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July 22, 1942 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1942-07-22

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
The Summer Daily is published every morning except
Monday and Tuesday.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
Q College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Staff
Homer Swander . . . . Managing Editor
Will Sapp . . . City Editor
Mike Dann . . . . . . . Sports Editor
Hale Champion ,John Erlewine, Robert Mantho,
Irving Jaffe, Robert Preiskel

WASHINGTON - Wendell Willkie's brother
Fred staged a knock-down drag-out verbal fight
over rubber last week in a closed door session
which may help to relieve the rubber situation.
Fred Willkie not only raised the roof over Ad-
ministration dawdling on rubber, but gave some
practical figures on how his company has made
rubber rapidly.
The session also was a healthy sign that the
rubber program may really get started. Donald
Nelson, who has now yanked rubber out from
under the nose of Jesse Jones, called the closed
door session and asked a dozen men skilled in
obtaining all forms of rubber-from alcohol,
petroleum, hevea trees, guayule, cryptostegia--
to recommend ways of producing rubber by any
and every conceivable process.
The meeting opened with a report from Rob-
ert J. Levy, of the Bureau of Economic Warfare,
who said that the progress of natives in tapping
the rubber trees of Brazil was disappointing so
far. There will be almost no yield this year, he
reported, but about 50,000 tons next year.
Dr. David Spence then told of the progress of
growing guayule in California. Dr. P. B. Car-
don, of the Agriculture Department, praised
Russian cooperation in sending us koksagyz
seeds, which now have been planted in most
northern states. Dr. Edgar Britton, of Dow
Chemical, reported on a new method of vul-
canizing treads which added about 2,000 to 3,000
miles to retreaded tires. And Dr. Harlan L.
Trumbull, of the Goodrich Company, expressed
disappointment at the poor grade of scrap col-
Standard Oil Says No
Then Fred Willkie, vice president of Joseph E.
Seagram & Sons, gave minute details of the
various processes his company had evolved for
making rubber out of corn, the costs ranging
from 48 cents a pound down to 17.7 cents a
pound, depending on the method.
Shortly after this, Dr. Per K. Frolich, director
of laboratories for Standard Oil of New Jersey,
arrived and was asked to speak on his company's
"Gentlemen," he said, "there is nothing to
discuss. I have just come from hearing Mr. Far-
ish (President of Standard Oil of N. J.) testify
before the House Mines Committee and there
is absolutely nothing to worry about. The situa-
tion is well in hand."
Dr. Frolich then began reading the testimony
which his chief, William S. Farish, had given
the House Committee. After he had finished one
page,. Fred Willkie almost jumped down his
"Aw, that's just advertising that Standard Oil
is spreading all over the country," he said, "we're
not interested in that. We want facts."

Zdward Perlberg
Fred M. Ginsberg
Morton Hunter

Business Staff
. . . . Business Manager
. . Associate Business Manager
. . . Publications Manager

Then Dr. Donald B. Keyes. WPB assistant
chemical director, joined in. "Mr. Willkie has
given us the details of how his plant is making
rubber. He has shown every step of his proc-
esses, how long it takes and how much it costs.
iWhat we want from you is the same thing re-
garding the Standard Oil process."
"You gentlemen are merely looking for some-
thing which is already in this building," Frolich
shot back. "We have given you our process re-
ports and there is no need for me to reveal any-
"Look here," shouted Dr. Keyes. "You're. tell-
ing me the information is here. I work in this
building. I know it isn't here. And if you don't
want to give it to us, we'll find out ourselves
how your process works."
"Yes," continued Fred Willkie, "I understand
that you offered your formulas to the entire
country through the Justice Department's con-
sent decree. So let's have them."
Face Real Rubber ;acts
After this almost every scientist present
jumped on Dr. Frolich. The process they wanted
was covered by German rubber patents owned
by Standard Oil of N. J. and I. G. Farben-
patents which were completely tied up until
after Pearl Harbor. The discussion continued
for some time. In the end Dr. Frolich became
very meek. But he never did give the cost and
time estimates of his company for making rub-
ber by this process, despite the fact that this is
the basket in which Jesse Jones has placed most
of his rubber "eggs."
An American diplomat returning from Italy
tells this revealing story about the true senti-
ments of the Italian people.
In his office at the U.S. Embassy in Rome one
day he found a clerk, an Italian girl, crying.
When he inquired what was wrong. she replied:
"Oh, I'm ashamed to be an Italian. You remem-
ber what boasting the Fascists did about the
Greek campaign? They said, 'We will break their
kidneys.' But everybody knows who really beat
the Greeks; it was not our army; it was the
Germans. But now-have you seen the poster
on the streets this morning?" And the girl broke
into tears again.
The diplomat looked outside at the poster,
which that day was appearing all over Italy. It
showed a Greek soldier lying on his face, with
a steel bar across his back. On top of the bar
was the Fascist insigne, and on the side, the
The caption read: "We said we would break
their kidneys. Mussolini is always right."



