WEDN'ESDAIr, JUNE 17, 1942 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE EDN~SDAY, JUNE 17, 1942PAGE I - -- Awards Given For Summer OK Lauren, Throw It In The Lead Pot NROTC Cadets Total Seventy For Summer American Planning S kill Revealed In Account Of corad Sea Victor 1* .4< : In Hopwoods Talented students of creative writ- ing are already probing the imagina- tive sections of their minds in search of ideas for manuscripts to enter in the Avery Hopwood and Jule Hop- wood Summer Awards. As the purpose of the Hopwood contests is to inspire students to de- velop their ability in writing, awards are made in the four fields of drama, essay, fiction and poetry. Eight prizes will be given, one of $75 and one of $50 in each division. Those enrolled in either the Sum- mer Session or the Summer Term are eligible to compete, provided that they are taking one course in English composition in the Department of English or in the Department of Jornalism Cowden Director Prof. t. W. Cowden, Director of the Hopwood Awards, emphasizes that all manuscripts are due the seventh week of the Summer Session, even those of students enrolled in the Summer Term. Anyone inter- ested in participating in the contest is advised to consult with Prof. Cow- den in his office at 3227 Angell Hall. Since 1931 when the Awards were first established, prizes of almost $10,000 have been distributed. Avery Hopwood, who created the bequest, was a prominent American drama- tist and member of the Class of 1905 of the University of Michigan and his will set aside one-fifth of his estate for the encouragement of cre- ative work in writing, especially "the new, the unusual, and the radical." Summer Term Contest The first time that the contests were open to students in the Summer Session was in 1938 and of course this is the first opportunity for a contest during a Summer Term. Judges for the Summer Awards are to be-drama: H. T. Price, A. L. Marckwardt, and Paul Mueschke; essay: E. A. Walter, Arno Bader, and Vivian C. Hopkins; fiction: Louis Haines, Andrew Green, and M. L. Williams; poetry: N. E. Nelson, Ben- nett Weaver, and C. D. Thorpe. Feast To Aid Soviet Relief Supplies And Big Scroll To Be Sent Russia The Russian equivalent of smor- gasbord-zakuski-will be held at 8 p.m. Monday in the Masonic Temple for the benefit of the Russian War Relief. Russian music will be played and Russian dances will be performed at the;buffet supper. Tickets will be on sale at the door. Chairman of the local Russian War Relief Committee is Prof. John L. Brumm of the School of Journalism. The committee has been working on the campus since the outbreak of war. Current work involves the pro- curing of 1,000,000 signatures on a scroll of greeting to the young men and women of the Soviet Union. The completed scrolls will be gath- ered at a central place to be pre- sented to Ambassador Litvinoff of the Union of Soviet Socialistic Re- publics. Transportation of the scrolls and sorely needed medical supplies which will be purchased from contributions made at the time of the signing of the scrolls will be furnished by Rus- sia.' Several shiploads have already been sent. In charge of the scroll drive on the campus is Elsie Litman, Students Needed For Farm Work University students who can devote full days to farm work .this summer are invited to register with the United States Employment Office here in order to assist the "Food for Victory Program." L. H. Glendening, manager of the office in Ann Arbor, stressed that "Students should not flock to the farms in search of work. The re- cruiting and employing of young people must be planned carefully in order to protect their health and wel- fare, and at the same time, meet the farmers' needs." University students will not be alone in this drive to secure enough farm labor to fill the place of drafted farm help, for high school students are also being asked to participate. It is emphasized that transportation to and from the farms can usually be arranged through the Employ- ment Office. ARM WITH CHARM Poise, Iovehness, popularity tyreyours! DON'T WAIT! Learn Some three or four months ago an enterprising Daily reporter started to do a story on the University telephone exchange, which to his guess, probably had enough phones and wire to efficiently serve a good-sized city. Ref ore he got his facts from a helpful business office employe, he sent a Daily photographer over to some little room in the engine school to pick up a shot of the phone operators. This is the picture, but now no one remembers who she is. The reporter never wrote the story be- cause he found the phone exchange couldn't even accommodate a town as large as Dexter, down the road a few miles. The Daily's composing room regulations stipulate that a cut must be printed before it can be filed away ... or thrown away ... Michigan Military Mer By The S arge __ Only juniors And Seniors To Study Streamlined' Advanced