Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIAY YUY1, 19s c i e i.rl i ttrt tti1 1.c. The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON SIP/ ~° w !1 .s Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is published every morning except Monday and Tuesday. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the' use for republication of all news dispatches, credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights, of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, a second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. AREPRESENTSO FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertisiig Service, Inc. College Publisbers Representative, 42 MADisON Ave. *w YORK. N. Y. (tIIICAG*" - UbSTON - LOS ANOELEt - SAl rRANCISCO' Me nber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Acier Swander . . . . . Managing Editor Will Sapp . .. . City Editor Mike Dann . . . . . . Sports Editor ASSOCIATE EDITORS Hale Champion, John Erlewine, Robert Mantho, Irving Jaffe, Robert Preistcl Business Staff Edward Perlberg . . . . Business Manager Fr HM. Olnsberg . . Associate Business Manager Morton Hunter . . . . Publications Manager NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT MANTHO '4- WASHINGTON-To appreciate the difficulty of establishing a second front in Europe, it is necessary to understand the mental fears of the, man who has to make the main decision for Britain-Winston Churchill. Important background fact is that for years Winston Churchill has been haunted by the memories of Gallipoli, the disastrous second front to aid Russia in the last war. For years, when Churchill appeared at politi- cal gatherings women would fling the derisive word "Gallipoli" at him. Sometimes Britain's eqjuivalent of the Gold Star Mothers even stood dressed in black, picketing the functions which he visited, reminding him of the thousands of British boys lost at the base of Gallipoli's cliffs. Events leading up to Gallipoli were similar to those of today. In 1915,'Russia was fighting a losing war. If she did not get help, Germany seemed sure to knock her out, after which the Kaiser could concentrate all,.his forces on the West. Churchill, then First Lord of the Admiralty, led the impatient minority in the British cabinet which demanded action immediately. So an army was sent to take the Dardanelles from Turkey, then use the Black Sea to reach Russia. After nine months of terrific losses, the Brit- ish withdrew. Gallipoli was chalked up as one of the worst defeats in British history and a scar was left on the mind of Winston Churchill which ppwerfully affects his war decisions today. Churchill And Tobruk Y It is no secret that Churchill never has been enthusiastic over a second front; always hoped that the North African front might develop as a stepping stone into Italy. But since the fall of Tobruk, Churchill is re- ported to be even more worried. Churchill started to Washington on his latest trip before Tobruk was in real danger. When he got the news of Tob uk's fall, friends say he wept. To him it was e most tragic blow of the war. And To- bruk's effect upon him when it now comes to planning a seond front is readily imaginable. In addition to these understandable psycho- logical factors are inescapable military handi- caps: the fact that the French coast bristles with fortifications and guns removed from the Maginot Line: the fact that the Nazis were not able to invade England when England was much less prepared; the difficulty of shipping men and supplies to England from the U.S. and then across the Channel; the 600,000 Nailis de- fending West Europe's shores-in addition to the Nazi pool of 1,500,000 men in Germany ready to be shifted either to the English Channel or Russia, wherever needed. Bristling Nazi Defenses, The lines of fortifications along the French coast ,for instance, are in four waves: 2-The Ragged Line, a system of traps and concealed artillery which extends in jagged formation back from the coast, 1---The big guns of the shore batteries. 3--A new "Siegfried" line of machine gun nests. 4-A revamped Maginot Line. This is, what the Allied armies are up against in establishing a second front now. And yet, if that front is -delayed, we face the possibility that by next year Russia will be virtually elim- inated. Then not merely 600,000 Nazis, but 3,500,000 will be waiting across the English Channel ready for the long-planned invasion of England. That is why the decisions involving a second front are so difficult to make. Diplomatic News Cautious Cordell Hull and forthright Elmer Davis, staged a backstage sparring contest the other day which almost developed into a major row. It was over the highly controversial ques- tion of publishing diplomatic news, regarding which the State Department wants to maintain strict censorship. A State Department aide prepared a letter which was signed by Secretary Hull and ad- dressed to War Information Czar Davis. The letter stated that since Mr. Davis was in charge of war information, the State Department would retain control of foreign affairs information. In reply, Elmer Davis wrote the Secretary of State asking when it was that foreign relations had become divorced from the war. Secretary Hull, who was born of Tennessee mountaineer stock and once enjoyed a reputa- tion for verbal feuding, was about to repily with a hot letter, when one of his aides advised that he and Davis get together personally and straighten things out instead of hurling a lot of written brickbats. Capital Chaff Mike McDermott, able State Department press relations chief, tried to cut about 1,000 words out of Cordell Hull's recent radio speech. But Hull put them all back in again next morning. .. Diplomatic advisers thought the speech would have been better if briefer . . . Justice Frank Murphy, who has been soldiering in Georgia, definitely will come back to the Supreme Court in October. Felix Frankfurter would like to have him stay in the Army, but Chief Justice Stone has expressed himself bluntly to friends that Murphy should'return . . . Walter Winchell hit it on the button when his piece, "Amercans We Can Do Without," appeared on the news- stands simultaneously with the indictment of 28 of these Americans. Incidentally, Winchell played a big part in accomplishing their indict- ment.. The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. I- Capitol Red Tape Slows War Effort ... 