could be undertaken, immediately upon receipt of "a go signal." The problem of turning out hun- dreds of cargo ships, he said, "is a joint one," and should enlist the sup- port of Glenn Martin, the bomber builder of Baltimore. Tom Girdler, the steel magnate, and all others with knowledge of ship and plane building. Supreme Court Denies Plea Of Nazi Saboteurs Highest Tribunal Agrees With President's Decision To BringSpies Before Military Commission Red Army Retreat To Caucasus By RICHARD L. TURNER Associated Press Staff Writer WASHINGTON, July 31.-The Su- preme Court briskly refused today to let the alleged Nazi saboteurs escape military judgment by taking refuge in the civil courts and in ,the civil liberties established for this nation's loyal citizens. In a swiftly-moving, four-minute session it upheld the legality of Pres- ident Roosevelt's orders that they be tried by a military commission. And, asserting that their detention by the Army was lawful, it refused to free them by issuing a writ of habeas corpus. The court did, however, assert its authority to pass upon this applica-. tion of the President's wartime pow- ers. It assumed jurisdiction over the case, an action which many inter- prete; as the court's way of saying that war or no war the protection of the courts is still open to all who may rightfully claim a haven in them. - Military Commission Free The sum total result of the ruling was, of course, that the military commission is free to proceed with its trial of the men, and that unless reversed by the President himself, the sentence which the commission imposes will stand. The prisoners are withrut further avenues of ap- peal. Even before the court met, how- ever, the commission had resumed its sessions, with the prosecution and . the defense beginning their final arguments. Obviously, the case was moving swiftly toward its conclusion. With the announcement of its de- cision, the court ended a brief and spectacular special term, called for the purpose of passing upon the case of the alleged saboteurs. Two Days Of Arguing Two days were spent in presenting arguments, which, stripped of their legal patois, boiled down to: A contention by the defense that the President acted illegally and un- constitutionally in establishing the' military commission to try the men; and that all citizens, including lne- mies and aliens, are entitled to the protection of the courts. An assertion by the government that the proceedings have been fully justified by the Constitution and the Planes Battle Over Franee 11 Nazi Aircraft Downed In RAF Bombing aids LONDON, July 31.--)-Hundreds of British and German fighters- Spitfires against Messerschmitts and the Nazi's newest Focke-Wulf 190's -engaged in tremendous air duels over northern France today as the RAF carried out intensive bomber and strafing raids on the Abbeville airdrome and the St. Malo docks. Eleven German planes including three Focke-Wulf fighters were shot down in the dogfights. Four Messer- schmitts fell to . American Eagle Squadron pilots, Flight Lieut. S. R. Edner, of San Jose, Calif., and Pilot Officer Barry Mahon, of Santa Bar- bara, Calif. Each got two. Norwegians flying with the British accounted for three of the Nazi planes. The British lost eight Spitfires. Meanwhile Nazi planes roared again over England on assaults de- scribed officially as the beginning of a sustained new aerial offensive against the British Isles. opening the night's Nazi offensive, two German planes bombed the southwest cast of England, "doing some damage," the British acknowl- edged. laws of war; and that enemies have no standing in the civil courts. At noon today the court was ready with its decision. Chief Justice Stone looked out over a half-filled courtroom, leaned upon his elbows and began reading a brief announcement of the decision. "The court holds: " (1) That the charges preferred by the petitions on which they are being tried by military commission appointed by the order of the Presi- dent of July 2, 1942, allege an, offense which the President is authorized to order tried before a military com- mission. ' "(2) That the military commission was lawfully constituted. "(3) That petitioners are held in lawful custody, for trial before the military commission and have not shown cause for being discharged by writ of habeas corpus. "The motions for leave to file peti- tiops for writs of habeas' corpus are denied." Allied Actions Hint At Early Second Front Russian Request Believed Reason For Decision To FightOn Continent LONDON, July 31.