THE MICHIGAN DAILY TraSDA, J r , ir ig t c ti1 An Axe TQ Grind By TORQUEMADA y/-t SA Udited and managed by students of the University of Micig'an under the authority of the Board In Control of Student Publications. The Sum'er Daily is published every morning except Monday and Tuesday. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Enteed at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as" second-class mall matter. - Subscriptions during the regular school yer by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTBD FOR NATIONAL ADVRI$Yt!NG BY National Advettising Service, Ing. Colege Publshbes ReprUsefatl e 420 MADiSoN AVE. NW YORK. N.Y. 'MNCAG- - rSTon * L"os At.L5 *0SAY rFARci8c Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Homer Swander . . . . Managing Editor will Sapp . . . . . . City Editor Mike Dann . . . Sports Editor ASSOCIATE EDITORS Hale Champion, Jopn Erlewine, Robert Mantho, Irving Jaffe, Roboft Prelitel Business Staff EfdW6rd PNrlbftg . . Business Manager Fred M. Ginsberg . Associate Business Manager Morton Hunter . . . Publications Manager NIGHT EDITOR: HALE CHAMPION I The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are Written by members dof The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. I ; Patent Lis 'Need Revision. FpHURMAN ARNOLD'S suggested re- vision of the patent laws, giving courts the right to rescind patents used to es- tablish monopoly power, again calls attention to big business' flagrant misuse of rights guaran- teed by the government. The patent laws were pad with the hope that by protecting inventors the development of new techniques and processes would be encour- aged; the result "was to be an increase in the aniount of goods available for the people. Yet those very laws have been used to limit produc- tion, to protect monopoly profits, to keep com- petitors out of the field and to discourage the invention and introduction of new and better methods. The miost spectacular and immediate violation of the spirit of the patent laws -is of course the Standard Oil Case. In 1926 Standard and the I. J. Farbenindustrie agreed that Standard Oil should cohtrol the production of synthetic gaso- line and that the Gerihan company should deal with the developi'nent of synthetic rubber. According to, Arnold, Goodyear and the, Dow Chemical Co. wanted to work on the develop- ment of rubber substitutes in 1938 but Standard Oil prevented their entrance to'the field by offer- ing them secrets of the synthetic process only on cbnditions which could not possibly be met. In the current issue of the Atlanstic. Monthly, Arnold quotes a letter written at that time by Frank A. Howard, vice-president of Standard Oil, asserting that "The thing that is really hold- ing us up, however, is not the lack of a plan elth'er frqm Goodyear or ourselves, but. the in- ability of our partner to obtain permission froimi its government to proceed with the development in the United States." Standard's abuse of the power and protection granted them under the patent laws is clearly shown in the following memoraridum written by a Standard executive on Feb. 1, 1940, after the coming emergency had been clearly recognized. "A high royalty rate (7.5 cents a pound) is fixed so- as to make operation practical for rubber companies only as a relatively Aaigh cost spe- dialty." BUTSES OF THE PATENT LAWS are many and of great impact. During the 17 years of protection granted by a patent a company can gain a position of such dominance that it can remain the controlling aid leading producer lcng after the patent has expired. By holding basic patents, and because it is the leading or only producer in the field, a corporation can force all inventors of improvements to come to them. It can buy the new developments at its cwn prices, and can "put them to sleep" to avoid the expense of retooling. Because it has the jump on any other pro- 'ducers, and because of its great financial 'frehgth, the company can sue entrants to the field for infringement of patent rtights. And although the decision might eventually be in favor of the would-be competitor, the huge staff of lawyers and great money reserves of the monopollst can result in long and emblr- passing legislation. Even if the entrant had the temerity to fight, and even if he were not to be defeated on a technicality, it is doubtful that he could afford the long years of legisla- tien. There is nothing for him to do but bow ovt of the field and turn over his developments to the original company. .13v natentin several parts of a machine at (This tm we turn our column over to Eugene Mandeberg. former Daily nighteditor who is sore as hell. Any opinions expressed by Mr. Mandeberg in the following column are not necessarily concurred in by ycur columnist, but then again . . . . Torque- mada. ) SEE by the papers and hear by the radio that the eight Nazi saboteurs now on trial in Washington will be allowed to appear before the Supreme Court of the United States in order to enter pleas for themselves in regard to