Corps Work Only juniors and seniors will be admitted to a streamlined Summer Term Naval ROTC as infantry drill will be entirely eliminated. The unit, expected to comprise 70 men, will be trained only in the regular advanced corps courses in ordnance, gunnery, naval communi- cations, minor tactics, and celonavi- gation. Incoming freshmen, though not ac- cepted for summer training, may ap- ply now for admission to the fresh- man class in NROTC next fall. Added to the Unit's staff as an assistant professor was Lieut. (j.g.) Cyrus Brewer, a graduate of the Unit- ed States Naval Academy in 1922. He accepted his commission after 10 years in civilian life and reported for duty with the University's NROTC Unit on May 22. First assignment of the summer for the NROTC staff was the direc- tion of 80 students of both the basic and advanced corps on the summer cruise. Taking four units of 20 men each the training ships U.S.S. Will- emette and U.S.S. Dover plied the waters of Lake Michigan for a period of two weeks. Students returning from the cruise were unanimous in approving their opportunity to put into practice the naval theory which has been drilled into them throughout the winter months. Bomber Plant Sway LANSING, June 16. --(P)-- The War Department has authorized con- struction of the Detroit Industrial expressway under provisions of the Defense Highway Act of 1941, the State Highway Department announ- ced today. Portion of the road al- ready has been built. Linking the Ford Bomber Plant at WillowrRun and the Detroit metro- politan area, the highway is to cost nearly $12,000,000, including right- of-way. In anticipation of War De- partmnt approval, contracts for $3,200,000 of the project have been let as regular federal aid projects, State Highway Commissioner G. Don- ald kennedy said. Federal certification will provide 75 per cent of the cost, he said, and the regular Federal aid funds obli- gated would be reassigned to other projects. The State will pay 25 per cent of the construction costs and the right-of-way. (ContIinued from Page :3) side and destroyers about half a mile away. Gradually our speed built up from the 15 knots of previous cruising to 20. The Lexington maneuvered into the wind .from time to time to re- ceive or launch planes. The launch- ings and landings were made fre- quently to keep every plane fully fueled for battle . "Katie to carrier," came the next radio warning from our scouts at 10:50 a.m." Big force coming in from right ahead. Sixty miles away." Immediately we knew we were in for a knock down drag out battle with the Japanese aviation. The Lexing- ton turned into the wind at once, launching all the reserve fighters and scouts that had been waiting for this moment. Timetable Important From here things happened fast and furiously. The timetable of the assault is extremely important to give the true picture of the speed of such attacks. I will give it, just as I scrib- bled it in my notebook while stand- ing on the Lexington's open signal bridge throughout the thunderous battle. "Enemy planes, 17,000 feet, four groups of nine each. Two groups dive bombers each protected by nine mixed Messerschmitt 1095 and Ze- ros," Lieut. Comm. Paul Ramsey, skipper of the defensive fighters aloft reported. "I'm at 14,000 about 12 miles north- east of you, climbing hard. They're going awfully fast. Doubt if I can intercept," Ramsey added. Almost simultaneously we got a call from our scouts. "Enemy torpedo planes spilling out of a cloud eight miles off. They are at 6,000 feet in a steep dive. We're intercepting now." I can fix the action of the next few minutes accurately from my notes as follows: Lexington Turns 11:14 am,: The Lexington was turning back into the defensive for- mation of ships. On its port (left) side there was only one screening vessel, a cruiser. 11:16 a.m.: Suddenly we saw guns aboard our screening cruiser belch smoke and flame, and a moment later, heard the thunder clap of the shots. 11:16, a.m.: "Here they come," sang the lookouts. "Enemy torpedo planes coming in port beam." "Hard starboard," said Capt. Sher- man in a conversational tone to his helmsman. This maneuver was to present only the stern tothe trpe- do. But a ship, even a fast shi like the Lexington moves at asnais pace compared with planes. Ship Goes Into Action And as the captain spoke, the Jap- anese aircraft hove into view, slim silver monoplanes, low, spreading out fan-like, diving in sdirectly toward our port side at high speeds. 'Later I heard it estimated this was 250 miles an hour. As soon as they came into view all the 100 odd guns on the valiant old Lexington broke into flame. More action from my battle notes expanded from the few words I wrote at the moment: 11:17 a.m.: The Japs were so low that I saw two lead planes pull up to skim over our protecting cruiser. In an instant one was obliterated int a flash of flame it must have bee t a direct hit from the cruiser's guns. The other kept right on coming. 