I.i 'Weather Continued Mild' it4o 43 Editorial i An firm Letter To Senator Tydings. VOL. ,II No. 27-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1942 2:15 A.M. FINAL British Planes Dominate Sky In Egypt Fray; Axis Staggers Battle Rages Near Alamein Where Imperial Troops Lock With Nazi Desert Army Along Wide Front RAF Drops rwouron Bombs OnDuisberg By EDWARD KENNEDY Associated Press Correspondent CAIRO, Egypt, July 22.-Under cover of Allied planes ruling the air almost without challenge, . British Imperials attacked the Axis forces all along the 40-mile desert front west and south of Alamein tonight in an onslaught that began last night and raged incopclusively through to- day. While it was still too early to see definite results, the British under the leaership of General Sir Claude Auchinleck reported progress. The ,Imperials on the northern coastal sector occupied all of Tel El isa (Hill of Jesus) ridge, which has changed hands repeatedly. Progress Reported On the .center, where the action began last night, some progress was reported, with tanks in the fighting on both sides. on the south, where the desert merges into the salt marshes of the Qattara Depression,,United Kingdom troops attacked and were making some progress. It was the first time the defenders of the Alamein positions-and of 4gypt, the Nile and the Middle East -had attacked on all three sectors s ltanieously. e enemy forces of Marshal Er- win Rommel launched several coun- terattacks during the day and heavy see-saw fighting ensued. The air force was carrying out a good share of the attack. Enemy fliers wre, out; in slgbtly . greaer strength than on Tuesday, when they were almost absent from the sky, but the Axis air activity still was small. Strike At Crete Elsewhere, the RAP struck at Axis bases as far away as the Isle of Crete, the Mediterranean .stepping-stone captured by parachutist invasion in the spring.of'1941. Although there was no official mention of parachute tactics or training observed on Crete, the at- tack there, 350 miles overseas from Egyptian bases, was regarded as a precautionary mission against any surprise to offset the failure of Axis forces to advance since they were stalled before El Alamein June 30. RAF Drops Two-Ton Bombs On Duisburg LONDONM'July 22-(/P-A force of 300 RAP bombers dumped more than 50 two-ton "block-destroying" bombs and other high explosives last night on industrial Duisburg and the world's largest river port nearby while the Russian Air Force struck at the German military power at Koe- nigsberg, East Prussia. Giving the Germans little rest from air raids, British Spitfires flew over the Channel this afternoon for the fourth succes ive day's raid on ob- jectives in ccupied territory, in eluding Dunkerque and Le Touquet. The planes attacked railway engines, factories, gunposts and barges, the Air Ministry reported. The ministry said the raid on Duis- berg, the heaviest by the British since the 1,000-plane attack on Bremen June 25 and the first night raid on the Ruhr city since July 13, cost the British 13 bombers. Vinson Says Navy Has Secret Weapon WASHINGTON, July 22. -(P)- The Navy has a mysterious new weapon, the nature of which is a jealously-guarded secret, the House was told today by Chairman Vinson (Dem.-Ga.), of the Naval Committee. The disclosure came as the cham- ber, by voice vote, passed and sent to the Senate a measure authorizing' expenditure of $975,634,000 for Naval shore facilities to supplement the recently-passed $8,850,000,000 fleet expansion program. Higgins Assembly-Line Decision Is Up To FDR New Orleans Builder Seeks Executive Reversal Of Maritime Commission By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 22.-Andrew J. Higgins, New Orleans shipbuilder, clung tonight to a slender hope that President Roosevelt would reverse a Maritime Commission decision can- celling his contract for 200 vessels to be build by mass production meth- ods. Meanwhile, he said, he was un- ready "to reveal this whole picture," added that "it's not a pretty thing."' Under his contract Higgins was to have built a vast shipyard in a re- claimed Louisiana swamp. Instead of ways there were to have been four long channels down which the ships under construction would pass, as though along an assembly line. Last Saturday, however, the Mari- time Commission cancelled the con- tract on the ground that there was not enough steel for the job. Higgins came to Washington