The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers



Long Islanders Fight
Negro Discrimination .. .

Gawgia, suh, will probably turn the
big bull whip on himself instead of the' Negroes
he is fond of beating after he hears this one.
You remember Governor Talmadge. He's the
man who seeks reelection in Georgia on a plat-
form to keep the Negro dancing to his smug
tune of all-out "nigger-baiting." For it was only
last week in Long Island, N. Y., that a group of
300 American people got together to do what
they could for the war effort. They didn't decide
to work sixteen hours a day instead of eight.
Neither did they turn over thousands of tons of
hidden rubber to the government. They pledged
themselves simply to fight for the rights of
The 300 Long Islanders endorsed a two-point
liberal program that is unheard of among the
social registerites who live in the Great Neck
region of New York. The program:
1) Fair hiring practices by Long Island's war
plants and no job discrimination against Ne-
2) Improved inexpensive housing for Negroes
and whites.
The group, which included both whites and
Negroes, met as a direct consequence of the
.steamboat Road "race" riot which broke out
near the Sound on June 28. Although what
,actually happened then isn't very clear, the gist
of it seems to be that a young white boy who
was drunk insulted a Negro. This flared up into
a fight among some 500 people. There were no
injuries, luckily, but there was a lot of hard
feeling on both sides.
THE INCIDENT finally brought about a meet-
ing at the community church. Then there
was another meeting and speakers were intro-
duced. Mrs. Anna Hedgman, .a Negro executive
in the Office of Civilian Defense, was one of
the speakers. And she .walloped racial discrim-
ination out of the church window when she
said: "We can tell you what Hitlerism is because
we know it. We face it every day. Our task is to
tell America: you don't want a dictatorship. It's
hell. I don't want the meanest Southern white
planter to go through what the American Negro
goes through in one day. The cancer is here in
Great Neck, in Nassau, and it's in India and in
China, too."
We would like to think there are more people
like these 300 in the country. The war has
brought the problem of racial discrimination to
a head. What happened in Long Island leads us
to hope that the Negro will take his proper place
in every similar community throughout the
United States. We think it is time the cancer of
racial discrimination disappeared not for the
duration but for good. A place to start might be
down in Georgia, where the sniveling little gov-
ernor who rules by an appeal to stupidity and
ignorance is sent back to the mountains where
he belongs. - Robert Mantho
What Has Happened
To Bicycle Regulations?
University has been "No bicycles
are to be ridden on campus. By order of the
Board of Regents." And, to facilitate enforce-
ment of the rule, bicycle racks have been placed
at convenient locations all over campus.