10LUMNISTS and news writers . Athroughout the nation have taken another peek over their shoulders and to their surprise have found that it is not the compla- cency of the people that is hindering the war effort. Instead, the finger of accusation is point- ing directly at that quagmire of red tape-Wash- ington. The man who has exposed this to public view in a manner that ha long been needed, is An- drew J. Higgins, mass production builder of b ats whose war contract was recently cancelled. The inefficiency,. bad judgment and general mismanagement which has been brought to light by this case has painted a very sorry pic- ture for the American public. It must be obious to anyone who rads the newspapers that there is still much confusion in Washington. This was to be expected for awhile. But to have it continue with no sign of lessening is something which should concern every citizen. At the Aottom of this reigning confusion is one fundamental difficulty. Many of our lead- ers have not grasped the. magnitude of the war. OUR PLANNING and action has all been car- ried out in a small scale manner.' Our prep- - arations for the war show this very clearly. The much-publicized rubber scandal, the steel short- age which theatens .to develop into a scandal, the shipbuilding program which is falling be- hind; all are evidence of small scale planning. Tre, most of these mistakes were made in the pst. Jesse Jones, failing to build up an ade- quate stockpile of rubber and the steel industry ladling on the assurance that their facilities would more than meet the demand; all of this happened in the past. But those mistakes have had a tremendous impact upon our war effort. ?ouch more serious, those same men are still in ppsition to make costly mistakes and are still making them. . ' HE RESULTING CONFUSION is something disheartening to behold. Wild talk of victory by next fall/'still comes from supposedly respon- stble persons. Plans for issuing civilians tires for pleasure driving are contradicted by urgent appeals for more sacrap rubber. Optimistic de- scriptions of the nation's great shipbuilding program continue to be matched and exceeded by staggering ship losses. Contracts for 200 merchant ships are cancelled because of a steel Shortage. Senators and Representatives, depart- ment heads and undersecretaries, all are run- nling back and forth, all are talkig, and the majority through their hats. Washington is orne great bewildering mess. MANY GOOD MEN have bogged dow in that Sred tape. A few like Higgins have reached in boldly and, grasping that red tape, exposed it to the public. A lot want to clear out the de- bhrn in Washington and really go to work. At least one Senator is on record as saying that Congress should forget about the coming elec- tions and do something constructive for a change. That is a lot for a Senator. The power and authority to put our govern- ment on a truly efficient wartime basis rests in the hands of our congressmen, for President Roosevelt appears to have done all that he can or is going to. However, one thing is certain. A great number of American men are going to pay with their lives if this confusion continues. LETTERS To THE EDITOR Protests Nance-C aif ng To The Editor: Hale Champion is an able and sin- cere writer. Pet phrases like "sink- hole of iniquity," "octopus of big bus- inessmen . . ."cupidity ..." double- dealing . . ." flow from his pen with a fluency and bitterness worthy of Upton Sinclair. But I fail to see how they prove his point. Champion seems to think thatthe virtue of a column, as opposed to an editorial, is that you can "call people stinkers" - and, thereby, convince your reader that you are a crusader in armor shining white and that your opponent is a -- stinker. $arcasm aside, I have no doubts that Hale is sincere, but I will not take it on faith that Big Business is the monster responsible for our pres- ent troubles, nor will I take it on Champion's isolated instances. I could cite, in reply, cases showing the graft and greed of thesDemo- cratic party, of stupidity and blun- der on the part of our generals and admirals, and plenty of mistakes and subterfuges on the part of Mr. Cham- pion's "great liberal," Franklin Del- ano Roosevelt. And yet I have somehow enough naive faith in democracy, and the individuals who make up that democ- racy, to feel that President Roosevelt is a great leader, that the men who head the Army and Navy are doing their best to win the war, and will succeed, in spite of their mistakes, And I feel also that Eugene Grace is also doing his best for that common effort. True, he is drawing 15 per cent more salary than he was in 1940; but Bethlehem Steel has surely in- creased its orders in that time by far more than 15 per cent. Champion talks of the evil of "Mr. Dollar in a country at war." Our capitalistic system of free enterprise is set up so that a man will do his best just for the love of that dollar. Perhaps the system is wrong, perhaps it won't work. I