yes- terday seeking a reversal. He had an audience with the Commission today and later, it reaffirmed the cancel- lation order. Meesting reporters, Higgins chal- lenged the statement that there was insufficient steel, and said he would like to know whether the cancella- tion was the result.of "fumbling and bumbling," or whether "ulterior forces" had been at work. "There is ample steel for the en- tire shipbuilding program and all the 3 Faulty Men LeadPot-War Forum Today The Post-War Council will discuss "The Individual and the State" at 7:45 p.m. today in the Grand Rapids Room of the League. Prof. Willcox of the history de- partment, Prof. Dorr of the political science department and Harold Som- ers of the economics department will yards operating and authorized--in- cluding mine-to the maximum pro- gram of the numbger of ships allo- cated," he said. "There is ample steel for all that and 100,000 tons over that in surplus, not including the 'black market'." By the black market, he added that he ,meant steel hoarders who would sell only in less than carload lots. The "carload lot patriots," he called them. He had been informed, he said, that a large plant of the Bethlehem Steel Company which had been fab- ricating steel for his yard would be closed down for four to five weeks as a result of the cancellation, and an immense amount of steel already prepared would become the equiva- lent of scrap. President Calls Quick Meeting To Curb Costs Labor, Industrial Leaders Called To White House; Will Discuss Inflation By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 22.-Presi- dent Roosevelt today summoned leaders of industry and labor to an- other of the round of White House conferences designed to curb the cost of living. Representatives of the United States Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Manufac- turers, the CIO and the AFL will meet with the Chief Executive to- morrow on the question of wage sta bilization. As this became known an earlier conference between the President and congressional leaders gave rise to .speculation that an attempt to solve cost of living problems may come by way of Executive order rather than by additional price con- trol legislation. ,This was the immediate reaction to a statement by Speaker Rayburn, after a two-hour huddle, that the existing powers of the President were "rather thoroughly" gone into, and that further investigations on that point are under way. "I think the President's powers under the War Powers Act, the Price Control Act, and as Commander-in- Chief are pretty broad," said Ray- burn. Quick Change Artists; WPB, Please Note! NEW YORK, July 22-(G)-The Axis reported today that, reversing the rubber-from-petroleum experi- ments of the United Nations, the Japanese had succeeded in producing motor fuel from rubber. The Axis lacks oil, as the United States and Allied Nations lack rub- ber. The new development was re- ported by the Berlin radio in a dis- patch dated Shonan, the new Japan- ese name for Singapore, which lies at the tip of the rubber-producing Malay Peninsula. "After months of continuous study and research," the dispatch said, "enterprising Japanese scientists have produced mopor fuel from rubber. Recent trial tests made with this substitute fuel revealed it is highly efficient. Motor cars using the new fuel are able to ,cover 25 per cent greater distance than cars using ordinary gasoline." Credit Hours For PEM? Herbert O. (Fritz) Crisler, var- sity coach and PEM director, said last night that he thought it would be a good idea to give credit hours for PEM-possibly on a basis of two hours in class for one credit hour. inh what may be the first move toward a reversal of traditional University policy, Coach Crisler told a meeting of the Men's Edu- cation Club: "The war has en- hanced physical education pro- grams, and I hope this work will come to be accepted as a real need in education." Critical of present intercollegiate athletic eligibility rules, Coach Crisler asserted that they could well be slashed down to three basic requirements - amateur standing, one-year residence before varsity participation and sufficient shol- astic standing to continue candi- dacy for a degree. "Institutions that have good ad- mission standards, honestly ad- ministered, can present programs that are just as fine in every way when they are not working under a lot of rules, many of which are outmoded," Crisler contended. Viewing the effect of war on sports from his position as Univer- sity director of athletics, Crisler said he expected "no marked changes in the character of inter- collegiate athletics after the war." He acknowledged, however, that if the present education speed-up continues into the post war period, intercollegiate athletics "might suffer some in quality." since the accelerated programs allow less time for recreation or extra-cur- ricular activities, Senrate Passes Bill To Create Rubber Board WASHINGTON. July 22.