- SUNDAY, JULY" 29, 1942 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE * SUNDAY, JULY 26, 1942 PAGE T Foreign - (A t r t' While black news poured into the press association offices from the Rostov-Stalingrad areas of South Russia late this week, the stout- hearted, staunch Red Army was still holding a trump card in the battle for the Caucasian industrial centers. Nearly 400 miles north of Rostov on the Don at Voronezh, General Timoshenko's armies had attacked the Nazi invaders, drove them back across the Don in various sectors and held them there. The German pan- zers were fighting back hard to re- take their positions across the Don and finally break the lines of staunch defenders into the key city. Retention of important and stra- tegic Voronezh gives hope to the picture of despair in Russia. From there the Soviets may be able to flank Von Bock's mighty motorized columns and cut them off as they drive slowly into the vital industrial section. But at Rostov the Nazi drive had more success. The powerful panzers stationed themselves in the southern Don-Donets Basin ready to hurl their mechanized strength at the strategic industrial town on the west bank of the Don. By Saturday they had taken the town of Voroshilovgrad, only 85 miles from Rostov. They passed through wrecked and burned coal mines on their way, all the while suffering prodigious losses. The next day saw the million-man army pushing further into the terri- tory by driving a wedge between Ros- tov and Stalingrad. The brave de- fenders fell back and back, but they succeeded in slowing the Nazi tide. Then the Germans were reported only 20 miles from Rostov at Novo- cherkossk. The Red Army, under brilliant Timoshenko, was staging a last-ditch fight for the much-besieged city and was taking a terrific Nazi toll. Off i- cial communiques admitted that the enemy was at the "approaches" of the city while the official German claim was that Rostov had been taken by storm. The United Nations' inventory in South Russia was anything but hope- ful. Should the Germans take Sta- lingrad and Rostov they would hold the great oil center of the stout- hearted Soviet Union as well as the key position to the great Caucasus industrial center. Some military authorities found hope in the great losses the Germans were incurring, but the man in the street wore a long face. On the Moscow front there was only slight activity. Far more omi- nous was the suggestion that the Nazis would attempt to close Mur- mansk from the stream of supplies coming from the Soviet Union's al- lies. The military experts' predic- tions were more credible when it be- came known that large numbers of troops were massing on the northern Finland front. On the other side of this picture were the feelers for peace by Finnish diplomats. The Americans were asked to help the once-praised little nation out of its unfortunate alli- ance with Hitler. The SecondFronters The only possible relief for Russia -the diversion front-the second front-was still loud talk by inter- ested newsmen in Britain and the United States. The politicians talked little about it and the British gov- ernment refused to tell Commons anything. Cordell Hull fought his own battle of the second front-the front of peace proposal-with a radio speech from Washington. His blueprint called for a period of transition after the peace, an international agency to keep peace "by force if necessary." Meanwhile, gloomy Americans won- dered whether some of those specific proposals would not have more ef- fect if they dealt with the fighting diversion front. Chinese Action The Chinese found things looking' up last week after the ordeal of bended knees some weeks ago before the American air force was sent there. The big U.S. bombers made their longest raids, sweeping over the Chinese central plains to blast Japa- nese communications center at Kiu-j kiang on the Yangtze River. Two Jap transports are lying in the mud there now. A Chinese newspaper reported that the Japs were taking it amidships in Formosa Straits from the torpedoes of Allied submarines. But the land fronts remained fluid. It was still nip-and-tuck in most places with the under-equipped Chi- nese doing a valiant job as they have in the long years of their struggle with the enemy from across the China Sea. That the Chinese had