PAGE FYOUR' rl'"HE MICRICIN.- DA-ILY ?VMMY.-JULY '29. lk2 _ , TI..._ Y1T C'14T4N.13 1Yl, .....A.A3.OITV'r.. ' .. __. _. ~ ~ . ~ Z 1.a V I "l Vir.!V 4 oulaoro &:lr 3irL~igtn Ztti An Axe To Grind By TORQUEMADA Dominie Says GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichiy 4e r-7/ --*a .. )... rI Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is published every morning except Monday and Tuesday. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled7 to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESMNTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTNISNG &Y National Advertising Service, Inc, , College PublishersRep resentat.e 420 MADisoN AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. cxcaAGa* Bosor * LOS A6GE.S * SAN FRARCISCW Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941 -42 Editorial Staff Homer Swander Wil Sapp Mike aL lnn. . . . .Managing Editor . . . . . City Editor * F.r9 fL U . NO L.M111 rports wEd ASSOCIATE EDITORS Hale Champion, John Erlewine, Robert Mantho, Irving Jaffe, Robert Preiskel ator Edward Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Morton Hunter Business Staff . . . . Business Manager . . Associate Business Manager . . . Publications Manager NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT MANTHO. i I The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Prodaetion Dilemma Is Very Confusing . . W HATEVER the reasons are; the War Production Board is falling far short of providing the. nation with maximum production for the war effort. Evidence of this is mounting every day. The full extent of our productive resources is not being utilized, and final responsibility must be laid at the door of the WPB. It is immaterial whether our inadequate pro- duction is the result of selfish pressure exerted by industrial interests, or is merely due to WPB inefficiency. The undeniable fact is that in order to win the war we must utilize all our resources to the fullest extent, and at present we are not accomplishing this. HE principal sore spot at present involves the shortage-or alleged shortage-of steel for many vitally important war production plants. One case in point is Walter Reuther's charge that 2,500,000 tons of steel are being wasted each year and that industrialists are keeping addi- tional millions idle because of inefficient meth- ods. As a result of this, he said, a great many plants have been forced to close down. He has informed WPB's chairman, Donald Nelson that Army and Navy officials are still insisting on the use of steel for buildings that will be torn down after the war. It is up to Nelson and his Board to investigate such charges and to do something about them, especially in the case of steel, which is of such vital importance to the war effort. ANOTHER sore spot arises from the accusation by Andrew Higgins, New Orleans shipbuilder, that his contract to construct 200 cargo ships was cancelled by the Maritime Commission be- cause of the influence of powerful industrialists who are opposed to the development of a big shipbuilding industry in the South. The reason given for the cancellation was that there was not sufficient steel for the project. But Higgins and L. E. Detwiler, assistant to the president of the company, claim that such is not the case. And Rep. F. Edward Hebert, of Louisiana, confirms this contention by declaring that the Vera Cruz Steel Company has offered to supply the neces- sary steel. Several members of the House Marine Subcommittee also denied the existence of a steel shortage. THE situation at Willow Run is perhaps the most distressing and confusing of all. Re- ports have it that the government will not build as many houses in its Bomber City as had been planned because an alleged steel shortage will prevent the employment of the number of workers it was previously thought would be hired. Here again it seems very strange that not enough steel will be available. Especially incomprehen- sible in this case is the allegation of a steel shortage, for Willow Run is so tremendously im- 'portant to war production and is so remarkably equipped for the huge-scale manufacture of bombers. All this, as we have said, may indicate nothing about the integrity of the WPB. But if it doesn't, it certainly shows that the WPB is doing an alarminglyincompetent job. And it is one place where we cannot tolerate incompetence, unless we want to lse the war. An immediate investigation must be made of the facts behind our production dilemmas -especially the steel situation. W are ran- (The guest column by Hale Champion printed be- icw was written because Mr. Champion felt that the restrictions of strict editorial form prevented him from naming some very appropriate names. The opinions given below do not necessarily oi- cide with those of your columnist, but actually.) I write an editorial, and then I write another editorial, and still another, and so on into the night, the weeks, the months, and eventually the years. I see something wrong here, and then a little later I see something wrong somewhere