- A)- Brushing aside Administration oppo- sition, the Senate passed today a measure to create an independent agency for the prodution of syn- thetic rubber from gain alcohol. Democratic Leader Barkley of Kentucky complained that the bill would deprive the War Production Board of control over much of the rubber program and declared that if it should be passed by the House, "I should hope fervently that the President would disapprove it." Barkley's plea found no echo among his colleagues, however, and the measure passed without a record vote. He conceded that supporters of the bill, including a bloc of farm state senators, had .sufficient votes for passage when he took the floor in opposition as the session opened. Barkley said it would be a "rash act" to build new rubber produc- tion facilties with critical materials needed for airplanes, tanks and guns. Tires For 'Essential' Cars WASHINGTON, July 22. -(')- Rubber Coordinator Arthur Newhall declared today that the government would attempt to supply every usable automobile in the country with tires, simultaneously limiting all driving to "essential purposes." Newhall said that no method of limiting such driving appeared feas- ible except rationing of gasoline on a nationwide basis. Several hours after the Rubber Co- ordinator told three reporters he was seeking to supply tires for all cars, the Office of War Information issued a "handout" (memorandum to the press) quoting Newhall as saying: "The best evidence I have before me shows that 'there is no rubber of any kind available for anything except the most essential purposes." German Caucasus .Drive Pounds Battered Soviets Back To Rostov Defenses Prof. Howson Will Conclude Religious Conference Sessions Head Of Religion At Vassar Will Speak At Luncheon; To Address University Lecture Audience 'Today The concluding' sessions of the Eighth Annual Conference on Re- ligion will feature two addresses by Prof. J. Howard Howson, Ph.D., of, Vassar College who will speak today on several aspects of "Religion in Our Era." Prof. Howson, who is the Head of the Department of Religion at Vas- sar, will talk first at a luncheon to be held at 12:15 p.m. at the Union at which time he will treat the "Present Situation." At 4:15 p.m. he will deliver this week's second uni- versity lecture, this time at the Am- phitheatre of the Rackham Build- ing. His topic for this lecture will be the "Reconstruction" aspect of his general subject. During this summer Prof. Howson, who incidentally, was a lieutenant in the Canadian forces during the last war, is offering a popular course on Religion and Marital Relations at Michigan State College. He is also the co-author of a book on this sub- ject entitled "Religion and Mar- riage." Also on the pr9gram for today is a Forum on "Scool-Church Rela- tions in the Normal Michigan Com- munity." This is a topic in which President Alexander G. Ruthven has been particularly interested, having 1,850-Man P Drill Scheduled .. For Wednesday Mass Ferry Field Display To Honor Work Of Late Dr. Elmer R. Townsley University's PEM students will stage the nation's first mass public demonstration of its kind Wednesday night on the old Ferry Field gridiron as a dedication to the late Dr. Elmer R. Townsley, key figure in the school's physical hardening program. More than 1,850 male students will show 'Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti just what Dr. Townsley meant by "physical conditioning." Proceeds from the exhibition will be given to Dr. To'wnsley's' widow, Mrs. Jean Webb Townsley. Ticket committees are now being formed all over the city and the pro- gram should draw a near capacity crowd to the athletic field. Prom- inent newspaper representatives and camera men will be on hand because of the unique nature of such a pro- gram for college students. The card will include calisthenics, boxing, wrestling, gymnastics, mass combat activities and obstacle course racing. For