no excess of American submarines sinking three destroyers in the Kiska region. Another affectionate pat was de- livered on the Kiska harbor by Amer-, ican long-range bombers. No results of this raid were made available, but it was said to have added materially to the increasing destruction Japan was suffering there. Much-bombed New Guinea felt the sting of more Allied bombs in raids by Allied planes based in Australia. Fires were left in towns held by the Japs as the Allies attempt to hinder the supply. Terrible tales by newsmen just es- caping from Japan came to the United States last week. Prison con- ditions so bad that pounds of flesh rolled off the correspondents were reported. The food was enough to choke the most callous pig and tor- tures that left the Western World scene years ago were revived. This was a first-hand report of the hon- orable enemy. * * * Armies In Sand Hitler's jaw-boned orderly, Musso- lini, was reported through intricate news-channels to be in Nazi held Matruh. Presumably he is observing what his armies might have done be- fore the German Panzers under Rommel made their clean-up. That §ame city of Matruh where Mussolini was reported in his latest world-wide wall-flowering was the object of fierce Allied attacks by air. Naval dive-bombers took Hitler's les- son and blew up munitions dumps in the city and made oil drums explode like huge fire-crackers. Then the British Navy carried the insult fur- ther by bombarding the town. 'heWeek_ I The Staunch Defenders A national day of prayer was not the bombing of Bremen. declared in Italy. The bombs that the B The whole front in Libya was in were an interesting type t] better shape for the Allies. They only in densely popula counterattacked intermittently and They weighed two-tons eac made small gains which reinforced stroyed blocks of the great their precarious position. From the Spitfires swept over thec sea at El Alamein to the Qattara De- unload their lighter bomb pression in the south they hit back occupied territory just to at the Germans in polite sparring buildings burning. The blows, raids were becoming co The romantic name of a crucial for the English flyers as area-the Hill of Jesus-apeared of- trolled the occupied lands ten in the shuttling battles. The sea. British had decisively recaptured it. The Russian air force ca The Axis had been driven back from its shell of business in th the ridges and El Alamein was in the battles to vent its spleen o clear. berg in East Prussia.Z In conspicuous absence was the some of the Nazi munitio Luftwaffe. The English controlled and caused heavy explosio the air as they had once been ru- * * * mored to have controlled the sea. They knocked Rommel's trucks Davy Jones' Locke around the desert without so much The Battle of the Atlan as a mild Messerschmitt protest. Ap- ued on its wearisome w parently the Nazi's reserve strength sinkings last week. With had been well-used in the push to- building going on, the Wa ward dancing Cairo. Administration in Wash To top off the good news was a ported that the number heavy raid on Tobruk. This city was Nations' vessels being lo once home to many of the British exceeded new construction troops during the siege and now they But the ever-resourcef said hello again to their old resi- ties had a new suggestion. dence. Their high-explosive calling port. cards were definitely on the encour- The Army saw possil aging side. created an Air Transport * * * Henry J. Kaiser, a spee London's Heavyweights builder, wants to build1 transports - huge flyin The RAF showed its face in Eur- which could transport 3 ope again with a big load of bombs of freight to Englande for Germany's Duisburg. Huge Lan- day. This airy plan may b casters and Stirlings-300 of them- tion to the U-boat troub went deep into Germany to show the oil - glossed the Atlan Nazis the quality of British explo- months. sives. It was the largest raid since -Leon G In Review - Domestic British left hat is used, ted areas. ch and de- river port. channel to s on Nazi- o keep the{ day-time rmmonplac s they pa- along the ame out of e southern n Koenigs- They fired n factories ons. r ntic contin- ay of ship all of the ar Shipping .ington re- of United st "greatly n." ul authori- Air trans- bilities and Command. d-up ship- 5,000 Mars g boats - 50,000 tons every