else, and I carefully point out editorially just what it is. Pretty soon the things here and the things there begin to take shape until finally they make a rounded pattern, but all the time I'm writing editorials about just prt of that pattern. And I blame it all on the editorial form which doesn't allow you to say what you want to say in a manner which appeals to the sensibilities of people who don't like the formal, stilted, objec- tive treatments of isolated subjects. It forces you to use a language which people don't speak and therefore aren't familiar with. You have to cover one topic carefully without having suffi- cient room or scope of language to relate it to the whole, and you therefore are always kept from telling the whole truth. Not that anyone in the midst of indignation sufficient enough to demand expression ever can make clear the whole truth, but he. can still do, a lot better job without having burdensome editorial restrictions. And so beca-use. I have something to say that no more can be put in an editorial than can half the world's peas for justice, it appears here.. It. is as much a plea for action, for a change of course as if it appeared in the edi- torial column; in fact it is more so. This is it. Washington is an octopus of grasping big busi- nessmen whose tentacles stretch in every direc- tion impeding the national war effort. The businessmen are interested in seeing us win the war, but only interested if it is going to bring profit to them; profit both now and later. Hardly a day goes by in which some news item or other does not show how business pressure blocs in Congress are raising hell with some phase of the inflation prevention program, how dollar-a-year men have betrayed their country's best interests for profits, how government com- missions have been browbeaten into serving es- tablished enterprise at the expense of maximum production, Hardly a day goes by in which there is not an attempt to descredit labor unions or anything or anybody else that believes in essen- tial civil rights and more equitable distribution of income. And hardly a day goes by in which these big companies who keep professional protec- tionin Washington do not pay out more big dividends, happily huge salaries, and bounti- ful bonuses to top executives. As yin World War I everything eventually is done Big Business' way unless direct and pitiless publicity is brought, to bear on the attempt. Now under cover of economy for the sake of the war, Congressmen are attempting to sabo- tage the- New Deal and discredit its leader and the only man who prevents Washington from becoming a literal sinkhole of iniquity, Franklin D. Roosevelt. There are hundreds of thousands of indications of all this-and because this is a column, not an editorial, and I may speak as an ordinary individual instead of like somebody outside the range and interest of the ordinary individual-I can talk about them, name names, and call people stinkers. And here comes a sample of Mr. Dollar in a country at war. Item No 1 . . . What about Higgins, Kaiser, and huge flying freighters and, fighters? Why can't our War Production Board know far enough ahead of time whether or not materi- als can be furnished to a project on which $10,000,000 worth of war materials were wasted before they called a halt to activities? How come there is such a terrific steel short- age that a project approved by America's ace production man to date-Henry J. Kaiser-is cast aside in favor of Eastern shipbuilders whose record in no way approaches that of Kaiser? How come Higgins could have bought steel on a black market which he could not ob- tain through legal means? There are a lot more embarrassing questions about this little matter, but I have other questions to ask. Item No. 2 . . . Why when incomes for the year just ended were announced -were certain big industrialists' salaries left off? Was it be- cause pressure on the censorship office had them concealed, using as its alibi the fact that the plants were producing war materials-as if that could possibly indicate anything to a for- eign power? And now they are released singly without any nonsense about 'defense reasons.' Why release them singly unless the big boys were afraid that the cumulative effect would be such that all could not be announced at once? When compiled the list gives one something to think about; too much in fact. What are the talents and energies which make Eugene Grace worth $537,580 a year to the United States, which pays his salary indirectly through the Bethle- hem Steel Corporation? And what has increased his worth $59,000 over 1940? Item No. 3 .. . Typical defense plant earn- ings report-while Congress gets pressured to keep such plants' incomes from being taxed to a logical limit-is the following from a Michi- ga plant, Dow Chemical Company. It goes something like this , . . Sales highest in his- tory,,up 67% over last year . . . Earned $7.14 a share for its common stockholders, 56c more dends and salaries with those of the boys on Bataan? The CIO News may have the