jurisdic- tion and what not. I'm not concerned with the DRAMA- "You may quote me as crying," said the young lady in the next seat, blotting her eyes with her hanky, When the curtain fell on the final act of the Vincent-Rotter drama, "Letters to Lucerne." And judging from the number of saturated handkerchiefs seen in the aisle, the fourth pre- sentation of the 14th annual Repertory Players was a sobbing big success. "Le ters," called by Burns Mantle one of the 10 best of current theatre offerings, was an ideal vehicle for a student production. The story of the effect of World War II on sequestered school mates was "timely," the actors impersonated characters of their own age, and as there were, uniquely, no lead roles, performances were judged solely on interpretation, rather than by bulk of part. Most pert and jumpered of the six Lucerne students, Marjorie Warren, as Olga, the Polish boarder, gave a soft-voiced, trusting-faced por- trayal of the victim of the Third Reich. As her friend, Erna Schmidt, whose triumphant letters from her home in Germany incite all the com- motion in the cosmopolitan school, anguish-eyed Barbara White did admirably, and her mournful weeping stimulated tear ducts to excess. Yum was the word for fascinator Yvonne Wotherspoon, cast as the French rabble-rouser, when she first appeared on the stage. But her splendid suggestion of malicious1Wss, cunning and Parisian chic subordinated her beauty to her dramatic ability. Blanche Halpar, as owner of a really thick Southern accent, got every laugh from her lines that the authors had intended. Phillipa Herman and Betty Alice Brown, as the English and fast- talking American boarders, resppctively, did justice to the first-nighter. And in this show-without-a-lead, no less in the Repertory limelight were Genevieve Edwards, as the Head Mistress; Pat Meikle, as Gretchen; Philip Swander, in the romantic lead, as the young Nai in love with Olga; Karl Kreuter, as Koppler; and Merle Webb, as the postman. Special mention among the character roles is due William Kinzer and Eve Strong, who er- acted the menials in make-up and mannerism exceedingly authentic. "Letters" was not faultless. Perhaps Miss White's sobs were often a little unreal; perhaps Miss H'alpar's Southern dialect wAs enough to cause a native Kentuckian to wince on several occasions; but these instances are scarcely worth mnmntioning, when the play is considered en toto. Howard Bay's settings and the expert lighting effects of this week's stage crew contributed vastly to the success of the show. Only dis- cerning eyes could detect that the Main Hall scene Was the neatly disguised set from last week's "Hay Fever," with somber hues masking the bright jungle scene, and staircases and de- tails carefully rearranged. Best dramatic moment: Felice, deleting a pas- sage from her letter in reading, with a slant- eyed, "But this is too bitter for you." Best staging effect: Night in the dormitory with a single light burning on the night table near Olga, who was writing in bed. Guest director Claribel Baird should be proud of her production, for, as the old man across the aisle whispered, "Nice to see that the youngsters can handle drama as skillfully as comedy." There is no doubt about it, "Letters To Lu- cerne" should draw praise from Ann Arbor. -Beryl Shoenfield in the production of glass containers. The com- pany does not itself manufacture machines or containers, but occupies itself with research, experimentation and the exploitation of patent rights. By interference and appeals the company kept th'e first patent, filed by the inventor in 1907, on its plunger feeder in the Patent Office for 20 years. The company meantime divided the in- vention into four separate parts, obtained a patent on one in 1925, on another in 1928, on a third in 1931, and on the fourth in 1937. The final patent will not expire until 1954. The TNEC reports that the company has, ac- cording to memorandum taken from its files, applied for patents designed "to block the de- velopment of machines which might be con- structed by others for the same purposes as our machines using alternative means." The company has required its licensees to surrender to it such patents as they may obtain by making improvements on its machines, has repeatedly brought suit against competitors and customers of its competitors for violations of patent rights, and has driven them from the field. It-has created monopolies among its customers by licensing only a few of them to use its ma- chines, has indulged in price-setting, and has told its customers the amount and types of con- tainers they might make. Similar monopolistic, restrictive and unfair practices have existed in the aluminum, optical glass, hardboard (used in pre-fabricated house- Y;,r riat ama yn Yt m~a.Yitnt me n reasons why they're appealing right now. My only interest is that they can appeal to the "highest tribunal in the land." Two of the eight are American citizens via the naturalization route, six are enemy aliens and have no civil rights. But