the obstacle race a spe- cial course is now being constructed on the Ferry Field diamond in addi- tion to the one already in use in the hardening course. In commenting on the coming ex- hibition, Director of Athletics Fritz Crisler had this to say: "This is a splendid opportunity for the men of the campus to show outsiders that Dr. Townsley's work in setting up the program is a tremendous con- tribution to the University's pre- paredness program." Michigan's physical toughening program was placed in operation June 15 after a committee headed by Dr. Townsley had worked out its de tails. That it is the mostcomplete curriculum of its type offered by any University is due largely to the ef- forts of Dr.Townsley, who died Sat- urday as the result of a heart attack. In addition to the physical fitness demonstration, Fritz Crisler will dis- cuss briefly the purpose of the pro- gram. Afterwards there will be a group sing while the PEM students go through formations on the field. Begin Registration -_ U . As-1 - __ _ laid down a five-point program, for religious education recently. Those who will form the panel eto consider this topic include Prof. Crude Eggersten of the College of E'Tcation, The Rev. A. W. Kauffman, Chairman of a Week-Day Religious Education Committee of the Michi- gan Council of Churches, The Rev. Charles W. Brashares, Pastor of the First Methodist Church of Ann Arbor and Ruth Francis Smith of Addison,. Michigan. The Rev. H. L. Pickerill will preside. This group will meet at 2;X30 p.m. at the East Conference room of the Rackhani Building. Students and faculty members as Soviet Troops Advancing InVoronezh Offensive; Planes Bomb 'Germans Deep Wedge Driven TowardVolga River By EDDY GILMORE Associated Press Correspondent MOSCOW, July 23 (Thursday)- The million-man German army pounding at the Caucasus and the Volga has driven a deep wedge roughly half-way between Rostov and Stalingrad and the sorely-pressed Russians have fallen back on the outer defenses of Rostov for a finish fight, the Russians indicated offio- cially early today, While Russian sodiers were re- ported gaining ground in their of- fensive around Voronezh, the mid- night. communique acknowledged that the Red armies in the deep south were figlhting in the areas of Tsimly- ansk, near the Don about 130 miles' northeast of Rostov and about 120 miles southwest of Stalingrad, and In the Novocherkassk area just about 20 miles outside Rostov proper. Russians Fall Back The midnight communique edl- closed that the Russians had fallei back to new positions in the Novoch- erkassk area after suffering consider- able losses under the blows of numer- ically superior enemy forc' in a t' o- day fight. In one Novocherkassk sector Red planes bombed enemy columns of tanks and trucks and enemy infan- try concentrations, destroying' sev- eral tanks, 57 trucks with troops and ammunition and dispersing a lare group of soldiers. In another sector of the erupting Novocherkassk front the Russians said their troops fought fpr two dasa against the Gemans before .retir rig, to their new positions, killing 1,300 officers and men, destroying 14 der- man tanks and other materiel. Suffered Losses The Russians said their troops also suffered considerable losses and With- drew to new positions. In the Voronezh sector some 250 miles north of the critical Rostov area, the Russians announced, their soldiers captured a populated place straddling a highway and continued to advance in an offensive which apparently hopes to bring some relief to the armies of the deep south. During yesterday, the communique added, 15 enemy tanks were des- troyed and about 2,000 men were killed in the Voronezh fighting. Hour Of Gravity It was an hour of utmost gravity in the south. The Red army organ, Red Star, said frankly: "Terrile days face the country." It called p- on the fighting men of Russia to, emulate the example of the 28 Rd soldiers who, in the defense of Mos- cow last winter, died fighting a tank charge with little more than their , bare hands. There was little actual news from the southern battle cauldrops south- east of Voroshilovgrad, southeast of Millerovo and east of Boguchar. It was, however, disclosed that the Germans in the last sector are ap- proaching the border of Stalingrad province, presumably along the up- per curve of the Don in the Yelansk area, about 130 miles from Stalin- grad. PROF. HAROLD M. DORR present an informal roundtable dis- cussion