-W)-Mounting British and American offensive prep- arations coupled with continuing strategy conferences caused observ- ers to believe tonight that a decision has been reached to aid the impatient Russian allies with as quick and posi- tive action in Western Europe as their combined resources will permit. Thee were signs that the Russians had laid the cards on the table and told' their allies that the time for a diversion in the West is here. Delivery Difficult The difficulty of delivering war supplies to the Soviet over the bomb- splashed Northern Sea to Murmansk, and the danger that the Red Army may be stripped of its offensive power to aid a western drive of the Allies if action is delayed too long were seen as factors of urgency in the situa- tion. Of great moment, too, was the as- sertion of British military sources today that Japan has concentrated nearly 400,000 troops on the 1,000- mile Soviet frontier from LakeBaikal eastward and "there is little doubt they are planning to attack" from Manchukuo. This source said that the Japanese had been busy building roads and rail communications and that August and September are the best months for a military campaign in that area. Seize Air Bases Some observers believed that the need for a diversion and a solution of the Murmansk supply problem might point to one answer-seizure of Axis air bases in Scandinavia to provide air protection for Arctic convoys. Meanwhile in efforts to discourage the Allies and buck up themselves, German propaganda agencies were pounding on the theme of Germany's' western coastal defenses, which were described as "stronger than the Maginot Line." The attention Germany was giv- ing to the situation was indicated by 'a Reuters report, said to have orig- inated in Vichy, that the occupation forces had held a practice "invasion alarm" at a German seabase on the English Channel last night with sea, land and air forces taking part. Continues, But Reinforcements Stall NazisNorth OfStalingrad Prwtn, R p~I, a 4> 0 ainst Dogged Battle Goes On At Tsimlyansk . ; Wrilliam Peie Two Associteso Climax Of Trial Is Reached As Evidence Reveals Activities Beyond Confines Of America INDIANAPOLIS, July 31.--UP)- The government late today rested its case against William Dudley Pelley, Silver Shirt leader, and two associ- ates, charged with criminal sedition, and as a climax introduced docu- mentary evidence which hinted his activities might "go beyond the con- fines of America." Oscar R. Ewing, special prosecutor, read to the jury excerpts froth copies of two letters the government alleges were written by Pelley to Dr. John R. Brinkley, deceased, one-time, "goat gland" specialist, and Col. E. N. Sanctuary of New York, retired. Sanctuary Indicted (Colonel Sanctuary was indicted July 21 in Federal Court at Washing- ton, D.C., for criminal sedition and conspiracy.) The excerpt from the Aug. 14, 1941, letter the government claims was written to Dr. Brinkley, read by Ewing to the jury, said: "I think the time has come to con- sider that everything I have done up to now has been preparatory to the real gesture of strting something that literally sweeps the United States and drives the luciferians into the two oceans. Beyond America "In time, I am not so sure that it isn't going beyond the confines of America because already I find my- self a mightier personage than my own breed here is yet willing to ac- credit. "My 'drag' in Japan is so great that if it were not for the war struc-4 I ture I could launch a branch of the Galileans there overnight. I have letters from prominent Japanese sol- iciting that I do some such thing and' offering me every practical assis- tance in it. Flying Carrier Ship D'esigned New Type Of Construction Permits 'Unusual Load WASHINGTON, July 31.-U)- Aircraft engineers disclosed before a Senate military subcommittee today that they had designed a revolu- tionary type of flying-cargo plane which would be lifted and propelled by a unique conibination of engines, helium gas and air tunnels. The plane could be used; they said, as a sky-roaming carrier of a dozen speedy fighting airplanes. The engineers were Horace Chap- man Young and Eric Langlands of the Aerodynamics Research Corpor- ation. A description of the craft was given the same Senate group which heard Henry J. Kaiser. Oregon ship- builder, offer to build giant cargo planes for transporting military equipment and supplies to the fight- ing fronts. Young told Chairman Lee (Dem.- Okla.) of the subcommittee, that his corporation was seeking government encouragement, although no finan- cial aid, to build a flying model. "As for Germany and Europe, did I . tell you that just before the war broke out, every member of the Nazi court, including Herr Hitler himself, had read my book, 'Behold Life,' and was classing it as exactly the type of religion Nazi Germany could em- brace?" Judge Robert C. Baltzell recessed the trial until Monday morning af- ter the correspondence was intro- duced, 'Earlier the government offered evidence intended to prove that Pel- ley's writings were similar to Axis propaganda and did not reflect American sentiment about the war. Harold Graves, Jr., 27, director of the FCC's foreign broadcast intelli- gence division and former director of the Princeton University listening post, testified there were 14 types of "argumentative persuasion" German propaganda broadcasts, based on such themes as: "The United States is internally corrupt" . . . "The foreign policies of the' United States are morally un- justifiable" . . . "The