the government is allowing them to bring an appeal before the Supreme Court. I don't take issue with that. It seems to me that regardless of what these men have done, or were planning to do, the United States would be playing false to its own legal setup if the eight Nazis were summarily shot, or dumped into prison without a fair trial. It may be a back- breaking altruism, but we are supposedly fight- ing for that very freedom, the right of a man to a just trial by his peers. ° WHAT BURNS ME UP is that while these eight Nazis can get to the Supreme Court in order to save themselves, American citi- zvfs all over this country are being denied those very rights. Government plans for ab- sentee ballots for men in the ariped services was fought like mad by some congressmen; what would happen to the noble institution of the poll tax? A Negro can get his guts blown out for the good old U.S.A., but niggers can't vote where Ah come from, suh. Farmers want to do their bit toward winning this war, too. But some of the Senators figured that their friends could make a lot more money if they decided on items like prices and parity. Share- croppers can be shot for meeting in groups of more than one, and have their death certifi- cates read "heart failure." Nazi saboteurs can be judged by a board of generals, but in some states a Negro can't serve on a jury. Labor unions can fight for their rights, but bigwigs can get injunctions issued by "friendly" judges. Little guys can sue for injuries, but the big boys can drag the case along through the courts so long that the little fella just can't take it any more. Wholesale indict- ments against racketeers can be secured, but half the time someone with more money than you or I is on the in with the judge. T'S A GREAT SYSTEM where Nazi Henrich can appeal to the Supreme Court, but Negro Sam can't bring a suit against a white man. It's justice personified when German agents get a chance to defend themselves in a court, and American soldiers can't vote beause they might swing an honest election the wrong way, or con- taminate the ballots with the color of their skin. It all adds u to action ntw, not after the war. It means fighting for individual rights here just as hard as the soldiers are doing outside the country. It means knockin some awfully firm people and traditions right off their settings. But it means a democracy for Americans as well as for Nazi saboteurs. WASH I NGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-The question of preparing and defending San Francisco against Jap air raids has been the subject of a hot behind-the- scenes debate between the War Department and straight-from-the-shoulder Judge William Den- man of the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Judge Denman, who served as Woodrow Wil- son's Shipping Board Chairman, has been hound- ing the War Department regarding the failure of Lieut. Gen. John L. DeWitt to trah residents of San Francisco in the evacuation of tle city in case of a bombing attack. During the summer, Judge Denman points out, a blanket of fog sweeps in on San Francisco from the Pacific, providing exactly the same type of screen which Jap planes used in bombing Dutch Harbor, Alaska. And the War Depart- ment has admitted that even one Jap plane could carry three or four thousand phosphorus wafers which could start fires equal to those caused by the San Francisco earthquake. With zerb visibility at night because of fog, Judge Denman contends, evacuation would be extremely difficult unless planned for in ad- vance. "Our letters have not suggested that Gen. De- Witt is not competent to destroy assailing Jap- anese," Judge Denman wrote to the War Depart- ment. "We are concerned with his plan, by which our women and children and sick and aged may be burned alive by action by Japanese before they (the attackers) are destroyed." Similar To Tokyo After reminding Assistant Secretary of War Mcloy that Sanl Francisco was built of frame houses and had the highest fire insurance rate in the "white world," Judge Denman warned: "What for seven months Gen. DeWitt has contemplated doing is to wait until this con- flagration existed, and then, for the first time, place officers and soldiers, unfamiliar with the hills, valleys and ravines of San Francisco, in its streets. They then, for the first time, would attempt to direct the citizens, by that time panic- stricken and choking with smoke, to fhe exits which he would then choose for their evacuation. "The fact that during seven months there has been no training of soldiers nor of the people, and no signals nor sirens nor cannon arranged for concerted population movements to the des- ignated exits, properly entitles one to use the word 'ghastly' as describing the nature of Gen. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1942 VOL. LII No. 32-S All Notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the summer Session before 3.0 p.m. of the day preceding its publication except on saturday, when the notices should be submitted before 11:30 a.m. Notices To Purchasers of War Bonds: Those who have pledged 10% of their an- nual income for the purchase of War Bonds, either under the University's payroll savings plan or otherwise. are entitled to a special button and sticker.' These may be obtained at Investment Office, 100 South Wing, University Hall. University Committee on Sale of War Bonds and Stamps The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notice of the fol- lowing State of Michigan Civil Ser- vice Examinations. Closing dates for filing applications is roted in each case. Inheritance Tax Examiner II, Au- gust 12, 1942. $200 per month. Institution Psychologist A, August 22, 1942, $135 per month. Institution Psychologist I, August 22, 1942, $155 per month. Industrial Hygiene Physician V. August 12, 1942, $400 per month. Inter-County Drain Inspector I. August 12, 1942, $155 per month. Orchard Farmer B, August 12, 1942 $115 per month. Poultry Farmer B, August 12, 1942, $115 per month. Numeric Bookkeeping Clerk B, Au- gust 12, 1942, $115 per month. Blind School Elementary Teacher I, August 12, 1942, $155 per month. Bacteriologist II, August 12, 1942. $200 per nnth. Blue-Print Machine Operator B, August 12, 1942, $115 per month. Nurse Anaesthetist Al, August 12, 1942, $145 per month.) Farmhand C, August 12, 1942, $100 per month. Manual Worker C, August 12, 1942, $100 per month. Soils Engineer I, August 12, 1942 $155 per month. Soils Engineer II, August 12, 1942, $200 per month. Soils Engipeer III, August 12, 1942, $250 per month. Further information may be had from the notices which are on file in the office of the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. Academic Notices The Harrison M. Randall Labora- tory of Physics will be closed Thurs- day afternoon as an/expression of tle deep regard held for Mrs. Randall by all members of the Physics Staff. Seniors in Chemical Engineering: Dr. F. N. Rugg of the Bakelite Corp- oration will interview chemical en- gineers who expect to receive their Can The World Live At Peace? THERE ARE THOSE who believe that it is a delusion to suppose that the world can long live without war. Those of this opinion include not only the enthusiasts of war, like the Nazis and the Fascists, but con- servatives who think that everything in the future must be like everything in the past, that "huipan nature" does not change, and so that men will always fight for one reason or another. Specifically, these persons now believe that the 'Germans are ineradicably aggressive and will make a bid for world ; power every twenty or thirty years unless they all are extirpated; that if the Ger- man menace could be subdued, some other contestant would arise. Ac- cording to this view, we merely weaken ourselves by trusting too much in plans for peace, and our only safe course is either to remain unassailable or, if that is rnpossible, to be sure we shall be on the winning side. In the light of experience, this view cannot be dismissed lightly. Certainly the most ambitious at- tempt of our day to banish war was a failure. Unless we can do much better than that, we shall be incau- tious not to expect, and be well pre- pared for, the next outbreak of this scourge. But mankind has learned that it, is not necessary to adopt an all-or- nothing attitude a bout such prob- lems. In the fifteenth century it might have been argued that small- pox and bubonic plague were period- ically recurring diseases, an inevita- ble part of the ills which flesh is heir to, and that the only sensible course was to live in expectation of the next epidemic. But science gradually and painfully learned what it was necessary to do in order to safe- guard ourselves from them. Now we rarely suffer from these contagions. But at the same time we do not as- sume that they might not assail us ;f - _n - t%+ n vnfll r.a C _ '.~ ion^. ('h,,,ig..T M. Th. U q . n Annll R a "Hon. spy in U.S. report women on home front disappointed in war effort-they crowding bcauty shops daily in effort to save face!'" degree in September on Thursday, July 30, beginning at 9:00 o'clock. Sign interview list in Room 2028 East Engineering Building. Watch the Bulletin Board outside Room 2028 East Engineering for no- tices of the interviewers from various companies who will be coming to talk to seniors. Engineering Faculty: There will be a meeting of the Faculty of this college on Tuesday, August 4th at 4:15 p.m. in Room 348. A. H. Lovell, Assistant Dean and Secretary Tennis tournament schedule is now posted in W.A.B. for women's singls and mixed doubles. The first bracket must be played off by July 31st. Top person in each bracket is responsible for calling opponent to arrange time for play. Pay entrance fee to matron at desk in Women's Athletic Building. Department of Physical Education for Women Consumer Education Exhibit may be seen daily at the Michigan League. Hours-11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Students, Summer Term, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Courses dropped after Saturday, July 