answer when they say that if they did, responsible labor leaders wouldn't be able to control the honest. indignation of hard-working men. Item No. 4 . . . Who is behind the attempt to throw out or discredit every liberal in Washing- ton, including the President and his wife? . . . Is it big business which accuses the President of planning to do away with Congress as a special dispatch from the Ann Arbor News Washington Bureau indicated some of its representatives have already done? Is it the same group which has forced eviction from federal office of less well-known liberals than the President and his wife, which has caused the reasonless firing of capable public servants because in one woman's case she belonged to that unwholesome-at least in the eyes of Martin Dies-National League of Women Voters? Item No. 5 . . . And where has the pressure come from to break rent control, price control, and so forth? Is it the little landlord who wants to make some extra money-well, some- times. But the guys who want and exert the real pressure are the huge real estate holders, the big businessmen of real estate. And what about the farm pressure bloc? Is that for the benefit of small, mortgage-burdened farmers? No, as Midwestern farmers see it. It's for the guys who have taken over the farms in huge blocs, and the guys who have bought grain for small prices and want to sell it for big. It ought to be called the guys-who-want-to- make-money-off-farmers bloc, for that's what it is. There are a lot of questions in the foregoing, and maybe not all of the answers lead to Big Business, but I know damn well that most of them do, There are countless more examples in which the cupidity of the double-dealing Big Businessmen is exposed. But we won't drag you through the Standard Oil, international cartel business-worse-than-usual story, nor through the tragic non-conversion story. Everybody who will read this has read about them, and sees what I'm driving at. It is this. Big Business is getting away with outright murder of the best interests of Amer- ica. We don't want a John Dos Passos to come out of this war to write of the follies of- an American people who were led blindly through a war lasting interninably longer than neces- sary because of vested interests. If a Dos Passos appears again, it will be because America has not yet learned her lesson, has not seen that day by day the National Association of Manu- facturers and United States Chamber of Com- merce move closer to control of the war effort. May Franklin D. Roosevelt and every other sincere patriotic liberal in the country stand in the way of their march to power and in- creased wealth. P.S. May FDR, for God's sake, make a fuss about that income limit of $25,000 a year for everybody. It would be worth more than all the rest of a year's legislative output and then some. WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-The groundwork for the War Labor Board's new wage stabilization pol- icy, authorizing pay increases up to 15 percent of what workers received on January 1, 1941, was laid at an important meeting in the office of Board Chairman William C. Davis a few days before the policy was announced. The meeting was attended by top officials dealing with war labor problems, including Man- power Chief Paul McNutt; Secretary of Labor Perkins; Wendell Lund, chief of the WPB's la- bor division; John R. Steelman, chief of the U.S. Conciliation Service, and Richard V. Gilbert, OPA economic adviser, who represented Leon Henderson. All those present were pledged to secrecy, which turned out to be a wise precaution, for several of, the conferees tangled furiously on the question of wage freezing. OPA economist Gilbert started the fireworks by declaring that both OPA loss Henderson and himself were "unalterably opposed" to any wage boosts in war plants. Manpower's McNutt and his chief lieutenant, Fowler Harper, vigorously objected to this view- point on the ground that universal wage freez- ing would be unfair to workers in industries with sub-standard wage scales, and would en- courage pirating of labor from one industry to another. After a long wrangle, OPA's Gilbert finally relented' and agreed to a maximum hourly increase of 5 percent in certain industries, such as aircraft, where wage scales are relatively low. Inflation vs. Wages However, this brought a fresh blowup. Paul Porter, chief of the WPB wage stabilization branch, hotly broke in: "I won't be a party to any phony collective bargaining agreement like that." Porter added something to the effect that Henderson and Gilbert wanted to establish arbi- trary wage ceilings without regard for wage dis- parities existing among key war industries. Gilbert replied that all he and Henderson wanted to do was to stop inflation. Porter and Harper contended that the air- "RELIGION is the crucible by which sentiment is carried," said a USO speaker recently. He was urging upon his hearers the neces- sity of a faith in the Universe, a cos- mic basis of that sense of security in which a boy knowing of his parents