believe that, with governmental regulation, it will work., I could be wrong. But, if Champion believes that a system of free enter- prise is not fitted to survive, why doesn't he say so, instead of calling people "stinkers?" It boils down to this: Big Business is no saint.. I never thought I should be writing a letter to The Daily de- fending it. But to single it out as the whipping-boy is unfair; if there's any- thing fundamentally wrong, it's the system. And one more point. Cham- pion may be right. I don't think so; but whether he is or not, when I hear him calling people names like that, I'll always be found on the other side of the fence. - Jim Conant, '44 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1942 VOL. LII No. 33-S All Notices for the IDaIly Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office'of the Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publication except on Saturday, when the notices should be submitted before 11:30 a.m. Notices The University Bureau of Appoint-' ments has received notice of the fol- lowing State of Michigan Civil Ser- vice Examinations. Closing dates for filing applications is noted in each case.- Inheritance Tax Examiner II, Au- gust 12, 1942, $200 per month. Institution Psychologist A, August 22, 1942, $135 per month. Institution Psychologist I, August 22, 1942, $155 per month. Industrial Hygiene Physician V, August 12, 1942, $400 per month. Inter-County Drain Inspector I, August 12, 1942, $155 per month. Orchard Farmer B, August 12, 1942, $115 per month.. Poultry Farmer B, August 12, 1942, $115 per monthi Numeric Bookkeeping Clerk B, Au- gust 12, 1942, $115 per month. Blind School Elementary Teacher I. August 12, 1942, $155 per month. Bacteriologist II, August 12, 1942, $200 per month. Blue-Print Machine Operator B, August 12, 1942,$115per month. Nurse Anaesthetisth A, August 12. 1942. $145 per month. Farmhand C, August 12, 1942, $100 per month. Manual Worker C, August 12, 1942, $100 per month. Soils Engineer I, August 12, 1942, $155 per month.I Snils Enginer IT, August 12. 1942., *Sawdtu~l anti OOyiier S4fl1 * PEOPLE have been telling me for a long time. in fact ever since I started writing this col- umn, that I should forget the "trivia" which too often concerns me. and that the editorial page is a place for learned discourses on weighty problems of a moral and political nature. Not since I was a sophomore have I been colossally impudent enough to set myself up as an authority on anything except ° the way I, myself, feel within myself.' Then, when I was a spohomore I mean, I spent hours over wordy editorials. When they were printed I read them to anyone who would listen and sent copies to everyone I knew. I remember seeing my name at the bottom of the column for the first time. It's a tremendous sensation, you just want to sit and look at it, even though all the blase senior editors assure you from the first that a scarce ten percent of the student body ever reads the edit page. Those were the good old days, but there's a lot of cigarettes, black coffee and cut classes between then and now. I don't know that I could even write an editorial any more. I know that I laugh at the people who say that I should. TODAY, though, I've got a concert, something that I'd like to say, not just to please my critics but because what I want to say is im- portant. In a thne when industry needs every Ameri- can worker in order to produce goods in suf- fiient quantities to win this war, women are actually being discouraged from entering war factories by a policy, dictated both by the government and by industry which discrim- inates against them as workers. Furthermore the production efficiency of women already employed is hampered by methods designed to protect the male worker against his female competitor. It's all coming back, I remember now how it's1 done. Once, when I was a sophomore, I said "American Democracy cannot survive the War." That was good but this is better, this is more important. I'd rather see equality under -a dic- tator than prejudiced subjection in a democracy. But then a real democracy isn't possible without equality. If we are really fighting to achieve democracy and freedom, and that's what people keep telling every cranny of the structure upon which this new freedom is to be built and assure ourselves that no prejudice, no inequality remains. THE STATE OF MICHIGAN has a newly en- acted statute which makes it unlawful for companies to pay women less than min, either on an hourly or piece-work basis. This provis- ion is' important only in that it indicates a new recognition of the condition -as it exists. In real- ity its intentions can be so easily muddled while its letter is obeyed that the reforms accomplished under it are negligible. A common device used to escape this and similar regulations is to designate certain jobs as "women's jobs" which are payed less and often robbed of production bonuses. In one Ann Arbor defense plant inspection work is divided into primary and secondary inspec- tion. Secondary inspection, with a beginning pay of 60c and a top pay of 70e an hour belongs to women workers while primary inspection boasts a beginning pay of 75c an hour and an eventual raise to 95c goes to men. Further- more men inspectors may lay claim to a bonus pool built up of accumulated extra profits, while women must depend upon their hourly pay alone. In another factory a production line made up entirely of women is paid only 55c an hour -a rate far below that of the factory in gen- eral. There is not a woman who does not blush with humiliation before the placard distributed by the national government and posted in every factory across the country which