25, by students other than freshmen will be recorded with the grade of E. Freshmen (students with less than 24 hours of credit) may drop courses without penalty through the eighth week. Exceptions to these regulations may be made only because of extra- ordinary circumstances, such as seri- ous or long-continued illness. E. H. Walter, Assistant Dean Language Examinations for Mas- ter's Degree candidates in history. Examinations will be given Friday, July 31, 2:00 to 4:00 in Room B, Haven Hall. Candidates must bring their own dictionaries. Events Today Tonight at 7:30-All members and friends of the Newman Club are in- vited to attend a social gathering to be held in the clubroom, loated in the basement of St. Mary's Chapel. Mrs. Francesca Thivi will talk orb In- dia. Refreshments will be served1 at the conclision of the lecture. The Slavic Society will hold its regular meeting tonight at 8:00 p.m. in ' the International Center. Pro- gram: Play Production; music and refreshments. All members please attend. New members welcome. Cercle Frangais: Professor Percival Price of the School of Music, will ex- plain and demonstrate the operation of the University Carillon to mem- bers of the Cercle. Students and fac- ulty who are interested will please meet Professor Price at the Burton Memorial Tower, Thursday at 7 p.m. Pi Lambda Theta Picnic: Thurs- day, July 30, 5:30 p.m. Call Dorothy Tissue for reservations. Phone 8321. Meet at the steps of University High School at 5:00 p.m. "Letters to Lucerne," rated as one of the best plays of the current New York season opened yesterday and will run through Saturday evening. This is the fourth production of the 1942 Michigan Repertory Players of the department of speech. Tickets are on sale at the Mendelssohn Theatre box office daily from 10-8:30. ' A woodwind recital in which fac- ulty and students will participate has been planned by the School of Mu- sic for Thursday evening, July 30, in the Assembly Hall of the Rack- ham Building. The program will in- clude compositions by Blumer, De- i r- - i -- ri 1hsi~m- - xra An ft ri-, A The Future of Nationalism will be discussed at a panel discussion, by William Muehl, Paul Lim Yuen, and Max Dresden, at the Michigan League, Thursday, July 30. at 7:55. There will be questions from the floor. Everybody is invited. The Post-War Conic Coming Events Wesley Foundation: Reservations for ,the Methodist-Baptist student picnic, Friday, July 31, at 8:00 p.m., should be made at the student of- fice (6881) by Thursday evening. The group will meet Friday night in the Wesley Foundation lounge. The cost will be 20c. I:, , Star clusters and double stars will be seen from the Angell Hall Ob- servatory on Friday night, July 31, from 10:00 to 11:0 p.m. Dr. Mc- Laughlin will be in charge of the public nights assisted by the sumn- mer term assistant. Chlldren must be accompanied by adults. Dancing: Friday and Saturday evehings from 9-12 at the Michign League. Come with or without a partner. Summer Session Students of the English Department: All upper-cla$ and graduate students enrolted in the Summer Session are cordially in- vited to a tea on Friday, July 31, at four o'clock in the Assembly Room of the Rackham Building. Dr. Cle- anth Brooks, visiting professor from Louisiana State University, will give ,an informal demonstration of cer- tain teaching methods in poefry. Graduate Student Dance: 9-12 p.m., Saturday, Rackham Ballroom. Lounge and Terrace. Single and couple admissions. Youth Hostel Trip: There will be a Youth Hostel Trip to Saline Valley Farms leaving the Women's Athletic, Building Saturday afternoon, August 1, at 1:30 p.m. and retuning Sunday morning. This will be a bicycling group. Delit. of Physical Educatio for Women Graduate Outing Club: The Grai-' uate Outing Club (and other inter- ested graduate setudents) will make a tour of Greenfield Village on Sun- day, August 2, leaving Ann Arbor at 2 p.m. on the Greyhound Bus and returning at 6:50. The cost of the trip including lunch will be about $2.00. All those planning to go are requested to sign up either at the In- formation desk at the League or at Rackham before Saturday noon. Watch this column for further notice about meeting place. -The faculty concert planned for 8:30 Tuesday etening, August 4, in Hill Auditorium will include a group of works for organ played by Frieda Op't Holt, English songs by Thelma Lewis, and Sonata quasi una fan- tasia, Op. 27, No. 2, by Beethoven, which~ John Killen willp resent as his portion of 'the progam. The concert is open to the general public. Lectures ,Lectures on Statistical Methods: Professor J. Neym=fn will give the second of his series of lectures on "Methods of Sampling," on Thus- day, July 30, at 8 p.m., in 3011 A.H. All persons interested are cordially in- vited. Growth and Education of Elemen- tary School Children, Byron O. Hughes, Instructor in Education "nd ResearchAssociate in hild Develop- ment FTnivrAv 14ioh 'Shnnl Anii- GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty I I "N I I Al I , I 4 ,0