other be the solu- le that has ntic these Gordenker No More Steel? Most serious domestic news of the week was that while U.S. mass pro- duction methods were now turning1 out goods in increasingly sufficient quantities, the ' materials which go into essential munitions and supply carriers are becoming so scarce as to create a real and dangerous shortage. Two much-publicized war plant projects threw into dismaying relief the fact that there is not enough steel in this country to meet any- where near capacity production re- quirements. The two plants were Andrew Jackson Higgins' revolution- ary wayless shipbuilding company in New Orleans and Henry Ford's "world's largest airplane factory." Higgins, whose activities are ap- proved by Henry Kaiser-most suc- cessful mass shipbuilder in history- had received a contract for new vic- tory-type ships which would furnish him with six months work. He or- ganized his producing unit and was about ready to begin when the Mari- time Commission canceled his con- tract. He howled to high heaven and the Maritime Commission merely in- formed him that there wasn't enough steel, passing the word on from WPB authority. Meanwhile, Mr. Higgins wondered out loud about several things. Why couldn't he get steel when slower shipbuilders in the East could? Why couldn't the WPB have refused him materials to produce a plant to which no supplies would be allocated? Why was there steel on the 'black market' and none avail- able to him? And why wasn't ship- building everywhere placed high enough on the priority list so that the terrific number of sinkings on the coasts could be equalized? Mr. Higgins went to Washington, but so far he hasn't found n doors open. The steel shortage is still official, but nobody can be sure it's actual. Illustrative of the same point is the situation at Ypsilanti where Hen- ry Ford said lack of mat erials would keep his bomber plant from operat- ing at capacity. Whether or not he Howls To Iheaven have are uncertain, but if he is given enough leeway, most observers agree that he is the man for the job. This is not the first time he has been placed in a highly important posi- tion. When Roosevelt needed a trouble-shooter who could be tough and smooth at the same time with the Vichy government, he sent this same Leahy. In addition to this, Leahy knows his warfare. He has spent 22 years of his life in actual sea command and 24 other years in the top ranks of the U.S. Navy. He has commanded the battle force of the U.S. Fleet and served as Chief of Naval Operations. Through all of this he has nain= tained a clearer head than the ra- jority of professional fighters and thus probably has less chance of be- coming bogged down in a maze of Army-Navy jealousies. Morale-Smashers Mse k wt ._- Archawould HREATENED with a second font, what the Germans THRAT O ing their immediate aims. Such a lire, many experts be- i= =GATEWAYS Qf Ld A hRi =1--ii ' U_'Main supply port at Arch- lieve, runs from Leningrad to Astrakhan to Rostov. It 21=-- angel is ice-bound in winter; Q 0 would hamstring Soviet internal communications, put Murmansk, further north Russia's only western supply ports within bombing reach and ice-free year around, and give Nazis jump-off point for attacking Caucasus. now reported bomb-blitzed.D Luke' Q " - Helsinki ' <. r ' l. - P rm ^^ ......Lentri rad Vologda UE Tin4Sverdlovsk ESTONIc _ - D RAIL HUB ENDANGERED Ekaterinburg) -- Capture of Moscow would break Pskov spokes of "military wheel" of 500-MILE ==rayZ radiating railroads, complicate BOMBER Ri a,:i: LATVIA Russa Yaroslav Red supply problem.,RANGE i.et° R''lazcxn , Ufa GONE - GMoAL w =22Rzhev yLINE Gorki uk i:::"_ ~_ = "Vladimir -: - -r nes, rU* So Ss " R - Viln ".