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July 22, 1942 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1942-07-22

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Continued Cool

t 431W


Long Islanders Fight
Negro Discrimination .


2:15 A.M. FINAL

Rostov, Stalingrad
Goals Of Massing
Nazi Tank Armies
Savage Russian counterattacks Imperil
German Left Flank Near Voronezh
Associated Press Correspondent
MOSCOW, July 22 (Wednesday).-German tanks and motorized in-
fantry were reported concentrating in the southern Don-Donets Basin for
a smash at Rostov and Stalingrad early today, but the Russians said the
Nazi left flank near Voronezh to the north was "in deadly peril" under
savage Russian counterattacks.
The midnight communique said merely that the southern Red Army
still was "fighting stubborn defensive actions" southeast of Voroshilovgrad,
which itself is 100 miles' above Rostov. The exact German deployment was
not given.
In the Voronezh sector however the Russians said their troops had
captured additional populated points, killed more than 10,000 Nazis in one
week, and knocked out several dozen tanks and scores of other vehicles.
A Moscow radio announcement said the Russians had widened a wedge

in Nazi positions northwest of Voron-
ezh, and the Germans were suffering
"unprecedented losses."
But the gravity of the situation in
the south was still acute.
The area of most immediate peril
was the battlefield southeast of Voro-
shilovgrad, where the invaders' arm-
ored shock forces pushed ahead
toward Rostov, some 85 miles distant,
through rich coal fields wrecked or
set afire by the retreating Russians.
But the snag in all the German
plans remained the daring Russian
counter-assault across the upper Don
before besieged Voronezh, 250 miles
north of the southernmost battle
BERLIN (from German broad-
casts), July 21.-(P)-The German
High Conmmnand reported today
that Rostov is in flames and under
concentric attack from three di-
rections, and that German troops
"are smartly advancing" to the
east despite difficult terrain and
strong mine barrages.
cauldron. There the invaders now
find themselves in danger of having
the forces which already have crossed
the Don isolated from their rein-
forcements and supplies on the west
Tass dispatches said the Germans
were losing from 3,000 to 4,000 men
daily on the Voronezh front alone,
and that in the southern battle sec-
tor south of Millerovo 3,000 Germans
had been killed or wounded in two
Smash Tanks
Soviet artillerymen on two south-
ern sectors were credited with smash-
ing 122 tanks in one day.
Russian dispatches said the Ger-
mans had lost the principal bridge-
head across the river at Voronezh, to-
gether with others up and down the
crossing area, and that they had
failed in a new effort to encircle the
city by a swing to the south, using
fresh German and Rumanian troops.
Now fignting hand to hand on
both banks of the Don, the Red Army
was reported holding its advantage
over the isolated Nazi units between
the city limits and a populated com-
munication point on the highway be-
tween city and river.
Rostov Attacked
(Tuesday's German communique
said Rostov was being attacked from
west, north and east; that the city
was in flames and its Don bridges
destroyed, presumably by dive-bomb-
ing, and that farther north another
column had pushed eastward along
the upper course of the Don for 50
miles in the direction of Stalingrad.)
Southeast of Voroshilovgrad, the
industrial city newly occupied by the
Germans, the Russian left flank was
withdrawn again to escape encircle-
ment and to reachha line for effec-
tive defense of the west Caucasus