is entitled "working hours and conditions for females and minors." A man,,worker by accumulated over- time can nearly double the money made by a woman even when she is working the maximum number of hours allowed her by federal govern- ment codes. "Bench Jobs" and other positions which not only pay less but give the worker no opportun- ity to learn a skill are reserved for women workers. If sex equality is attainable this is the time to fight. Workers are at a premium and no employer is in a position to refuse to hire women simply because they are women. Wo- men do not ask for special consideration, they School of Music Students may se- cure complimentary tickets to the song recital to be given at 8:30 p.m. Monday, August '10, by Blair Mc- Cosky, baritone, by applying at the office of the School of Music before the end of this week. Due to the limited seating capacity of the As- sembly Hall of the Rackham Build- ing, admission is by ticket only, and after August 3 any remaining tickets will be available to the general pub- lic. Notice to Students in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Students transferring to a new course during the second half of the ,Summer Term, or to a new instructor in the same course, are hereby noti- fied that the first half of the Sum- mer Term will end on August 5th and the second half of the Summer Term will begin on' August 6th. L. S. Woodburne, Assistant Dean Exchange Fellowships and Profes- sorships Leaflets and other informa- tion pertaining to the Exchange fellowships and professorships in Latin-America provided by the gov- ernment of the United States under the convention for the promotion of inter-American cultural relations can be obtained in the office of the In- ternational Center by anyone inter- ested. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for removal of incom- pletes will be Saturday, August 8., Petitions for extension of time shjould be filed in the Secretary's Of- fice at once. The final day for dropping courses without record will be Saturday, August 8. A course may be dropped only with the permission of the classifier, after conference with the instructor. Language Examinations for Mas- ter's Degree candidates in history. Examinations will be given Friday, July 31, 2:00 to 4:00 in Room B, Haven Hall. Candidates must bring their own dictionaries. , Events Today "Letters to Lucerne," rated as one of the best plays of the current New York season opened yesterday and will run through Saturday evening. This is the fourth production of the 142 Michigan Repertory Players of the department of speech. Tickets are on sale at the Mendelssohn Theatre-'box office daily from 10-8:30. Summer Session Students of te English Department: All upper-class and graduate students enrolled in the Summer Session are cordially in- vited to a tea on Friday, July 31, at7 four o'clock in the 'Assembly Room: of the Rackham Building. Dr. Cle- anth Brooks, visiting professor from Louisiana State University, will give an informal demonstration of cer- tain ,teaching methods in poetry. Wesley Foundation: Tortight at 8:00 p.m. Methodist and Baptist stu- dents and their friends will meet in the Foundation lounge to leave for a picnic. There will be opportunity for Gradua~te Outing Club: The Grad- uate Outing Club (and other inter- ested graduate students) will make a tour of Greenfield Village on Sun- day, August 2, leaving Ann Arbor at 2 p.m. on the Greyhound Bus and returning at 6:50. The cost of the trip including lunch will be about $2.00. All those planning to go are requested to sign up either at the In- formation desk at the League or at Rackham before Saturday noon. Watch this column for further notice about meeting place. The first of a series of three re- cita by Gilbert Ross, violinist, and Mabel Ross Rhead, pianist, of ,the School of Music faculty, will be pre- sented Monday evening, August 3, at 8:30 in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building. The program will be devoted to three Beethoven sonatas, and admission is by ticket only, d'ue to the limited seating ca- pacity of the hall. Students and Faculty of the Latin and Greek Departments will meet for a Coffee Hour and Round-table discussion of teaching problems on Tuesday, August 4, at 4:10, in the East Conference Room of Rackham Building. The ROTC Drum and Bugle Corps will meet Tuesday, August 4,,at 7:30. All ROTC freshmen who are inter- ested in playing in the corps should report at that time. 'The meeting will be held in the ROTC hall. The English Journal Club will meet at 7:45 p.m., Tuesday, August 4, in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Professor Cleanth Brooks will speak on "Rele- vance in Poetry: What Belpngs There." All graduate students in Eng- lish are invited. The faculty concert planned for 8:30 Tuesday evening, August 4, in Hill Auditorium will include a group of works for organ played by Frieda Op't Holt, English songs by Thelma Lewis, and Sonata 'quasi una fan- tasia, Op. 27, No. 2, by Beethoven, whitfi John Kollen will present as his portion of the program. The concert is open to the general public. Lectures Physical Fitness In a Nation at War by Elmer D. Mitchell, Professor of Physical Education. 4:05 p.m., Monday, August 3. (University High Auditorium.) Inter-Cultural Education Present- ing 'Americads All', by R. D. Lind- quist, Director of the Cranbrook School. 4:05 p.m., Tuesday, August 4, (University High Auditorium.) Weekly Review of the War, by Pro- fessor Howard M. Ehrmann, Depart- ment of History. 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, August 4, (Rackham Amphitheatre.) Churches Zion Lutheran Church Services will be held at 10:30 a.m. with Rev. I