love and the mutual loyalty of his home groups can move out toward a distant front. Here is religion mak- ing" the home carry," said the speaker. The same-values were being striven for in a recent conference on "Can the American Family Survive?" In that assembly the social workers were asking the ministers, "How can we increase home solidarity across dis- tance and uncertainty?" Religion, said these social workers, has that office. But we "deal with hundreds who have not the language of the spirit." Many children have been reared without a prayer attitude. apart from public as well as private worship and without a philosophy of daily life which is grounded in any sort of theory of existence. In such cases, how can we help our people to sustain their sons or to support spiritually, morally and ethically their members now in the service? War, separation, uncertainty, dan- ger and a high possibility of death in the line of duty on the part of citizens now throw upon religious leaders and chaplains a stupendous task. However, it is in a decade like our own that religion as a means in- stead of an end in itself is made clear to all. This aids us somewhat. It makes religion seem real, indispen- sable, a way of life. Such a perspec- tive i, essential to religious growth and spiritual insight, though one must regret that it takes a revolu- tion to bring us to the view. E. W. Blakeman, Counselor In Religious Education DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN i s 1 , S 1 1 1 a a r I 1 JIIII 1 E T F t a t T 1 x SUNDAY, JULY 26, 1942 VOL. LII No. 30-S All Notices for the Daily Official Bui- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer session before 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publication except on Saturday, when the notices should be submitted before 11:30 a.m. Chu~rches Vespers. There will be no VespersC in the Rackham Lecture Hall tonight. However, Professor Maynard KleinI of the School of Music, supported byI a University Summer Chorus, is pre- paring a distinctive program of Sa- cred Music, both vocal and instru- mental, for Sunday, August 16, at 8:15 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. Campus Worship: Midday Wor- ship at the Congregational Edifice, State and William Streets, each Tuesday and Thursday at 12:10 p.m. Open to all. Adjourn at 12:30. Led by various Ann Arbor clergymen- Henry O. Yoder, chairman. Daily Mass at St. Mary's Chapel, William and Thompson streets, at 7:00 a.m. and 8 a.m. Father Frank J. McPhillips officiating. Open to all. E. W. Blakeman, Counselor of Religious Education Sunday Services of Zion Lutheran Church will be held at 10:30 with Rev. Stellhorn speaking on "Be Sub- missively Courageous." Trinity Lutheran Church Services will be held this Sunday at 10:30, the Rev. Henry O. Yoder speaking on "Blessed Trust." The Lutheran Student Association will meet this Sunday at 5:30, Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. After a dinner Roderick Anderson, Regional Presi- dent of the L. S. A. will speak. First Baptist Church, 512 E. Huron, C. H. Loucks, Minister. 10:00-Children's Departments of the Church School. 10:15-Adult Classes of the Church School. The Roger Williams Class meets in the Guild House, 502 E. Huron, to discuss "Judaism," the fifth in a series of studies of "The World's Living Religions." 11:00-The Church at Worship. Sermon-"Separate People." 7:00--Roger Williams Guild in the Guild House, 502 E. Huron. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 S. Division St. Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "Truth." Sunday School at 11:45. Free public Reading Room at 1061 E. Washington St., open every day except Sundays and holidays, from 11:30 a.m. until 5 p.m., Saturdays until 9 p.m. First Presbyterian Church. Morning Worship-10:45 a.m. "The Awakening of the Inner Man"-ser- mon by Dr. S. A. Griffith of the First Presbyterian Church of Jack- son, Michigan. Westminster Student Guild-6:15 !nm ,neialI('1,'lnfl ~low -dby ta~lk I f. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: 8:00 asm., Holy Communion; 11:00 1.m. Kindergarten, Harris Hall; 11:00 a.m., Summer Church School; 11:00 a.m., Morning Prayer and Sermon by Dr. John E. Bell, D.Ed., Theological Supervisor, Clinical Training Center, University Hospital; 5:00 to 8:00 p.m., Student Picnic at the Giefel Resi- dence, Barton Hills. Picnic supper and swimming, Memorial Christian Church (Dis- ciples): 10:45 a.m., Morning worship. The Rev. Frederick Cowin, Minister. 