lb> --

Social Aspects
of Willow Run
To lBeStudied
Conference Is Scheduled
To Discuss Theological-
Education Theories
The vital issue of Willow Run fam-
ily security will be thoroughly treated
at a forum today that will feature
the second day of the Eighth Annual
Conference on Religion being held
Also promising to figure promi-
nently in the day's activities will be
a discussion by the Rev. John Elder-
kin Bell, D.Ed., and others from the
Clinic for the Ministry to the Sick
on "A New Force in Theological Edu-
cation." This talk will be given at a
luncheon to be held at 12:15 p.m. in
the Union.
The religious phases of the Willow
Run problem will receive particular
attention at the Forum which will be
held at 2:15 p.m. in the East Confer-
ence Room of the Rackham Build-
ing. James Stermer, field sociologist
of the Michigan Child Guidance In-
stitute, and possessor of a thorough
understanding of the involved issues,
will be a member of the panel.
Others who will contribute their
knowledge of the situation include
Rabbi Jehudah Cohen, Director of
the Hillel Foundation here at the
University, Father Erwin Lefebvre
of St. John's Church, Ypsilanti, the
Rev. William Shaw, First Baptist
Church, Ypsilanti (chairman of the
Family Security Committee at Wil-
low Run), and Mr. Wallace Watt, a
youth leader in the area and a mem-
ber of the Michigan Child Guidance
Institute. The Rev. Chester Loucks
will preside.
H-igins Tells
Of Progress
In Ship Plan
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 21.-Andrew
Jackson Higgins, who proposes to
build ships by unusual methods in
a reclaimed Louisiana swamp, came
to town today to persuade the gov-
ernment to change its mind2about
cancelling his contract for 200 ves-
sels. At the close of a day of many
conferences, he reported progress.
His contract had been annulled be-
cause officials came to the conclusion
that there was not enough steel
available for the job. But, he said,
he had shown them that their esti-
mates were wrong, and he was con-
fident that the contract would be re-
With no help from the Govern-
ment at all, he said, he could turn
up enough steel for the job in eight
months. His press conference was
interrupted for a telephone call, after
which he returned from the next
room to announce that a combine of
Southern businessmen had agreed to
develop abandoned iron mines in
Tennessee and Alabama.
They were willing, he said, "to put
up the money and develop the prop-
erties provided they are guaranteed
r,.- - in , frm hie a-lo n .tfh

3 Destroyers
Sunk By U.S.
Near Aleutian
Island Bases
Submarines Press Home
War Of Attrition Against
Japanese Forces; Army
Bombers Make Raids
Other Heartening
Action Disclosed
Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, July 21.-Ameri-
can submarines, grimly pressing
home their war of attrition against
the Japanese forces in the Aleutian
Islands, have sunk three more de-
stroyers in the vicinity of Kiska, the
Navy announced today.
The announcement was made in a
communique which also reported
that long-range Army bombers re-
cently made several attacks on both
the enemy's encampment and his
ships in the harbor of Kiska but that
it was "impossible to observe and ap-
praise" the results of these raids.
"U.S. Army and Navy aircraft are
continuing joint operations against
the enemy forces occupying islands
in the western Aleutions," the com-
munique added.
Today's report raised substantially
the total of damage inflicted on the
Japs' invasion and occupation forces
since they first moved into the west-
ern end of the United States island
chain in early June. For their occu-
pation of at least three islands-Kis-
ka, Attu and Agattu, all more than
585 nautical miles west of Dutch
Harbor-they have suffered:
Six destroyers, one transport and
one cruiser sunk; one destroyer prob-
ably sunk; and four cruisers, two de-
stroyers, one aircraft carrier, one
gunboat and one transport damaged
-18 ships in all.
American losses have been reported
as consisting only of "a number" of
aircraft and of the damage to shore
installations caused by enemy air
raids on Dutch Harbor, Fort Mears,
and Fort Glenn July 3 and 4.
Ship Losses
Hit New High
Sinkings 'Greatly Exceed'
Allied Construction
WASHINGTON, July 21. -t)-
The War Shipping Administration
reported today that shipping losses
during "the week of July 12" were
the highest since the war began and
that sinkings of United Nations ves-
sels "have greatly exceeded new con-
To counteract the effects of "en-
emy action and marine casualties,"
the Administration announced that
shipping space in future would be re-
served entirely for import and export
cargoes "essential to the prosecution
of the war."
The Administration added that en-
forcement of its cargo space order
would mean a substantial increase in
movement of military supplies.
The three sinkings announced to-
day raised the total of American sub
successes in the Pacific, as reported
by the Navy here since the start of
the war, to 50 ships sunk, 14 prob-
ably sunk and 13 damaged.

