War Relief Groups To Receive
Proceeds From Summer Prom
Campus Leaders Preview 'Russian Glory'
Fifteen committeemen selected to
work out plans and make arrange-
ments for the Summer Prom, to be
held from 9 p.m. to midnight, Friday,
August 21 in the Sports Building,
have been announced by Don West,
'43E, general chairman for the dance.
Backed by the Union, League, Stu-
dent Senate, Interfraternity Council,
Alpha Phi Omega, Bomber Scholar-
ship Committee, Russian War Rehef,
United China Relief and The Daily,
each group-sponsor will have at least
one representative on the central
In charge of programs and patrons
will be Tony Stampoulis, Bomber
Scholarship; Elsie Litman, Russian
War Relief; Victor Chang, Chinese
War Relief and Jim Landers, Stu-
dent Senate.
Dick Rawdon, Interfraternity
Council; Art Geib, Michigan Union
and Herb Heavenrich, Union, will
take care of the ticket sale and Sue
Sims, League; Dave Stiffler and Bob
Shott, both of the Union, will make
all necessary arrangements for the
Buck Dawson, Alpha Phi Omega;
Bob Schwyn, Bud Brandt and Dick
Ford, all of the Union and Barbara
de Fries, Daily, will have charge of
the publicity.
. Summer Prom will make its initial
appearance on campus this summer
when students and townspeople dance
in the huge hall of the Sports Build-
ing. Never before has such a project
been attempted by any summer or-
ganization or group of organizations.
This year it is being attempted onlly
for the purpose of enlarging three
worthy funds-Bomber Scholarship,
Russian War Relief and United Chi-
nese Relief-to which the proceeds
will be contributed.
Open to everyone in Ann Arbor,
the Summer Prom will be semi-
formal or formal and will be a couple
affair. One of the nation's top flight
bands has been promised for the oc-
casion, the name to be announced
this weekend. The date of the ticket
sale also will be announced at a
later date.
Private William Halstead of Ann
Arbor, formerly instructor of dra-
matics at the University, is now
serving his country in a way that
suits him to a 'T'.
Private Halstead is a member of
the all-soldier cast now rehearsing
at the Army Air Forces Replacement
Training Center, for the post's first
dramatic offering, 'Personal Appear-
ance.' The cast for the play is com-
posed entirely of Thespians, all hav-
ing appeared in vaudeville, in the
legitimate theatre or with recognized
Little Theatre groups. Halstead is
cast as the press representative of a
temperamental movie star.
Recipient of a Bachelor of Arts
degree from the University of Indi-
ana, Halstead earned his Doctor of
Philosophy degree at the University.
He received theatre training at the
American Academy of Dramatic Arts.
* * *
Second Lieutenant Joseph J. Das-
cola, a graduate of the University
with a Master's Degree in Business
Administration in 1940, now com-
missioned in the Army Medical
Corps, is serving as an instructor.
Lieut. Dascola was active on cam-
pus, serving as secretary-treasurer
of Alpha Nu and a member of the
Hiawatha Club, among other ac-
Two graduates of ROTC who now
hold - commissions in the Army left
Ann Arbor for active duty recently.
Lieut. Lindley M. Dean and Lieut.
Robert A.dOrndorff received their
commissions upon graduation in
May. Dean was formerly the cap-
tain #of Scabbard and Blade, honor-
ary military fraternity..
"Meet the Stewarts," a fast moving
comedy based on the "Candy" stories
of Ladies Home Journal fame, opens
at the Michigan today starring Wil-
liam Holden and Francis Dee in the
leading roles.
A farcical tale of married life,
"Meet the Stewarts" is full of the
budgetary problems of a young rich
girl married to a poor young man.
Hoboes, voluble furniture movers
and cops, all contrive to make the
marriage a success.
Starring as "Candy" in the comedy
is Francis Dee, young actress who
hitherto has been featured as a gen-
teel beauty in hoopskirts.
Playing opposite Miss Dee as the
harassed husband, is AWilliam Hol-
den, star of "Golden Boy," rising
young Columbia actor who plays the
part of the family bread-winner and
continues his specialty of having at
least one fight in every movie.
Members of the supporting cast 9,f
"Meet the Stewarts" 'are Grant
Mitchell, Ann Gillis, Roger Clark,
Marjorie Gateson, Anne Revere and
Danny Mummert.
Stockwell To Hold Dinner
Stockwell Hall will hold the third
in its series of departmental dinners
at 6:30 p.m. today, this week honor-
ing the Speech Department. Social
activities will be brought to a close
next week with the traditional hon-
ors dinner given semi-annually for
graduating students.
Union President Don West, Prof. John L. Brumm, Bob Matthews,
chairman of the Student War Board, and Elsie LItman, chairman of
the local chapter of Russian War Relief, took a preview look yesterday
at a copy of "The Russian Glory," which will be Iold on campus today.
The Cracker Barrel
By Mike Dann
Daily Sports Editor
(After numerous pleadings on the
part of your columnist, we finally per-
suaded Dick Simon, ardent Pirate fan
and former member of The Daily, to
tell us what's wrong with the Bucs.)
Last April we predipted that
Frankie Frisch and his Pittsburghy
baseball team would be in the thick
of the pennant race. We even went
so far as to say that they might
squeeze through with the National
League flag.1
We've taken quite a lot of ,kid-
ding from various members of The
Daily staff, most notably Hale1
Champion, who believes that% the
Smokey City lads are still a good
two or three years away from a
semblance of a pennant. And need-
less to say, we, too, are quite dis-
appointed in the showing of the
Pirates. However, we belie'e that
the reason lies in the fact that the
Pirates aren't hitting.
To date the Buccaneers have only
one hitter in the .300 circle, and
that's Elbie Fletcher, who is hitting
some 25 or 30 points above his head.
Bob Elliott, former outfielder who
now covers the hot corner, stands
third in the runs batted in column
in the National League but is just
hitting .280 or so. Latest figures
show that Pittsburgh as a team is
hitting a weak .246, about 25 points
below its average of 1941. You can't
win contests on five and six hits a
Of course we'll admit that the
fielding hasn't been up to snuff.-
but then again, it never was. Slug-
ging was the thing that always paid
off in big dividends for the Pirates
and when that left them they became
as meek as lambs: Further proof of
the necessity of timely hitting can
be seen in the case of the New York
Giants. Mel Ott had slugging first
sacker Babe Young resting on the
bench because Johnny Mize was
holding down first base. Now Young,
is playing center field and knocking
in much-needed Giant tallies.
We've got no complaints about
the pitching. When you're getting
your hurlers to throw five- or six-
hit ball games like Bobby Klinger
did last Sunday against the Bums
and still lose . . . well, that's just
lack of timely base-hitting on your
part. The Pirates have far from
the best $itchhing staff in the
league, but Frankie Frisch, or rath-
er catchers Al Lopez and Babe
Phelps, have done wonders with
pitchers like Maxie Butcher, Rip
Sewell and Klinger, who are no
longer in their youth.
The Pirates still have two months
to play ball and in that time we
think the Pittsburgh lads will work
themselves into the first difision,
not first or second place, but in the
first division. The reasons for this
are three-fold: 1) You can't keep a
hitting team down, all the time; 2)
Huck Geary - probably the best
shortstop in Class AA baseball, whom
Frisch recently purchased from the
Minneapolis Millers. He's a real hit-
ter and a cracker-jack fielder; and
3) Hank Gornicki-prize hurler of
the Cardinal chain last year, can
now take his regular turn -on the
1 -
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