11:17'. a.m.: Eight of those Japs., braving our fire, dropped their "fish" then they continued straight in to- ward us. The leading pair were right down on the water, so lov that they Doomed up to get over us. Both would have passed right over t he fore part of the deck. Flyers Pass Astern The other Japancce flyers were trying to pass astern. There simi- lar fusilades of fire were concen- trated on them. 11:18 a.m.: The Lexington shud- dered under our feet. and a heavy blast flashed in a spout of water on our port side, forward. It was a tor- pedo. The wakes of others could be seen streaking toward us. Some of these torpedoes were porpoising (nosing up out of the water and then diving 'deeply as though their control mech- anism had been damaged). Their wicked noses looked to me like death incarnate. I had the illusion they were alive, were breaking water to keep at us and then dive again, after having made sure of their courses. 11:20 a.m.: Wham-another tor- pedo hit. Almost at the same place forward. Another spout of flame en- closed in seawater. While we were staggering under the lurch as the Lexington flinched under the blow, a lookout called "dive bombers!" Huge Bomb Misses Looking out I saw the first dive bomber flattening out, having re- leased its bomb. "Boom"- a blind- ing flash on the port forward gun gallery. A 1,000 pound bomb had hit among these 5 inch guns, wreck- ing the battery and starting a fire. And more torpedoes were swerving toward us, their white wakes ghast- ly in the water. 11:21 a.m.: "Jaloom," another tor- pedo hit. Also oi the port side, al- most amidships. All round the stricken vessel huge spouts of water were rising suddenly, mysteriously. They were caused by the explosions of "near misses" by bombs. One light bomb hit the top of the Lexington's funnel on the left side, killing or wounding several men firing a .50 caliber anti-aircraft ma- chine gun. Matching the increasing tempo of airplane production, Army and Navy recruiting centers continue to induct thousands of college students to fill quotas of vast air corps reserves. If the number of University stu- dents enrolling in Army and Navy Air Corps is any indication of na- tion-wide participation of colleges, the United States will not have a shortage of pilots long. Five University men who have re- cently enrolled in the ranks of the growing U. S. Naval Reserve are: Joseph P. Trytten, Ann Arbor; John W. Armstrong, Three Rivers, Mich.; Arthur Leckner, Jr., St. Joseph, Mich.; Earl S. Wicks, New York, N. Y., and Richard B. Purdy, of Bri- arcliff, N. Y. Naval Cadets These aviation cadets were sworn into the Naval Reserve during the last days of June and are now wait- ing to be called to commence their basic training. First post for the fledging flyers will be the University of Iowa, where they will undergo three months of intensive physical training and groundschool work. Following this the cadets will be transferred to a Naval Reserve Avia- tion Base for primary flight train- ing before being sent south to earn their wings. On the eve of the departure of Prof. Heneman of the political sci- Atlantic Charter Will le Considered By PostUar Group Discussion of the Atlantic Charter of President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill, dramat- ically drawn up on the decks of a destroyer in the summer of 1941, will be led by Prof. Howard M. Ehrmann of the history department at 7:30 p.m., June 25, in the Grand Rapids Room of the League. The discussion is sponsored by the Michigan Post-War Council, whose work since its beginning in April has been to arouse interest in the prob- lems of post-war peace. The Council, governed by an exec- utiVe committee of representatives from the Student Religious Associa- tion, the Student Senate, Congress, the League, Panhellenic Association, Assembly, Intercooperative Council, Interfraternity Council, the Union. the Hillel Foundation, and The Daily, is headed directly by Herb Heaven- rich, '44, and Pat McGraw, '44. Pic- nics, meetings and discussions will be held throughout the summer. War Hero Will Visit Decfenise Plants Today ence department comes news of a former faculty man who is now in the armed forces. At Fort Bragg, N. C., Lt. Lowell R. Perkins, of Mount Vernon, Ohio, formerly instructor in chemistry at the University, is now instructing defense against chemical attack in the Field Artillery Replace- ment Center School there. Board Here June 27 Having recently completed the most successful tour it has ever had, the Traveling Aviation Cadet Exam- ining Board, in its never ending travels throughout the state giving examinations to prospective flyers, will once more arrive at Ann Arbor on June 27 for a three-day stay here. A few of the cadets who success- fully passed their mental and physi- cal examinations at recent visits by the board are: Morton