Selected Chief Of - Staff
Will Supervise Land,
Sea And AirOperations
May Head United
Nations Command
Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, July 21-In an
unprecedented move, President Ro-
osevelt today selected Admiral Wil-
liam D. Leahy sailor-diplomat, to be
his right-hand man in prosecuting
the global war on the land and sea
and in the air.
Leahy was given the newly created
title of Chief of Staff to the Com-
mander-In-Chief of the armed forces
-that is, to the President. Immedi-
ately, there was a surge of specula-
tion that Leahy's counsel would have
great effect on such questions as the
possible opening of a second Euro-
pean front. Some suggested that
Leahy might even be slated eventu-
ally to become top man of a unified
United Nations high command.
Besieged With Questions
Mr. Roosevelt, making his an-
nouncemnt at a press conference,
was besieged with such questions.
He firmly declined, however, to am-
plify his announcement in this dir-
ection. Repeatedly he grinned and
responded to questions with a single
statement: that Leahy would serve
as Chief of Staff to the Commander-
In-Chief of the armed forces.
Although the President parried
questions about the Leahy appoint-
ment with his usual adroitness and
good humor, one highly placed Army
officer, speaking anonymously, re-
marked later that the title certainly
implied something more than that
of an administrative assistant to the
In Good Position
Where the second front was con-
cerned, this source suggested that
Leahy, who recently returned from
France, where he served as Ambas-
sador to the Vichy Government, was
by virtue of this experience and his
long naval career in an unusually
good position to evaluate reports
from France and elsewhere bearing
upon the projected offensive.
Leahy was born in Hampton, Iowa,
in 1875 and was graduated from the
United States Naval Academy in 1897
just in time to serve in the Spanish-
American War. During the World
War he arose to the rank of Captain.
Caddy Killed By Lightning
At Barton Hills Course
Richard Gauss, 15, of 802 W.
Washington, was struck dead by
lightning at 6:15 p.m. yesterday while
caddying at Barton Hills Golf Course.
Sheriff's officers and an Edison Co.
lineman administered artificial res-
piration for two hours in a vain at-
tempt to restore the youth to con-
The youth was struck after seek-
ing shelter beneath a tree on the
first fairway. Two other persons,
also sheltered by the tree, were unin-
jured by the flash which shook the

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 21.-If the
nation's motorists will reduce their
driving 40 percent below their 1941
mileage, the rubber industry told the
government today, a two-year sup-
ply of tires can be provided for all
cars on the road.
A committee of leading rubber
manufacturers said that efforts of
the government and public thus far
have reduced the use ofpassenger
cars by 25 percent but that a further
reduction of 15 percent would be
needed "to maintain necessary trans-
Estimating that 48,174,000 tires in
addition to those now on the road
would see all drivers through June
30, 1944, the industry proposed to
supply the demand with 4,060,000
pre-war tires now held by factories
or dealers, by recapping 30,291,000
used tires, and by making 13,223,000
new tires without interfering with
military requirements.
No new tubes were contemplated
on the theory that existing tubes,
plus 10,000,000 pre-war tubes in
storage, would be sufficient.
To make the new tires, the indus-
try proposed to use only 3,332 long
tons of natural rubber along with
97,420 long tons of reclaimed rub-
ber, 32,475 tons of butyl and 33,188
tons of thiokol, a new synthetic pre-
U.S. Bombers
Sink Two Jap
Ships In China
By The Associated Press
CHUNGKING, July 21. - Chal-
lenging Japanese air power over the
Yangtze River, fighter-escorted
bombers of the United States Air
Force in China sank two Japanese
ships of 1,000 to 2,000 tons each yes-
terday and returned to base undam-
aged, Lieut.-Gen. Joseph H. Stilwell's
headquarters announced today.
The raid was centered upon the
river port of Kiukiang, southeast of
Hankow and due north of Nanchang,
main Japanese advance base in
Kiangsi Province.
Chinese spokesmen appealed to
the United States for still more
planes and more arms, and pledged
to draw the soldiers to use them from
China's vast manpower at a rate of
2,000,000 new conscripts a year for
the next three years.
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek's
Nigh Command announced, mean-
while, that the fight for the Cheki-
ang coast port of Wenchow had not
ended with its recapture last Friday
by the Japanese in a counterattack
on Chinese troops who drove them
out of the city several days earlier.

