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July 22, 1942 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1942-07-22

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Three Radio
B roadcasts
The three radio broadcasts sched-
uled for the remainder of this week
in the University summer series offer
the listening public their choice of
history, music, or drama.
Today, at 3:15 over station WJR,
the series "It Happened Before" will
be continued when a story of Ethan
Allen and the Green Mountain Boys
takes the airwaves. Robert Reifsnei-
der portrays the part of Allen, and
Thomas Battin plays the role of Col.
Easton, who led the Green Mountain
Boys. The feminine lead will be
taken by Mary Japes, who portrays
Lydia Darrah; Frank Jones plays the
enemy general and David Rich will
narrate the program.
The concluding radio program of
the clinic Band will be broadcast at
3:15 p.m. Friday. The band is to be
led by Prof. William Revelli , and
guest conducted by Mr. Mac Carr and
Mr. Cleo Fox.
"Prince Ahmed and the Fairy
Princess Periebanou" will be the
offering at 9:00 a.m. Saturday when
the broadcasting group presents the
second in a series of programs taken
from _the Arabian Nights.
Graduate Reading
Program To Open
A program of miscellaneous read-
ings by graduate students in the De-
partment of Speech will be given at
the weekly speech assembly at 3 p.m.
today in the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
Fourth in a weekly series designed
to cover all phases of study in the
field of speech, the assembly will
place particular emphasis upon oral
Prof. Louis M. Eich of the depart-
ment of speech is in charge of the
program. Graduate students who will
participate are Betty Bartlett, Jean-
nette Beard, Virginia Hoelzle, Doro-
thy Neff and Beatrice Sandles.
Read The Daily Classifieds!

Political Observer Says:
Federation Of European States
Won't Solve Post-War Problems

- -


Dr. George Kiss, University in-
structor in political geography, be-
lieves that the much heralded United
States of Europe will not provide a
practical solution to the post-war
problems of the Continent.
"You can't build a pyramid from
the summit and there is now no pos-
itive basis for a European federation
of the American type. On the other
hand, there are innumerable linguis-
tic, economic, and cultural differ-
ences among the- forty-odd states
which existed in Europe before the
war which would work strongly
against a continental union," he
Asked what sort of a future he en-
visioned for post-war Europe, Hun-
garian-born Dr. Kiss, whose ten
years as an observer of international
relations includes wide experience as
a lecturer and writer in both Europe
and America, answered, "An en-
hausted continent might be reorgan-
ized on the basis of regional feder-
These federations, he pointed out,
would have to be based on cultural
and linguistic similarities of the
peoples concerned, but above all, they
would need a sound economic foun-
"The idea of self-sufficiency must
be absolutely discarded if we are not
to return to the 'peace' settlements
of 1919," Dr. Kiss said. "These areas
should be organized to complement
each other economically. , Scandin-
avia, the Baltic area, the Danube val-
ley, and several sections of Western
Europe are all natural geographic
and economic units which could be
organized according to such a plan."
Asked what the position of Ger-
many would be in post-war Europe,
Dr. Kiss answered, "No one can pre-
dict that, but it seems improbable
that the political unit which the
Reich has become can be success-
fully broken up. However, it is cer-
tain that the great powers will need
to give any plan of federation posi-
tive support by democracy and force
of arms, and this might entail occu-
pation of parts of Europe until suc-
cess is assured."
As for military considerations, they

must form an integral part of any
scheme for continental reorganiza-
tion, according to Dr. Kiss. A bloc
of 110 million people from the East-
ern Mediterranean to the Baltic
might be strong enough to resist
agression from either the east or
west, he believes, but future concepts
of the balance of power cannnot be
based on manpower alone. The stra-
tegic distribution of raw materials
and manufacturing establishments
are among the most important in-
gredients of modern military policy.
Group Completes
551 st WiAdbreaker
For Fighting Men
Fashioned of bright-colored leath-
er scraps from the University Book-
binding Department by Mrs. Chris-
tine Wenger, a jacket sent to Lt.
Margaret K. Schafer, head nurse of
Michigan's own Base Hospital Unit
298, represented the 551th garment
made by the Ann Arbor Windbreaker
Organized in March, 1941, by Mrs.
Charles E. Koella, the local Wind-
breaker society holds the record of
having produced one-third of all
these war duty jackets. A letter re-
cently received from the distributor,
Darthmouth House, London, claimed
the excitement of the American sol-
diers wearing the Ann Arbor jackets
"was immense and they carried them
away with war whoops and great de-
light." A similar laudatory note ar-
rived this week for jackets received
by Lt.-Col. Walter G. Maddock, of
Base Hospital 298.
All interested in sewing for the
Windbreaker group are invited to
open-house at Mrs. Koella's, from
2:30 to 5 p.m. each Wednesday. Mem-
bers receive nine-pound sacks of
leather scrap donated by automobile
manufacturing companies from up-
holstery leftovers and linings for
three jackets. It is the desire of the
group to have as many of the gar-
ments as possible ready for winter
military operations.

War Effort
is Discussed
By Ehrmann
Reviewing the participation of the
United States in the war effort so
far, Prof. Howard M. Ehrmann said
yesterday, in the fourth of a series
of lecturesion the progress of the
war, that, its great work had been
mainly that of production and dis-
"On the strictly military side, it is
apparent that so far we are in the
war on a large scale only in the mat-
ter of aerial warfare," he said. "Our
military assistance has yet to be
Prof. Ehrmann found latest re-
ports from the Russian front in the
last few days rather more encourag-
ing than a week ago, in that the Ger-
man drive seems stalled in the south-
ern sector and the Russians have
retained the city of Voronezh, 10
miles east of the Don River, and even
driven the Nazis back across the river
at one point.
"So long as they continue to hold
this point," he said, "they threaten
the Germans with the launching of a
considerably counter-offensive, forc-
ing across the Don to the rear of the
German position."
White To Lecture
To Marx Society
David McKelvy, teacher at the
Detroit Worker's School, will be the
guest speaker when the Karl Marx
Society meets at 8 p.m. today in
Room D Haven Hall to discuss some
of the vital problems . confronting
the public today.
The Marx Society is composed of
a group of students interested in
the study of Marxism and Leninism.
They will try to answer such ques-
tions as : What is Socialism?, How
does it differ from Capitalism?, What
is a planned economy?, and What is
the Dictatorship of the Proletariat?
Mr. White who is the son of a
former governor of Ohio and was a
professor at Brooklyn College will
open the meeting to discussion after
his speech to answer the students'






WAITING FOR JAPS TO TRY AGAIN - Japanese bombing planes had been there once when
this picture of the attack on the U.S. Naval base a t Dutch Harbor was made-witness the burning oil
tank in background. But these marines were alert in their trenches for another attack. (Associated
Press Photo from U.S. Navy.)


"Fair Prices"


"Friendly Service"




D EF E N D E R - Marshal se.
meon Timoshenko (above) come
mands the Red troops defending
southern Russia, including the
oil-rich Caucasus, against invad-
ing Nazi armies. Timoshenko's
resistance to German attempts to
vanquish Russia made him a hero.


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