+ 99 1. smtn uaBuzuluk ' Mink"Kuibyshe hn % a )Crsk- Michurinsk Penza rest r ansk " Gvs lUralsk / Gomel Saratov Aktyubinsk i A PPROXIMATE o- a> t PRESENT oneh POLAND FRONT= THREE-SEA LINE, KievHITLER'S STRA- Lwow TEGIC SUMMER Khar ov GOA Stalingfrad j inprperos tovk Gur oshchaqil said it for effect no one except the WPB could say, and it wouldn't say. At any rate, the statement helped out Mr. Ford in his fight against the Willow Run housing project, which many suspect is just what Mr. Ford wanted. There is no question that there is a steel shortage, but there is no as- surance that there is not enough steel for Higgins and Ford. If there is so drastic a shortage as to prevent manufacture at capacity for these two, there is trouble ahead for Amer- ican production, trouble of which as yet the American people have no conception. The Inflation Blues Americans lie to talk about al- most anything; for the past year or two they have liked especially to talk about halting inflation. But they have done little else. The President's seven-point program is nearly as far from accomplishment as it was the day he offered it. So this week he decided once more to take matters into his own hands. A majority of the public thought it was about time. He began by announcing that he would in a few days send a message to Congress urging them to do less talking, more acting on the inflation problem. And le told the nation what it should have known long ago -that the cost of living issue is the most important domestic issue of the war. This announcement was followed almost immediately by a constant round of White House conferences, interviews and visits with everyone and anyone connected with the gen- eral inflation problem. Visitors in- cluded congressmen, representatives of the United States Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Manufacturers, the CIO and the AFL. Most interesting information to leak out of the conferences was: 1. The President would definitely not ask that wage; be frozen. He ap- nears to agree with the recently an- nounced War Labor Board policy of stabilization. 2. Union leadersboth CIO and AFL--asked the President to forbid "interference" with wage policy on the part of the Offic of Price Ad- ministration. They claimed that Hen- derson's agency was the only federal body which was guilty of unwanted interference. A large share of the American public, however, disagreed that such interference was unwanted -in fact, they felt there had been too little of it to date. 3. Roosevelt may attempt to solve cost of living problems via Executive order rather than through Congress and additional price legislation. This new slant on the inflation fight came from Speaker Rayburn, who inti- mated that the President's war pow- ers may be broad enough to solve the problem 'Without the questionable help of Congress. One can scarcely blame the President if he tries to avoid months of wearisome legisla- tive debate which would allow the inflation to get completely out of control. ** * Sailor-DipI amat In a large-scale roundup of all the petty, pro-Fascist publishers in the country, a Federal Grand Jury this week indicted 28 persons, charg- ing them with intent to impair the loyalty, morale and discipline of the armed forces. The accusations ended a nine- month investigation of Axis sym- pathizers all over the country. The grand jury named 28 organizations and 30 publications as having taken part in the large-scale attempt to promote revolt in the Army and the Navy. Among the persons indicted were Elizabeth Dilling of "Red Network" fame, Gerald Winrod, George Syl- vester Viereck and William Dudley Pelley. Their trial is scheduled to begin some time in September and they may receive sentences up to 20 years in prison and $10,000' fine. Please, Senate, Please A sadly disappointed Treasury De- partment, which could get no coop- eration from the House of Repre- sentatives, this week pleaded with the United States Senate for a tax program which would more nearly approach the standards set in the President's seven-point anti-infla- tion program. Principal protest concerned the failure of the tax bill as approved by the House to come within two billion dollars of the figure set by the Treasury as necessary to prevent inflationary tendencies. Others concerned the failure of the House to follow President Roose- velt's suggestions that incomes be limited to $25,000. As far as "ny Washington correspondent could find out, this provision received the most complete and silent knifing of any Roosevelt proposal in the last several years. Little public capital was made of this hot-to-handle subject, so congressmen very conveniently for- got about the whole thing. *p * * Rubber Mess Completely disregarding the pleas and threats of the Administration this week, the Senate and House majority rode roughshod over all opposition to authorize a new inde- pendent synthetic rubber agency. The