viously believed unsuitable for tires.
A. L. Viles, chairman of the Com-
mittee of Directors of the Rubber
Manufacturers Association, stressed
"the fact that the plan would leavef
for military and non-tire civilian re-i
quirements nearly all the nation's
crude rubber supplies, over 85 percentr
of all reclaim producing capacity, allt
the buna and neoprene synthetic
rubber capacity now scheduled, as1
well as a portion of the-expected thi-
okol and butyl production."c
Along with the production pro-
gram would go measures to requirec
drivers to take the maximum care
of their tires and a rationing system
to deny tires to speeders or negligent
Treason Laws
May Be Used
To Halt Strikes
W.L.B. Sounds Warnings
Against Union Disputes,
War WorkStoppages
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 21.--A stern
warning that the treason laws would
be invoked if necessary to halt union
jurisdictional disputes leading to war
work stoppages was sounded today
by Wayne L. Morse of the War Labor
Morse, one of the public represen-
tatives on the board, talked directly
to union representatives who are de-
bating the question whether CIO ort
AFL painters should do work neces-
sary to convert a Dayton, O., refrig-
erator plant to war work.
He promised that the public would
take drastic action unless labor set-~
tled its own jurisdictional disputes,
'even to the application of the laws
of treason if necessary"
"As we go further and further into
this war," said Morse, Dean of the
University of Oregon Law School,
"it becomes clearer and clearer that
we cannot permit any stoppages of
work. I don't care whether they are
over jurisdictional disputes or what
they are over. They simply have to
Later the four labor representa-
tives on the WLB disclosed they were
requesting Phil Murray, CIO presi-
dent, and William Green, AFL chief,
to set up machinery for the deter-
mination of jurisdictional disputes
for the duration of the war.
As a result of this move the board
asked AFL craft unions to resume
CIO To Negotiate
'Big Steel' Contracts
PITTSBURGH, July 21. - Philip
Murray announced tonight the Beth-
lehem and Inland Steel companies
have agreed to meet representatives
of the CIO United Steel Workers of
America next week to resume nego-
tiations for a contract-a move the
CIO president said he interpreted as
meaning the concerns were accept-
ing the War Labor Board's decision
last week in the "Little Steel" case.
The conference with Inland is to
start Monday in Indiana Harbor,
Ind., and with Bethlehem on Wed-
nesday in New York. Dates are ex-
pected to be arranged later for meet-
ings with Youngstown Sheet and
Tube and Republic. The negotia-
tions were broken off last February
when the parties became deadlocked
over three issues decided by the
Labor Board.
Murray's announcement came
shortly after a 200-man policy com-
mittee of the union instructed its