VOL LH No. 26-S
All Notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the
day preceding its publication except on
Saturday, when the notices should be
submitted before 11:30 a.m.
All notices for the D.O.B. either by
mail or phone, should be submitted
to the Office of the Summer Session,
Room 1213 Angell Hall, during the
Summer Term and the Summer Ses-
sion, and not to the Office of Dr.
Frank E. Robbins or of the Michigan
Daily in the Publications Building.
Notice to Property Owners: If you
have purchased improved property
on a land contract and owe a bal-
ance in the proximity of 60 per cent
of the value of the property, the In-
vestment Office. 100 South Wing of
University Hall, would be glad to dis-
cuss the possibilities of refinancing
your contract through the medium
of a mortgage. There are advan-
tages to be had in this manner of
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has recevied word of the fol-
lowing State of Michigan Civil Ser-
vice Examinations. Closing dates for
filing applications is noted in each
Personnel Technician I, August 5,
1942, $155 to $195 per mo.
Property Assessment Examiner I
August 5, 1942, $155 to $195 per mo.
Property Assessment Examiner II,
August 5, 1942, $200 to 240 per mo.
Property Assesment Examiner III,
August 5, 1942, $250 to $310 per mo.
Bank Examiner IV, August 5, 1942,
$325 to 385 per mo.
Bank Examiner V, August 5, 1942,
$400 to $500 per mo.
Alphabetic Bookkeeping Machine.
Clerk CI, August 5, 1942, $105 to
$125 per mo.
Photostat Machine Operator B,
August 5, 1942, $115 to $125 per mo.
Deaf School Principal III, August
5, 1942, $250 to $310 per mo.
Deaf School Elementary Teacher I,
August 5, 1942, $155 to $195 per mo.
Deaf School Secondard Teacher I.
August 5, 1942. $155 to $195 per mo.
Deaf School Machine Shop Teacher
I, August 5, 1942, $155 to $195 per mo.
Deaf School Machine Shop Teacher*
II, August 5, 1942, $200 to $240 per
Teacher Certification Executive VI,
August 5, 1942, $325 to $385 per mo.
Further information may be had
fromthe notices which are on file
in the office of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall, office
hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Academic Notices
August and September Engineering
Graduates: Mr. L. E. Clover of Gen-
eral Electric Company, Schenectady,
N. Y., will interview Senior Engineers
who will graduate in August or Sep-
tember, 1942, for employment in that
organization,din Room 214 West En-
gineering Bldg., on Friday, July 24,
Interview blanks may be obtained
from each Departmental Office. Sign
the interview schedule on the Me-
chanical Engineering Bulletin Board,
at Room 221 West Engineering Bldg.
R. S. Hawley, Chairman
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Candidates for the Master's degree
in History: Language examinations
for candidates will be held on Friday,
July 31. at 4 p.m. in Room B. Haven
Hall. Those intending to take exam-
inations must sign in the office of

the History Department, 119 Haven
Hall, as soon as possible.
A. E. R. Boak
Summer Term Women Students:
Registration for the second season of
Why Trust Laval?
Pierre Laval has openly expressed
his hopes for a German victory and
his conviction that .France must in-
tegrate itself in the Nazi New Order
or see its civilization disappear. Mar-
shall Petain, as we have noted pre-
viously, has put his complete confi-
dence in Laval on record. Our state
department, however, still appears to
have confidence in Petain, although
Secretary Hull last week restated his
belief that Laval was intent on de-
livering France to Hitler. Neverthe-
less, we are resuming supplies to
French North Africa, we continue
official relations with a government'
headed by a man whom our Secre-
tary of State acknowledges to be a
German puppet, and our cold shoul-
der is still turned toward the Free
French who are fighting and dying
on our side. Is there some method
in this madness? We fail to see it
unless there. is lurking within the
State Department the same fear that
Laval expressed in his speech-- the
fear that German defeat will mean a
Europe overrun by bolshevism.
Men beset by such a horrid vision
of the future might argue that it
would be wise to maintain a reac-

An Axe To Grind

IT IS practically impossible for anyone who
has taken a social science course to avoid be-
coming acomplete defeatist, a completely abject
and beaten stupid unbelieving worthless fool.
We are taught that a certain program of eco-
nomic action is the only thing that will keep our
country from falling into complete chaos, the
only thing that will save the war. We have
learned that even without this program we may
muddle through, but in muddling through we'
will lose everything we are fighting for. Unless
there is a satisfactory economic program, the
aftermath of this war will bring depression, and
starvation, and maladjustment and finally revo-
lution. In the past several years, practically all
college students have rejected revolution and
view it with horror. And we keep on drifting
into the abyss.
THIS is what we learn. First, we must en-
sure the army of everything it needs. We
have to win the war to stay alive-that's
granted. But after that, we must prevent in-
flation and provide that the techniques of
prevention are completely equitable. After
all, we can win the war, but if everything in
the country falls apart after the war, what
the hell's the use of winning. We'd just be
staying alive, and if a revolution came, we'd
just be postponing the final kill.
And it's as evident as the very devil that the
country has fallen down completely on every
one of the necessary things given above. No-
body would kick if we were underproducing be-
cause we didn't have materials. People regret
the fact that a shipping shortage right now is
the most retarding influence of the whole effort,
but nobody kicks about it, they just wish that it
wasn't there, but they're working anyway.
The crux is that we're not producing every-
thing we need. Anybody can find the examples,
in the papers; a Standard Oil rubber shortage,
men kicking at plants because there is copper
insulation being installed when copper is with-
held from civilian use because it's needed in air-
heard a toot behind her. She stepped to the
side to avoid the bike-unfortunately she stepped
the wrong way and was knocked to the ground,
while her books went flying hither and yon.
The very sympathetic bike-rider scurried to
help her to her feet and collect her scattered