bill, backed largely by the farm bloc but representing the feel- ings of a good share of the American people, sought to do something about the utterly confused rubber situation in the United States. Under the present setup the Rub- ber Reserve Corporation plans to use petroleum as a base for the manu- facture of synthetic rubber. The new measure is designed to use grain alcohol in place of petroleum. It has been argued by the farm bloc and by many scientists that such, produc- tion is cheaper 'than the type sup- ported by administration forces. Undersecretary of War Patterson argues that the new ageney will only tend to confuse the rubber situa- tion. Both Congress and the public wondered what he thought it was now. - Hale Champion, Homer Swander i rt - Nikolaev Ta anr .nostov- ff Krncnntl rrr I)- WOULD LOSE OIL If Nazis attain goal line, Red armies will be denied Caucasus oil except over circuitous routes. .............. a e a. / is i t i t 1 C7 ! ""°u Arasnoaa2 i uir' te'sns: u. _ 'ri'r:':aeii'ri i iiEiFcii^c,. "C ' [ F..:;. "":". cF 'i _ iiiiiiezEEiii J Cha2''aSt,_ o orossz k,,, , 1 "F": "F " _ .. .: ....... . ..... Sevais i = ii.rF.. ..........:................ r r C p. F.:" ~: 1WfI. d +a :.x. s s.' 9 ,," Hffili iii " :;....., ovi Ikeiap t -ruS BLACK SEA iFii iF®s INATI®N ,,; ";i z ;¢ ":!; :iiiEiiE? iF Ei2S' Makhach as xata . LJLGARIA Fr From captured Sevastopol, Bla L iii ? s L ',. r Id gua d t' 'r iiFii , a / :. F" Germans could guard their .. ....................... t t Cy ," o , is i# tankers if Caucasus 4 rr - t o' Tiflis - : + s atum s 1 ,i iM ,r a.. "iiiiFFi i ........ ............ ........................ is:i: s , 's Pipeline, "'e" i.=i 05 it it it it Istan u . V RL EY ~ fi °rii i.. ". R. _ '> Wide World features _ ......... . "o ... ............ RUSSIA'S MAIN A POSSIBLE ALTERNATE SUPPLY PORTS SUPPLY PORTS ALTERNATE ®0O PRESENT ALLIED SUPPLY ROUTES SUPPLY ROUTES DIRECTION OF .POSSIBLE MOVE AFTER d 100 200 300 GERMAN GOAL LINE a 309J OFFENSIVES . REACHED MIles MUN' HITLER'S SUMMER AIMS, in the minds of many leading military stu- {value of the "wheel" of railway lines radiating from the Russian capital. - - - -- - dents. are based on deployment of a "three-sea army" to tie the Baltic, Black and Caspian seas into an easily defended line that at the same time cripple Russian communications. It's a military axiom that the shortest line, all other factors being equal, is easiest defended. Hitler's gu. 1c think of defense, too, these days, what with the burgeoning might of the L ..and Britain in the west. The shortest line from the Baltic to the t , nian seas runs from Lenin- grad to Astrakhan and includes Moscow. That "g,.' line" is without salients for pinching off, is most easily defended, includes ci. ' s of size to shelter 9 i,,,. tr,,ih via, 'srrimd-,,,. rvnA n* 'nI imnnrtam.r rinnles or cuts E Nearly all Russian railways run into Moscow, and the re-routing necessary to supply the front in case Moscow was taken would be a nightmare in logistics for the Red services of supply. HITLER hasn't attained his goal by a long shot. The Russian armies, destruction of which the Nazis admit is their goal, rather than terri- tory, are still very much in the fight. In places, notably in the Boguchar salient and at Voronezh, the Axis is uncomfortably close to the goal line. Confirmation of the strategists' guess that the Nazis do not intend to go beyond the "goal line" comes from within Germany. Correspondents in Flashlight Bulbs In the current issue of The At- lantic Monthly, Assistant Attorney General Thurman Arnold makes an extremely serious charge against the General Electric Company. GE man- ufactures flashlight bulbs and in the past one such bulb has ordinarily outlived about three successive bat- teries. Mr. Arnold quotes corre- spondence from the GE files seeming to indicate that the company was trying to produce an inferior product which would last only as long as a battery. On the face of the record, this seems an extraordinary aban- donment of the principles of public service so often espoused by GE. Moreover, flashlights are an impor- +oaf. w-i't nr militarv eainment we Admiral William Daniel Leahy, hard-bitten sailor-diplomat, became this week the most powerful military man in the nation. His appointment | ' b iCm nf 5o taff to Comminrdr- a