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 21-Presi-
dent Roosevelt said today he hoped
to send a message to Congress in a
few days dealing with ways of keep-
ing a thumb on the cost of living.
Announcing his intentions at his
regular press-conference, the Presi-
dent thus gave an answer to the con-
gressional leaders who have ex-
pressed an eagerness to get a mes-
sage from the White House soon if
one were forthcoming at all.
Mr. Roosevelt described the cost
of living issue as the first real domes-
WASHINGTON, July 21.--(AP)-
The State Department announced
tonight that Secretary Hull's radi
speech on the war situation would
be delivered Thursday (July 23y
between 9:30 and 10:15 p.m., East-
ern War Time, and would be
broadcast over all networks.
tic problem in carrying on the war,
In discussing the message on ne
inflation curbs, the President replild
in the negative when asked if he
intended to freeze wages, he said
anything on that would be said in
the message.
In any event, he said no to a ques-
tion whether the message would deal
with military as well as domestic
problems, saying it would deal ex-
clusively with ways of keeping a
thumb on the cost of living because.
this goes into every home in the
Welcome Legislation
Senate Majority Leader Barkley o
Kentucky and Senator Vandenbg
(R-Mich) both said recently they
would welcome an opportunity .to
deal with legislation to control in-
flationary tendencies, while many
House members have expressed the
same view.
Shortly before the President spoke
Congress sent him a $1,858,939,000
deficiency appropriation bill which
carries $120,000,000 for the Office of
Price Administration.
Total U.S. War
Casualties Are
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 21. - The
Office of War Information an-
nounced tonight that United States
armed forces have suffered 44,143
casualties-dead, wounded and miss-
ing-since the start of the war.
The total includes 4,801 dead, 3,218'
wounded and 36,124 missing.
The figure, which includes the cas-
ualties at Pearl Harbor and all those
up to date, represents the combined
losses of the Army, Navy, Marine
Corps, Coast Guard and the -Philip-
pine Scouts.
In addition, 1,022 Navy officers
and men were reported prisoners of
war. Of these, 301 were Navy per-
sonnel and 721 Marines. Only 20 of
the Army personnel listed as "miss-
ing" have been officially reported as
"The bulk of Army casualties fall
into the category of missing," the
OWI said, "and since most of these
were at Bataan and Corregidor in
the Philippines, and in Java, they
are believed to be prisoners of war.
No definite report as to their status,
however, has been received from the
International Red Cross."
The casualties by services:
Army: killed, 902; wounded, 1,413:
missing, 17,452.
Philippine Scouts: killed, 479;
wounded, 754; missing, 11,000.
Navy: killed, 3,420; wounded,
1,051; missing, 7,672.
Prisoners of War:
Navy: officers, 52; enlisted men,
Mrine Corn-. farn 41).- ac

FDR To Speed Special Message
To Congress On 'Cost Of Living;
Leahy Gets New Presidential Post

Rubber Industry Formulates
Plan To Give Everyone Tires
Stocks Of Reclaimed, Synthetic Product To Be Used;
Motorists Must Reduce 1941 Mileage By 40%

Control Of Prices Labeled
Big Domestic Problem;
Will Not Freeze Wages
No Military Issues
To Be Considered

Noel Coward's 'Hay Fever,


repertory Play, Opens Run Today

British Make Gains
On Egyptian Front
CAIRO, July 21.-()-The de-
struction of more than 50 Axis planes
caught on the ground at El Daba and
Fuka and the Roya Navy's third and
most devastating shelling attack on
the port of Matruh were reported by
the British today.
While the British Eighth Army
held the lines intact along the 40-
mile El Alamein front, General Sir
Claude Auchinleck's tactics seemed
to be steadily sapping Marshal Erwin
Rommel's sea lines, bases and con-
r-+nt.rAin nof tnrs and vehicles in

Jungle scene wall paper, inspired
by Rousseau and interpreted by cele-
brated scenic artist Howard Bay, will
serve as the backdrop for Noel Cow-
ard's comedy, "Hay Fever," which
opens at 8:30 p.m. today, on
the Lydia Mendelssohn stage. It is
the third Repertory play of the cur-
rent season.
Nancy Bowman, University instruc-
tor, actress and secondary school
drama director, takes the feminine
lead in the role of Judith Bliss, a
retired actress to whom all the world
is literally a stage, and everyone she
meets a character in a play. Cast as
her novelist husband in this Depart-
manf+f n aen mrbieoinon _ i Rih_-

orous woman-all without provoca-
Playing the startled guests, will be
John Babington, as the middle-aged
diplomatist; Dorothy Chamberlin, as
the flapper, Jackie; Paul Johnson, as
the athlete, Sandy and Fawn Adkins,
as the faithful theatrical dresser,
Clara. Helen Rhodes, heroine of
"Under the Gaslight" and "The Riv-
als" is cast as the intense young
woman who has intrigued Simon.
The exotic scenery of the Coward
farce will be executed by Bay and his
Broadway assistants, Horace Armi-
stead, scenic artist, and William Kel-
lam, stage carpenter, who together
produced the sets for "One-third of


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