R. Cohn, '45, Monroe; August Altese, '40, Detroit; William D.Tompkins, Fall River, Mass.; Louis Hurtik, '41, Pontiac; Warren A. Nelson, '41, Galien, Mich.; Wilfred .G. Checkley, Ann Arbor; Philip G. Wheeler, '42, Pleasant Ridge, Mich.; John N. Tehan, Spring- field, Ohio, and John F. Landwehr, Stony Ridge, Ohio. Speech Correction Stressed At Camp Founded in 1931 by John N. Clan- cy and boasting a total enrollment of four boys, the 'National Speech Improvement Camp at "Shady Trails" has grown to accommodate forty boys and to be recognized as one of the outstanding camps of its kind in the country. The "Shady Trails" setup consists of five groups of boys arranged ac- cording to hge, the top group com- posed of men of college age. Each group is independent of the others in its recreational and educational program, with its own speech cor- rectionist and physical director. Located on Grand Traverse Bay. the camp offers swimming, boating and hiking as a means of teaching coordination to the campers. "Shady Trails" opens on June 20 this year, for its usual nine weeks run under the direction of John Clancy of the University Speech Clinic. 11:22 a.m.: "Tham"--once more kind. Our pilots, heroes every on the Lexington lurched beneath our got 24. u PEN FOU'R THE DRTION DIU litPATTER'IISON & AULD ratIert fwcler3 at /C G a/ n 1209 South University Ru'r i ANN OAKES, Mgr. feet. The fourtni torpedo hit. 11:22' a.m.: "Baloom" -now the fifth torpedo, all on the port side, amidships and forward. Looking off the bridge I could see the water foaming and laced with torpedo trails. They seemed to be coming from all directions and in unlimited numbers. I looked out to starboard to seo how the rest of the ships were far- ing and conted five planes burning on the water. Japanese planes go- ing away were being followed by our starboard guns that trailed tracers into and after them. 11:25 a.m.: "Seven more torpedo planes," the lookouts called again. "From the port side." The, anti-aircraft fire was so hot that the pilots in those planes were anxious to get away. They failed to press home the attack like the first group. All of them dropped their torpedoes while still at a 45 degree glide and more than 200 feet above the water, and then turned away, never coming closer than within 1,500 yards of the Lexington. Five More Planes 11:27 a.m.: Five more Japanese torpedo planes appeared in the cen- ter of the fleet. They singled us out, spread out and bored in toward our starboard (right) side. With the en- tire fleet firing at them they dropped their "fish" a long way out. The old Lexington, still charging ahead de- spite her wounds, turned once more, and all these missed. Two Japanese planes with torpe- does slid in through the fleet fire. These turned aside from the Lexing- ton, passing' astern of us, and drop- ped their "fish" at the cruiser on our port quarter. The ship swung, avoid- ing the torpedoes. The cruiser's gunners got a direct hit on one of the two planes. The plane just disap- peared in a clap of thunder and flame. 11:32 a.m.: The last of the dive bombers swung by, raking us with his gunfire as he passed. The bomb fell close but missed, and suddenly there was silence. In all this furious, close-packed action, our fighters and scouts had not been idle. One hundred and three Japanese planes came over. Forty-nine fell in a 20 mile radius around us, downed by our planes and ship's guns. The guns in all took 119, an all time high for a fight of this 'Sand Thromer' To Be Exhibitedl LANSING, June 16.-(A)-A "sand- thrower" designed to smother ground and brush fires with a stream' of sand will be demonstrated by the State Conservation Department near Roscommon Saturday. The device was invented by G. I. Stewart, director of the department's forest fire experiment station near Roscommon and is said to do the work of 25 men, It is powered by a 10 horse-power gasoline engine and resembles a motor-drive lawn mower in appearance. Digging a trench about 13 inches wide, the machine spews a stream of soil which will bury a fire 12 to 15 feet on either side of the furrow, the department said, pointing out that it was especially fitted for the fire fighting work in the sandy soils of Michigan's cut-over country. MISC Coed Is Suicide EAST LANSING, June 16.-(IP)- Coroner Ray Gorsline reported that Miss Jean L. Desmond, 19, of Detroit, a freshman coed, leaped to her death from a fifth floor window of the Home Economics Building at Michi- gan State College today. He listed her death as suicide. _. 1 BARGAINS in USED BOOKS~ Or NEW If You- Prefer STUDENT SUPPLIES For All, Departments 7 and 7:5 5 ! &'emem &AA 12-7-41 ..... 7:55 And avenge the attack at Pearl Harbor. Buy VICTORY STAMPS at A I mm" Workingmen of five Ann Arbor plants now produling defense ma- terials will be visited today by one of the 15 Marine and Navy heroes who have returned from battle fronts tat -,nta. l tt- e : a s el. ,t" !I -®-®-m