defining the state, inalfen- able rights, liberalism and other terms necessary for an understand- ing of the question. The present war will be examined as an outgrowth of (differing social and political philosophies since the French Revolution. Sumnier Band To Play Today Revelli, Broucek To Lead Season's First Concert Under the direction of Prof. Wil- liam D. Revelli, the Summer Session Band will make its first appearance at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Audi- torium. In tonight's performance, Professor Revelli will be assisted by Mr. Jack Broucek, guest conductor. The program will be opened with the National Anthem. and will in- clude, among others, "La Reine de Saba," by Gounod; overture to "Merry Wives of Windsor," by Nico- lai; the march "On the Quarter Deck," by Alford; "Sunday Morning at Glion" from "By the Lake of Gen- eva," by Bendel-Watson; Invocation of Alberich from "Rheingold," by PROF. J. HOWARD HOWSON well as the visiting clergymen are invited to attend all of these sessions. Tickets for the luncheon may be, gotten at the College of Education,. or may be, reserved by calling Uni- versity 303. (Other stories on the Religion Con- ference will be found on Page 4) Bethlehem Complies In WLI Pay Raise, Warns -Of Dangers NEW YORK, July 22.-(AP)-The Bethlehem Steel Company today said that it would comply with the Natipnal War Labor Board's, order granting a pay raise to its steelj workers but asserted that the result would be harmful to the national economy and the war effort. The WLB last Thursday formally ordered a wage increase of 44 cents a day for 157,000 employes of the "Little Steel" companies and estab- lished a national wage stabilization policy designed to maintain labor's purchasing power at the levels of January, 1941. Eugene G. Grace, Bethlehem Com- pany president, in a letter informing the Board his firm would put the wage raise order into effect, said: "In informing you, however, of our.. intention to comply with your orders, I desire to make it clear to you that it is still our opinion that your orders ignore the basic princi- ples upon which our government was founded and the results of them will be harmful to our national econ- omy and to the war effort." Meat Shortage IsThreatened By The associated Press A shortage of meat developed in some areas yesterday in the midst of the nation's campaign to produce abundant food for victory.,' Some packers attributed the de- ficiency to price ceilings, a tremen- dous demand for beef, a lack of ade- quate shipping facilities to some cities and heavy buying for the a nPri Ifnis'n oe i nd IP2 ri n n'... Curtailed Bomber City Housing To More Ahead Without Delay' By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 22.-John E. Blandford, Jr., director of the Na- tional Housing Agency, told a special Senate defense investigating com- mittee today that development of a sharply curtailed housing program for workers at the Ford Willow Run bombing plant should "move ahead without delay." He estimated the modified pro- gram would cost $29,750,000 instead of $108,000,000 and said it was based on a statement of the War Produc- tion Board placing peak employment ..k +vt...7 -.1. .. an a n n~n aa nrf n <"> l Blandford testified is seeking oncile conflicting statements necessity for new housing Willow Run vicinity. to rec- on the in the t Lower Don Crossed, German Radio Reports BERLIN (from German broad- casts), July 22. -(jP)- The High Command declared today that Ger- man troops had crossed the lower Don on a wide front, that organized Russian resistance before Rostov had collapsed and that an eastward drive~ toward Stalingrad 'in the great pon River bend was meeting but slight opposition. The Don crossing was said' to be east of the Donets, which converges with the Don 65 miles east of Rostov. (Troops there would be in position to strike directly deeper toward the oil fields of the Caucasus, or to swing west against Rostov. Again, they might strike back in a wide are to the northeast for an attack on Stalingrad.) Of Rostov, the German commun- ,.i ci r. ' in a n a trtnmn.n _ Appearing in opposition to the housingadevelopment were George Meader, Washtenaw County prose- cuting attorney, and Henry P. Riggs, retired civil engineer at the Univer- sity of Michigan. Meader suggested there would be a great saving in materials if perma- nent dwellings were located in nearby areas where municinal facilities al-