President of the United States (and Prime Minister Churchill) is reprehensible, a war- monger and a liar and a tool of Communists, Jews and plutocrats" . "The United States (and Great Britain) are weak and lack material and manpower" Army Orders 'Blackout Test Set For Aug. 12 By The Associated Press LANSING, July 31. - Forty-one southern Michigan counties will join in a three-state air raid blackout test August 12 ordered by the Army, it was announced today by the execu- tive office and State Defense Coun- cil. Michigan participation in the ex- periment was asked by the com- manding general of the Sixth Ser- vice Command at Chicago in a tele- gram to Governor Van Wagoner It asked that the blackout cover Michigan south of the; northern boundaries of the Oceana - Bay county line from 11 to 11:30 p.m. on the night of Wednesday. Aug. 12. It also will cover parts of Illinois and Wisconsin. Upon receipt of the telegram, the State Defense Council began the pre- paration of telegraphic orders to all county defense committees in the "alerted" area. The council staff said important street, airport and railway lights would be exempted from the blackout, as well as hospitals and war production plants, but it was pointed out that many plants have been working on their own blackout methods and may join in the state alert. The council said 168 blackouts have been held by Michigan counties and municipalities already, and that much of the area involved has had at least one, experience with a blackout trial. 4 i 3 t 1 1 i J Against Enemy Crossing Don River; Local Fighting Grows At Leningrad By EDDY GILMORE Associated Press Correspondent MOSCOW, Aug. 1 (Saturday). -The Red Army has retreated deeper into the western Caucasus below Bataisk, but reinforced Soviet legions were reported early today to have stalled a big Nazi drive in the Kletskaya area some 80 miles northwest of Stalingrad, where the Russians rushed trainloads of reserves to the front. In the third critical area of the south, a midnight communique said one Russian unit defending the Don River barrier in the Tsimlyansk sector, 120 miles upstream from Rostov, had killed more than 1,000 Germans who had effected a crossing of that barrier. The communique said of the new retreat south and southeast 'of Bataisk: "After bloody battles our units fell back to new positions. The Germans lost 13 tanks, 18 guns and more than 600 men kille'd in these battles." P ontiac Strk eIn the Kletskaya battle, the Rus- sians reported, the Red Army was O I .AFLfhurling captured German tanks im- mediately into the battle against the Nazis. W orkers Ends It was in the Kletskaya area that press dispatches said the Russian re- ~~~serves had arrived in armored trains Van Wagoner Successful to stem the Nazi drive in the Don AgRiver elbow. In Arbitrating Grocery "In the area of Tsimlyansk stub- Dispute Of Rival Unions born fighting went on against enemy groups which had crossed to the By The Associated Press southern bank of the Don in a sector PONTIAC, July 31.-A dispute over held by one of our 'units," the com- CIO and AFL 'efforts to organize munique continued. grocery clerks, which caused a shut- Tanks, Guns Destroyed down of two war production units "Nine German tanks, 15 guns, 23 here today, ended late this afternoon machine guns and eight mortar bat- with an agreement to arbitrate. teries were destroyed. The enemy Governor Murray D. Van Wagoner lost more than 1,000 officers and announced the agreement at Detroit, men." after most of the food stores in this A resurgence of "local fighting" industrial center had closed from on the Leningrad front also was dis- lack of supplies or because of picket closed, the communique saying that activity. artillery-supported Russians repulsed The governor said AFL and CIO two German attempts to regain posi- unions had agreed to withdraw all tions which the Soviets had cap- pickets and permit deliveries of food- tured. stuffs, to cease all interference with German dive-bombers supported war production, and to accept the the Nazi charges, but five of the decision of an arbiter to be named planes were shot down and the Ger- by the War Labor Board. mans lost 300 men, the communique At Washington, the board an- reported. nounced it had appointed David A. Another 300 Nazis were reported Wolff, a Detroit attorney, as arbi- killed when Russian guerrillas in the trator. - Leningrad district derailed two Nazi Wilson Appeals troop trains. Before Van Wagoner's announce- The Russians apparently made no ment, the dispute had brought a further offensive attempts in the threat to tie up truck transportation Voronezh sector on the upper Don throughout Michigan, and an appeal yesterday, but the Nazis were re- by C. E. Wilson, president of General ported to have suffered heavily in' Motors Corp., for federal action. a pair of unsuccessful counterattacks The war plants closed were those I there. U. S., British Forces Raid Axis In Egypt CAIRO, July 3L.