planes. I think everyone has seen these things
in the newspapers-lots of picayune items, but
too many to be unimportant: And I think every-
body agrees that production must be maintained,
that everybody agrees we should win the war.
THE other two problems are how to win, meth-
ods to insure our getting what we really want.
Everybody says inflation must be prevented;
because if it isn't the whole economy will be
disrupted, there will be no more schools, no more
banks, and the government will probably have
to repudiate the national debt, and then we get
a revolution. We know inflation is caused be-
cause there is more money income than there
are goods. So everyone will agree that we have
to cut money income.
The easiest way to do this would be to keep
down wages. But does anybody think labor is
going to let its wages go down when profits are
not going down as much? Does anybody think
labor is going to be unselfish and ethical and
moral and farsighted, and say, "Go ahead and
cut my wages" when they see the waste and in-
efficiency of management and the stupidity of
Congress, and the fact that everything is in a
royal rotten mess? Labor ought to be self-
sacrificing, but when nobody else is, it seems
pretty natural that they should want to make
the most of their silk shirts. if everything is go-
ing to pot (and it almost looks like that), nobody
can really blame labor for wanting to live while
the living's good.
So it dqesn't look like the inflation prevention
is working, rent ceilings and price ceilings have
become almost a fiction, and that's the gloomy
picture there.
BUT somebody's got to start it. If every-
body's selfish then we'll never get any-
where. And that's where our stupid Congress
comes in. Everybody, or almost everybody,
agrees that these things are necessary, that
inflation be prevented, and that it be done so
that everyone gets a square enough deal not
to kick about the deflation. So all Congress
has to do is to legislate the program and the
equity. It's obvious that labor is kicking
mostly because management is playing so
dirty (check on the Bomber plant-the CIO
seems to be the only factor preventing a com-
plete tie-up there). But Congress won't give
the power to control wages, and they won't
give the nower to control profits. and the WPR

Physical Education will take place
at Barbour Gymnasium on Friday,
July 24th, 9-12 a.m., 1-5 p.m. and
Saturday, July 25, 9-12 a.m. Summer
Term women now enrolled in physi-
cal education classes for credit or as
electives should re-register at this
time. Other term students may also
join these classes.
Department of Physical Education
for Women
Summer Session Women Students:
A new series of activity courses in
Physical Education will start on July
27. Archery, Body Conditioning, Bad-
Ininton, Golf, Modern Dance, Out-
door Sports, Riding, Swimming, and
Tennis will be offered.' A limited
number of summer session women
will be accepted in these classes. Reg-
istration takes place Friday and Sat-
urday, July 24 and 25, Barbour gym-
Department of Physical Education
for Women
Freshmen in the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts may ob-
tain their five-week progress reports
in thehAcademic Counselors' Office,
Room 108 Mason Hall, according to
the following schedule:
Surnames beginning A through K,
Wednesday, July 22.
Surnames beginning L through Z,
Thursday, July 23.
Arthur Van Duren
Chairman, Academic Counselors
Preliminary Examinations for the
Doctorate in Education will be held
on August 24, 25 and 26. Anyonede-
siring to take them should notify
my office at once.
Clifford Woody
Chairman of Committee on
Graduate Study in School
of Education.
Students, Summer Term, College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Courses dropped after Saturday, July
25, by students other than freshmen
will e recorded with the grade of E.
Freshimen (students with less than
24 hours of credit) may drop courses
without penalty through the eighth
week. Exceptions to these regulations
may be made only because of extra-
ordinary circumstances, such as seri-
ous or long-continued illness.
E. H. Walter, Assistant Dean
Biological Chemistry Lectures:
Doctor Roger J. Williams, Professor
of Chemistry in the University of
Texas, is delivering a series of lec-
tures on "The Vitamins of the B
Complex Group, their Distribution,
Significance, and Micro-Biological
Methods of Study," from July 21 to
24, inclusive. All lectures will be
given in the Rackham Ampitheater.
The lecture on July 22 will be at 4
p.m., and the lectures on July 23 and
24 will be at 2 p.m. All interested
are cordially invited to attend.
"Religion In Our Era," a lectures
by Professor J. H. Howson, Chair-
man of the Department of Religion
of Vassar College. Thursday, July
23rd at 4:15 in the Rackham Ampi-
Lectures on Statistical Methods.
Professor J. Neyman of the Univer-
sity of California will give the first
of a series of three mathematically
non-technical lectures on "Methods
of Sampling," on Thursday, July 23,
at 8:00 p.m., in 3011 Angell Hall.
What Is The Soviet Union? A
lecture will be given by David Mc-
Kelvy White in Haven Hall, room D,
on this subject on Wednesday, July,
22, at 8:00 p.m. Mr. White is the son