6:45 p.m. The Disciples Guild will hold open house at the Guild House, 438 Maynard Street. The 8:00 o'clock campus-wide vesper service at Rack- ham Hall is being substituted for the usual Guild program. First Congregational Church: Dr. Leonard A. Parr, Minister. Service of public worship at 10:45 a.m. The subject of the morning sermon by Dr. Parr: "Men as Trees Walking." This, will be the closing service of the summer season. On Tuesday and Thursday at 12:10 the Campus Worship Services will be held in this sanctuary. Summer stu- dents and visitors are cordially wel- comed at these services. Wesley Foundation: 6:00 p.m. Supper and fellowship hour in the student lounge of the church. At 6:40, Paul Lim-Yuen, well-known, Chinese student and winner of this year's oratorical contest, will speak on "Outlook In Asia." Following his talk there will be opportunity for questions, and the three summer, discussion groups will meet. All stu- dents and their friends are cordiallyt invited. The Ann Arbor Church of Christ will meet in the Y.M.C.A. Building at 110 North Fourth Ave. on Sunday, July 26. Sunday School will be at 10 and Worship at 11 a.m. and1 7:45 p.m. Mr. Donald Healey of De- troit will be the guest speaker. Ann Arbor Church of Christ The Reverend Mr. Sugden, of the Calvary Baptist Church, Jackson, will speak at the Michigan Christian Fellowship meeting at 4:30 p.m. Sun- day in the Fireside Room of Lane Hall. Events Today Wolverines: there will be a meeting of the Wolverines Sunday, July 26, at 2 p.m. in room 302 of the Union. David Striffler, Vice President. Graduate Outing Club: The club has planned for the afternoon of Sunday, July 26, an outing to Portage Lake for swimming followed by a fresco supper. Total expenses per capita for food, transportation and use of beach facilities are expected iot to exceed eighty cents. Those in- tending to participate are requested to leave work prior to Saturday noon at the Information Desk of the Rack- ham Building. The club will meet at 2:20 p.m. at the west' door of the Rackham Building. Professor Percival Price, University Carillonneur, presents a recital on the Charles Baird Carillon on Sun- day and Thursday evenings from 7:15 to 8:00. Printed copies of the entire series of programs are avail- able in the office of the School of Music, and in the lobby of Burton Tower. The Education Committee of the Inter-Cooperative Council is spon- soring a forum on Sunday, July 26, at 4 p.m. at the Rochdale Coopera- Hu- - nrms n, L ha ,-', -k a '900 ( "Tnfl the Michigan League from- & until 10:30 in the evening. Michigan Dames. John Glenn Metcalf, Organist, will present a recital at, 8:30 p.m. Man- day, July 27, in Hill Auditorium, in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Master of Muac. Assistant Professor of Organ and Theory at Hendrix College, Con- way, Arkansas, Mr. Metcalf has ar- ranged a program of compositibns by Bach, Brahms, Vaughan William$ and Vierne. Reg. U.-, a tO.,A il ts nes. . "Just look at all those phone numbers, sir!-You can see what a furlough for me would mean to civilian morale!" Phi Delta Kappa will hold weekly luncheon Tuesday, July at 12:10 in the Michigan Union. Breed will speak on "EducationE the Liberal Outlook." its 28, Dr. and t Wednesday, July 29, 1942. Bridge at the Michigan League from 2 until 4:30 in the afternoon. Coffee hour at 4:30 in the Rackham Building. Students and Faculty of the Latin and Greek departments will meet for a Coffee Hour and Round-table dis- cussion of teaching problems on Tues- day, July 28, at 4:10 in the East Con- ference Room of Rackham. Freshmen and Sophomores major- ing in Chemistry and Chemical Engi- neering: First summer meeting of Chemistry Club will be Tuesday, July 28, at 7:30 p.m., room 151 Chemistry Building. Dr. R. R. White will speak on petroleum. Election of officers. Richard E. Field American Society of Civil Engi- neers: will meet on Tuesday, July 28th, at 7:30 in the Union. There will be moving pictures on "Making of Alloy Steel." All# Civil Engineers are invited. Institute of the Aeronautical ,So- ences. There will be a meeting of the Institute Tuesday, July 28, at 7:30 p.m. in Rooms 319-323 of the Michigan Union. Mr. A. Gail will discuss The Effect- of Ice On- Per- formance. Slides will be shown. All engineers are invited. Tuesday evening concert of re- corded music. Because of the Faculty Concert to be given in Hill Auditor- ium on Tuesday evening, July 28, the regular Tuesday recorded pro- gram in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building has been can- celed. An all-Brahms program -will be presented at 8:30 Tuesday evening, July 28, in Hill Auditorium, as an- other in the current series of faculty concerts. Maud Okkelberg and Jo- seph Brinkman, pianists, William Stubbins, clarinetist, Wassily Bese- kirsky, violinist, and Hanns Pick, cellist, all members of the regular staff of the School of Music, will participate in the program, which is open to the public. Sound Motion Pictures: "The Per- fect Tribute" and "Teddy Roosevelt, the Rough-Rider" will be shown at the weekly Speech assembly at 3 p.m. Wednesday in the Amphitheatre- of the Rackham Building. All Speech students should attend. The public is invited. Graduate Coffee Hour Wednesday, 4:30 p.m. in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building. All faculty mem- bers, graduate students and their friends are invited to attend. American Society of' Mechanical Engineers will hear Prof F. N. Men- efee on the subject: "The Engineer and the War," Wednesday, July 29th, at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union. .