-(R)-U.S. Army and heavy British bombers joned in a violent attack on Tobruk lastnight while British naval aircraft raided Matruh, the Axis port closest to the desert front line, and scored hits on two ships. After hitting .at the Matruh har- bor the naval planes roared inland and made direct hits on what appar- ently were Axis fuel and munitions dumps. Fires set off at Matruh could be seen 30 miles away, the British said.f The visibility over Tobruk was poor but the raid nevertheless was described as successful. of GM's Pontiac Motor Division and of the Baldwin Rubber Co. Thou- sands of workers were affected. Wilson addressed his appeals to Secretary Knox of the Navy and -to Donald Nelson of the War Produc- tion Board. In a separate telegram to Dean Wayne L. Morse of the War Labor Board, Wilson said: "To shut down war production over a dispute involving grocery clerks none of whom work in any of our plants is more than a national dis- grace. I think I can agree with you in these times it approaches trea- son." Pickets Row CIO pickets and AFL men unload- ing a meat truck at a north side chain store engaged in a brief fight this afternoon, with some stones be- ing thrown, but no one seriously hurt. The clerks' dispute has smouldered for a week, since members of the Retail Clerks' Union (AFL) started picketing independent stores oper- ated by members of the Oakland County Food Dealers Association. Association members, reporting threats of a boycott by some custo- mers who are CIO unionists em- ployed in war plants here, voted to sign contracts with, the United Wholesale, Retail and Department Store Employes' Union (CIO). I0,000 Nipponese In Aleutian Islands WASHINGTON, July 31.-()-A Navy spokesman estimated today that the Japanese had thrown a force of possibly 10,000 men into the western Aleutian Islands, of which about half are actually occupying territory ashore and half are either manning or livinr on warshins and Transport Sunk A 15,000-ton enemy transport was announced sunk in the Barents Sea. The Russians were using every- thing from hard-riding descendants Af Genghis Khan's warriors to Amer- ican-made tanks and planes in turn- ing beck repeated attacks in the Kletskaya area nearest, industrial Stalingrad. As the thunder of battle rose to a new crescendo along the 300-.ile Don front, the Soviet press raised a cry to the Red Army to stand firm- "Die but don't retreat!" Jap Patrols Take Intiti~ve In, Austrqlia New University Pension Plan Creates Fund For All NonFaculty Employes Army Pilot Killed As Plane Crashes Near War Factory NEWARK, N. J., July 31.-P)-An Army basic training plane crashed in a parking lot alongside a war plant in busy Frelinghuysen Avenue tonight, killing the pilot, a lieuten- ant-colonel, and leaving the fate of .a passenger in doubt. MaJor Oliver Holden of the First By ROBERT PREISKEL A new University pension plan, de- signed to afford security to office employes, truck-drivers, painters, library workers and all other non- faculty staff members, was an- nounced to University employes yes- terday. Under the plan. the first perma- nent contributory one proposed for* non-faculty employes on the campus, both the University and the workers will contribute to a fund which will permit retirement at the age of 70. to a maximum of thirty. For example, an employe whose av- erage annual compensation has been $1,500 during the five year period and who has worked twenty years for the University, would receive an annual pension of $450 per year, which would be paid in monthly installments. According to Prof. Harry C. Carver. of the mathematics department, con- tributions to the retirement fund will vary with the income of the workers. In cases where the annual income is $1,500 or over, both the employe and will receive full benefits of the plan although he has made no contribu- tion to it. If a person becomes un- able to work earlier than the age of 70, his case will be considered on its individual merits. Because of the increasing cost of living and employes' obligation to buy war bonds, payments to the fund will not be begun until one year from now, and perhaps not until the end of the war, said Prof. Carver. A temporary plan, beginning July 1. 1942. has been established, and By The ?associated Press GENERAL MacARTHTR'S HEAD QUARTERS, Australia, July 31 - The Australian front, quiescent for nearly three months since the Coral Sea battle, is becoming active again with the Japanese showing signs of taking the initiative. Since landing July 2 in the GBuna- Gona area of northeast New Guinea, Japanese jungle patrols in the last 10 da.ys have pushed[ 55 miles through the low grasslands and foothills of the towering Owen Stanley ange1 a penetration that has cut half the distance between their new bases and Port Moresby. First estimates of the force landed at Gona and Buna was not over 2,500 men, too small a force to undertake a land expedition against the AllIed base. But it may soon be reinforced and the Japanese apparently alrekdy have based fighting planes there to drive off Allied bombers. 1anran, ,n ya t-,a an lal .f