1:00, Russian Tea Room, Michigan
League. Dr. Martha G. Colby, As-
sociate Professor of Psychology and
Research Associate in the University
Elementary School will speak on
some aspect of "Contemporary' Psy-
chological Theories and Modern Ed-
ucation." Come and bring your
Speech Students: A program of
readings will be given at the depart-
mental assembly Wednesday at 3
p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
ter. All Speech students should at-
Michigan Dames will have a Bridge
from 2 to 4:30 today in the League.
Following this the group is invited to
tea at the Raokham Building (after
4:30 p.m.)
Wesley Foundation: From 4:00 to
5:10O this afternoon there will be tea
and open house in the Foundation
lounge for all Methodist students
and their friends.
Men's Education Club will hold a
meeting on Wednesday, July 22nd at
7:15 in the Michigan Union. Sidney
Straight will lead singing and play
the violin. Coach Crisler will speak
on "What is Ahead in Athletics and
Physical Education."
Association Discussion Grop: The
Association Discussion Group will
meet at Lane Hall Wednesday, 7:30
p.m. to consider topics for discus-
sion for the rest of the summer.
"Hay Fever" --- one of Noel Cow-
ard's most amusing plays, will be
presented by the Michigan Reper-
tory Players of the Department of
Speech tonight through Saturdayat
8:30 p.m. Tickets are on sale at the
Mendelssohn Theatre Box Ogice
from 7:00 to 8:30 daily.
Coming Events
Phi Delta Kappa will hold mem-
bership meetings at 5 p.m. Thursday
and Friday, July 23 and 24, in room
3206 University High School.
Pi Lambda Theta will have inia-
tion and banquet at the Michigan
League Building Thursday at 5:30
The University of Michigan Sum-
mer Session Band will present a con-
cert in Hill Auditorium at 8:0 p.m.
Thursday, July 23. Professor William
D. Revelli, Conductor, has arranged
an interesting program for the first
appearance of the Summer Session
Band. The public is cordially in-
German Table: The German De-
partment is sponsoring on' 'Friday,
July 24th, a picnic on the Island.
Meet in front of Rackham Building
at 4:45 p.m. Picnic supper (35 cents)
and program of games and songs.
Intermediate and advanced students
are urged to make reservations at
204 U.H. by Thursday noon.
The Moon will be seen through the
Angell Hall Observatory on Friday
night at 9:30-11 p.m. Dr. McLaugh-
lin will be in charge of the 'public
nights, assisted by the summer term
assistant. Children must be accom-
panied by adults. The public is in..
Inter-Guild Luncheon will be held
this Thursday at 12:15 in the Fire-
place Room of Lane Hall. All mem-
bers of campus religious groups are
invited to attend.
Cercle Francais: The next meeting
millm he hgr1m i.va Af. -A fIti.ni--





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